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Fantasy Silver Pack-Werewolves


Do the monster mash...
Okay everybody! This is where you sign up as a character. Please include the following information:


Age: (moons or human years)

Appearance: (Can be picture) In wolf and human

Bit or Born:



Rank and Challenge for Rank:

Writing Style/Preference:

And put the words "Anaconda don't know nothing about buns, Hun"

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Name: Hilary Silm

Age: 19






Bit or Born: I was born a werewolf.

Personality: I'm usually nice, at least in human form, and in wolf form, I do my job. Andaconda's don't know nothing about buns, hun

Backstory: Um...I was born in the camp. My parents died in a hunting accident. Not much to say about me. I rose the ranks to be the head scout, and I love doing my job. I am also a mentor for anyone interested in becoming a scout. I have a second in command, and that is . My most trusted friend. We grew up together and when I won the challenge for Head Scout, he/she was immediately appointed to Second in Command.

Rank and Challenge for Rank: I am Head Scout and the challenge is a fight. Mentor as well. There's no challenge for that.

Writing Style/Preference: As long as I understand it, I'm good.​
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I can tell your pointing at something, and no I can not see it.

no slide
no slide


Vedix is a very...blunt person. Speaking his mind no matter how it will affect the other party. He isn't one to joke and is quite serious most of the time. Though he's quite calm in nature, it would take a hole hell of a lot to annoy him to the point where he would have to say something. Vedix is also extremely diligent, taking extreme care and pride into a task he enjoys.


"My father, an amazing hunter in the pack and was ecstatic when I was born. Wanting me to follow in his footsteps. When they found I was blind, everything went downhill from there."


"I think I would rather be damned in hell than an omega."


"If you are talking about someone wanting to join the pack, then testing all senses except sight."

Theme song


Despite being blind, Vedix always seems to know where he's going...most of the time.



Name: Violet “Vi” Ashford

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Bit or Born: Born a werewolf.

Personality: Vi is extremely outgoing and isn't afraid to voice her opinion. Through all the years of hiding from humans she has learned to control her temper though it is still short. She is very stubborn and sarcastic most of the time though she knows where her loyalties lie. She is protective of her pack and will never let harm come to them.

Backstory: Both of Vi's parents were werewolves. They were both bitten. Her mother was killed by the birth of her. Her father, in all of his grief left Vi and ran off. She was only a baby then, and thankfully someone found her. The woman's name was Maria and she took her in and raised her as her own child. She taught Vi how to fight in both of her forms. Once she was old enough she knew she wanted to lead a pack and so she went on her to find her own.

Rank: Female Alpha had to find members and show that she can hold her ground.

Writing Style: Anything that makes sense is fine with me.
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Name: Cadence Sheffield

Age: 22




Bit or Born: Bit

Personality: Cadence is a very passionate person. Her personality varies from time to time, although she isn't bipolar. She is very impatient, and has a very short temper. She falls into and out of love very easily, whether it be for other werewolves, things, and hobbies. She is easily influenced, and isn't always the most loyal person around. She tends to be ignorant, and follows her heart, instead of her head. This causes her to make bad decisions, because she doesn't always apply her logic. She can be naive, however, she is good at keeping secrets, and is a genuinely kind person, whatever her mood may be.

Backstory: Cadence was very close to her family, and they all lived very happily, until the age of six, when a house fire killed both her parents and her sister. She was adopted by a kind, old man, who turned out to be a werewolf, and bit her. At first, she was in shock, but gradually she came to accept this new life, and the man taught her everything he knew. Under his apprenticeship, she learned how to fight and soon became a skilled fighter. However, when she was sixteen, the man had become too weak to fight and was poached. Cadence ran for her life, until she met her current pack and quickly climbed up the ranks to become the female beta.

Rank and Challenge for Rank: Female Beta, challenge is death. If you kill her, you can become beta.

Writing Style/Preference: Anything I can understand too. From semi-casual to detailed.

