Simul Pugnumre - Together We Fight [Sign-Ups]


One Thousand Club
Abby and Jason are normal teenagers. Their parents died in a car accident six months ago. They have always been close, Abby at 17 years old and Jason at 19 years old. They've never been separated or left each other, nothing could come between them. After their parent's death things began to get a little weird. They moved in with a foster family and had to transfer schools. They even had a new sibling, Josh, an eighteen month old. Most importantly a letter was sent to their house addressed to the both of them. It read:

Expect to be accounted for in two months time. No one will stop it and nothing bad will happen to you. Watch this date carefully, it will come faster than you think. Be prepared because there is no going back. It's what your parent's wanted.

- Warden

The police found no way of tracking who could have sent it and no fingerprints except their own was left on the page. The days slowly but surely passed by and when the day finally came, so did the Warden. Abby and Jason were having lunch when there was a fist pounding on the door. Their foster parents opened it and after a few moments of quiet, inaudible chatter, allowed the men to enter the house.

"Are you prepared?" a man said, dressed in a black uniform of black dress pants, a white formal shirt, and a black jacket and tie. Abby and Jason stiffened as they remembered what the letter had said. Both had packed their belongings in a suitcase in the event that someone did come for them.

The men, two of them, took their suitcases and escorted them out of the house to small car. The ride was slow, melancholy, no one talked. Soon they pulled up to a big abandoned building on the other end of town. Again they were escorted, this time to the first floor of the building. There they met the gaze of ten other people, ranging in height but looking to be of roughly the same ages as Abby and Jason, 16-20. The ten stood in pairs, one girl with one guy and they looked fairly similar in certain features.

"Take a look around, this is your team. You will room together and train together. You are Team 4B known as, Simul Pugnare. It latin for 'Together We Fight'. You'll understand after your training. I'm Warden, you may call me Warden. There are four categories you will be trained in: Swordsmanship, Automatic Weapons, Small Weapons 101, and the most difficult... Common Items."

Everyone just stood there, still as a statue and listened to every word he said. When he was done they all looked around at each other, almost grimly before filling out a survey so as to determine room mates.


*For sign-ups fill out one per character but everyone needs to have two characters: a boy and a girl aka brother and sister.

*You may create twins but you need to have a character sheet for each. I will only be accepting one pair of twins though so make sure you grab dibs

*Love interests/relationships/bf&gf are encouraged but make sure it is with characters IN this rp and that the creator of the character is okay with it

*By the end of training, each pair of brothers and sisters will be able to communicate with each other telepathically. Each person can ONLY telepathically communicate with THEIR BROTHER OR SISTER. When speaking telepathically, use italics. No one can speak of it until the Warden tells everyone about it. There are NO other "super human" abilities in this rp. No exceptions. Telepathy helps them to communicate during battle, it keeps them together

*I will play the role of "Warden" and will implement drills and training. If characters wish to speak with the Warden I will play his role.

*Don't worry about the Latin, all phrases I use will be translated, no one needs to come up with any of their own unless otherwise instructed

*Please be prompt with rp, do not get left behind

*Have fun!!!!!

Character Sheet:



Age (16-20):

Looks (May post a picture but also have a description as well):



Basic Backstory:

Name: Abigail Murdock

Nickname: Abby

Age: 17

Looks: Light brown hair, shoulder length. Dark Green eyes. Pale(ish) skin. Casual wear, short, about 5'6


Personality: She is strong and never bored. She is unique in her way of keeping herself busy and learns quickly. She was crushed when her parents died but believes it only helped make her stronger. There are times when she is high strung but she is almost very sweet and kind. She makes herself welcome to most people and likes to get formalities out of the way as soon as possible which sometimes helps her make friends, and sometimes doesn't.

Crush: None Yet (any takers? :P )

Basic Backstory: She grew up in a close knit family, got good grades all through her school career. Wanted to be an interior designer when she grew up and sometimes adds her own touch to her living space. She and her brother are very close, tease each other often and sometimes even say the same thing to a question when the other isn't around, though they aren't twins. After their parent's when a drunk driver actually ran them over, Abby and her brother mourned together and managed to get through most of the days without talking yet were able to comfort each other. They both look forward to training and are physically fit to do so, no problem.

Name: Jason Murdock

Nickname: Jase

Age: 20

Looks: Light brown hair, when down it falls just above his eyes but he mostly styles it up. Green eyes that match Abby's. Freckles, pale skin. He doesn't look his age. He also has casual attire and is 5'9


Personality: He is very caring and sweet. He is always up for a challenge and is known to be a thinker. He is light on his feet and never ceases to surprise. He loves his sister dearly and would never leave her hanging, no matter how annoying she may get.

Crush?: None Yet (any takers? :P )

Basic Backstory: Same as Abby's

Please Join!!
Name: Kirah Nickname?: Ki (Key) Age (16-20): 16 Looks: Like a chick version of my avatar, but with blue eyes and blonde, hair not silver and none of the animalistic stuff. Also younger She wears her hair up in a clip, with her bangs in her face. Shes about 5"1 and very small Personality: Shes very shy and quiet. This whole situation is overwhelming her and making he more cowardice. However, when she relaxes, shes a very sweet, compassionate person Crush?: Can i steal Jason ? :3 Basic Backstory: Ran away with her brother at a young age and they were picked up by Warden. Name: Reven Nickname: Revvy Age: 19 Looks: Just like my avatar, but again without the animalisticness and with blonde hair. hes a little ripped and is about 6"1. Personality: Hes over protective and pushy when he cares about something. It tends to get the better of him sometimes. Crush: Hes way to stupid for that xD Basic Backstory: Same as Kirahs[[and oh my gosh im sorry my post is all retarded!.-. it wont stop doing this -.-
I didn't think I'd get any takers on it, sorry it's been awhile since you replied, I didn't know you had!

I'm cool with doing a one on one, just the four of our characters, we can turn it into a sort of small, more exclusive group.. Do you still want to do it? I only ask because it's been awhile since you replied :P But I think it'd be cool :D And yes, you can have Jason haha

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