~Single Gender~ [Inactive]


BEX submitted a new role play:

~Single Gender~ - An all boys school... What on earth could happen? 0.0 (Yaoi)

(You'll want to read this as well as the rules... Trust me ;)
Drama. Drama, Drama, and yet still more Drama. With a capital D of course...

Drama always occurs at the oddest points in the day at Senpu academy... It's exactly what the name entails, a whirlwind of Drama...

Here at the Senpu, we raise only the brightest young boys, into flourishing young men. What fine looking young men these boys are too... Mmm.. Anyway, our most handsome students can be found in...
Read more about this role play...
BEX updated ~Single Gender~ with a new update entry:

~Starting Soon~ (READ)

Letter of enrollment~ (Please read! Important!)
Hello my dear students! Are you ready for the new school year?! Cause you know Mr. Headmaster is definitely ready... All this fresh meat... Mmm...

Let me not stray from the topic with my fantasies! The day has come for everyone to shape their talents and academic skills at my lovely and hot, all boys school... You'll soon receive a letter...
Read the rest of this update entry...
BEX updated ~Single Gender~ with a new update entry:


Just letting you know that class B and C will share the same classroom! This is because I have 11 participants instead of 12 or even 15! The class will be BC class, and the description will be Hot and Cute!
Read the rest of this update entry... 
When Kyosuke woke up this morning he felt a surge of dread run through him. Not only was today the start of a new school year, but he had to wear that hideous uniform... Plus, a school where guys are ranked on their looks and personality? Really? Why did his parents allow him to attend school at Senpu, couldn't he have just gone to a normal highschool instead? Not to mention the fact that it IS an all GUYS school. How crazier can you get than that?

He sighed as he stood from his bed and went into the bathroom. He took a long shower, making sure to clean himself thoroughly, then he trudged over with the towel wrapped around his waist, to his uniform. He slipped on his boxers and then eyed the uniform as if it was something diseased and evil, waiting to kill him the next time he turned around. If you couldn't tell, he didn't want to wear the brown and beige colors. They contrasted his personality so much... Kyosuke finally put on the uniform and straightened it out, fastening his orange class B button on the left side of the blazer. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he walked over to the mirror.

To his absolute surprise, he actually thought it looked good on him. It fit him nicely and went well with his white hair and blue eyes, standing out on his pale ivory skin. The normal Kyosuke would be wearing all black clothing, however he felt as if he could make an exception with the uniform. He fussed with his hair a moment before walking over to his school bag and checking to make sure he had all his supplies. He put his IPhone in his pocket and his white headphones in his bag. God knows what this school had in store for him....

Kyosuke checked over everything once again before leaving his room. He said bye to his parents and then began the walk to school, which wasn't very far away, considering his family had decided to move closer to it. He got odd looks from some people and female students from an all girls school a little ways away walked past him with a blush. Suppose this school really was for handsome young men after all.~

When he arrived at the school he looked over the large building, not surprised by its stature as it was apparently made by the rich folk.

Kyosuke walked through the doors and wandered the halls, getting looks from some of the average male students; the one's who weren't handsome enough for class's A through D. He walked into his classroom, which was to be shared by class B and C, and he noticed nobody had arrived yet. He took this opportunity to nab the seat in the very back row by the window. He waited for any other students to arrive. Kyosuke only hoped that they were interesting enough to talk to...

(When putting on your uniform please tell everyone what class you are in nonchalantly.. This is a MUST. And remember that detail is your friend.)
Yuuto Fukuzawa awoke, periodically every morning, at the first ring of his alarm. This morning, however, Yuuto awoke before said alarm even went off. He was not able to fall asleep for more than twenty minutes at the time as his mind was too set on this school he would be attending. Sitting up in bed and turning off his alarm clock before it rang, he stared ahead at the white wall and thought even more about it. Why was he here again? His parents wanted him to attend a school without distractions. He blushed, realizing said parents did the opposite of what was intended. Maybe it would give him a chance to work on his romance novel? Meet a cute guy in soccer? Creepily enough, the notification of the school already made him aware of cute guys going to this school.