Anaconda don't know nothing about buns, Hun
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Name: Eden Smithe

Age: 15

Appearance: (Can be picture)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpg.6aaabe9fed36b828caf272a14d05d232.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpg.6aaabe9fed36b828caf272a14d05d232.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bit or Born:Bit

Personality: Eden is friendly and very outgoing. He loves to tell jokes (very very annoying ones, mostly puns) and have fun.

He isn't very responsible and has a hard time making tough decisions. He is weak and inexperienced but is extremely loyal. He would die to protect anyone in the group. If people wanna piss him off they call him Eddy.

Backstory: Eden was born to a poor family in a very rural area. He was the youngest of his family and had a hard time getting along with his brothers. He was picked on and left to dry. One day, Eden's mother fell very, very ill. It was a sickness that had never been seen by any doctor. No doctor had any Idea how to cure it and so Eden's parents gave up. None of Eden's siblings had any idea what to do. Seemingly out of nowhere, Eden packed his belongings and set out to find a cure for his mother. He wanted to impress his brothers and gain their respect, but also save his mother from certain death. Eden was very poor at navigation, however, and became very very lost. He was bitten by a werewolf in the middle of the night. Eden himself fell very ill one night in the forrest, alone. Or at least he thought. Eden had lost hope, had no food or water when the pack came across him. By some miracle they let him tag along, and he has been doing their dirty work ever since. One day, Eden hopes to gain their respect and be fully welcomed in the pack. The pack have not yet granted him his own cabin, and nobody lets him sleep in theirs, (yet!), so he sleeps in a lean to behind everyone else's cabins.

Rank and Challenge for Rank: I was hoping that he could be like the odd one out or one that did errands that the others wouldn't be bothered with. Like the lowest ranking, the newbie.

Writing Style/Preference: Casual, very casual.

Andaconda's don't know nothing about buns, hun

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpg.799b8a25804d9582e24dc52ec2541158.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpg.799b8a25804d9582e24dc52ec2541158.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/BeginnerSwordsman_zps4ac0f8f5.jpg.70ee1aafa9dd5bef8aef743f54575711.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98134" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/BeginnerSwordsman_zps4ac0f8f5.jpg.70ee1aafa9dd5bef8aef743f54575711.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Felicia Frisma

Age: 24




Bit by accident and found by pack.

Personality: she probably doesn't like you. Why don't you not piss her off?

Backstory: "Abusive parents. Ran away when I wasthirteen. Bit by some idiot. Pack found me. That's it."

Rank: Hunter

Writing style: As long as I understand it.

Anacondas don't know nothing aboutbuns hun.
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Lexi Abagail

Age: 16


Lexi can be hot tempered at times but she means well.

She's stubborn and persistent, caring and sweet though she can be a bit annoying at times without noticing.

She enjoys helping people when needed and honestly picks favorites at times.

She's emotional and a bit tooo sensitive at times.

She's not the brightest person that you will find but she is athletic when times of need.
Human Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Redhair.jpg.a30eb58a72888dbd044f30f2225cfb83.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Redhair.jpg.a30eb58a72888dbd044f30f2225cfb83.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wolf Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7019f644_redwolf.jpg.f726879cbaf1811eb41556bde07f672b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7019f644_redwolf.jpg.f726879cbaf1811eb41556bde07f672b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bit or Born: Bitten


Born and raised in a family of medics, rich and famous and known for being the best of the best medics.

Father is a doctor as her mother is a nurse

Brothers and sisters learning how to be just like them as Lexi is learning herself.

Though, she wasn't really able to act herself ever since she went into the woods because she found a 'short cut'

Even though she isn't the brightest person, she's smart in academics but not in real life situations.

She panics more than she should but she is calm when you are in pain.

She only wants to help you with all she knows so far.

But ever since she was bitten by a wolf, she ran away scared that she will hurt her family since she can't control herself on when she's a wolf and how she acts as a wolf.

Rank and Challenge for Rank: Nurse please

Writing Style/Preference: As long as I understand it but my grammar isn't the best at times and I forget words and spell things wrong, I'm sorry.

Anaconda don't know nothing about buns, Hun"



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xMellowmint said:


Lexi Abagail

Age: 16


Lexi can be hot tempered at times but she means well.

