~Single Gender~


There will be 3 available slots for each class. I will announce what class you are in on the character sheet. Only after I have accepted 15 people into the roleplay…

There are currently 11 people enrolled...

1 more person may join~

Character sheet:

(Please write under each section and not in bold.)


Age (15-18):







Character Theme Song (yes this is required):

Originally popular or unpopular:

Uke, Seme, or Seke:




Kyosuke (Kyo skay) Minimi

Age (15-18):



(~The Gothic Seke~)

Despite his Gothic and Punk looks, Kyosuke really cares for the people around him, and would like them to never be sad or down. He often times will beat around the bush with his actual feelings. If you were to be the person he goes out with, he will most likely not ever want to let you go, and with this he is very stubborn.

He is dark though, and takes a liking to shadowy places, avoiding the sunlight. For details read the bio.


All his life Kyosuke has had to grow up with a weakened immune system. He wasn't ever really able to go out and play with the other kids around in his neighborhood or school, this causing him to be an overall loner as well as introvert. In middle school an occult club sought him out because of his pale looks, which are caused mainly by always staying indoors. They made him wear black clothing and it stuck with him, although he doesn't actually like the occult... Kyosuke was supposed to be born with a twin sister, however she didn't make it out alive, resulting in Kyosuke always feeling like something is missing in his life.

He avoids being outside at all cost because the sun burns his pale skin, as well as hurts his eyes.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/kyosuke.jpg.9ac1ec1d40c928a1bf7503707662115f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14803" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/kyosuke.jpg.9ac1ec1d40c928a1bf7503707662115f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


~Being alive, the moon, dark colors, caring for others.~


~Bright light, being out in the sun too much. Bullies.~


~He actually hates anything occult~

Character Theme Song (yes this is required):

~Rise Against- The Good Left Undone~

Originally popular or unpopular:


Uke, Seme, or Seke:




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Name:Kuro Tetsuya

Age (15-18):15

Personality:shy quiet nervous

History/Bio:Kuro he isn't really good with people he gets easily nervous and gets bullied a lot he was never seen smiling or laughing he has a weak heart and has to visit the hospital he doesn't have any friends and does well in his classes he always looks at people wishing he had friends and hangs out all he mostly does is stay in his room and reads study or draw.


He has blue hair and silver eyes and wears glasses though

likes: sweets cute things fluffy things

Dislikes:scary horror spicy rough things blood

Secrets?:he is a virgin 0.0 (he has a scar on his chest)

Character Theme Song (yes this is required):Mugen TERRA

Originally popular or unpopular:unpopular


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Name: Edin Lennox

Age (15-18): 17

Personality: Edin has a fairly cruel nature but he hides it by being happy go lucky. Only his friends really know that really he's pretty dark and kind of mean. Edin knows that that's not the way to win people over so he wears a mask like the world is a fantastic place. He spends a lot of time in his hobbies (Reading, Baseball, Piano) than with other people but can't stand being alone too often.

History/Bio: Edin has grown up with a pretty understanding family that has supported him in his endeavors to the best of their ability. They aren't exceptionally well off but they aren't struggling, either... they're like the middle of middle class. They have their luxuries but they aren't renting out planes to go to Africa. Which is perfectly fine with Edin, he could do without the travel. His family has never moved around so he's grown up in the same town with the same people for the longest time... When his parents lost their jobs thanks to a downsizing and they had to pick up and move it threw Edin completely off balance. He's still trying to get used to new people and new surroundings and it's going fairly well... There's a lot to be improved, however.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Teenage_Denzel_by_semokan.jpg.b75a2d757062ae12ba2266ea1b456647.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Teenage_Denzel_by_semokan.jpg.b75a2d757062ae12ba2266ea1b456647.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes: Edin really enjoys reading fantasy and sci-fi genre books (and does a little writing of his own on the sides, though nothing that would become a best seller by any stretch of the imagination), sketching (he likes coming up with characters for people... though he would never show that person, some of the characters aren't very pretty), Baseball (Edin is a pretty athletic guy and enjoys most sports - and anything that's athletic and active - but Baseball is by far the best), and Piano (though he also likes trumpet and violin he's not as well versed with those instruments). He also likes rain on sunny days and anything that gets him closer to understanding people.