Yuuto got up and went to bathe. His hair and clear, soft skin were his focus points. He had to look alright for work after school, anyways. He shuddered. "My boss must be getting into my head.." he thought to himself, a bit disturbed by his own thoughts. After drying off and the long process of drying and fixing his hair back into a neat long ponytail, Yuuto took a look at his uniform. He wrinkled his nose at the sight of such a bland and brown thing. In his old school, he was able to were black and dark blue. It matched him better. He slipped it on, finding it not terribly loose on his thin frame and being only slightly impressed with the appearance. Then it was time for the button. The disgust returned. He pinned on his green class D button and situated his uniform. Why class d? Even though he was concerned and unhappy with being rated on his looks, he felt a little bad. Well, he wasn't as handsome as he was pretty... and weird. Shaking his head, once again worried about his evil bosses influence, he grabbed his bag and set off.

Yuuto came to the building and rolled his eyes at the sight. No wonder his parents wanted him there. The girls school he passed on his walk looked nice as well, but this was definitely reeking of rich. Seeing it though made him feel a bit more comfortable. He now knew an image for this weird idea of a school. He walked inside, shoulders back and head high. Naturally, he wanted to seem confident in such a place, especially when wearing a humiliating and labeling button. His steps were long and fast as he slid into the class D. Nobody there yet it seemed. Yuuto slid into a seat and took out a journal, writing in it for ideas.
Neji got out of his parents car and looked at his new school. Neji was a freshman at this school and came here to play soccer. Neji sighed as he did not know anyone here and even though he never had a problem making friends since he was always pretty popular wherever he went. It was just annoying sometimes having to start over.

He was wearing the school uniform which at first when he saw it he was not to excited for but, when he out it on it fit him perfectly. It showed off his great body. Then he saw his class A button. This meant that he was one if the best looking kids there and he would be getting a lot of attention for his soccer skill and his looks. He said bye to his parents as he walked in with all of his stuff. He went to the boarding office and they showed him to his room. Neji unpacked his things and got setteled in. He was not sure if he was going to have a roommate or not so he decided to leave a note saying his name grade and rank. He then went and walked around the school trying to get familiar with it.
Takumi Kodomo

"Oh god..." That immediately surged through his mind when he had woken up. He punched the off button on his alarm, hoping he didn't accidently press the "rest" button instead, so he wouldn't get scared the bejibbles out of and have a heartattack when the alarm would go off again.

He groaned once again, throwing his blanket off his body, revealing his body to the cold morning air. How did he get up so easily while being grumpy, you ask? Well, he was raised to be like that, prior to his strict mother, but it didn't mean he would be happy and dance around the house like in commercials.

"Probably shouldn't have slept half-naked...." He thought to himself, rubbing his bare shoulders. He walked unto his tiled washroom, tip-toeing because the floor was cold. He quickly stripped off his shorts and boxers, anticipating the warm water of the shower. He jumped in and took a long shower, enjoying what short time he had until the first day of school officially starts.

After finally finishing showering, he got out the shower, drying himself off then slipping on his uniform. He sighed, why was the uniform brown? Takumi was pretty sure that no one wants to wear a brown uniform to school, especially that his green button did not go well with it. "Well, at least I don't have yellow..." He thought to himself, smirking.

Skipping breakfast and getting a banana instead, he started skateboarding to school. He sighed to himself, why didn't his family own a car!? Even though he probably despised school more than anything, he continued on the way to school, finallly reaching his destination in about half an hour.

He braked his skateboard and picked it up, clipping it onto his back pack with a strap. "This so useful!" He thought happily to himself. Now he could hang his skateboard on his back pack instead of carrying it around like he did during the last few years.

He walked through the school's entrance, a bit impressed. "Well, at least the school's nice." He thought to himself, since he absolutely did not want to go to class. He opened the academy's front double doors, leaving it slightly ajar after walking inside.

He walked through the not-so-crowded hallway, seeing some side glances at him from students that had no button like he had. Takumi just ignored at them, glaring at the ones who had stared at him for more than a few seconds.

Finally, he had reached the door of his classroom, Class D. He laid his hand on the gleaming doorknob, then opened the door swiftly, though making only a small creak. He walked inside, closimg the dolr behind him. He noticed another guy in there, alone. He walked behind him, tapping his shoulder. "Is this seat taken?" Takumi asked, pointing at the chair behind the guy. It was a bit obvious it wasn't since the guy was the only one here, but he just wanted to ask, maybe start a conversation, or whatever. Takumi had honestly not known why he did.
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Yuuto was blocked. Any possible way of being blocked, he was. He had to come up with a new chapter soon for his story or else he would fall behind on his personal set deadline. Sure it was a loose thing, but ext to soccer, it was semi important. His block was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder and a question.

