Silver Surfers [Exalted]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
Once, the Lunars were mostly relegated to the edges of Creation, driven there by the Wyld Hunt. But the Empress is now gone, and the Great Houses are more concerned with their own shifting alliances, and securing their power back home.

In addition, the sudden influx of Solars has diverted much of the remaining Wyld Hunt away from the Lunars. And they have seized on this fact to move forward with their plans.

In the west, few nations exist, and while it populated, it is also filled with many small islands, most too small to be worth the notice of their larger neighbors.

It is on one such island that a group of Lunars have arrived, and here their own tales begin.

What will they do with this small place? Even the Five-Score Fellowship cannot predict that. Not when so much Essence will obscure the fates of mortals.


Character Creation:

Attributes: Choose Two Favored Attributes from among Caste Attributes, and then choose two more from any of the remaining seven.


Abilities: Survival plus one other are Favored.

28 Ability dots. Max 3 before Bonus Points.

Minimum of 2 dots in Survival, and one dot in Archery, Melee, Martial Arts or Thrown.

Craft gives you one element per dot.

You need Craft 4, and know both Fire and Air to use Magitech, if you also have Lore 4.

You need Craft 4, and both Water and Air to use Genesis, if you also have Medicine 4.

You need Craft 4, and both Water and Fire to use Necrotech, if you also have Medicine 4.

You need Craft 4, and both Water and Earth to use Vitriol, if you also have Occult 4.

Specialties: 4 free dots

Backgrounds: 7

Virtues: 5

Willpower: Starts at 5. 1 BP per dot.

Essence: 2 (Unless seriously needed for character concept, best not to increase with BP)

Bonus Points: 18

Charms: 7 starting.

Hardy Keyword: Each purchase of a Charm bearing this keyword works like a purchase of the Exalt's native version of Ox-Body Technique. This entirely replaces the Charm by that name; players lose those Charms and spend the refunded XP on Charms with the Hardy keyword. You may not benefit from this Keyword more than (Stamina) times (for Lunars).

Charms with the Hardy Keyword: Bruise-Relief Method

Halting the Scarlet Flow

Purging the Tarnish Silver

Indestructible Recursive Design

Steadfast Yeddim Meditation

Luna's Fortitude

Unstoppable Juggernaut Incarnation

Scorpion and Toad Absolution

Scorpion and Toad Immunity

Scorpion and Toad Mastery

Hide-Toughening Essence

Frenzied Bear Fortification

Armor-Forming Technique

Weapon-Trapping Body Dominion

Stone Rhino's Skin

Invulnerable Moonsilver Carapace

Native Son's Grace

(Direction) Mastery Technique

External Hide Perfection

Knacks: 3 starting

Knacks costs 9 XP.

Thaumaturgy: 6 xp (if Occult favored) or 8 xp (if Occult not favored), per Degree.

Sorcery and necromancy will give one free Spell when learned.

You get one free Excellency in each Attribute you have Favored.

Possible Players:


Snake Obsidian


Iron Penguin

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[QUOTE="Red Shadow Claws]Once, the Lunars were mostly relegated to the edges of Creation, driven there by the Wyld Hunt. But the Empress is now gone, and the Great Houses are more concerned with their own shifting alliances, and securing their power back home.
In addition, the sudden influx of Solars has diverted much of the remaining Wyld Hunt away from the Lunars. And they have seized on this fact to move forward with their plans.

In the west, few nations exist, and while it populated, it is also filled with many small islands, most too small to be worth the notice of their larger neighbors.

It is on one such island that a group of Lunars have arrived, and here their own tales begin.

What will they do with this small place? Even the Five-Score Fellowship cannot predict that. Not when so much Essence will obscure the fates of mortals.


Character Creation:

Attributes: Choose Two Favored Attributes from among Caste Attributes, and then choose two more from any of the remaining seven.


Abilities: Survival plus one other are Favored.

28 Ability dots. Max 3 before Bonus Points.

Minimum of 2 dots in Survival, and one dot in Archery, Melee, Martial Arts or Thrown.