She's stubborn and persistent, caring and sweet though she can be a bit annoying at times without noticing.

She enjoys helping people when needed and honestly picks favorites at times.

She's emotional and a bit tooo sensitive at times.

She's not the brightest person that you will find but she is athletic when times of need.

Human Form:

View attachment 218508

Wolf Form:

View attachment 218509

Bit or Born: Bitten


Born and raised in a family of medics, rich and famous and known for being the best of the best medics.

Father is a doctor as her mother is a nurse

Brothers and sisters learning how to be just like them as Lexi is learning herself.

Though, she wasn't really able to act herself ever since she went into the woods because she found a 'short cut'

Even though she isn't the brightest person, she's smart in academics but not in real life situations.

She panics more than she should but she is calm when you are in pain.

She only wants to help you with all she knows so far.

But ever since she was bitten by a wolf, she ran away scared that she will hurt her family since she can't control herself on when she's a wolf and how she acts as a wolf.

Rank and Challenge for Rank: Nurse please

Writing Style/Preference: As long as I understand it but my grammar isn't the best at times and I forget words and spell things wrong, I'm sorry.

Anaconda don't know nothing about buns, Hun"
I was literally going to make a red head nurse omg gurl xD

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.b2c69b117f07869652459544d7fe9970.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98230" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.b2c69b117f07869652459544d7fe9970.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ian Lynch

Age: 20

Bit or Born: Born

Personality: Ian is strong and fearless, he doesn't care how violent or crazed he gets in front of people. That being said he has extreme anger issues and anything can make him snap. He can be a real hard ass, but he really means well. To people that he is close to he treats them like they are the king or queen. Being overly nice and little too sweet. He hates how angry he can get and tries to make up for it through his top of the line hunting skills. He tries to impress others, but it never really works.

Backstory: He was born and raised as a hunter, he never got love, he never gave love. Got into too many fights and didn't know how to control his temper and got kicked out of his pack. and Then he found this pack and his life changed.

Rank and Challenge for Rank: Head hunter

Writing Style/Preference: As long as it's understandable.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.df3b1748a05aa2d7bc16b8c2cef4a5e4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98232" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.df3b1748a05aa2d7bc16b8c2cef4a5e4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Almost forgot: Anaconda don't know nothing about buns, Hun​



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Name: Elliot Park

Age: 23


Bit or Born: Bit

Personality: Elliot is a very sly but easygoing guy, he likes to joke around and have fun with others but can be serious when he needs to be.He's very cunning and charming, as he's naturally very agile he likes taking a more stealthy approach rather than rushing head on to most situations. He doesn't usually open up to others and can be distant at times when he's upset but tries his best not to be a burden on others. Although sometimes he's a bit shortsighted,everything he does is for his pack and he will protect them at all costs.

Backstory: Elliot was always a bit distant with others, keeping his friends and family at arms reach most of his life. Naturally he became lonely and had a rough time getting along with others as he was scared to open up to anyone. He always did things by himself and that almost became his undoing, on one of his solo hiking trips he got lost in the vast expanse of woods with no one to come help him. Nearing disparity he was found by a pack and given a second chance, he was bitten and adopted into their pack where they taught him how to hunt and co-operate with the pack, slowly opening up and becoming close with the others until finally things turned for the worst. His pack was challenged by other wolves and defeated, the few who weren't killed went their own ways to find a new life. This is how he found himself with a new pack, slowly growing a new family for himself and others.

Rank and Challenge for Rank: Alpha Male

Writing Style/Preference: As long as I understand it.