Yuuto nearly jumped out of his chair but refrained, turning pink. Somebody else was in here? He tucked the notebook away and turned around to meet shocking and brilliant green eyes with his own blue. 'Quick, think of a reply.' He thought to himself, trying to come across as warm. His face went to a soft but slightly irritated look, though he wanted to seem friendly. "Nobody else is here. I wouldnt mind so yeah." He nodded at the other.
Kuro woke up from the rays of the sun hitting his pale skin he groans and rolled rubbing his eyes and yawned hi silver orbs slowly showed

today the start of a new school year.

He sighed as he got out from his bed and went into the bathroom. He took a shower, then he wrap himself with a towel he was really small. He slipped his boxers on and then put on the uniform he looked in the mirror as he saw that the uniform was slightly big for him but slightly smiled as he puts his class C pin on his blazer he grab his things and walks out of his apartment he walks to school carefully not trying to push himself because of his sickness

It took him awhile to get to school but he was really scared about it since in middle school he gets bullied a lot he keeps his distance and was really tense as he was about to tear up he looks around seeing diffrent types of men wondering if they are nice or not but he kept silent

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Masaru was about ready to sit up in peace, roused by the yellowish Sunlight filtering in between the slats over his window; of course, no such luck was to befall him today — just as he started to lift his legs over the side of the bed, his alarm sounded, inspiring a loud 'Gyak!' as he fell over in shock back into the bed. He lay there, his eyes perusing the texture of his boardroom ceiling even as the buzzing clock insisted he move. Slowly, he reached over and silenced the thing, lingering just a little longer before a smile crawled onto his face. That sensation of a new dawn certainly tickled his mind; now to make good on the morning's blessing.

The short period it took him to rid himself of bed-bugs, whiskers, and morning breath was offset by his meticulousness regarding the uniform. Perhaps it was some sort of pride that compelled him to fickly adjust the thing, making sure to flatten the lapel and straighten his undershirt. He squared his shoulders for a moment into the mirror, then huffed with a note of finality before returning to his natural, organic posture.

On his way out the door, he snatched up a lunch box from the refrigerator he'd presumably packed the evening before, and dropped it into his backpack. He paused at the door, then, feeling light. He patted himself down, checking all the parts of him that ought to have things over them — and then his collar!
"Of course," he said to himself with an amused grin, "We can't forget the headmaster's gift!" He reached over to the coffee table, where a conveniently-placed green button lay, and fastened the marker to his lapel.

With the logistics of the morning done with, Masaru sauntered along the hall and toward the stairs, down and out of the boarding-house, and finally came to the opposite side of the courtyard. The pearly appearance of Senpu Academy certainly had its appeal, but the familiar sight had lost its touch to him long ago. Having arrived rather early — thanks mostly to his proximity — he lingered a while with his previous homeroom instructor, likely chatting about the new headmaster with a number of elbow-nudges and knowing winks tossed between various remarks.

Naturally, the time came for him to head upstairs to his new homeroom. He said his goodbyes, quickly shuffling out the door and down the hall. He paused outside the classroom, appreciating the
Class D label beside it. The new system didn't seem particularly sensible to Masaru — frankly, the idea bothered him — but he could use the extra attention; left alone, he'd likely never make the time to develop a circle of friends. After opening the door, he stepped in, smiling at the others already in the room. His chosen seat was one nearby but toward the center. He most certainly wasn't evading them, but his apparent focus was directed toward the front of the room, patiently waiting.
"Silas! Get up. It's time for school." Silas' mother's sing song voice woke him from his slumber. He groggily opened his eyes, noticing that he had fallen asleep in his smock again. Oh, right, he had spent most of the night painting. He glanced at the artwork lying on the easel in his room. Unsettling colors spiraled across the canvas in skittish paths and stopped near the center, as if they were afraid of entering some new territory.

It was expected, considering that those were the exact emotions that had been swirling through Silas' head last night. While the artistic outlet had helped him, the feelings still lingered.

He removed his smock, hooked it on the hook on his closet door, and then took down the painting. He laid it next to a building stack in the corner of his room. There were already similar stacks sitting under his bed and at the bottom of his closet from ones he had made during the summer; he really needed to figure out what to do with them.