Specialties: 4 free dots

Backgrounds: 7

Virtues: 5

Willpower: Starts at 5. 1 BP per dot.

Essence: 2 (Unless seriously needed for character concept, best not to increase with BP)

Bonus Points: 18

Charms: 7 starting.

Knacks: 3 starting

Knacks costs 9 XP.

Thaumaturgy: 6 xp (if Occult favored) or 8 xp (if Occult not favored), per Degree.

Sorcery and necromancy will give one free Spell when learned.

You get one free Excellency in each Attribute you have Favored.

Possible Players:


Snake Obsidian


Iron Penguin


This game is approved and set to 'Awaiting Players'.
Name: Dorissa Blackfish

Motivation: Discover the meaning of freedom and teach it to others

Caste: No Moon

Spirit Shape: Orca

Anima: A dorsal fin jigs slowly across deep blue water

Tell: Shadows around her eyes


As in the dark of winter night

Our eyes seek dawn,

As in the bonds of bitter cold

The heart craves sun,

So blinded and so bound, the soul

Cries out to thee:

Be our light, our fire, our life,


In the Northern satrapy of Dehenna, only a few thousand inhabitants are free. Within their number, a few dozen free and exceptionally wealthy citizens own the rest of the population. Slaves work the fields and toil in the mines. More than that, though, all the scribes and clerks, merchants, artisans and managers are slaves too. They receive other rewards and privileges. They can own other slaves and property. They can earn money. They can even become wealthy. Yet, they are not in any way free.

When the skeletal ship came out of the fog, most of the people on the waterfront fled screaming or stood staring blankly at the corpse-pale pirates who came rushing to cut them down with axes stained by frozen blood. Dorissa, the plump, seemingly placid daughter of a clerk in the service of House Ledaal, did not. Instead, she lured two of the pirates away from her sister and brother, giving her younger siblings time to escape. When the pirates realized they had been tricked, they tried to drown “the fat cow”. They were surprised, to put it mildly, when she suddenly glowed with dark blue light and transformed into a killer whale. It was the last thing they were ever surprised by.

In the aftermath, the whale surfaced once, gazing sadly at her stunned friends and family, who had gathered at the dock. But as the hissing whispers of “Anathema!” began, she turned and swam away in the direction of the Western Ocean, vanishing quickly from sight.

So she hunted and explored from the frozen seas of the North to the warm lagoons of the South, swimming as much as three hundred miles in a day and a night. She met with more adventures than can be told, and narrowly escaped being caught by the Thousand Hungry Wings, and the Singers of the Deep, and the Children of Siakal, and she met all the untrustworthy ruffians that loaf up and down the seas, and the heavy polite fish, and the scarlet spotted scallops that are moored in one place for hundreds of years, and grow very proud of it.

Her mentor, Fletcher, taught her to follow the salmon and the herring along the under-sea banks; how to skirt the wrecks lying a hundred fathoms below water and dart like an arrow in at one hole and out at another as the fishes ran; how to dance on the top of the waves when the lightning was racing all over the sky, and wave her flukes politely to the stumpy-tailed Albatross and the Man-of-War Hawk as they went down the wind; how to jump five or six feet clear of the water, flukes close to the side and tail curved; to leave the flying fish alone because they are all bony; to take the shoulder-piece out of a shark at full speed ten fathoms deep, and never to stop and look at a boat or a ship, but particularly a row-boat. At the end of a year what Dorissa did not know about deep-sea fishing was not worth the knowing. And all that time she never set foot on dry ground.

She has lived among pods of whales and dolphins, and rookeries of seals, and the great seabird colonies that turn the cliffs white, among Realm serfs and Wyld barbarians, and she seeks always the thing her heart most desires -- a people who have discovered how to create a perfectly free, perfectly just society.

