Simple Fey Questions

Creeping Chaos

New Member
My previous queries were made in moderate, well, frustration, but since then clearer heads have (mostly) prevailed. I've still been left with some questions, though, but they seem pretty simple so I figured I'd toss them here and see if anyone knew the answers:

1) Are all social attacks considered mentally influencing? (IE: Since they try to change your mind, does anything that protect against mental influences inherently help protect against social attacks?)

2) Fey get free dots in their Favored/Caste abilities. Since favoring Craft favors *all* crafts, do you get those free dots in every craft possible? Or (and I think this is the more reasonable approach, but I find the rules unclear) do you just get 1/2 dots to divide up among all possible crafts (Also, in that case, can you still buy the crafts that didn't give free points up to 4/5 or 6/7 with bonus points)?

3) Can you dismiss and then Invoke items made in someone's dream using Soul-Carving Artifice rather than just taking it with you (and then having it eventually fade)? Also, based on the texts elsewhere in the book, I assume you can enter the "dream" and, since the "time" in the tale is infinite, regain your motes to full within it's 1 hour duration?

4) Are there any rules on starting with Gossamer crafted equipment?

Yeah that's about all I got right now.

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