Silver & Stakes (Lux and WalkingDisaster)


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Silver & Stakes (Lux and WalkingDisaster)

Name: Anna Lee De’Fluer

Race: Vampire

Age: Appears to be twenty one, but is actually One hundred and Sixty Four

Appearance (Credit: Barbara Palvin):

View attachment 5995

Brief Personality: Sly and mischievous, Anna enjoys dressing fashionably and taunting her victims before the kill. She never settles for a random civilian, she likes to take out politicians and other important figures. Occasionally she settles for not-so-famous upper-class, but only when she wishes for the murder to remain unnoticed. No one has a finer taste of class than Anna Lee; she indulges herself in rich clothes and the fine arts. She keeps her fortune intact with a few valuable items from her victim’s lavish homes. She is known in her current community as a lovely young woman who throws charity balls for the less fortunate. Anna only throws the charity balls for the fashion and to throw off any suspicion. Anna has a deep hatred for werewolves and humans, believing vampirism to be the superior race.

Brief History: Born during the third French revolution, Anna grew up poor and alone. She was raised in an orphanage and when she turned sixteen she married a French nobleman. The town begin to gossip once Anna Lee was with child. When the child was born it was revealed that Anna’s husband was not the father. Anna was imprisoned where she was turned into a vampire. She broke out and killed both her husband and her child. After killing her husband and child, she killed the vampire that had turned her. She took the most expensive valuables out of her old home and moved to Germany and from Germany she came to America, all the while creating a coven of her own. Currently she lives in Dominion City. The coven doesn’t live in her cover mansion, but rather a lavish house that lies undiscovered in the hills.

Name: Daniel E. Hoffard

Race: Vampire

Age: Appears to be twenty, although he is actually eighty five.

Appearance (credit: Ed Westwick):

View attachment 5996

Brief Personality: Competitive and ruthless, Daniel gets bored very easily. He enjoys mind games almost as much as he loves a good challenge. Although he is a fairly young vampire, he has a good grasp of his abilities, although he misses the being able to stand in the sunlight. Daniel longs for things he can’t have, although most things are in his reach. The only reason Daniel dislikes werewolves is because he sees them as competition. He doesn’t believe that vampires are superior, he thinks that humans could easily wipe out the vampire race and prefers to keep his feeding subtle enough to stay out of the news.

Brief History: Daniel was born in and raised in America. When he turned eighteen the Vietnam War had begun and he was drafted two years later. Daniel was almost killed in combat, but a vampire feeding off the victims of the Vietnam war had taken him in with the intention of finishing him off, but for an unknown reason he changed his mind and turned him into a vampire. Cruex, the name Daniel knew his ‘father’ by, took him to England and groomed and dressed Daniel as if he was his pet. Eventually Daniel got tired of it and fled Cruex. He came to America in 2001 looking for his family, only finding them all to be dead. He traveled around the country and met Anna Lee who allowed him to join her coven of vampires in Dominion City.

Name: Samantha Lyn Bradford, but she prefers to be called ‘Sammie’

Race: Werewolf (alpha female)

Age: Twenty two

Appearance (Credit: Ashley Benson):

View attachment 5998

Brief Personality: Responsible but fun, Samantha is a scholar and enjoys to take classes at the college and hopes to one day become a nurse. She parties occasionally but her loyalty remains in her pack, where she monitors over her ‘family’. She thinks all her decisions over and nothing can stop her once she decides on something. She dislikes vampires because they pose a threat to her and her pack and she believes the lot of them are too dangerous to be left alive. Secretly she wishes to extract revenge for the death of the father she never knew, but she keeps her lust for revenge a secret.

Brief History: Samantha was born and raised in Dominion city. She was raised by her mother and had no brothers or sisters. In school, Samantha was the best of her class and she was turned into a werewolf the summer she graduated high school. At first she rejected her beast nature and wanted nothing to do with it. Although she knew she wasn’t supposed to, she told her mother. Her mother was in disbelief as first but after witnessing the transformation she knew it was time to tell Samantha of her father. Her father was once alpha male, but was killed by a coven of vampires. Samantha accepted her beast side and fought for the position of alpha female. She currently attends Dominion’s University of Medical technology, training to be a nurse.

Name: Matthew Kefir Lovell, but he makes everyone call him Matt.

Race: Werewolf

Age: Seventeen

Appearance (Credit: Francisco Lachowski):

View attachment 5997

Brief Personality: Hardheaded and fun-loving, Matthew has a high energy level and doesn’t sit still. He’s eager to jump in on fights and isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind, no matter what the consequences. His temper his short and his mouth is large. Around an unknown crowd Matthew generally keeps to himself and is very defensive, unless the unknown crowd is a crowd of vampires. When confronted with Vampires, Matthew won’t think twice about hauling out insults and trying to get into a fight. Although Matthew is physically strong and wild, he is mentally weak. He keeps his emotions and his past bottled up, and opens up to almost no one (Although there are a few exceptions).

Brief History: Matthew started out with a normal family, and he grew up in Mesa City (a city neighboring Dominion city). Around the age of thirteen, Matthew got into a big fight with his parents. Matthew had always been a difficult child, his temper was explosive and his grades were terrible. After shouting “I hate you!” to his parents, he retreated into his room and climbed out his window. He returned a few hours later and when he went to apologize to his parents, he found their bodies strewn across the floor. A bloody figure stood above them, looking well satisfied (Could be one of your vampires if you’d like to have an extra plot.). For whatever reason, the vampire left the apartment and spared Matthew’s life. Perhaps the vampire couldn’t bring itself to murder a child, or perhaps he was full; Matthew could never figure it out. After Matthew called 911, the police sent him to the Mesa Orphanage. Matthew stayed at the orphanage until he was fifteen. He ran away to Dominion city and was turned into a werewolf and welcomed into the pack.

Anna Lee De’Fluer

Anna’s heels clicked upon the cold marble of the coven mansion as she walked down the polished steps. There were a few cobwebs scattered throughout the building and it drove Anna insane that she couldn’t hire a maid to clean the mess up. Perhaps she’d turn another vampire for the sole purpose of cleaning the mansion. The idea was one to consider, although eventually the maid would get tired of cleaning and rebel. Perhaps she could keep a blood doll and get them to clean. The thought left Anna’s mind as she pulled a fancy bottle of “wine” out of the fridge. When Anna couldn’t finish an entire weekend, she likes to put the remainder of the blood inside an expensive wine bottle. She poured the blood into a wine glass and took a seat in the sitting room.

The Mansion had been specifically designed to house vampires, built with no windows and heavy latches on all the doors leading into the sun infested world. A vampire could comfortably enjoy the mansion in the day time and leave during the night. Anna Lee left every night; she went out to feed and attend extravagant dinner parties and hold a few of her own at her cover mansion. She invited her fellow coven members to attend with her, although some didn’t enjoy the plush lifestyle she did.

Daniel E. Hoffard

Daniel’s comfortable room was boring, and so was his home. He spent the days in agony, awaiting the night to come. He could rest and let the hours pass him by but Daniel was too high strung. He’d spend the days watching TV, talking with the other vampires and playing with the pool table Anna had given to him a few years back. He entertained the idea of staying elsewhere during the day, but Anna wouldn’t enjoy that at all. If there was anyone he didn’t want to cross, it was Anna. She had a temper that was as tame as a wild loin.

Shutting the door behind him, Daniel made his way through the sitting room, finding Anna in her usual spot. She seemed to content to spend the rest of her days sipping from a wine glass while waiting for the sun to set. Daniel nodded to Anna and slipped into the living room. He turned on the TV and watched the news, trying to revive himself out of his boredom.