Yet she has not uncovered the secret…

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4; Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3; Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4

Spirit Shape Attributes: Strength 12, Dexterity 4, Stamina 8

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Virtue Flaw: Curse of the Humble Sloth

Abilities: Athletics 2 (Swimming +2), Awareness 2, Bureaucracy 2, Dodge 2, Integrity 2, Investigation 1, Linguistics (Native: Skytongue; Others: High Realm, Seatongue, Old Realm) 3, Lore 3, Martial Arts 2 (Orca Form +2), Occult 3, Resistance 3, Socialize 2, Stealth 1, Survival 3

Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 2, Heart’s Blood 2, Mentor 2

Knacks --

Form Acquisition (Animal) : Towering Beast Shape

Shapeshifting Refinement: Hybrid Body Rearrangement, Internal Form Mastery

Charms --

Excellencies: Dexterity (2nd), Charisma (1st), Intelligence (1st), Perception (2nd), Stamina (2nd)

Appearance: Hide of the Cunning Hunter

Charisma: Dog-Tongue Method

Intelligence: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Perception: Eye of the Cat, Sense-Borrowing Method

Stamina: Hide-Toughening Essence

Spells --

Emerald Circle: Command the Beasts

Join Battle: 6

Attacks (Human) --

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 3B, Defense 7, Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 5, Damage 6B, Defense 3, Rate 2

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 5, Damage 3B, Defense - , Rate 1

Attacks (Orca) --

Ram: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 12B, Defense 9, Rate 3

Tail Smack: Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 15B, Defense 5, Rate 2

Bite: Speed 6, Accuracy 7, Damage 12L, Defense - , Rate 1

Soak: 4B/2L

Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated

Dodge DV: 4/5 (Human/Orca)

Willpower: 6

Essence: 3

BPs: Essence 3 (10), Willpower 6 (1), Compassion 3 (1), Linguistics 3 (2), Lore 3 (2), Survival 3 (1), Heart’s Blood 2 (1)
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Shan Huang, Stalker of the Waves

Concept: Full Moon Caste Ship's Captain

Spirit Shape: River Dragon (14 Str/3 Dex/12 Sta)

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Valor 3, Temperance 2

Virtue Flaw: Curse of the Lone Wolf

Willpower: 7 (2bp)

Essence: 2 (Personal motes: 16, Peripheral motes: 34, 8 commited to artifacts)

Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Intelligence 3, Perception 4, Wits 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3

Abilities: Athletics 4 (2bp), Awareness 3, Dodge 3, Integrity 2, Melee 4 (2bp), Resistance 2, Sail 4 (2bp), Survival 4 (2bp), Lore 2, Occult 2, Medicine 2

Backgrounds: Artifact 2 (Moonsilver Lamellar), Artifact 2 (Moonsilver Grimcleaver), Heart's Blood 2, Reputation 2 (1bp), Resources 5 (7bp)

Charms: 2nd Strength Exc, 1st Dex Exc, 2nd Sta Exc, 2nd Per Exc, Impressions of Strength- Ogre's Loving Caress (10s count double for damage), Tearing Claw Atemi, Graceful Crane Stance, Relentless Lunar Fury, Bruise Relief Method, Halting the Scarlet Flow, Claws of the Silver Moon, Ox-Body Technique (2 -1 health levels), Ox-Body Technique (4 -2 health levels)

Knacks: Towering Beast Form, Quicksilver Second Face, Deadly Beastman Transformation

DBT Form: All physical stats +1 (to 5 dots), add Armored Hide (+4 to Survival rolls and +4B/+4L to soak) and Inexhaustible (suffer no fatigue from any source).

Health Levels: 1 -0 level, 2 -1 levels, 6 -2 levels, 1 -4 level, 1 Incapacitated level


Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 1, Damage +0B, Defense 2, Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 0, Damage +3B, Defense -2, Rate 2

Grapple: Speed 6, Accuracy 0, Damage +0B, Defense -, Rate 1

Water Dragon: Bite: Speed 5, Accuracy 5, Damage +14L, Rate 1

Claw: Speed 6, Accuracy 5, Damage +10L, Rate 2

Moonsilver Grimcleaver: Speed 5, Accuracy 4, Damage +12L/4, Defense 2, Rate 2, Attunement 5, Overwhelming