Unhurriedly, Silas walked to the bathroom connected to his room, removed his clothing, and stepped into the shower. Once he was finished, he stepped out and glanced at the mirror to make sure there were no lingering spots of dried paint on his face. He then observed the beige uniform waiting for him on the counter and hesitated, looking at the orange button that adorned it. He had to admit, the whole concept of the idea was rather odd to him. He didn't mind it too much--he was considered odd too by most people anyway--but it was a lot different than the place he had used to go.

Silas reluctantly put the uniform on, pulling at the collar for a moment. He normally preferred much looser and less formal clothing, but in this instance he didn't have much of a choice. After pulling his hair back into a low, loose ponytail that brushed against the back of his neck, he grabbed his schoolbooks and a sketchpad and left the house.

As he walked down the street several young people glanced his way, noting the outfit and button. He allowed his face to fall into its normal neutral state, trying to appear nonchalant about it even though he was slightly embarrassed at the attention it was giving him. Attention was something he wasn't used to, and he sped up his pace just the slightest to reach the school.

He walked inside and headed for Class B, which was shared with C. Two people were already inside. His gaze passed over him briefly, so briefly that it was simply a polite acknowledgement of their presence. Silas decided to sit at one of the remaining window seats and set his books down. It seemed that even though he could hide it to others, Silas himself couldn't stop the slight anxiety curling in his stomach. Oh well, he could remedy that. Silas turned his gaze to the window, allowing himself to zone out, at least until more people arrived.
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Takumi jumped back a bit, surprised when the boy had jolted in his seat. "Ahh... thanks?" Takumi said to him, a bit more like a question. "Um... sorry to surprise you.." Takumi continued, sweatdropping before taking the seat behind the boy.

He sighed as he sat down, taking out his journal. It was made of black leather, more of a cheap, fake leather, though, and was decorated with three medium-sized stars alligned in a triangle. The stars were colored to look like space, and it had a strap that you could button down. It was a terrible security, but it looked nice, so whatever.

He started to write down stuff in it, or the chocolate-filled choco chip cookie recipe he had baked and created the night before. It was delicous, he remembered, and of course, chocolately, fitting Takumi's taste very much.

He started to write down the ingredients he used, remembering them in his mind, though he knew he would soon forget it, so he decided to write it down before he did. He couldn't write it down yesterday because he had knocked out after having a dozen of the cookies with milk, which in his opinion, was the best thing to do before sleeping. He smiled, remembering the texture and sweet taste in his mouth.
Panic surged through Edin as he lurched to a sitting position. He had been stressing about this new school for so long that sleep hadn't come easily the past few nights and the last day it hadn't come at all. Checking the clock Edin first realized that he had slept for all of an hour and then sighed in relief. He had enough time to make it to class without being remarkably late, if he was late at all. Moving to the bathroom he glanced at the shower... 'Maybe tomorrow morning.' Turning on the cold water in the bathroom sink Edin splashed it over his face. The chills helped release his mind from the last grips of sleep. Combing damp fingers through his hair he fought to get it under control before nodding to himself in the mirror.

Going back to get changed he looked at the brown suit, fighting a sneer of distaste. Maybe it won't be so bad wearing a uniform... he really disliked that his freedom was being taken, even in such a subtle way. He wasn't used to going to a school with a uniform. He wasn't used to going to a school where he didn't know anyone.

Edin took a deep breath, slipping into the uniform. "At least it's comfortable." He mumbled to his reflection, pulling on his classic smile and nodding. He shook his head at the thought of being categorized by his looks and his personality but he supposed he couldn't complain too much, he definitely hadn't been given the lowest rank. Or the highest (god forbid he had to spend his time around a group of gorgeous men. He would never be able to focus on anything).

Breakfast was uneventful. He was silent from nerves and his parents held the silence after wishing him good luck in the new school. Edin could see the guilt still heavily etched into their faces. Edin had attempted to reassure his parents multiple times- especially since this was a new chance for him to find people worth being friends with and this school was apparently much more pristine than his last - but his parents still felt... well... bad for making him leave his old school. Maybe the sports team at Senpu would make it past district unlike his old school...

