Silver + Stakes


One Thousand Club
Lux and WalkingDisaster ONLY. Please do not post, but feel free to stalk.

Name: Cody Howard

WerewolfAge: 23Appearance (Credits unknown):

Brief Personality:
Cody can be a bit rude. He never means to be, he just usually is. He can be funny and cool at his best, but in his worst mood he is rude and unpleasant and sheer. He can be loud and outgoing and fun - most of the time. His glass is half-full, but mostly because it makes far more sense to him than half-empty. Cody loves to be in his wolf-form, mostly because it is faster, stronger, swifter and has better senses than his other form, and he can almost always find an excuse to be in his wolf-form more than necessary.

Brief History: A rather average life. He graduated college at 22, and moved to Dominion City to follow a job. On a night lit up with a full moon, he ran in to a stray dog. It growled and barked at him, and when it got closer, Cody realized he had found a wolf. He backed away slowly, not wanting to upset the creature. It pursued him, and mauled him until his life was nearly lost. But, he escaped with his life, and found his senses to be sharpened. He considered himself lucky to be alive, until the next full moon changed him.

Delilah Aniston

Race: Werewolf

Age: 18

Appearance (Photo credit to Sabrina Cichy, model unknown):

Brief Personality:
An all-around sweet girl. She likes to voice her opinion, and doesn't always know the appropriate time to do so, but it is hard to get mad at her. Though she speaks out of context often, she knows her place and respects her elders and those in charge of her; especially Cody and Sammie.

Brief History: Nothing eventful; the girl is one of the few that are born werewolves. Delilah attends a few day classes, as she believes her education is important.Taking a few classes at a time to work around her werewolf schedule will mean it'll take longer to graduate, but she doesn't mind. She found Cody and Sammie's pack and can't imagine being without any of them.

Connor Hyde

Race: Vampire

Age: Appears 17, is really 30 years old. A fairly young vampire, changed in the eighties.

Appearance (Credit Unknown):

Brief Personality:
He is very shy and closed, but will open up eventually. He is a total spazz once you get to know him, and a great friend. Connor can be dark and pretty scary, but only because he usually can tell what's what, and can be very over-protective. Break his thick shell, and appeal to him, and you have a friend who take abullet for you. Or, a silver-tipped wooden stake. He sees the glass as half-empty, and can be very pessimistic. SOmetimes him voicing his pessimism can ride on one's nerves, but he knows how to take care of himself. He's been doing it since he was human. Brief History: Connor wanted to be something, and he almost was. He had one dream, and that was that his band made it to the top. He would sing his way there. His parents never thought he would get there; his music was just noise in their ears, them being classical music junkies. A son who was a hard rocker? A dissapointment. When he turned fifteen, they made him start paying for his guitars and singing lessons, and refused to drive him to concerts or rehearsals. Until he learned to drive, his band mates' parents would drive him. Connor never needed his parents' approval anyway, and he never got it.

After a concert, the seventeen-year-old voiceless and sweaty, decided he wanted to walk home. He liked being alone, and it wasn't very late, anyway. Where he lived, a few towns away from Dominion City, was fairly uneventful to begin with. And so, the boy walked, his guitar case clanking against his leg. Soon, though, a mysterious woman found him. She spoke of eternal life, of her only weaknesses being Italian food and the sun's kiss. Connor wrote her off as crazy - and then she attacked. He woke up some time later, in teh middle of the night. The woman was gone, but she left him a note. Two words scribble on a slip of paper in sloppy cursive.
Dominion City.

Name: Brooke "Birdie" Turner

Race: Vampire

Age: Appears 19, is actually 83

Appearance (Credit - Taylor Momsen):

Brief Personality: Brooke is a bit rebellious. She is rather rude and a bit shy once you first meet her, but if you give her a chance, she is nothing but a sweet heart. With a sarcastic side, of course. Once she is set on something, all bets are off. She will do anything to reach her goals, no matter the consequences. She will always ignore her own - or another's - flaws. She usually jumps before she looks, and sees the glass as half-whatever. You have half of a drink, don't you? Enjoy it!