Natual Soak:

Lamellar Armor: 9B/7L

Deadly Beastman: 15B/11L
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Shan Yuang, Stalker of the Waves

Concept: Tribal leader, captain of a ship

Motivation: Create a nation strong enough to sweep the Western Sea free of pirates

Caste: Full Moon

Spirit Form: River Dragon

Anima: Bright silver reptilian eyes, one staring over each shoulder swimming in a sea of scales

Tell: Scales along his neck and shoulders

Shan Huang loved the sea. Growing up in the West he'd learned to sail as he learned to walk. His father and uncle taught him to read the weather and the waves though he never learned to read a book. His village taught him to honor the ancestors and the local gods, though he himself was never especially devout. And the headman taught him and the other boys his age how to fight though he never saw himself a warrior.

Until the Lintha came.

Shan returned from a fishing trip to find his village in flames. Many of the people he'd known his whole life were dead, with only the boys and girls of a certain age missing from among the bodies. As he stared at the fire swirling among the dead he felt wrath stir in his heart. Stirred, then burst into flame all its own, a cold heartless wave of pure hatred. He swore on his soul, on the gods of the village, and on whomever might listen and honor his vow that he would kill those who'd burned his village. He gathered enough food to last a few days then set sail, him and the men of his ship, sailing out for what he thought was his death. His only hope was to avenge his people and find his death among those who slaughtered his entire life.

One of his crew had the knack of bribing the little gods. With their aid Shan knew which way to sail. On the night of a full moon that shone down upon the waters Shan and his crew finally caught the the ship containing the Lintha and their captors. Without hesitation he threw himself up the hull of the pirate craft and into the fray against those who had stolen his people. He fought with a viciousness and abandon he'd never known, his hands finding a sword from the first man he killed and wielding it with a skill he'd never known he had.

As he cleared the foredeck and swung down to the main deck he faced something made of darkness and knew his death approached. He stepped up, his heart hard and mind focused. He would take down this creature or die in the attempt. As he launched himself at the creature a brilliant silver glow flared around him and the strength of many men flowed into him. He felt his body shift into an unknown shape and he landed on all fours before the dark form, teeth rending and tearing.

After the battle, Shan found himself alone on the deck of the pirate ship, his own ship gone into the night and everyone aboard with him dead or chained. Those of his village who'd survived flinched from his approach, babbling their thanks and dread of the new god. Shan freed them and employed enough of them to get them back to land. The survivors fled once on land, scattering into the jungles of their home island.

Soon enough a woman found him and declared him one of the Silver Pact, those chosen by Luna to defend the helpless and to beat back the threats to Creation. He vowed to fight the pirates that scrouged the seas. He discovered that his totem was the river dragon, that monster of the seas that preyed on ships as well as whales and seals. And now he's found a few other kindred souls who want to build a haven here in the West.
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Name: Nine Winds Wanderer

Concept: Wandering martial arts hero

Motivation: Protect the common folk of the West by teaching them to defend themselves

Caste: Full Moon

Spirit Form: Wandering Albatross

Silver-white seabird's wings enfold him, opening slowly and majestically to stretch out above his head

Tell: Golden eyes, like those of a seabird

Favoured attributes and abilities in bold.


Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3

Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3

Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

(3 BP)

Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Integrity 3, Martial Arts 5 (2 BP) (Staff fighting +2), Resistance 3

Linguistics 2 (Low Realm, High Realm, Seatongue), Lore 1, Presence 3 (Persuasion +2), Socialise 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3 (1 BP)

(5 bp)

Compassion 4 (2 bp), Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Willpower 8 (3 bp)

Essence 2

Personal essence: 16/16 (16 total)

Peripheral essence: 29/29 (38 total)

7m commited to attune to artifacts, 2m commited to Treasure as Trash Misdirection applied to his Wrackstaff to make it look like a simple travelling/fighting staff

Health Levels: 0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/In


1st Dexterity Excellency

2nd Manipulation Excellency

2nd Stamina Excellency

Bruise-Relief Method (has the Hardy keyword, so provides 2 x -1 health levels)