Taking another deep, cleansing breath Edin kissed his parents on the cheeks before heading out the door. It was relatively easy to find his school and then find his class. He looked at his classmates a moment, taking a seat near the front. So much for not being surrounded by gorgeous men... if this was B class, shared with C, he really didn't want to meet A. Looking for his notebook so that he could try and ignore the heat rising in his cheeks, he once again reminded himself of his fathers words. A man finding another man attractive is unnatural and only a phase... he'd grow out of it. Edin sighed to himself as he pulled out his pencil and prepared for the day.
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yuuto watched from the corner of his eye. He immediately grew embarrassed for having freaked the other out. He sighed into his jacket sleeve and yawned, noticing the other was writing a recipe. This made him grin a little. So he was not the only cooking lover? Though the strangers recipe looked a little sickeningly sweet.He contimplated taking his journal out again but decided it was a hopeless endeavor to work on it today. Instead he decided to be a little social. "Im Yuuto. You?"
As eyelids fluttered open and a pair of lavender pupils met the outside world, Utsukushi took a moment to gently scan his cream colored ceiling.

Often, but not too often, Utsukushi had met this morning with a bell of remembrance. Yes, today was the day.

Utsukushi has been openly interested in the same gender, but now, since he has been accepted at the notorious all-boys school of Senpu. Oh, he could let that lust run wild, could he? There was, well, boys separated into classes based on their appearance, -even though that sounded rather shady-, it was open access for the lavender eyed teen to do naughty things with sexy boys. Utsukushi raised his hands from the blankets and clapped his hands together happily, rolling from his bed and bounding off to his bathroom. He had to be great today, even though the pressure was on, he was sure to lure in maybe just some kind of friend or boy. He scratched his head as he began the roughest cleaning of his body he has ever done. Making sure to make him smell fresh but still very alluring.

Utsukushi nodded. Smell is always an important part of seducing. Now... He made sure to be a little more precise on his 'hair-doing' making it seem more fluffy, silky and soft. He pet his head for a few minutes as he walked out his washroom, steam following him into the room. Hair is perfect! Great for luring in hands for petting~ He nodded to himself, planning his next move very carefully. On his bedroom door hung the most unflattering set of uniform clothes he has ever witnessed. Just the color scheme of it, extremely evil. Utsukushi rid himself of such a thought and such worrying. If anything, He made things look good. The boy was so confident that he looked good in virtually anything, that he gave it another crisp and smooth ironing before placing it on. He tapped his chin afterwards, seeing as the uniform was rather adorable on him in his opinion. "Ah!" He exclaimed, noticing the small button on his drawer under the lap and pinning it correctly above the fancy amulet of Senpu. If he remembered correctly, he was placed in the merged classes of B and C. C class was for the cute kids.

Utsukushi glanced at the button pinned to the uniform and the ahoge on his head curled in delight, this class had been just born for him, no? Kicking on the shoes and doing a little more touch ups, he was ready to go to just grab some breakfast from a cafe and some tasty milk. Bouncing downstairs, he saw his Father looking over at the stove and sipping on some coffee. He smiled at his son, his deep purple eyes meeting lavender eyes as he began to speak. "I remembered, so I made some breakfast for you." Sadly, his Father didn't know Utsukushi had the hots for boys, and didn't ever want his son to be in a relationship with a female when he was rather... Girly-looking. His father was a bit, well, too expecting of the boy, wanting to make him something he's not. That's mainly why he gladly accepted Utsukushi going to an all-boys school. In front of the father was a large pile of delicious breakfast items, and most importantly a large bottle of milk. "Thank you."

Finally pushing the last of the flavorful food into his mouth, he patted his stomach. Due to Utsu's abnormal appetite for someone so petite, his Father cooked mounds of food for him. As the young teen took a sip from a bottle of delicious milk, humming and stuffing more snacks into his book bag. He went over his morning routine, seeing if he missed anything important. Nothing, it seems. Utsukushi beamed, literally kicking the door open and bounding off for a possibly great day for him!

Reaching the school, he took a moment to stand back and admire it. it seemed to be the sun itself, the gleam and glow of such rich nature. Utsukushi also took this moment to pull on his poker face, lowering his eyes and the smile disappearing form his face. Being a supposed 'kuudere' usually kept him out a trouble or hide the naughty side of him. Being inappropriate always would get you called a harlot. Strolling inside with a small sway of his hips, he suddenly became rather insecure of his appearance. He decided to let that go as he stopped in front of the merged classrooms of BC. Oh god... This was it. Your new experience. Utsukushi took a good-luck swig of milk before opening the door slowly. All this planning was already making him rather sleepy. He walked in, noticing a few others and his eyes darted away in an uninterested fashion despite the urge to want and stare at them for a while. Yawning like he was bored, but really just tired from the stress of trying to be accepted in this school, he took a swig of milk before sitting down his heavy bag on a seat. The only reason it was heavy, however, was it was stuffed to the brim with snacks of all kinds. Utsukushi doesn't play around with school lunches, especially his old school lunch. He held his stomach slightly as he thought about those nightmares on plates.