Brief History: Brooke was sixteen when the Great Depression sprung in to place. Her family had money, but finances were still a big problem. The girl took a job waiting tables to see if she could help, and brought in a few dollars a day. One of the customers, however, was extremly suspicious. But, he attracted Brooke, and pulled her in to a dark forbidden romance that most girls dream of. Kissing her, he took her in to an alley and started unbuttoning her blouse. Brooke assumed seemingly harmless intentions - until the pressure on her neck increased. He bit her, and changed her in to a monster. Furious, she ran away from him, her new-found speed carrying her. Her bloodlust killed, and she wandered aimlessly, her murders making headlines.

Until one day, a murder of a married couple pushed her over the edge. She killed them in their own home, their blood and shredded clothes strewn across the floor. It wasn't until a boy walked in that she realized the full extent of what she had done. She had
murdered someone's parents. She had orphaned this boy. Feeling like a criminal, she fled, realizing just how empty she had been for so many years. She found Dominion CIty soon, and started her life over.
Name: Anna Lee De’Fluer

Race: Vampire

Age: Appears to be twenty one, but is actually One hundred and Sixty Four

Play By:

Barbra Palvin

Brief Personality: Sly and mischievous, Anna enjoys dressing fashionably and taunting her victims before the kill. She never settles for a random civilian, she likes to take out politicians and other important figures. Occasionally she settles for not-so-famous upper-class, but only when she wishes for the murder to remain unnoticed. No one has a finer taste of class than Anna Lee; she indulges herself in rich clothes and the fine arts. She keeps her fortune intact with a few valuable items from her victim’s lavish homes. She is known in her current community as a lovely young woman who throws charity balls for the less fortunate. Anna only throws the charity balls for the fashion and to throw off any suspicion. Anna has a deep hatred for werewolves and humans, believing vampirism to be the superior race.

Brief History: Born during the third French revolution, Anna grew up poor and alone. She was raised in an orphanage and when she turned sixteen she married a French nobleman. The town begin to gossip once Anna Lee was with child. When the child was born it was revealed that Anna’s husband was not the father. Anna was imprisoned where she was turned into a vampire. She broke out and killed both her husband and her child. After killing her husband and child, she killed the vampire that had turned her. She took the most expensive valuables out of her old home and moved to Germany and from Germany she came to America, all the while creating a coven of her own. Currently she lives in Dominion City. The coven doesn’t live in her cover mansion, but rather a lavish house that lies undiscovered in the hills.

Name: Daniel E. Hoffard

Race: Vampire

Age: Appears to be twenty, although he is actually eighty five.


Ed Westwick

Brief Personality: Competitive and ruthless, Daniel gets bored very easily. He enjoys mind games almost as much as he loves a good challenge. Although he is a fairly young vampire, he has a good grasp of his abilities, although he misses the sunlight. Daniel longs for things he can’t have, although most things are in his reach. The only reason Daniel dislikes werewolves is because he sees them as competition. He doesn’t believe that vampires are superior, he thinks that humans could easily wipe out the vampire race and prefers to keep his feeding subtle enough to stay out of the news.

Brief History: Daniel was born in and raised in America. When he turned eighteen the Vietnam War had begun and he was drafted two years later. Daniel was almost killed in combat, but a vampire feeding off the victims of the Vietnam war had taken him in with the intention of finishing him off, but for an unknown reason he changed his mind and turned him into a vampire. Cruex, the name Daniel knew his ‘father’ by, took him to England and groomed and dressed Daniel as if he was his pet. Eventually Daniel got tired of it and fled Cruex. He came to America in 2001 looking for his family, only finding them all to be dead. He traveled around the country and met Anna Lee who allowed him to join her coven of vampires in Dominion City.

Name: Samantha Lyn Bradford, but she prefers to be called ‘Sammie’

Race: Werewolf (alpha female)

Age: Twenty two


Ashley Benson

Brief Personality: Responsible but fun, Samantha is a scholar and enjoys to take classes at the college and hopes to one day become a nurse. She parties occasionally but her loyalty remains in her pack, where she monitors over her ‘family’. She thinks all of her decisions in great detail and nothing can stop her once she decides on something. She dislikes vampires because they pose a threat to her and her pack and she believes the lot of them are too dangerous to be left alive. Secretly she wishes to extract revenge for the death of the father she never knew, but she keeps her lust for revenge a secret.