Dislikes: Edin really dislikes people who are narrow-minded, being told what to do, anything that has to do with History, and cleaning up someone else's mess (well, he doesn't mind helping... but when he's put in charge of doing it on his own he is not a happy camper). Oh, there's another thing- he's really not a big fan of the outdoors. Animals are cool and all... when you can look at them from book pages and bugs are fascinating when you're not having to swat them away.

Secrets?: Edin is a pretty mean person, he really doesn't like a lot of people and could care less if terrible things befell them... In fact, he wouldn't mind being the cause if he thought he could get away with it. Lets just say if he ever became Dictator of the planet, we should all watch out. He never lets anyone see that side of himself though... what would it help if everyone knew that he wouldn't mind seeing stupid people strung up by their toes and skinned?

Character Theme Song: Apocalyptica - 'I Don't Care'

Originally popular or unpopular: Pretty Popular, actually. A lot of people enjoy having him around and invite him to hang out.

Uke, Seme, or Seke: Seke, he loves control but he also would love to give it up every now and then.

Other: On the outside Edin is a pretty good guy and he has good moments. He isn't the best at anything really but he puts serious effort and he keeps decent grades in school, taking pride in academics and sports achievements alike. He's not really sure where he wants to go in life, however; but he's working on figuring it out.

(I misunderstood the thing about Rainbows and am remedying this now :) -Rainbow-)



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Yuuto Fukuzawa

Age (15-18):



Acts tough and easily angered. He tries to mess with others but only ends up getting flustered himself. He is a closet romantic and sometimes lets his softness show. He acts like a high classed citizen and sometimes shows it in his manners around strangers and his impressive mental prowess


Yuuto was raised in a very wealthy japanese family who attempt to stick to tradition. However, they sometimes had Yuuto dress as a female in parties to bring out his feminine characteristics. Now they are never around, and he lives alone in an apartment. He works at a crossdressing cafe though. It wasn't the best job he could get, but he was hired on the spot and ended up really good at playing the part. He hates anyone to see him in such a "shameful" manner.



Slender yet average to tall height. Has a look of maturity contrasting to his personality. Of a thin athletic build.


Soccer, cooking and noodles.


Meat, his boss, sugary things.


His crossdressing job.

Character Theme Song (yes this is required):

The reason is you, Hoobastank

Originally popular or unpopular:

He avoids being classified as something. Due to his hot headed "shyness" when discussing personal things, he could be considered respected but unpopular.

Uke, Seme, or Seke:


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Name: Neji Hitarashi

Age (15-18): 15

Personality: Neji is a nice funny athletic kid. He id friendly with most people unless you piss him off then he will have a problem with you. He is pretty talkative and is usually the life of the party.

History/Bio: Neji grew up in a rich family. His parents ignored him a lot as they were away for work alot. Neji started playing soccer when he was young and became an all star at it. That is part of the reason why he decided to come to this school they wanted him so he could play soccer for the school. Neji also wanted to get away from his parents as they pretty much ignored him most of his life.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee9e10d4_blondeeboy.jpg.b3f3152152b6b755b9e3ccfb10b413d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14770" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee9e10d4_blondeeboy.jpg.b3f3152152b6b755b9e3ccfb10b413d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

likes: soccer, parties, good food, true friends

Dislikes: school, annoying people, people who are friends with him because he has money

Secrets?: He will do pretty much whatever it takes to stay popular at school.

Character Theme Song (yes this is required): superstar by Lupe Fiasco

Originally popular or unpopular: Pretty Popular

Uke, Seme, or Seke: Seke. It depends on who he's with.