‘Sammie’ Lyn Bradford

The warehouse was still quiet when Sammie got back from her college classes. On Mondays she only had three classes and got home fairly early. She pushed her wavy blonde hair into a short pony tail and sat down at the table in their makeshift dining room. Going to college while balancing a job was tough upon itself, but being a werewolf as well complicated things. She couldn’t work nights, nor could she work every day because of her college classes. Luckily her mother understood her predicament and helped out finically.

Sammie’s phone ringed, and she checked the alert. She rolled her eyes; it was an email from her boss. It explained that her hours were too hard to work with and if she couldn’t work nights he’d have to let her go. She sighed and put down her phone. She couldn’t wait until she got a spot at Dominion City as a day nurse. Only a few more months until she graduated and the spot was hers.

‘Matt’ Kefir Lovell

Matt had stayed in his bed until the clock reached one in the afternoon. He usually woke up late, especially after a late night in the redwoods that conveniently surrounded the city. He heard the warehouse door open, assuming it was Sammie coming home from college. Matt didn’t go to school; he dropped out once he ran away from the Mesa Orphanage. Pulling himself out of bed, he threw on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. It wasn’t too fashionable but it got the job done.

Matt climbed down the storage shelf that his bed was placed upon. He liked the height, it gave him a little more privacy and it was fun to climb down in the mornings. He sauntered to the dining room that Sammie was studying in. He grabbed an apple from off the table and jumped on top of the table, barley missing Sammie’s papers. “I’m not in your way, am I?”

Name: Cody Howard


Age: 23

Appearance (Credits unknown):

Brief Personality:
Cody can be a bit rude. He never means to be, he just usually is. He can be funny and cool at his best, but in his worst mood he is rude and unpleasant and sheer. He can be loud and outgoing and fun - most of the time. His glass is half-full, but mostly because it makes far more sense to him than half-empty. Cody loves to be in his wolf-form, mostly because it is faster, stronger, swifter and has better senses than his other form, and he can almost always find an excuse to be in his wolf-form more than necessary.

Brief History: A rather average life. He graduated college at 22, and moved to Dominion City to follow a job. On a night lit up with a full moon, he ran in to a stray dog. It growled and barked at him, and when it got closer, Cody realized he had found a wolf. He backed away slowly, not wanting to upset the creature. It pursued him, and mauled him until his life was nearly lost. But, he escaped with his life, and found his senses to be sharpened. He considered himself lucky to be alive, until the next full moon changed him.

Delilah Aniston

Race: Werewolf

Age: 18

Appearance (Photo credit to Sabrina Cichy, model unknown):

Brief Personality:
An all-around sweet girl. She likes to voice her opinion, and doesn't always know the appropriate time to do so, but it is hard to get mad at her. Though she speaks out of context often, she knows her place and respects her elders and those in charge of her; especially Cody and Sammie.

Brief History: Nothing eventful; the girl is one of the few that are born werewolves. Delilah attends a few day classes, as she believes her education is important.Taking a few classes at a time to work around her werewolf schedule will mean it'll take longer to graduate, but she doesn't mind. She found Cody and Sammie's pack and can't imagine being without any of them.

Connor Hyde

Race: Vampire

Age: Appears 17, is really 30 years old. A fairly young vampire, changed in the eighties.

Appearance (Credit Unknown):

Brief Personality:
He is very shy and closed, but will open up eventually. He is a total spazz once you get to know him, and a great friend. Connor can be dark and pretty scary, but only because he usually can tell what's what, and can be very over-protective. Break his thick shell, and appeal to him, and you have a friend who take a bullet for you. Or, a silver-tipped wooden stake. He sees the glass as half-empty, and can be very pessimistic. SOmetimes him voicing his pessimism can ride on one's nerves, but he knows how to take care of himself. He's been doing it since he was human.

Brief History: Connor wanted to be something, and he almost was. He had one dream, and that was that his band made it to the top. He would sing his way there. His parents never thought he would get there; his music was just noise in their ears, them being classical music junkies. A son who was a hard rocker? A dissapointment. When he turned fifteen, they made him start paying for his guitars and singing lessons, and refused to drive him to concerts or rehearsals. Until he learned to drive, his band mates' parents would drive him. Connor never needed his parents' approval anyway, and he never got it.

After a concert, the seventeen-year-old voiceless and sweaty, decided he wanted to walk home. He liked being alone, and it wasn't very late, anyway. Where he lived, a few towns away from Dominion City, was fairly uneventful to begin with. And so, the boy walked, his guitar case clanking against his leg. Soon, though, a mysterious woman found him. She spoke of eternal life, of her only weaknesses being Italian food and the sun's kiss. Connor wrote her off as crazy - and then she attacked. He woke up some time later, in teh middle of the night. The woman was gone, but she left him a note. Two words scribble on a slip of paper in sloppy cursive.
Dominion City.

Name: Brooke "Birdie" Turner

Race: Vampire

Age: Appears 19, is actually 83

Appearance (Credit - Taylor Momsen):

Brief Personality: Brooke is a bit rebellious. She is rather rude and a bit shy once you first meet her, but if you give her a chance, she is nothing but a sweet heart. With a sarcastic side, of course. Once she is set on something, all bets are off. She will do anything to reach her goals, no matter the consequences. She will always ignore her own - or another's - flaws. She usually jumps before she looks, and sees the glass as half-whatever. You have half of a drink, don't you? Enjoy it!

Brief History: Brooke was sixteen when the Great Depression sprung in to place. Her family had money, but finances were still a big problem. The girl took a job waiting tables to see if she could help, and brought in a few dollars a day. One of the customers, however, was extremly suspicious. But, he attracted Brooke, and pulled her in to a dark forbidden romance that most girls dream of. Kissing her, he took her in to an alley and started unbuttoning her blouse. Brooke assumed seemingly harmless intentions - until the pressure on her neck increased. He bit her, and changed her in to a monster. Furious, she ran away from him, her new-found speed carrying her. Her bloodlust killed, and she wandered aimlessly, her murders making headlines.

Until one day, a murder of a married couple pushed her over the edge. She killed them in their own home, their blood and shredded clothes strewn across the floor. It wasn't until a boy walked in that she realized the full extent of what she had done. She had
murdered someone's parents. She had orphaned this boy. Feeling like a criminal, she fled, realizing just how empty she had been for so many years. She found Dominion CIty soon, and started her life over.

Cody, the Leader

Cody was going through some paperwork, and sat down next to Sammie to get it done. Sammie was quiet, and, as long as he was, too, wouldn't mind him working in here with her. Then, of course, Matthew tottered in and jumped on the table like some sort of animal, the force of it knocking Sammie's papers around. "Get down, Matt. Oh, and try not to taunt Sammie, she pays for your meals," Cody demanded, rubbing his temple. "Sam, we can leave you alone if you want. I'll take Matt out running...I have work to do, but nothing can get down with Matthew in the house," he asked her, shooting a look at Matt.

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah slid in to the kitchen and pulled out random pans, then went searching for ingrediants. She had a couple of hours before she had to get to class, so since everyone was home, she thought it perfect to make some lunch. That way, everyone could eat together. They rarely did that. The girl looked in the fridge. Milk. Soda. Cheese. A few cold cuts. It was basically empty. She sighed and moved to the pantry. Bread. Ceareal. More bread. A jar of black olives. Delilah rolled her eyes and moved the olives to the fridge, then got an idea. How about paninis? She could make it with the bread, cold cuts and cheese, then maybe make some sort of sauce out of the olives and milk? Okay, forget the sauce, just a few simple paninis. "I'm making lunch!"