Sitting down finally with some paper and a cute rilakkuma lead pencil on his desk, he immediately pulled a thick choco cornet form his bag and gave it a big bite, blushing from the delicious taste. Choco cornets were the best, and always seemed to level Utsukushi a little bit. He glanced about at the others here, his blush becoming more apparent, and not from the tasty cornet. If anything, each male in this room looked rather delectable themselves... He shivered, the ahoge in his hair curled up even more.
(Every yaoi needs a Kyosuke)

Kyosuke watched as a few people came into the classroom, taking an interest in their looks. Only he tried quickly waving it off, as Kyosuke didn't know yet that he was interested in guys. Even if he did know, he would most likely try and deny it and say it was just mutual attachment of being friends or something like that. He watched as a cute boy with lavender eyes walked into the room, he looked over at the button and agreed with it's placement into C class.

He is rather kawaii... He thought in his head as the boy sat down somewhere. He watched everyone from the corner of his eye, the seat in the back having the best vantage point of watching such hunks of men. Though Kysouke doesn't understand why he was placed in class B, was he hot? He didn't even know what that really meant. But guessing from the looks that those female students gave him, maybe he was.

The boy with lavender eyes reached into his bag and pulled out a chocolate cornet, taking a bite and then savoring it's flavor. Kyosuke found this a little funny so a small chuckle could be heard at the back of the room.

Even he makes that look adorable. He thought as he took interest in the cute looking boy. The boy reminded him of a little kitten, or a puppy perhaps. Though it's hard to establish what exactly his "type" is. Who knows?
Neji walked outbid his room in the boarding area of the school and states to look for his class. He stopped and looked inside the shared classroom of the b and c students he looked at them and smiled. Neji was not sure how he felt. Sometimes he liked boys a lot and sometimes not at all but for the most part he liked them a lot. Neji thought that a lot of the boys in this classroom were cute. If the b and c boys were that good looking he could not wait to see the boys in the A classroom with him since neji was an A rank. Neji kept walking around until he finally found the A classroom he smiled and walked in. He was the first one there as he sat down and waited for other A ranked students to come .
Edin wasn't discreet about the fact of looking around the room. Why hide that he was seeing who else was in his class, after all? He did a quick look over of the buttons, keeping a mental note of who had the C ranked buttons and who, like he, had B ranked. Noticing eye colors more than anything he made a mental note to put eye colors and names in his note book along with notes.

'True Blue Eyes (like refracted Sapphire) - Rank B'

'Reddish Eyes (like a sunrise)- Rank B'

'Pale Lavender Eyes (like royal silk) - Rank C'

Edin made sure to leave room for names, hoping that this school did roll call so he could learn the names without having to ask. He debated over what his color explanations meant for a moment... Sapphire was, in ways, cold and hard-edged yet beautiful- a gem of possibilities. A sunrise was the start of something new, a chance to start over- but it comes right after a dark night. Pale silk was gorgeous and flows with wind- but could easily hide something. Edin knew, of course, that his musings might be completely off, have absolutely nothing to do with the people who ownred the colors, but he liked to imagine anyways. Scrawling his musings into the back page of his notebook he looked around at everyone again, seeing if anyone of them would meet his gaze. (If they do, smile and wave Edin. Don't be creepy... maybe you can make a few friends.)