Other: Neji is really good at soccer he will be the star player at the school. Rainbows




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Name: Takumi Kodomo

Age (15-18): 16


He is one that a person shouldn't mess with, he can get annoyed easily. He doesn't consider feelings and says what he thinks, he doesn't sympathize anyone. He is very open-minded and isn't afraid to say what's on his mind, even if it's the weirdest things. He may be considered emotionless, but he is just very honest. He is a nice person overall.


Takumi was born into a family of a Japanese father and a British mother. His father was a busy business man who was almost always gone on trips. He only came home on holidays, but sometimes he didn't even. Since his mother wanted to stay close together as possible, they have been moving to different houses at least once a year until Takumi went to high school. His mother decided that it would be best for him if he stayed in one place for high school.

His mother is a very strict woman, wanting Akihiko to always have perfect grades, proper behavior, and manners. That had stressed him out a bit, he always had to worry if he was doing things correctly. It didn't help that he had no one to talk about his problems to, since his father was always gone, and his mother just plainly did not understand him. That's why he gained the habit of shutting himself out suddenly instead of telling anyone what's wrong.

So, he may just randomly have those days where he is super quiet and ignores everybody, though it is best not to try to talk to him because during the time he will have a short temper and major sarcastic-ness in his language. But, right after he is done with the process, he will act like nothing happened.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee9e49bb_images(62).jpg.5a52d59d45b720dbb01a1c20a63f8789.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14771" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee9e49bb_images(62).jpg.5a52d59d45b720dbb01a1c20a63f8789.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


? Sweets

? Cooking/Baking

? Sleeping

? Time Alone

? Learning New Things

? Traveling/Exploring

? Horoscopes & Stargazing

? Animals, particularly cats

? Skateboarding


?Emotional People

? Obsessive People

?Bitter Things

? Being in the Limelight

? Nuisances

Secrets?: He actually hides the fact he loves sweets and making them. He has a soft side for animals he doesn't show anyone. (Tsundere) No one actually knows anything about him and that he likes horoscopes and stargazing. He probably seems mean and gets annoyed easily to vent the stress he gets from home.

Character Theme Song:

Joah By Jay Park

Originally popular or unpopular: He is one who prefers and usually is alone or in a group of 5-6 or less.

Uke, Seme, or Seke: Seke

Other: Though he is half British and half Japanese, he was oddly born in Canada. :P He's not homosexual, or gay... yet. > :D




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Name: Seth Hayashi

Age: 18

Personality: Seth is a very confident guy. He doesn't really care what people think about him no matter who they are and his popularity practically means nothing to him. Seth is also incredibly charismatic and flirtatious. He tends to win people over quite easily with his charm and flirting whether it is actual flirting or just a technique. Seth loves to use people simply to his advantage and usually for one night stands. He doesn't really do long-term relationships and he only believes that short ones are ever worth anything. Seth isn't necessarily a rude guy but he can be sarcastic and sometimes when he speaks the truth it doesn't always come out nicely.

History/Bio: Seth grew up with a mother, father, and two older sisters who were twins. He had always disliked his father because of the way he was so fake to everyone that came around. His father owned a large business which brought in a lot of money as well as problems. Seth's mother seemed to keep his father under control until her untimely death due to cancer. His father than became more involved in his work and Seth's sisters moved out to go to college leaving Seth to deal with his father alone while still attending school. His father ended up losing his business after a business deal went horribly wrong. He then began trying to get Seth into the business but Seth as never interested so he gave up after a few years of trying. By then, Seth was already sixteen and had realized that he was more attracted to guys than the girls at his school. In attempt to redeem his son from such a things, Seth and his father moved here. Seth didn't understand why his father thought an all boys school would be better but he didn't question it one bit. He eventually made a decent group of friends and quickly became popular once more.



The woods/forest, being alone, warm weather, the smell of rain, and tea.

Dislikes: Emotional people, clingy people, candy, parties, snow, and sports.