Relentless Lunar Fury

Golden Tiger Stance (5 bp)

Wary Swallow Method (5 bp)

New Friend Aroma

Treasure as Trash Misdirection


Deadly Beastman Transformation

Beast Power Concentration

Internal Form Mastery


Spirit Form - Wandering Albatross

(stats based on a combination of Raiton and Strix)

Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 8, Appearance 2

War Form

Wanderer's War Form is humanoid, powerfully-muscled, with the sleek white head and golden beak of an albatross. Great white wings emerge from his shoulders, allowing him to take to the air.

Mutation: Wings (Abomination); the bird's head is purely cosmetic and doesn't change his stats in any way, so I'm hoping I can have it for free...

Heart's Blood

Wild Dog

Str/Dex/Sta/App: 3/3/3/1

Attacks (Sp/Acc/Dmg/Rate) - Bite: 5/5/4L/1

Tiger Shark

Str/Dex/Sta/App: 6/3/6/1

Attacks (Sp/Acc/Dmg/Rate) - Bite: 5/6/6L/2

River Dragon

Str/Dex/Sta/App: 14/3/12/1

Attacks (Sp/Acc/Dmg/Rate) - Bite: 5/5/14L/1; Claw: 6/5/10L/2


+ The memory of his mentor, Seeks-the-Lightning

+ The remote desert island where his manse is located

+ Flying

+ Freedom

- The Immaculate Faith


Moonsilver Wrackstaff (artifact ●●, 5m attuned) set with a Stone of Resilient Bamboo (manse ●●●)

Tattoo Breastplate (tattoo artifact ●, 2m attuned)

Heart's Blood ●


Dodge DV: 4

Parry DV, Wrackstaff: 8

Join Battle: 6

Soak (B/L/A) : 7/7/6

Hardness (B/L) : 2/2

Attacks (Speed/Acc/Dmg/Rate)

Wrackstaff (blunt end) : 4/16/15B/3 (2,M,R)

Wrackstaff (piercing end) : 4/15/7L/3 (2,M,P,R)

Dodge MDV: 6

Join Debate: 6

Virtue Flaw: Curse of the Threatened Ptarmigan (Compassion)

When her young are threatened, the mother ptarmigan feigns injury to draw the predator's attention onto her and away from her charges. So must the Steward afflicted by this curse take the suffering of others upon himself. While under the effects of Limit Break, if Nine Winds Wanderer sees the weak, the innocent or the powerless suffering, he must try to take that suffering upon himself. If he sees a slave being beaten, he feels compelled to stand between the master and the slave and take the blow himself. He might be compelled to confess to a crime he didn't commit in order to take the punishment upon himself, or to give up his own food and water in order to take the hunger and thirst of others upon himself. He may use and even initiate violence, but only to defend others and/or to gain the attention of the one inflicting the suffering, never in his own defence.

Partial Control: He may restrict the compulsion to taking on the suffering of those he considers members of his Pack.

So: once, there was a boy.

Not a clever boy, or a rich boy, or a strong boy - just a boy. He lived on an island just east of where the sky melts into the sea, and he learned to read and write, and to fight with his hands and his feet. He learned these things from monks, and when he was old enough, he decided that he, too, wished to become a monk, and teach other boys the things that he had learned. So he got on a ship and sailed east, towards the mountain at the centre of the world, where monks learn to be monks.

Three days out of port, a storm blew up. The ship on which the boy travelled was torn apart by the power and fury of the sea, and the boy was thrown into the heaving waves. So the boy swam. He went on swimming for a long time, until his arms blazed with pain, until his legs felt like stones, until his head and his chest and his belly were full of nothing but pain; pain, and the will to live. A few times, he thought he saw something above the rushing waves, coming slowly closer, but before he reached the land, he sank into darkness.

He awoke at the touch of a cool hand on his brow - a woman's hand, smooth and slender.