Edin's mind kept flitting through different thoughts. What were these boys really like to go to a school like this -one that ranked personality and appearance. Did they want to be here? Or was it something that just had happened, like the position he was in. He continued to muse as he looked around the room, making judgments about seating arrangements and posture while seeing if anyone would meet his gaze and return a greeting.
Fraun laid in his bed with his right arm over his forehead. The sun rays broke through the cracks in his blinds and shined down on his left ear, hitting the small dud earring. His sheets barely covered his body leaving his black tank that was no longer covering his midsection exposed. Though he was asleep his ears twitched to every sound that it could pick up. First it was the birds outside of his window that sat on the telephone wires. He could hear pans on the stove moving around and sliding against the metal that kept the pan and the fire away from one another. He hear a shower going and sluggish footsteps drag across the floor and toward his door. With a loud bang and a creak, his friend Ryan peered in to see if he was still sleeping. Ryan walked over leaving the door a jar for his other roommate Kyle to enter. "God wake up will you. Last time I checked your still in school and have a new one to attend to. Kyle even ironed your uniform and polished that button of yours. " Fraun grimaced toward his words and moved his body to where his back would face him. "Don't make me do it. " Fraun groaned as he used his arm to cover his eyes and his other to pull up his sheets. Ryan looked toward Kyle and gave him the head no. Kyle walked around toward the other side of the bed and had bent over.

"Come on Fraun, Daddy wants you to get up" Ryan pulled back Fraun's sheets and slipped his hand up his shirt. He slid his hand up his back then back down softly to where Fraun would flinch. Ryan put his knee into Fraun's bed and leaned closer to where the tip of his hair would touch his cheek. Fraun opened his eyes and glanced back toward Ryan. At that time the sun had hit Fraun's eye giving his iris a yellow tint. Ryan blushed a little then resumed to give him a small kiss on his lips. "Wake up and get ready." Ryan said as he pulled away. Fraun growled a little before sitting up from his bed and watching Ryan leave. Looking out toward the window once they had left, Fraun brushed his lip with his thumb. "He plays to much." Fraun commented as he slipped out of bed then walked down the stairs. Minutes passed and Fraun was putting on his yellow green button for C class. Grabbing his satchel and a coke from the fridge he waved by to Ryan and Kyle. Shutting the door behind him, he began to make his way toward the school. While he was walking he started to think about his roommates. He's been with them form months now and nothings really changed. Kyle and Ryan hooked up but since Kyle cheated they broke up. How were they still able to live together was his question

"A school based on looks and personality. Is he that indulged with middle aged boys." Fraun approached the school with hesitation and had thoughts of turning back. It was large enough to fit a county maybe. Everything looks so expensive and over the top. He felt out of place from where he lived and where he was living now. He hated rich people, always shoving their money in commoners faces. Never the less he had to attend otherwise Ryan would chew him out again. Walking in he had looked around the school yard before opening the door and entering. The halls where shiny, huge and never ending. The ceiling was high enough to fit ten of him and he was 5'7. He hunched over even more annoyed by the looks of the school. Following the direction that was around he had entered the B and C class. Seeing a few he had taken a seat by a corner. He didn't like light much and detested heights. Usually you see boring things when you look outside of a window, he'd rather just sleep than do something as stupid as that. Dropping his bag by his chair he instantly laid his head down and closed his eyes. He felt tired, mainly because he didn't get the sleep he wanted and this school seemed overpowering.
Utsukushi was loving this cornet. Chocolate had to be one of the biggest weaknesses for him besides milk. Suddenly... His shoulders raised as he felt stares. Stares? Oh gosh, he hasn't been this noticed in a while. Keeping his eyes lowered and calm, he peeked around to find the culprits of the small gazes. His eyes immediately zoned in on the closest one he could find who seemed to just have finished jotting down something into a notebook. His eyebrows raised in curiosity, a little more concerned about what he was writing than the actual writer himself for a second. Utsukushi returned the gaze soon enough, but he was stuffing his face so he couldn't exactly smile just quite yet. The male had the deepest blue eyes, you know, the kinds you usually got lost in. No wonder he was put in the B rank, he was rather attractive... He fanned himself slightly, his face growing really warm for a moment. Utsu wasn't too shabby at being friendly, so he swallowed, tilted his head and let his pink lips curl into a charming smile. He had to put down the cornet for a moment to give a small wave, putting them in his lap to hide the face that his hands were trembling. Never expected to be so nervous...

Utsukushi was intrigued by the other B ranked student he spotted. He looked slightly intimidating but still approachable. A little dark, so his spot in the back corner fit his appearance well. His shoulders raised. Was he the guy that made that chuckle? He took a large bite of the treat in his hand, gazing at the male in a more of a 'friendly' way.
Silas returned his attention back to the classroom. Normally he would have no trouble at all keeping his focus on his little imaginary world, but the unfamiliar environment and looks from students were enough to keep him distracted. He started to look around as well and, deciding that he might as well learn about his classmates that he would be seeing for the rest of the school year.