Connor, the Downer

Connor was bored. He had organized his CDs, gone through Daniel's, bothered Brooke with some random monologue he pulled out of his ass, and sifted through his closet. What the hell did he do to pass time as a human? Play music all day? Not likely; Connor hadn't sung a note since 1985. Today wasn't the only day he found random crap to do, and it won't be the last. He was always bored. Even at night, when he could
do things. And Anna Lee had that party thing tonight...He felt like he was wasting his life, and wasn't happy about it. At all. What he needed was some sort of pick-me-up. He had heard all of Brooke's stories from the thirties. Twice. Daniel had already made him watch all sorts of boring, not in the least memorable TV shows. Huh...What was Daniel doing? With a groan, Connor stood up and checked the place he knew daniel would be. The TV room. And, of course, there he was. Sitting there with the remote in his hand, his eyes glued to the screen. Daniel looked bored, too, so Connor decided they should be bored together. It would be less boring. He sat down and watched the screen, trying to let it hold his attention. "Death and destruction? Again? What else is on?"

Brooke, the Rebel

Brooke was excited. Anna Lee was
finally taking them to one of her parties. She had been to a few before, but Anna had stopped after a while, mostly due to Connor's attitude and the destruction he rained. Now, the little blonde vampire was going through her closet, trying to find a dress. Brooke liked parties. She liked dancing and socializing, even if it was with mere mortals. Ugh, and the atmosphere! Brooke hated that Anna had stopped taking her to the galas. Maybe she could convince her coven leader to take her to more? Desses...Dresses...Brooke had a few, but they weren't for the lavish balls Anna Lee threw. They were every-day wear. Anyone who knew Anna Lee, even if one had never been to her parties. would know that the bash would be big and fancy. Would it be old-fashioned and poofy? Or sleek and elegant? Could Anna and Brooke wrestle the boys in to a tux?

With a frustrated sigh, Brooke rushed out of her room and up the stairs. "Anna! Anna, I have a question!" she called, throwing the latch and waking in to Anna's cushion of a mansion. "Anna Lee, I need to....Ugh." The blonde girl turned a corner in to the sitting room. "Anna, I have nothing to wear tonight. C-Can you help me?" she asked, taking a glass and pouring herself some of Anna's "wine".

(Sorry that took so long, my internet went out)

Anna Lee De-Fluer

As Anna was quietly sipping her drink, the second youngest vampire ran into the sitting room. Her tone was urgent, but Anna knew what it was about. Brooke was the only coven member (other than Anna) that was excited for the Charity ball tonight. For a while Anna had stopped inviting Daniel, Conner and Brooke. She couldn’t always handle them and she had a reputation in her community that she didn’t want to be soiled by a few baby vampires. She particularly liked Brooke, however. She remembered when she came across her when the vampire first entered the city. Anna kept tabs on what Vampires were in the city, merely so she could destroy them if they refused to comply with her terms. Dominion City would be
crawling with vampires if Anna had let them run wild.

“You’re welcome to my closets,” she told Brooke with a smile. “There’s a beautiful green dress on the right hand side that I think you would look very nice in.” Anna finished off her glass and placed it on the counter. Turning into the TV room, Anna found Daniel and Conner on the couch. The two boys were always the hardest to entertain; perhaps she should invest in getting a few human ‘toys’ for them. Conner may not enjoy it but Anna knew it would keep Daniel entertained for a few weeks. “Are you coming with me tonight?”

Daniel E. Hoffard

“I was under the impression that you
enjoyed the death and destruction that plagued this planet,” Daniel teased as Conner joined him in boredom. Conner was just as bored as Daniel was most of the time, although the two rarely came up with solutions to pull them out of their rut. Suddenly an idea came to Daniel, although he wasn’t sure if now would be a good time to share. Anna walked into the room, asking if the two would join her tonight. Daniel shook his head. “Conner and I have plans,” he told Anna, hoping Conner would catch on to what Daniel was getting at. He didn’t want Anna to know he wanted to do tonight; he wanted it to be a surprise.

‘Sammie’ Lyn Bradford

Sammie rolled his eyes, although she was not annoyed. She loved her pack, even when they jumped on the table and knocked over her papers. She got out of her chair and picked up the notes that had fallen to the floor. “It’s fine,” she told Cody. “I’ve been at class all morning, I could use a break.” She put her books and papers back into her book bag. “Lunch sounds great, Delilah.” There was a hint of sadness that was laced into Sammie’s words, she tried to hide her disappointment but she knew that there was nothing she could hide from her pack. “I’ll help you with Lunch,” she walked over to the kitchen to assist Delilah.

‘Matt’ Kefir Lovell

Matt reluctantly jumped off the table, scattering a few more papers. He had a lot of energy and didn’t want to waste it inside. Although if Delilah was making a lunch he might want to stick around; Delilah and Sammie were the best cooks in the house. Matt wasn’t sure if Cody was a good cook because every time Cody managed to cook something Matt claimed that it was poison and refused to eat it. He liked to annoy Cody but it was all in good fun. The last thing Matt would want is for Cody to get
actually angry at him.

“Lunch sounds good,” Matt said jumping on the ripped couch in their ‘living room’. There was a nice TV, but Matt rarely watched it. Matt had to be doing something interactive at all times and sitting still in front of a screen wasn’t his idea of fun. His idea of fun was running all over the forest, causing trouble in the city and playing the old Atari system that Sammie had bought for him a few months ago. Matt tumbled off the couch and sat back at the table. “Is it ready yet?”

Brooke, the Rebel

She smiled as she sipped her cold blood, downing the whole thing in but a moment. "Thanks, Anna. You're great, I'll get it and start getting ready in a few minutes...Unless you want to get ready with me?" she said, shooting the idea in to the air. Brooke doubted Anna Lee would want to get ready with her, but it was worth a shot. She refilled her glass, deciding it would be best to fill up as much as she could now since she couldn't go hunting tonight. After Brooke downed that glass, she followed Anna in to the TV room, where the boys sat like lumps watching the news.

Connor, the Downer

"Oh, I do. It's just all the same, now. Some guy robs a bank, shoots some lady, her family goes nuts....What else is on?" Connor told him, somewhat pleased that Daniel made that assumption. He did like hearing about murders and things like that, adding what he would do different given the situation. Oh, Susan Wright buried Jeff in the backyard, then told everyone he left her? Not bad, except that when you kill someone out of self-defense, you're supposed to call the police. If she did that, she wouldn't be in prison and be allowed on parole in 2014. Actually, Susan Wright belonged in an asylum, not a prison cell...

Connor looked up as Anna Lee and Brooke walked in. He opened his mouth to answer Anna, but Daniel beat him to it. Since Connor did not want to go with the girls, and he trusted Daniel to have come up with something fun and possibly even illegal, he immediately agreed. "Yep. Sorry, guys. Have fun, though, Birdie," he told them with a wave of his hand, stealing a glance at Daniel.

Cody, the Leader

Cody sighed and straightened up his papers. "Okay, whatever you say, Sammie...." He looked at Matthew and knit his eyebrows, his jaw set tight. "Down, boy!" he commanded, ready to wrestle Matthew off the table. Cody knew it was all fun and games, but he still had work to do, and Matthew was still infuriating. "Go help Delilah. Did you shop? We're almost out of food..."