Secrets: Seth is a much sweeter guy than he lets on. He actually has been looking for someone to form a relationship with rather than the usual; he basically just wants, and at this point needs, to find love.

Character Theme Song: Hard To Handle - The Black Crowes

Originally Popular or Unpopular: Popular

Uke, Seme, Seke: Seme

Other: Rainbows


Name: Casper A. Norland

( Nicknames: Cas | Ara (His middle name) | Norge )

Age: 17


( Friendly | Micromanage | Clean Freak | Polite | Methodical )

Being clean and considerate is Casper's flow. He doesn't tolerate with lazy/ unorganized people and will fix you up good as new. He not like those rich folks where they would laugh at you for being 'dirty' but he would instead help you and treat you more as a child who is in need.

He likes to micromanage things as he stand at a corner watching things are being done and if he sees anything that seems wrong, he'll point it out so you won't make the same mistake twice. He a real sweet heart but he does has his mean sides but they only show when his friends are bullied or someone seems to be rude to him or to anyone else. He's butt in even when it's not about him because he has a heart of gold.

Even though he seems very mature, he has his childish sides. He has a love for cute things and secretly his room is filled with adorable stuff animals and even dresses but those are hidden deep in his closet so no peeking.

He doesn't wear the dresses but he keeps them because they're adorable and are actually his sister's old dresses that she grew out of and almost threw away but Casper saved them and now they're safely in his room, hidden maybe forever unless someone 'clever' comes around to catch his interest.


Childhood was hard for him since he never got to ever experience the life being wild and free. Instead he was locked away in his house to study and never had any friends of his own. His only friends were his stuff animals and his pet dog, Ollie. The servants in the house never talked to him much, the only time they did was when it was about his studies or how he was doing but other then that he was pretty lonely in that house. His parents rarely came home since they traveled a lot to different countries for business related purposes.

Being left alone in such a big house was lonely but at least he had one person to talk to, Ollie, his little dog he got for his 5th birthday. Ollie was a small Shiba Inu that he got when his parents went to Japan once. To Casper, Ollie was his favorite and best-est friend in the world, there was no other dog that could replace Ollie. But things don't always stay long, Ollie soon died from old age when Casper turned 12 and Casper soon found out, he truly was all alone now.

His 4 years of being alone helped him to become the man he was, a sensitive boy who has never had a 'human' friend in his life. His parents had given him permission to go to finally do as he pleases since he was 16 and the first thing he wanted was a really friend. He made some friends in his new school but they seemed to only care for his looks and his riches. Casper noticed this after a few months of making friends and this caused Casper's heart to close up a little around people who seemed to be only after his money but he still had a big heart.

After a while in his new school, he soon found out he was a homosexual or an easier way to say it, gay. He didn't know what could have made him become like this since he never been with any other guys except his butlers. He only found this out when he was with his guy friends, the way they touched him and the way they spoke to him made him feel all jiggly. He had some experience with dating but he never went to "the next stage" yet so you could say he's quite pure.

After 3 years of being in a co-ed school, He transferred to Senpu because of all the drama in his old school but it seems the drama will never end for Casper. Senpu was just the same as his old school except it was an all boy school but he still had hope that Senpu would be different. The one thing that was good about it was that almost all the boys were gay so it was easy for him to fit in at least but drama was still in the way of love.


He loves to be clean and always have a very organized environment around him, making him a kinda hard to approach because of his rich appearance but he doesn't bite! He also loves cute things so be careful if he comes out of no where and attacks you in a hug, it just that sometimes he has a hard time controlling his inner 'immature' side.

He also has a liking for astronomy even though his field is more of the biologist field, stars always caught his attention. The many stars that shined brightly in his hazel eyes and the feeling of being under them was an amazing feeling to Casper, it felt almost like he was in the stars himself.