He kept his gaze soft and casual, not wanting to attract too much attention as his eyes flitted between them. Having drawn live skittish animals before, he knew how to keep someone from realizing that he was observing. He made sure to shift his gaze at appropriate times to avoid looking like he was staring, keeping up his calm demeanor.

Most seemed to be a little nervous--including himself, he supposed, but he wasn't going to show it--which was to be expected considering it was the first day of school. Although they all wore the same uniform, he caught little details that defined them in certain ways, such as their hair and movements.

Inspiration suddenly sparked. Silas turned back around and grabbed his sketchbook. After flipping to a blank page he opened his rather large and stuffed pencil case, which contained numerous pencils, colored pencils, and erasers. He took out a few colored pencils and started to sketch.

He moved his arm slightly as he drew, accidentally bumping the pencils and sending one falling to the floor without him noticing.
Kyosuke smiled at the lavender eyed boy, as to be friendly towards him. After all who wouldn't want to get to know someone so cute? His odd thought process was interrupted by the sound of a pencil dropping nearby. It looked like nobody else was going to pick it up, so he decided to be nice. His look may have been intimidating to some, however he looked a lot more approachable than if he was wearing his goth clothes. His smile however was sparkling and full of life, contradictory to those normal clothes.

Kyosuke stood and walked over to the boy, who was also rather cute... He glanced at his button and saw they were in the same hot B class. He picked up the pencil and held it out to him, having a liking to his blue colored hair. His eyes were also a pretty soft red/pink color, a nice guy to look at... Kysosuke didn't really know how to talk to people, so he did his best.

"Oh... Here's your pencil... Umm I'm Kyosuke.." He said sheepishly, with a shy smile.

Good, good job Kyo. Now you just need to be cool... Wait, what am I nervous about? He's just a guy.. He thought after speaking.
Silas paused in his work and looked up as someone held out a familiar pencil to him. Realizing he must have dropped it, he set down the one in his hand and accepted it. "Oh, thanks." Silas responded. He had expected the other to walk away after that, but then he offered his name. Looks like he was properly meeting a student, and he had to admit that he was actually kind of relieved despite himself. While he was used to being a loner, he was still (unfortunately) human, and often felt the yearning for some sort of social interaction, whatever it may be. Since summer had just ended, he was sorely needing it. If this guy, Kyosuke, was willing to spend even just a few seconds talking, then he wasn't going to turn it down.

"I'm Silas, but some call me Sy." he returned.
Kyosuke's eyes lit up the slightest bit, his blue orbs almost dancing in a way.

"It's very nice to meet you." He said formally and nervously, with a bow. He didn't know how to actually talk to anyone, he hasn't done it in so long that it just seems foreign. As he straightened out, his white as snow hair fell over his right eye, blocking out some of it's sparkly pool effect. He didn't really know what to do next since a certain writer couldn't think of any way to continue the situation. (Wow, thanks there.) Well, Kyosuke's thoughts are along the lines of;

What a cool name.

His blue hair is sugoi.

It's even in a ponytail, how kool.

Dem eyes doe.
His snoring end as if a snot bubble in an anime show had popped. Blinking a little he opened his eyes and lifted his head. To him it felt like a rush of rose petals came in like an annoying hurricane and took his life by surprise. Annoyed by all the men in his class he groaned before lowering his head into his arm and having his eyes peer out. Each had something different about the. Different hair color, eyes, skin tone , voice. Fraun thought of himself as being pretty plain. He groaned again as he covered his eyes as well and tried to pretend to sleep. Muttering to himself he tried to keep quite and make his words sound muffled. "Crazy class filled with beautiful people. Why was I accepted again. Bloody hell this day wont end anything like I had thought it would. " Fraun sighed as his brown hair moved forward and down toward his eyes. He wished Ryan was here to keep him company, he at least knew him to some degree. Whenever he was feeling left out Ryan was there with food . Food he thought. He lifted his head with a wide smile and his eyes grew the same size. Ripping into his bag he pulled out a poxy stick box that was strawberry flavored.

Oh god he didn't forget. Opening up the package, Fraun began to swing his legs as he nibbled on his snack. You could say he looked like a hamster or cat from a far. He would shake his head from side to side and hum when ever he took a big bite.

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