Delilah, the Puppy

"Thanks, Sammie....I'm making paninis!" Delilah announced, stripping the wax paper off slices of cheddar. "Could you butter the bread while I set up the grill? If we're out of butter, there should be some olive oil..." She paused. "Wasn't Matthew supposed to go shopping?" She laughed lightly and unwrapped the cuts of turkey, wondering how much of a panini the sandwiches would turn out to be... Either way, they were grilled sandwiches with melted cheese and meat.

Anna Lee De-Fluer

Anna narrowed her eyes suspiciously. She knew Daniel very well and could tell when he was planning something. She’d probably hear about it later, since he made it obvious. If Daniel was doing something she would disapprove of, he would have been a lot stealthier. Perhaps Brooke had caught on to Daniel’s hint, but it didn’t matter. As long as Daniel and Conner refrained from taking one of her precious politicians, she didn’t care what they did. “Very well than, have fun with whatever you two boys are up to”. She turned to Brooke, “Let’s get ready.”

She walked up the marble steps, assuming Brooke was following. She knew Brooke would be thrilled with the large selection of makeup, dresses and shoes that Anna had. She opened the double door to her room and allowed Anna to enter. None of the other vampires would dare enter her room uninvited. The room was coated with light brown wallpaper, a walk in closet and a beautifully adorned armoire. Her bed was untouched, but the satin comforter was handsome and wrinkleless. She led Brooke over the Vanity and opened a few of the drawers, exposing the immense amount of makeup inside.

“You can use the Vanity; I’ll go grab a few dresses to pick between.” Anna flipped the switch into her closet and pulled a few dresses out and laid them on the bed for Brooke to choose from. She stepped into her bathroom and put a light layer of make up on her face, giving Brooke some time to decide on what dress she wanted.

Daniel E. Hoffard

Thankfully Conner caught on to the hint, and so did Anna. A sly smile crept to his face as he realized Ann narrowed her eyes in suspicion. He would have been surprised if she hadn’t. Anna left the living room and went upstairs. When he was sure Anna was out of earshot he turned to Conner, giving him a knowing smile. Anna could easily listen in, but Daniel was thinking that perhaps Anna liked the idea of a surprise and didn’t want to spoil it. He left Conner in suspense, waiting a few minutes until he decided to give him an explanation.

“I’ve been terribly bored lately, so I was thinking of getting a
pet.” His smile darkened. “But I want a puppy”.

‘Sammie’ Lyn Bradford

Sammie giggled lightly, whoever sent Matt shopping must have known he was terrible at grocery shopping. She found a small stick of butter and began to butter up the grill like Delilah asked. Delilah was a sweet girl and Sammie felt a responsibility for her, almost as if she were her mother. Although Sammie was only twenty two, she was far beyond her age in maturity. “We’ll have to make do with what we have for now, I’ll go shopping tomorrow”. Although she had just gotten laid off, she still had a large amount of cash in savings that she could use for food until she found another job.

‘Matt’ Kefir Lovell

“Well, I kind of did” Matt told Cody. “I got milk, soda, cheese, meat, and olives. What else is there to get?” He walked over the kitchen to Delilah, waiting for her to assign him a task. Matt wasn’t good in the kitchen, whenever he tried to cook, he spilled everything than broke most of the dishes in frustration. “What’s my mission, Captain Delilah?” he asked teasingly. Matt teased Delilah less than the other two pack members, but he was never quite sure how to act around her.

Delilah, the Puppy

"Uh, could you prep these cold cuts? I just need....Oh....Maybe eight slices, two per sandwich?" she told Matt, the grill all set up and ready to do its job. She grabbed a couple slices of bread and smeared butter on one side while she waited for the grill to get hot. "I really don't need this much help, but okay!" Delilah giggled again, in a great mood, while she laid the bread buttered-side-down on the now-hot grill. The butter sizzled the second it hit, toasting the bread as the girl laid some squares of cheese over each slice of bread.

Connor, the Downer

The girls left to get ready, leaving the boys to plot their night out. Once they were gone, he looked at Daniel, expecting to hear about some elaborate plan he had concocted in the last two minutes. Daniel waited, and if Connor was human, he would have gone crazy. But, three decades as an immortal taught him something he never expected to learn: Patience. It still sucked to wait, but he knew how to handle it. Then, finally, Daniel opened his mouth. Connor studied Daniel. "Okay....You are either going to bite some kid, take a sip, and then call him your drudge...Or, you're going to drag me to a pet store where you will commence to pet dogs." He tutted and shook his head. "I'm disappointed. I expected more from you." He paused, his own mind mixing up something that would truly piss Anna Lee off. "Unless you want to screw with a pack of wolves."

Brooke, the Rebel

Brooke followed Anna up the stairs and into her bedroom. She had only been in this room one time before, and that was about a decade ago. She couldn't even remember the situation. The room had barely changed since, and was still beautiful. The girl watched as Anna whipped out some dresses for her to choose from, each one more beautiful than the last. Brooke moved on to the make-up, just to see what she had to choose from, and squealed at the selection. "Hey, Anna?" she called. "I think I just fell in love with you." She carefully picked up a red lipstick and twisted the bottom. The color was a bright crimson. She put it down carefully and plucked up a tube of deep red lipstick.
That was definitely Brooke. But, first, a dress had to be chosen.

She looked over the selection carefully. There was a dark green dress, as Anna had promised. She wasn't sure how much she liked it, so she moved on to the next one. This dress was pretty and flowing with a sweetheart neckline, the color a light shade of pink that Brooke could only describe as vintage. She liked the sweetheart and the shape, bu the color would be washy against her pale skin and hair. The dress following that one was sleek and tight; a one-strap midnight blue gown. The fabric had a nice sheen to it, and would definitely glow under dim light. A go-to if the others weren't up to Parr.

Oh, but the last dress....A mermaid gown with Brooke's sweetheart neckline. The top was tight and satiny, the skirt flowing and soft. It had beading along the bodice and just the right amount of puff. Oh, and the color...It was the color of fresh blood. A perfect dress for a vampire. "Anna, can I wear the red one?" Brooke called, running her pale skinny fingers along the bodice.


Anna Lee De-Fluer

“Of course, Brooke,” Anna said, without looking at the dress. She applied her make up gently, as if not to tear her perfectly smooth face. She walked out of the bathroom with her make up perfectly done. A smile came to her face as she noticed the dress Brooke picked. “Wonderful choice,” she said, putting the other dresses away. She enjoyed Brooke’s features; Anna loved being surrounded by beautiful things. She went into her closet once more and put on the light, salmon pink dressed she had picked the night before. She wanted to seem innocent, and light colors were perfect. “What do you think?” Anna asked, appearing in front of Brooke in her gown.

Daniel E. Hoffard

“Not just any pack of wolves,” Daniel winked at Conner and got off the couch. “I’ve been keeping close tabs on the pack in Dominion City and I think they’d be the perfect challenge to lift us out of this rut. Think of how pleased Anna would be if she comes home from the ball and found a present waiting for her in the basement.” Daniel didn’t form the plan for Anna specifically, but pleasing her couldn’t hurt. Both Daniel and Anna were twisted in the same way, although there was a darker side to Anna that Daniel had yet to truly see. “Since its close to the full moon, a few of the wolves are bound to be running about tonight. Have you ever heard of anyone keeping one of the mutts as a pet? Imagine how
fun it would be”.

‘Sammie’ Lyn Bradford

Watching Matt and Delilah cooperate in the kitchen made Sammie feel truly at home in the large warehouse; they weren’t rich but they were happy. Sammie let Delilah and Matt handle the lunch and she sat down with Cody. He was working on some sort of paper work, she wondered what it was but she knew if it was important Cody would let her know. “Are you going out tonight?”