Brief History: Samantha was born and raised in Dominion city. She was raised by her mother and had no brothers or sisters. In school, Samantha was the best of her class and she was turned into a werewolf the summer she graduated high school. At first she rejected her beast nature and wanted nothing to do with it. Although she knew she wasn’t supposed to, she told her mother. Her mother was in disbelief as first but after witnessing the transformation she knew it was time to tell Samantha of her father. Her father was once alpha male, but was killed by a coven of vampires. Samantha accepted her beast side and fought for the position of alpha female. She currently attends Dominion’s University of Medical technology, training to be a nurse.

Name: Matthew Kefir Lovell, but he makes everyone call him Matt.

Race: Werewolf

Age: Seventeen


Francisco Lachowski

Brief Personality: Hardheaded and fun-loving, Matthew has a high energy level and is very rarely seen wearing a shirt. He’s eager to jump in on fights and isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind, no matter what the consequences. His temper is short and his mouth is large. Around an unknown crowd Matthew generally keeps to himself and is very defensive, unless the unknown crowd is a crowd of vampires. When confronted with Vampires, Matthew won’t think twice about hauling out insults and trying to get into a fight. Although Matthew is physically strong and wild, he is mentally weak. He keeps his emotions and his past bottled up, and opens up to almost no one.

Brief History: Matthew started out with a normal family, and he grew up in Mesa City (a city neighboring Dominion city). Around the age of thirteen, Matthew got into a big fight with his parents. Matthew had always been a difficult child, his temper was explosive and his grades were terrible. After shouting “I hate you!” to his parents, he retreated into his room and climbed out his window. He returned a few hours later and when he went to apologize to his parents, he found their bodies strewn across the floor. A bloody figure stood above them, looking well satisfied (Still Brooke, yeah?.). For whatever reason, the vampire left the apartment and spared Matthew’s life. Perhaps the vampire couldn’t bring itself to murder a child, or perhaps he was full; Matthew could never figure it out. After Matthew called 911, the police sent him to the Mesa Orphanage. Matthew stayed at the orphanage until he was fifteen. He ran away to Dominion city and was turned into a werewolf and welcomed into the pack.


The familiar purr of Anna’s sleek black car put her at ease as she pulled into the drive way. It was early in the night, but she was almost certain her coven would be awake. The dark mansion before her was surprisingly well kept for being a remote lodge in the Dominion Mountains. She stepped out of the car and walked up the steps. Her thick heels made no noise against the polished wood and she silently slid into the house. The house was decorated with dark colors, expensive items and elaborate paintings. She had spent years creating the perfect blend of gothic vampric beauty and high class furniture and art. Anna seemed to clash against the dark colored décor with her salmon pink dress and silver heels. She pulled a bottle of wine from the kitchen and took a seat in the living room. Although drinking or eat didn’t have any effect on Anna, she still enjoyed the taste of exquisite meals and century old wine.


Despite the lavish room that Anna had given to Daniel, he still hungered for more. He wanted the sun and he wanted more companionship. The nights held nothing but boredom for the vampire, spending the time watching TV or talking with the other members of his coven. He often entertained the idea of taking off during the night but Anna would track him down, she didn’t like losing her things. If there was anyone he didn’t want to cross it was Anna. Her temper was silent yet deadly. He walked down the grandstairs into the large hall, to see Anna in the sitting room. He gave her a smile as he continued to the living room. He sat down on the large couch and turned on the TV, trying to relieve his boredom.


All the lights in the warehouse were on as Sammie got back from her classes at the university. The Monday rush had subsided and she could finally relax at ‘home’. Home for Sammie and the rest of the pack was an abandoned warehouse that had been converted into a unique living spot. She placed her backpack on the table in the makeshift kitchen and started unloading the groceries she had bought on her way home. She was too tired to cook anything so she relaxed on top of one of the empty crates and opened up a book. The quietness of the warehouse was strange to Sammie and she wondered what the rest of the pack was doing.

ooc| Will get Matt's intro set up when I get back! Sorry they are so short, I'm in a hurry :b


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