Andaconda's don't know nothing about buns, hun

Name: Zaydah Rayne

Age: (moons or human years) 17 Human years

Appearance: (Can be picture) In wolf and human



Bit or Born: Bit at 12

Personality: She is very soft spoken and shy, unless your kind to her, then she loves to talk to you in her rain soft voice about the beatles she finds in the grass

Backstory: She shows up in the territory of Silver Pack, her head down tail tucked, and a fresh scar across her back, her ribs show painfully as her legs shake, no one knows where she came from only that she’s an Omega from a pack in the north and she is searching for a new home, hating to be alone

Rank and Challenge for Rank: Omega female

Writing Style/Preference: third person (Eg: She walked through the forest alone, her black fur stark against the white of the snow)

Andaconda's don't know nothing about buns, hun
Name: Vincent (Vince) Thorne

Age: 17

Sexuality: He has no preference, demiromantic/sexual is probably the best fit for him, only able to experience romantic or sexual attraction after developing an emotional connection beforehand. Also, when he falls, he falls hard



Bit or Born: Bitten

Personality: Vincent is very quiet, tending to keep to himself, and thinking out every action before doing anything, trying to keep as efficient as possible, but having his loud, impulsive moments like everyone else. He can't stand not having to watch over and protect anyone, so he tends to micromanage people by accident. Though he's instinctively a huge softie, Vincent completely rejects this side of him and favors a colder attitude, not letting himself get close to anyone yet, at the same time coddling anyone who does get past his walls.

Backstory: He grew up oldest in a less than desirable neighborhood, with 3 brothers, triplets, and 2 sisters His father became abusive towards their mom to the point of them having to be relocated, she worked day and night to support the kids, unaware that what she couldn't pay for Vincent stole just to support them all. Being the oldest he naturally took the leader role of the rat pack and became very protective, even more so for his little sisters. One night after everyone made honor role despite some behavior problems, he took them out for a reward. They all hung out at the edge of the woods and goofed around until a bear-sized wolf came out of nowhere and went after one of the girls. Being the big brother he was, he pulled a knife and got it away from everyone, and unsurprisingly got his stomach nearly torn out. He got to the hospital and came down with a horrid fever. After realizing what had happened to him he bolted, leaving his siblings in a moment of panic that he still regrets to this day. He's done horrible things to keep his little siblings safe, after he left and realized what he'd done something broke inside of him then never really healed.

Rank and Challenge for Rank: Beta male (If it's still open of course) he'd step down if the challenger was more capable than himself, but if not he wouldn't hesitate to fight and reestablish his rank

Writing Style/Preference: For myself, third person and I may waver back and forth with lengths. For others, i don't really care, as long as it's understandable

Extra: He gets horrible migraines, specifically behind his left eye

Anaconda don't know nothing about buns, Hun
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We have to run, hunt and steal in order to survive.
Elijah Williams



"I'm Elijah Williams, nice to meet you all."


"I just turned eleven not too long ago."

Bit or Born:

"I was born, but both of my parents were bitten."


"I'm very nice! I'm more calm and patient than my sister. I am also very protective of my sister. You hurt her and you'll have to deal with me! Lots of people says that I'm very helpful and obedient. I'd say that I am a troublesome person; I get that from Lucia."


"I don't know much. Lucia remembers more about our background than me. I'll let her tell you."

Rank and Challenge for Rank:

"If we find a pack to stay, I want to be a hunter."


He learnt and understands sign language and able to communicate with Lucia through their old pack connection.

Writing Style/Preference: Third person but I don't really mind.


You can shout all you want, I can't, and never will be able to hear you.
Lucia Williams


"Lucia. My name is Lucia Williams. What's yours?"


"Just like my younger twin brother."

Bit or Born:

"I was born."


"People says that I am reserve, sarcastic (sometimes) and stubborn. They also says that I have a good brain. Some says that I'm friendly, when they get to know me. I don't like to admit that I am a little afraid of other people. I'm cautious around strangers, since mama and papa told us that strangers are dangers."


"I don't want to talk about it. I don't know yours, so you don't get to know ours. Deal?"

Rank and Challenge for Rank:

"I promised Elijah that I'll be a hunter with him once we found a place to stay."


Lucia was deaf since birth but she is able to understand sign language and taught herself to read lips. She can communicate to Elijah through their mind, due to their connection.

Writing Style/Preference: Third person, like stated before


"Anaconda don't know nothing about buns, Hun"​
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Codebreaker said:
Great! You're in! Talk to the head hunter so he knows who else is hunting with ihm.
is it alright if both of them are not in the pack yet? I'm going to get them both to join in rather than being in the pack already ^^~

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