‘Matt’ Kefir Lovell

Matt proceeded to do as Delilah told him. Good thing he was assigned to something cold, he wouldn’t be able to accidently set it on fire. He perched himself on a chair and watched as Delilah cooked the sandwiches, his stomach growling with hunger. “How much longer?”

Connor, the Downer

Connor laughed, rather sadistically. "Oh, the joy it would bring me....Can you imagine the comedic irony? I love the way your foul little mind works!" he laughed, clapping Daniel's shoulder. "We'll follow the girls out, get the mutt, and bring it back...Oo, you should lay out some newspaper for it. We wouldn't want the slobbery, mangy, stupid mutt to make a mess on our nice floors, now, would we?" he added with a dark laugh. This would erase all boredom, and upset the girls at the same time. It was perfect.

Brooke, the Rebel

"Ugh, you look gorgeous! I love that color on you," Brooke said, covering her lips with the deep red lipstick she had picked earlier. She picked a gold and charcoal eye-shadow. On her lid, she put the charcoal, then finished with a brush of gold for an accent. A flurry of pink powder on her cheeks, but no more make-up. Her face was already clear for the most part, and she had very broad cheek bones. She didn't need anything else, so she grabbed the dress and brought it to the bathroom, slipping it on carefully. Brooke came out and looked at Anna. "Do you have a pair of pumps I could wear?" she asked with a chuckle.

(In a rush, sorry! I'll post for Del and Cody in my next post, hope you don't mind~)

Anna Lee De-Fluer

Anna wouldn’t have expected a negative remark from Brooke. She sat on her bed and played with her phone while Brooke put on her makeup. Brooke chose darker colors than Anne, which suited her personality and style. On some occasions Anna would dress in dark colors and put on shadow eye makeup and dramatic eye liner, but even when hunting she wore colors and styles that reminded her of when she was French nobility. After Brooke emerged from the bathroom she was wearing Anna’s red gown. “You look stunning, Brooke.” She dived into her closet once more and pulled out a pair of silver and black pumps. “Your choice” she said. The sun was slowly starting to set, Anna could feel it. Everything was already in place for the party, Anna had hired a few hands to take care of everything for her while she was away at the coven mansion.

Daniel E. Hoffard

“We should prepare the basement for our new pet,” Daniel said, taking Conner’s newspaper suggestion into account. They had to take a few precautions to keep the werewolf in the cellar. The basement was usually kept empty but on the rare occasion they had ‘
guests’ that was where they stayed. “There are a few provisions we must attain before we get the dog; such as a collar, a chain to keep the beast in line and a little food. And newspapers of course.” Of course whatever they got had to be pure silver, otherwise the beast could rip through the collar and chain as easily as snapping a toothpick. Daniel knew that this would be an act of war but it didn’t matter to him.

Ooc| Its fine (: I didn’t know if you wanted me to post for the vampires or not but I’ll go ahead and do it just in case. Also, who wants to get kidnapped? It’ll most likely be either Delilah or Matt, perhaps both if we can't decide

Cody, the Leader

Cody released a breath and looked at Sammie. "I don't know...If you want to, we absolutely can. I'll ask Matt and Del what they want to do..." He paused and straightened up his papers, alligning each one so that every corner was straight and matched. "Hey, Sam? You've been working really hard, what with school and that job of yours. Why don't we eat where you want tomorrow? My treat."

Delilah, the Puppy

"They'll be ready when I finish them," Delilah told Matt, constructing a sandwich and flipping it over. Matthew likes to tease, so Delilah found that if she took everything he did and threw it back in his face, he would either back down, or play along with her. After a few minutes of construction consisting of cheese and meat, and flipping and grilling, the sandwiches were finished. She took one she left to cool for a minute and held it out to Matthew. "Will you do the honors, my friend?"

Connor, the Downer

Connor snickered. "We'll get that on the way there. Sound good?" he suggested, then burst out laughing. This was the funniest, stupidest thing Connor had done since he was mortal. What took the price...Definately the time him and his then-best-friend sat in a convertable in front of a grocery store. Connor had a high-pressure water gun, his friend a camera. Every time someone came out of the store, Connor would soak them and his friend got it in video. They would go to Connor's and watch it when they were done. The only people spared were the eldery and anyone with a small child. Anyone else was fair game, and was soaked. Connor was ecorted home by the police multiple times when he was alive....

"I have one concern, my fellow felon," Connor stated, folding his arms over his chest. "They will be slobbering mutts. Guaranteed. That means they'll be stroner, and
will put up a fight. Don't get me wrong, I'll fight. No problem. But...There is no way I am dealing with Anna Lee if some dog trashes her stuff. Any ideas, save silver?" Silver was a good tool to have when dealing with werewolves, but it didn't do much. It merely weakened them, but they were still strong. Unless, of course, you exposed the wolf to a lot of silver. "Maybe we could beat it with Anna's silverware?"

Brooke, the Rebel

"Thanks, Anna," Brooke said, studying her reflection. Earlier she had curled her hair in to tight ringlets, but her hair was very straight. and held curls poorly. The curls had been lost and her hair was stuck in weak waves. She released a sigh and curled a strand in with her finger but, of course. it fell back straight. She turned to Anna, who was holding two pairs of shoes for her to choose from. One pair was silver, the other was black. The silver would be beautifully elegant, but wouldn't go with Brooke' make-up or personality. So, she took the black ones from Anna and slipped them on to her feet. "Ha ha! We look fabulous. Is it dark yet?" Unlike other vampires, Brooke was very comfortable with Anna Lee De'Fleur. She knew Anna liked her, and she liked Anna, too. Brooke had never had fine things, but Anna was a fine thing herself. Brooke felt spoiled around her.

(I think Delilah would be safest, that sweet little baby can't fight back X) Both would be far more comedic, plus Matt would run in to Brooke.)

Anna Lee De-Fluer

“As a matter of fact it is,” Anna said, gently taking Brooke’s hand and leading her out the door. “We’ll drive the car down to the opera house and we’ll take the town car from there. We wouldn’t want to show up driving our own car, it isn’t classy”. Everyone who was going to the party would be expecting nothing but the best from Anna Lee. “And I can trust you’ll be on your best behavior, we wouldn’t want anyone getting suspicious.” Anna stepped into the garage and the automatic door began to open. The black Rolls Royce purred when Anna turned the car on. “Are you ready?”

Daniel E. Hoffard

“I guess we could use horse tranquilizers or something,” Daniel suggested. “I know Anna Lee has a collection of them and a few other drugs in the kitchen cabinet.” He wasn’t sure if Conner knew that stealing precious items wasn’t the only thing that kept Anna Lee so filthy rich. One the side Anna was a well-known supplier, importing drugs from Nigeria, Columbia and a few other European countries. “We’d have to get more though; Anna only keeps enough in case a surprise deal pops up.”

‘Sammie’ Lyn Bradford

“Um,” Sammie was a little nervous after Cody’s offer. “How about I take you out tonight instead, my treat?” She’d tell Cody she got let go when he was in the best mood possible. She wasn’t afraid of Cody being angry with her; she just didn’t want to disappoint him. As the alphas they were supposed to protect and take care of the pack; Sammie couldn’t fulfill her role if she was unemployed and broke.

‘Matt’ Kefir Lovell

“Of course my dead,” Matt said in a British accent. He wasn’t sure if Delilah wanted him to give the sandwich to Cody/Sammie or to eat it himself but he took a large bite out of the delicious sandwich. “Delicious,” he said, winking to Delilah. He took the other two plates and delivered them to Cody and Sammie, balancing them on his fingers. “Here ‘ya go!” Matt picked up a little on their conversation and turned to Delilah. “Hey, we should go on a run tonight. If Sammie and Cody get to go out, so should we.”