"Rise up, my child," the woman said, and the boy found, to his surprise, that his aching limbs moved and he got slowly to his feet. Then he saw that the woman was not, after all, a woman, but a slender young man, his skin glistening with moonlight. The boy looked up, but the sky was dark with cloud. When he looked down again, the man was gone.

The boy survived for some time on that island, eating fruits and nuts, but after a time he began to grow weak. One night, he awoke suddenly to find a pack of wild dogs circling him. He beat at them with a stick and ran, but they followed him, biting and snapping at his heels. He ran and ran, until he came to a rocky promontary overlooking the sea. He looked at the teeth of the dogs, and at the crashing waves below, and made his choice. He ran, and leaped, and fell toward the sea, leaving the wild dogs snarling and growling impotently on the cliff edge.

He fell towards the waves. He fell, and as he fell, silver light burst out around him. There was a moment of strangeness, a terrible wrench as he seemed to leave his stomach behind to fall into the white-capped waves. Then there was no boy, falling into the uncaring sea - only a white bird, soaring upwards.

The white bird sailed many winds, gliding for days on end without stopping to drink or to eat, only hanging in the gentle wind and revelling in the freedom of the skies. Eventually, he felt drawn to land, and he found himself on an island in the far, far West. There, weary and sick with hunger, he was found by a strange, ugly old man.

The old man took him inside, fed him, gave him sweet water, and nursed him back to health. When the boy awoke, the old man smiled, and the boy saw the great, snaggled, yellow tusks in his smile and was sorely afraid. But the old man reassured him. The old man was strange indeed, with his bulging, rippling flesh and traces of bristling fur about his face and shoulders, but he was kind. He taught the boy the truth of what he had become - taught him about Luna's gift, and the responsiblities of a Steward of Creation. When the time came, he taught the boy to hunt, and to drink the heart's blood, and he tattooed him with fine designs of whirling silver, and helped him to choose a new name.

One day, the old man announced that he was dying. He had seen it, he said, in a vision. The taint of corruption upon his flesh had become too great - the silver that bound his form was weakening, and his twisted body was tearing itself apart. So he gave the boy gifts - food and clothing, and his wooden sandals, and his fine old staff... and his home. The old man's home was an ancient place, a circle of worn stones deep in a grove at the centre of the island. He took the boy to its heart, and gave him the stone that lay there - a stone of power, that would give him protection against his enemies and their weapons. Then the old man lay down and died.

The boy mourned him. He wept. He burned the old man's body, as he had been asked to do. Then he gathered up his belongings, whispered a prayer to the waning moon, and leaped into the sky.

The stranger came walking into the village late one evening. He wore loose robes and a broad-brimmed hat that shaded his face against the dying light of the sun, and he carried a staff of smooth wood in his hand. No-one recognised him, which was strange, because the boat from Roa Tau didn't come until next Moonday. When he spoke, he seemed almost surprised, as though startled by the dry, croaking quality of his voice.

"Fine day to you, friends," he said, touching the brim of his wide hat. "Far have I wandered over many seas today, and I seek a place to rest my weary head. I ask only shelter, a crust of bread and a drink of cool water, and to listen to your troubles."

The village headman frowned at him. "You one of the satrap's missionaries?" he demanded suspiciously. The man laughed.

"No, no. I serve a higher power than Gaia's Dragons."

The headman didn't know what that meant, but he felt reassured. As he looked into the stranger's eyes, he thought he saw something strange - a ring of bright gold, like the eye of a seabird - but that didn't worry him. Something in his heart told the headman that this strange wanderer was trustworthy, and that was what mattered. The stranger was brought into the village, and sat with the headman in the main square. He ate breadfruit and drank a cup of goat's milk, and he listened to the headman's troubles. It seems that the island of Roa Pica, and the larger Roa Tau to the north, were plagued by pirates. Each year they came, and carried off many of the islands' strongest young men as galley-slaves, and burned the sugar cane and marijuana in the fields.

The young man, for he was young, despite the gravelly voice and the staff he leaned on, thought deeply. "When do they come?" he said.

"Ascending Fire," said the headman. "Sometimes early, sometimes late, but always in Ascending Fire."