Just a little hint on his little secret place, it one of the most best places to go to for stargazing but that's his little secret.~


He dislikes rude and imperious people who thinks they're high and mighty. He even hates it when they brag about how they are way better than the lower classes who aren't 'handsome' and 'smart' like them. Sometimes Casper just thinks higher classes are really childish but this is how life is being in a world that only care about looks now a day.

He also dislikes being reminded of his lonely childhood, it hurts to remember his loneliness and his dog after finally getting over it over the years. He doesn't want to recall the dark past and tries to hide his frown with a smile and saying,"Oh my past was okay." while he tries to change the subject to something else.


He has a secret place he run away to from time to time to get away from life and drift off to his fantasies. Another secret is in his personality and the last secret about him shall be kept a secret of course.~

Character Theme Song: Looking~ >.<

Originally popular or unpopular: Was popular but gave up his popularity after a while.

Uke, Seme, or Seke: Depends on his lover but he's a Seke/ Suke for the time being.

Other: I like "Rainbows" on a clear day~

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Name: Silas “Sy” Dorin

Age: 18

Personality: Silas is a dreamer through and through. His mind is almost always in the clouds, imagining things beyond reality. His expression is usually bored or nonchalant, almost always hiding his true emotions. He saves his feelings for the abstract artwork he creates. Despite his disposition, he is actually very introspective and observant, which tends to surprise people. If he does not believe something is important, he will either not do it or will do as little work as possible, which means that he usually gets low C’s in all his classes.

Bio: He grew up with two business parents and a brilliant older brother. While his parents were kind, Silas knew that they were secretly disappointed that he hadn’t turned out to be an honor student like his brother.

His brother was nice enough, or at least Silas thought so in the first thirteen years of his life. But then one day he overheard his sibling urging his parents to force Silas into other subjects, saying that being an artist was a waste of a human being that could instead be working on something that would contribute to society. Silas immediately went back to his room and none of his family realized that he had heard. His parents never did as his brother said, but Silas can never forget those words.

Silas tried for three months to force himself to like other things like math, science, or English, but instead it made him absolutely miserable. Unable to be something he wasn’t, he gave up and went back to being the artist he was, hating that he couldn’t make himself change.

He normally wears his hair in a loose ponytail.

Likes: Art, daydreaming, idealism, watching calm scenery or people, nature

Dislikes: When people enter his room without permission, sports, doing unnecessary work

Secrets: He is very skilled at bottling up his emotions and releasing them through painting or another art medium. However, he values his own life very little, secretly believing that he is inferior to nearly all other humans because he was once told that artists are virtually useless to mankind. That is his main reason why he doesn’t try to reach out to potential friends; he feels that he isn’t worth their time.

Theme Song: Imaginary by Evanescence

Popular or Unpopular: Unpopular. To most people he seems mysterious and rather strange, as it is not uncommon for him to do random things on a whim. Due to his distant nature it is difficult for people to relate to him and most give up trying to understand him.

Uke, Seme, or Seke: Seke

Other: Rainbows
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Name: Utsukushi Kona.

Age: Sixteen.

Personality: Utsu is a wispy, aloof spirit. Often watching from a far, when pulled up close, he is a respectable young man. He doesn't despise talking, but for a reason unknown, he chooses to keep his mouth closed. Utsukushi, when comfortable or ready, can show his real face of being sly, cunning, dark or even... Provocative. This guy has the atmosphere of a cat, moving slowly, thinking things through. Can be rather 'foxy' or extremely sultry.

History/Bio: Utsukushi's Mother had left them him and his father when he was still very young. Like any other parent leaving their child, she seemed to just disappear. After that, his Father didn't marry any one else, didn't have any more babies, and was highly protective of Utsukushi. he strictly disciplined him having him study and practice a healthy lifestyle constantly. Soon, he began to wander and think about other things just besides school and doing exercising activities. The year he became a high school student, he started a double life. Not telling his Father that he was interested in both boys and girls, but preferred boys 90% of the time, he began doing things that seemed really 'wild'. He found himself through at that partying, experimenting and fun.