Ooc| Well I think it might make sense character-wise to kidnap both, since Daniel would be bored with a wolf that didn’t fight him. He’s looking for something to growl and bite back. And if it was easy they'd take Delilah just for the fun of it.

Cody, the Leader

"No, you deserve it. I feel bad that you have to work your tail off, and - Thanks, Matt. What was I saying?" Cody babbled, inpecting the sandwich half-heartedly. "Oh, right...Heh. No, I am higher on the totem pole than you are. You can't take
me out, I invited you first. Pick a restaurant." He took of the panini, and immediately knew who did most of the work in the kitchen. Sweet Delilah could never say no to Matthew.

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah was standing in the kitchen, drinking a grape soda and gnawing on her panini knock-off. She looked at Matt and smiled. "Sure, that'd be great. I'll have to work off this panini, anyway. We can leave when we're done with our sandwiches, sound good?" She offered a smile and sipped her soda. Matt was a fun guy, and she enjoyed being with him one-on-one. Everyone in this pack was a member of her family.

Connor, the Downer

"That sounds good...We can poke them with it when we enter the neighborhood, then." Connor paused and listened, then heard the garage door closing. he smirked darkly and shut the TV off, then looked at Daniel. "They just left. Let's go catch us a puppy, shall we?

Brooke, the Rebel

Brooke stepped in to the garage and danced her way to the car. "You can expect me to behave like a true lady," she assured Anna, fastening her seat belt, careful of the dress's beading. She looked at Anna and flashed a smile. "I am most certainly ready." Her smile turned in to a smirk. "Drive, girl!"

(SOunds good, I love it!)

Anna Lee De-Fluer

The two beautifully dressed and decorated vampires made their way from their house in the middle of the redwood mountains to the opera theater in the middle of town. After learning how to drive the years cars came were invented, Anna knew what she was doing and could drive ninety miles an hour and make every turn smoothly. Anna parked her car in a special garage she owned in the city for the purpose of keeping the coven a secret. She stepped out of the vehicle and out onto the streets. The black town car was already waiting for Brooke and Anna. The driver had been waiting for over an hour, but he wouldn’t mention it to Anna. “Sorry we’re late!” Anna said to the driver, in the sweetest voice she could muster. The driver smiled at her, said it was OK and proceeded to drive to the mansion. When the two pulled up to the white and gold mansion, the lights illuminated the entire street. Limousines and town cars were dropping off passengers in the circular drive way that led up to the front steps of the grand manor. Anna exited the car first, letting Brooke follow. When they finally reached the inside Anna turned to Brooke. “What do you think?” Anna had invited the most powerful and beautiful of Dominion City, and had hired an army of guards to shield the party from the paparazzi. Everyone was dressed in the most beautiful of dresses and gowns.

Daniel E. Hoffard

“I’d like to play with them a bit first,” Daniel said. “Let’s take the van,” he suggested, opening the door to the garage. There was a fair amount of cars in their large garage, but they were usually only used when they needed to transport something or for social events. Once they got the werewolf they’d have to get it to the house. “Oh hey, let me grab something”. Daniel ran into the house, returning with a small bundle of clothes. “I can only assume that they’ll change back to their human form once we hit them with the tranquilizers and I’d rather not have its naked body bounce around in the back of my favorite van.”

‘Sammie’ Lyn Bradford

Sammie was slightly frustrated with Cody’s stubbornness but agreed to his terms. He did bring up a valid point, being ontop of the totem pole and all. “How about Italian?” Anyone who knew Sammie would remember her love for Italian food. Whenever the restaurant was picked by her, they’d be eating fettuccini and noodles. She thanked Matt with a smile when she handed him the sandwich, although he almost dropped hers on the floor. She ate the food slowly, thanking Delilah for the delicious meal.

‘Matt’ Kefir Lovell

“Sounds great!” Matt loved running through the redwoods at night, there was no fear of being spotted by a random human. He got to go with Delilah this time, which promised to be interesting. The two didn’t run solo together very often, usually Matt ran with Cody. Matt finished off the food as quickly as it was handed to him and bounced around the warehouse until Delilah was ready to go.

Cody, the Leader

Cody shook his head at her, but he was smiling. "Alright, Sam. You are so gladdeningly predictable. If you want to go now, we certainly can. But, I have these bills, and I know you have some schoolwork." He paused to take a bite of Delilah's sandwich. It was toasted perfectly, the outside of the bread burned and the contents warm and melty. "What ever you want to do, I'll do it."

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah ate slowly, just to irk Matt. She wasn't surpried when he started bouncing around, but still laughed at him as he did. "Dude, calm down. I'm done, and we can go now" she told him, rinsing her hands off in the sink. She looked at Matt, shaking her hands at light speed to dry them. "You're crazy; let's go." Running with Matt was guaranteed to be a...different experiance. The two never seemed to get past small talk and mild banter, and rarely ran together alone.

Connor, the Pessimist

Connor laughed and grabbed the keys of the van. "I absolutely agree with you. Wolves are gross." After they tapped in to Anna'a drugs and loaded three syringes, they were on their way to the garage. Connor climbed in the driver's seat, not bothering to ask Daniel if he wanted to drive, and put the key in the ignition. While he waited for the garage door to open all the way, he looked at Daniel. "How do you think Anna Lee and Brooke will react? I think Anna will be either thrilled or pissed, but I know Brooke will be pissed." The garage was wide open, now. "Because Brooke likes to be mad at us, and will find any excuse to be," he added in a harsh mutter as he pulled out of the drive.

Brooke, the Rebel

Stepping out of the car after Anna Lee, Brooke was immediately taken aback. The venue was gorgeous, and Brooke was quickly impressed. Especially by the people. Of course, Anna had only invited high-class politicans and such. They were mortal, and their jobs bored her, but wow....They all looked stunning. Dressed in clean tuxedos and lavish gowns....Brooke felt plain for a moment, and had to remind herself how gorgeous she was. "Anna...I love it. I mean, I just....I love it."

Anna Lee De-Fluer

Anna loved surprising Brooke with images of grandeur and beautiful scenes. She dreaded the day when Brooke would become accustomed to the wealth and the beauty. For the time being, Anna loved to bring her to the parties every once and a while, dress her up and present her to the crowd as her darling, orphaned step sister. It made them both appear sympathetic and weak, although the two girls were the opposite of what the rich crowd thought of them. “I’m glad,” Anna took Brooke’s hand as gentle as before and led her to the main hall. “Wait here for a moment,” Anna left Brooke’s side and got upon a podium set in the center of the room. She made a quick speech, thanking all the donors for their generous contributions and it would be used for the research and development of assisting children with fatal diseases. She finished her speech with a toast and the crowd clapped elegantly. Anna stepped off the podium and returned to Brooke. “I have a few politicians I must deal with, I’ll return to you shortly. Feel free to wander into any room in the house, it is quiet large.”

Daniel E. Hoffard

“I think Anna will love her new pet. Brooke on the other hand, I’m not so sure. You know her better than I do.” He watched as Conner navigated through the forest path. “I’ve caught their scent near Hangman’s Lagoon, so let’s start hunting there.” Eventually the van reached a dusty parking lot and Daniel jumped out the vehicle and ran ahead, unable to contain his excitement. “Ah the thrill of the hunt,” he whispered to himself.