"Then we don't have much time."

* * *

He drilled them in the village square - old men and boys, young women, old women and girls. He showed them how to cut long, straight stems of wood, and how to fight with them. He showed them the Way of the Open Hand, and they learned how a young boy could break wooden boards with nothing but his fist; he showed them the Gentle Way, and they learned how a slight young woman could throw a strong man to the ground.

On the day before the night of the full moon, they sighted black sails on the horizon, and knew that the pirates were coming. They searched everywhere for the stranger, but could not find him. They began to panic, but the headman spoke to them sternly.

"The stranger taught us much. Use what he taught us. Fight the pirates. Defend your homes."

When the pirates came to Roa Pica that year, with sword and fire and cudgels and clubs, they found most of the villagers waiting for them, weaponless or bearing thin wooden staves. They laughed, for a short time, until the first of them died.

All in all, one of the villagers died and five more were injured. Through surprise and anger and martial training, they drove off the pirate gang. Their young men were not enslaved, and their fields were not burned, and that night, they celebrated in the village square.

As the sun came up the next day, many nursed hangovers and grumbled. Where was the stranger? they asked. What help did he give us, in the end? But the headman looked up and saw a great white bird, wide-winged and graceful, glittering with swirling silver as it caught the morning light. The headman smiled and saluted the bird in thanks. It circled once overhead, dipped its wings, and soared off into the wide blue sky.

Edit: Added health levels in accordance with the Hardy keyword
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Updated first post with some added rules. Nothing that will hinder your characters.

I'd post some Familiar House Rules, but none of you seem to have one.
Alright, given that with the new char gen rules about Ox-Body I'll take that out of the charms and add another (the char gets two free applications of that between Bruise-Relief Method and Halting the Scarlet Flow). I'll figure out the new charm sometime this weekend.
Welllll fine.

I'll work up a Changing Moon thing. My schedule is still a wee bit unstable, but getting better. Will be massively better whenever apple gets around to putting out the new ipad.

How nation buildy are we thinking? How much group vs solo?
Depends on you guys, but probably not much nation buildy at the beginning.

Some group 'tension' is fine, but nothing seriously clashing with the others.
I more meant time together vs apart.

Working on a serpentine changing moon:


●Strength ●●●●

Dexterity ●●●●●

●Stamina ●●●●●

●Charisma ●●●●●

Manipulation ●●●●

●Appearance ●●●

Perception ●●

Intelligence ●●●

Wits ●●●



●Martial Arts ●●●




Integrity ●

Performance ●●●

Presence ●●●

Resistance ●

●Survival ●●


Investigation ●

Lore ●



Athletics ●●●

Awareness ●●

Dodge ●

Larceny ●●

Stealth ●

Bureaucracy ●

Linguistics ●● (Native: Sea-tongue, Learned: Old Realm, Riverspeak)



Socialize ●●●

Backgrounds 7


Deadly Beastman Transformation

Prey’s Skin Disguise

Internal Form Mastery



First Strength Excellency

Throat-Baring Hold


First Dexterity Excellency


Second Stamina Excellency

Ox-Body Technique

Scorpion and Toad Absolution


Second Charisma Excellency

Cobra Hypnotic Method


Second Manipulation Excellency

False Burrow Pursuit


Third Appearance Excellency

Hide of the Cunning Hunter


Compassion ●●

Conviction ●●● (Curse of the Hungry Wolverine)

Temperance ●●

Valor ●●●

WP ●●●●● ●●●●

Essence ●●



DBT: Serpent’s Body

BP 18/18

Martial Arts 1->3, 2

Strength 2->4, 6

Appearance 1>3, 6

WP 5->8, 3

Temperance 1->2, 1
I personally would prefer that we spend more time together than apart at least to start. And I added the second OBT along with Claws of the Silver Moon as the final charm.
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[QUOTE="Red Shadow Claws]ok, looks like game is ready to move forward...

Alright you should be able to see the ST Area in the sidebar of the forums.

I apologize for the delay.

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