5'2 | Curvy / Some baby fat | Lavender eyes | Light hair

Likes: Food ~ Sleeping ~ Studying ~ Cooking ~ Milk

Dislikes: Paper cuts ~ Really big dogs ~ Neck pains drive him nuts ~ Injuries

Secrets?: [He's really more comfortable in girl's underwear and doesn't have a pair of boxers. Just huggly briefs, soft panties or the occasional whale tail.]

[He's not a virgin and is actually
quite experienced. - wiggled eyebrows -]

[used to do ballet to help with his fighting skills and dancing skills/flexibility]

HUGEST closet pervert, you'd never guess by his attitude.]

[Despite all the martial arts and dancing he does, he eats so much junk food and food in general that he jiggles a bit. So... If you ask him to take off his shirt and jump around... He'll refuse.]

Character Theme Song (yes this is required): "17" by Sky Ferreira.

Originally popular or unpopular: Somewhat unpopular.

Uke, Seme, or Seke: Uke.

Other: [~I shall make a seme if needed! owo]

[stutters when he talks to people he really admires.]

[always seen eating large amount of food]

[He cannot cook. He cannot cook.
he cannot cook. Do not eat the food he makes. For some reason, only he is able to eat the food he makes and remain in tact.]

[Very good at martial arts. don't f w/ him. haha i kidding go nuts. c';]

[He is HIGHLY insecure about his baby fat.]


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Name: Yakimura Masaru

Age: Seventeen

A durable altruist, Masaru is the sort of proactive confidante that regularly demonstrates his adoration of the people around him. Often, this is mistaken for incessant optimism, but his true worldview is that of a negative utilitarian — his motivation is contentment, not hedonism.

He thrives in communities to such a degree that he is virtually dysfunctional without them. He is perfectly content to be alone with his own thoughts for prolonged periods of time, since these are introverted moments, but in social situations, he sorely lacks in the adaptability department. He is accustomed to consistent circles, and rarely feels content with only a part of his little society present. When somebody is missing, he's often the first to notice.

Raised in a rather large family, his childhood was saturated with social interaction and a number of personalities. He was often the starter of play, though only a middle child, and was especially protective of his siblings despite the similar dutifulness his elder brothers expressed.

Throughout his academic career, Masaru has consistently demonstrated a fascination with language, often taking more time than necessary on written assignments; he is studious and well-read, perhaps borderline obsessed with understanding every facet of prose and poetry.

This dedication comes very much at the expense of his time to interact, predisposing him to a position of anonymity. Though quite approachable, he has not spent the time to appreciate the blessing his omnipresent smile is, and thus is lacking in the social department.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8beeb819ec_SHIO-Altered.png.7faea1fe93d228a294fc2f2ee5ca9f1a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14845" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8beeb819ec_SHIO-Altered.png.7faea1fe93d228a294fc2f2ee5ca9f1a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Source: SHIO — Pixiv 2866938 (???)

Masaru is a rather conservative-looking individual, often dressed more formally than is appropriate given a situation. In a way, it's fitting, as his complexion is quite pale in contrast to his black hair; he is tallish and slender, lending him an air of regality and pomp, but his generally undisciplined posture dampens the effect.

It is difficult to differentiate that which Masaru loves from that which he loathes, for he values selflessness; it is rare that he expresses boredom or disdain, either because he loves everything or because he wants to seem like he loves everything.

In truth, however, it is really quite simple: His worldview predisposes him to be interested in his peers' interests; it is no act — it is actually a fascination with the things that have earned the obsession of his friends, and furthermore a degree of empathy which leads him to develop acquired tastes second-hand.

Of the few things that upset him, there is a central pair of characteristics: fatalism and malevolence. He looks down upon those which turn hopelessness into an excuse for hateful attitudes, and his disdain in this regard is uncharacteristically intense. Especially to those that know him well, such contempt may be quite unnerving. Despite the foul taste in his mouth, however, Masaru remains in favor of mending rather than punishing such behavior, and will often — in time — develop a passion for repairing such personalities.