‘Sammie’ Lyn Bradford

“I’d like to work on my school work for an hour or two, then we can leave”. Sammie had put off doing her work for long enough. She didn’t mind doing it with Cody in the room, in fact she enjoyed it. Strangely, she enjoyed being in Cody’s presence. Perhaps it was due to her position of the alpha female; she wanted to be near him. Sammie grabbed her book bag from across the room and began her work while Cody worked on the bills.

‘Matt’ Kefir Lovell

Matt was bouncing off the walls until Delilah finally finished her food and they could go. The warehouse was conveniently close to the edge of the city and as soon Matt was in the comfort of the trees, he threw off his clothes and shifted. The change was almost painless, being so close to the full moon. His paws landed on the forest floor and he kept running. Hopefully Delilah could keep up with him. Suddenly a new smell invaded his nostrils and his eyes widened. He looked toward Delilah, hoping she could smell the scent too. He flashed her a wolfish grin and darted off toward the scent that smelled suspiciously like a vampire. He was always looking for a fight, and it seemed this time the fight came to him.

Cody, the Leader

"Okay, I'm almost done, anyway. I'm glad Matt and Delilah are going running...They're either screwing with each other, or a mile apart. I was getting irritated, to be honest." He shut up so he could focus, and so Sammie could work on her papers and worksheets and watever else. College was a blur in Cody's mind; all he remembered was the parties and the drugs.

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah wandered away from Matt to peel off her clothes and shift, still not comfortable enough to do either with any of her "family members". She trotted out from behind the tree and broke in to a run after Matt. Not long after, a sweet scent filled her nostrils and throat, almost choking her. She veered away from it, looking fora place to turn away from the vampires. She would have if...Matt...hadn't...ran towards them. The little wolf barked at him, a growl ripping through her black lips. What was he doing? Stupid Matt was looking for a fight. delilah, feeling responsible for any trouble he got in to, ran after him, barking and growling and snapping her teeth at his ankles. Anything to keep him away from bloodsuckers.

Connor, the Pessimist

"Ugh, I should have let you drive. This is the stupidest thing I've ever done," Connor muttered, but he was smiling. He turned a corner and stopped at the edge of the thick woods. Once the keys were out of the ignition, her stuffed them in to his pocket. "Get out. We're going on foot," he ordered Daniel. The wolves would definately smell them coming. They didn't need to hear them. The wolves had sharpened senses and powerful jaws, but Connor and Daniel had some nasty teeth of their own, combined with strength and speed. The were equal competitors, to a degree, but Connor and Daniel were cheating. They had tranquilizer darts.

Brooke, the Rebel

Brooke let Anna take her hand and followed her inside, gathering he dress delicately between four fingers. The girl was very good in heels, and could even rush up the stairs in heels as tall as four inches. It was a useful skill she was rather proud of.

If the outide was impressive, the inside was sensational. High cielings and grad chandeliers. Detailed hard flooring and grad stair-cases. "I think I could be a Duchess...Or, at least live like one. Yeah?" she joked with a flash of teeth, glancing at Anna as she excued herself. Brooke wanted to listen to her speak, but got bored immediately and looked around at the room some more. She was one of, if not the, youngest person there, and probably the only one who colored on converses with sharpie and skateboarded with some punk-ass emo kid from the eighties.

When Anna told her she had permission to wander wherever she wanted, she got excited. "Oh, I will. I'll meet you later. And, I'll try not ay anything stupid to these people. Youre great; my new favorte person. Love ya!" She then broke off and snuck her way to the staircase. She felt like a princess, and wished she could bottle the feeling for a rainy day.

Anna Lee De-Fluer

-I was thinking I could lay off posting for Anna and Sammie so the action could pass by a lot smoother-

Daniel E. Hoffard

Without breaking a single twig, Daniel sped through the forest flowing the gross scent that could only be one thing; vampires. Their senses were keen, but Daniel knew he was faster than any wolf gallivanting through the forest. Daniel stopped for a moment and held his hand up as if to stop Conner. The beast was heading directly for them; in fact there were two of them. Either the wolf had no sense of smell or he was incredibly idiotic. Since there were also two vampires, it was an even playing field. Daniel nodded towards Conner, getting his syringe ready. The first werewolf burst through the bushes and Daniel dodged the attack, letting Conner have the first one.

‘Matt’ Kefir Lovell

The scent was getting closer, and Matt’s heart was beating faster. He completed ignored Delilah’s warning bites; his lust for battle was too strong. Ever since the death of his parents he had a hatred for the entire race. He needed to find the vampire and kill him like the insect he/she was. He couldn’t tell how many there were, but as soon as he burst into the clearing he jumped at the first vampire he saw. He blindly attacked Conner, baring his teeth and clawing whatever he could get a hold of.

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah skidded to a halt while Matt flew forward, her claws scraping the dirt and sending dead leaves and soil flying. She crouched and bared her teeth, a growl and stray strings of saliva rippling from her powerful jowls. Stupid Matt was on top of a vampire whose whole aura made her very, very nervous. But, Matt knew how to handle himself, so she studied the other vampire. Delilah would have taken off running, leaving the danger behind, but how could she leave her pack mate? She couldn't, so she stared down the vampire in front of her, waiting for him to attack her. There was no way she would be like Matthew.

Connor, the Pessimist

Connor halted when Daniel signalled to, and watched the wolves approach. One was smaller than the other; it must have been a male and female pair. She was snapping her teeth and growling, trying to get her pack mate away from the vampires. Okay, so she was smarter; the male wa oviously a powerhouse looking for a fight. Connor decided he would rather take on the male, since braun without brains was easily beat. As he decided this, the male pounced, teeth and claws bared. Daniel moved out of his way to let him at Connor. He was going to get him for that later, but was glad he got to take on the brain-dead wolf.

The werewolf was on top of him, scratching and clawing where ever he could. Connor grit his teeth to the point of pain and grabbed the wolf by the scruff of its neck, his other hand tangled in the fur of the beast's underbelly. Tapping in to his vampire strength, he threw his arms back and uncoiled his fingers, sending the creature flyng backward and, if Connor calculated correctly, in to a thick, hard redwood.

(No problem =))

Daniel E. Hoffard

The other wolf behind the male slowed to a stop, waiting for Daniel to make the first move. He stepped around her, using his favorite element of suspense. He didn’t want her to know when he’d strike, much less what attack he’d use. Daniel wasn’t usually one for the first strike, but perhaps he didn’t have to make one. While he was eyeing the female, he kept tabs on Conner’s fight. The male wolf attacking mercilessly, although Conner could easily outmaneuver him and he did as he threw the wolf into a tree.

‘Matt’ Kefir Lovell

Matt sunk his teeth in the vampire, not appreciating the foul taste. His bite didn’t last as long as he thought he should before the wolf was sent flying into the trunk of a large redwood tree. Matt felt the pain of the bark rub up his spine, but he ignored the pain and drove straight into battle again. Matt used the same tactic as before, trying to overpower the vampire with his strength and claws.

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah cursed mentally, not letting the vampire out of her sight. She tried hard to keep Matt in her sight range, ready to help him if he needed her help. Vampires were slime. She had no idea why they were here, but Matt just attacking them? Not the smartest move; they were probably just passing through. The little wolf girl snarled at the vampire before her, her fur spiked. When he moved, she moved with him. She would not be taken by surprise.

Connor, the Pessimist

As the wolf summersaulted behind him, Connor scrambled to his feet. But, of course, the beast bounced back and was on him again. The vampire instinctively raised his arms as a sort of make-shift shield, not thinking twice about what the werewolf could do. Its teeth found his wrist, the force knocking him back. He grit his teeth in numbing pain and brought his knee up, pushing his arm farther back in to the wolf's mouth. The desired effect would choke the wolf, but would injire him further. Connor cursed rather loudly, but kept pushing back.

Daniel E. Hoffard

The game that had Daniel had built was slowly evolving. He knew that after one wolf was captured it’d send chaos through the pack, but two wolves? The game kept getting better. The female continued to pace with Daniel, refusing to make the first move; but Daniel had a plan. Somehow Conner had managed to choke the beast, sending it back gasping for breath. Daniel seized the opportunity. In a second’s time, Daniel pinned the wolf down. “Now!” Daniel yelled, hopping Conner could get the syringe into the large wolf before the female attacked. The wolf clawed and snarled, but he was still weakened from whatever move Conner pulled on him.

‘Matt’ Kefir Lovell

Matt sunk his teeth in the Vampire’s repulsive flavored skin once more, this time locking in on his wrist. He didn’t expect for the vampire to push it farther down his throat, chocking him in the process. The wolf coughed, pulling his head back as far as he could to get away from the vampire. He moved his body erratically until he was finally free. He pulled his head to the ground, trying to regain breath that the vampire had taken from him, when he was attacked from the rear. The other vampire knocked him to the ground and Matt was pinned. He tried to get out from under his grasp but he didn’t have the breath and the vampire was as strong as he was. Matt desperately tried to bite his attacker but he couldn’t get a good hold.

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah was distracted by Matt. He was...being choked. The vampire he was facing was quick on his feet, and had Matt beaten. She looked to the vampire she was dancing with, only to see a flash of fabric and him on top of Matt. She barked and watched as the freaky one injected her friend with some sort of drug. Before he could finish, she tackled him. Delilah couldn't fight as well as she should, but she was strong.

Connor, the Pessimist

He had the wolf right where he wanted him. Finally, he jumped back, coughing and gasping for air. Daniel jumped him then, and pinned the oxygen deprived beast down. Connor jumped up, his wrist badly gnarled, and grabbed the syringe with his left hand. He injected it in to the wolf's neck and...Was tackled by a tiny she-wolf. He cursed, even louder than before, and managed to take her down. One hand pushed on her muzzle, his knees tacked on to her ribs. She struggled and barked and spat, but Connor had her beat. "Give me a hand, Daniel, you lazy ass."

(At work, sorry~)

Daniel E. Hoffard

Conner had injected the wolf with the horse tranquilizer and then the littler wolf tackled Conner. The male wolf was still a little dazed but the female had tackled Conner before he finished injecting him. The syringe was still in the beast’s neck so Daniel finished the job. He jumped off the male and then went to help Conner with the female. He sauntered over and placed a hand on top of her head and gave the wolf a soft stroke. The wolf struggled, but he knew Conner could her down while he teased her. He held his index finger to his lips and calmly shushed her. Then, with a little more strength than necessary, Daniel stabbed the wolf with the syringe. When he turned around, the male was still struggling to endure the drug. “I’ll put him out of his misery,” Daniel said, smiling at Conner. Daniel grabbed the beast’s neck and injected him with another dose of tranquilizer. The wolf whined and dropped to the floor without a fight.

‘Matt’ Kefir Lovell

No matter how hard he tried, Matt couldn’t break free. Panic pulsed through his body when the vampire impaled Matt with a syringe. Matt howled and whined, trying to get away but the other vampire intended to finish the job. They were injecting him with some sort of drug, but Matt didn’t know what kind. All he knew was that his body was slowing down and his vision was getting blurry. Was the other vampire still on him? Probably not, Matt slowly turned his head; the vampire had gone to attack Delilah. He slowly pulled himself off the ground and growled at the vampires attacking Delilah, as if he could still fight. Matt blinked and before and he knew it he was face to face with the same vampire that held him down before. He tried to struggle as the vampire held him by the neck and injected him once more. He let out a distressed whine and dropped to the floor. Before he knew it, he was changing out of his wolf form. He arched his back and moaned with pain, the forced change was painful. The hair slowly disappeared from his body and he turned from wolf to human. The large, monstrous wolf revealed itself to be nothing more than a teenager in human form. Matt tried to prop himself up on his arms but fell before onto the dirt. “I swear I’m going…to kill you.” Matt’s words came out slow and pained. His eyes rolled back in his head he fell unconscious.

ooc| Its cool (:

Delilah, the Puppy

Delilah struggled and barked as hard and loud as she could. She threw her head back and howled, but knew that none in her pack could hear her. Matt was unconcious, the vampire had her pinned....What was going on? They were just on a run. They were just - Delilah yelped as a needle entered her flesh. She immediately felt dizzy, but the vampire on top of her eased up. She stood and barked, only to stumble with a whine. The ground rised to her cheek, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Her spine contracted, her claws dropping from her fingers like drops of water. Her paws became hands and feet, and her fur vanished. The little she-wolf was human again, her hair shrowding her naked back as she lost conciousness.

Connor, the Pessimist

When the she-wolf started to change, Connor let go of her. He looked at the bigger wolf on the ground, now a teenager who couldn't have been older than seventeen. He threatened to kill them. Connor couldn't help but laugh, smirking while the boy passed out. He was going to be out for a while..."We got away with it!" Connor hooted, throwing his head back and laughing. "Dude....That was really stupid, I - Ow...." He lifted his arm and yanked his sleeve back. Just looking at the wound brought on the pain, and he felt like he was slammed back on to the ground. "This is painful....That...Sucks...I blame you for this, you slimey little - Oh, okay, ow...I can't yell at you right now...." He pulled his sleeve back up and dropped his arm. "How do you suppose we get them to the van, genious?"

Daniel E. Hoffard

Conner’s enthusiasm brought a smirk to Daniel’s face. Conner was injured, but Daniel was unharmed. He didn’t have to fight the slobbering, manic wolf like Conner had to. “It’ll heal by the time we get home,” Daniel told Conner. He wasn’t quite sure if it would, but vampires were never wounded for too long. “And we carry them, of course”. Daniel picked up the girl and slung her over his shoulder. He thought for a moment and then took the boy as well. Daniel had enough strength to spare and Conner didn’t seem fit to carry anything until his wound healed up. “Let’s go,” Daniel said, heading back to the car with extreme speed. Reaching the van, Daniel threw open the sliding door, throwing the two wolves in the back. He sighed and reached for the bundle of clothes he had gotten earlier. He wasn’t sure if they’d be catching a male or female so luckily, he brought two pairs of clothes. As quick as he could, he dressed the two and sat in the front seat waiting for Conner to take them back to the Mansion. “We better hurry so we get home before the girls”. He looked into the backseat; he had dressed the boy in a pair of his old dark black shorts and he the girl in a black sports bra and black shorts. The girl’s clothes were Brooke’s but hopefully she wouldn’t notice, Daniel hadn’t seen her in them for a while. Daniel reached back again and fitted the collars that they had picked up for them on the way over. “Aren’t they cute?” Daniel asked sarcastically.

‘Sammie’ Lyn Bradford

“OK, you ready to go?” Sammie asked Cody. She pulled her coat off the couch and grabbed her purse, slipping her wallet inside. Hopefully after Sammie gave him the news he would let her pay for the meal. She cleaned her book off the table and waited for Cody to be ready to go. “How do you think Delilah and Matt are doing?” Sammie asked, strangely feeling like something had gone wrong. Sammie liked to trust her instincts, but if Cody didn’t feel like she did maybe she could blow of the suspicion.

Ooc| I thought it’d be a good time to Bring back Cody and Sammie.


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