Masaru is in fact a fatalist, believing that the compassion he means to spread throughout all those that he can — directly or indirectly — is ultimately a drop of water in an ocean of tar. This perhaps explains his disdain for those which share this perspective and take it to mean that altruism is outright pointless; it strikes too close to home for him to dismiss as a temporary fallacy.

In the end, though he has every intention of maintaining his altruistic motivation, he fears that he will fall into the very same cynicism that has befallen others of his sort; in this, he is quite vulnerable, and he does not care to express these feelings often, worried that rehearsing the thoughts may tip him over the edge.


Popularity: Forgettable

Dominance: Seke

Other: Rainbows!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8beeb7f401_SHIO-Altered.png.92820f35e83ad9c02abe11de0a3a3487.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14844" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8beeb7f401_SHIO-Altered.png.92820f35e83ad9c02abe11de0a3a3487.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Fraun Rochain

Age (15-18): 17

Personality: He is a cheerful, energetic boy, despite his age is an irresponsible crybaby. He doesn't really listen to what people say and instead daydreams or wanders off. He has the habit of sticking his nose into everyone's business, which causes him to have difficulty making friends. He is also known for not being aware of how "the atmosphere" is when he is around others (which, at one point, he was told to read it), but it has been noted that it is not that he lacks the ability to "assess the situation", he simply chooses not to. Even though he seems to lack in social areas , when it comes to his work/school work he is a tough, too-serious, and efficient boy. This is when the switch comes in. he is cynical, sharp-tongued, prone to rough speech, and yearns for the golden years. He often uses British vocabulary, such as 'bloody' and 'git'. He is crude and rude to anyone, even the nicest person. He finds no fun in laughs and games and would not hesitate to shut someone up.

History/Bio: Fraun was raised in a house with three boys and two girls. Living the normal teen life his mother died four months ago leaving him with his father. I guess when you say things rub off on a kid when they been with one parent for so long was true, because Fraun caught his dads ability to switch moods in just second. His father didn't like it nor did his siblings, and of course Fraun wouldn't stand to be subjected by his family so he packed up his things and left. Now he wasn't sad or anything, quite the joker actually. He left with a smile and moved three blocks away from his home into his friends. They had the time of their lives, and enjoyed every bit of each other's company. This is when Fraun knew what exactly he wanted, and by that he means sexually. Girls never did attract him but guys had that odd air about them that made Fraun want to come closer. His friend didn't mind at all since he was Bi. Fraun had never talked about his past, or the secrets that were behind his words.



(I edited him ^^ hes one of my role play characters from another site)

Fraun has tan skin that can be easily mistaken for brown skin. He has Hazel nut eyes but when hit by the light give off a tint of yellow. He has short brown hair that comes down to a point at the nape of his neck. He has loose bangs that moves wherever his head does. He has medium sized ears and a small stud earing on both right and left lobe. He has brown eyebrows and eyelashes. his eyes are somewhat narrowed but when excited or surprised he opens them really wide.

likes: Taller men l pasta l interesting eyes l guns

l abs l food l sleeping l his job l

Dislikes: The world l boring things l loud people l His mother

l annoying things

Food:Sweets (Candy l cake, sugar l watermelon l muffins

l cupcakes l chocolate,) Fruit(Watermelon l grapes

l black berries l strawberries l pineapple l pears.)

Meat ( Chicken l turkey l HUMANS l duck l boar l deer

l elk l whale l bunnies l bear)Dairy (Milk l yogurt l ice cream l

Secrets?: He has a thing for SM

Character Theme Song (yes this is required):

Originally popular or unpopular: Originally popular

Uke, Seme, or Seke: Uke

Other: He carries poxy sticks with him and pretends to barf out Rainbows
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