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Multiple Settings ✦ sillystring's finding a partner! [OPEN] ✦


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
About me!
Hi, I'm SillyString! I'm a college student doing online RP for almost 6 years now, and I've been writing in general for much longer. I'm currently looking for a couple of people who'll RP with me and are willing to have some fun. This will be first come, first serve because I don't want to overwhelm myself. Here's a little more about me!

✦ I use she/her pronouns!
✦ I usually write about two full paragraphs per post. Sometimes, I can go a little further but only if I'm inspired to do so.
✦ I try to post at least daily, this will waiver since I am a college student. My minimum is twice a week.
✦ Ghost-friendly! If it's not working out, you're free to dip. Just let me know beforehand, so I don't get left in the dark.
✦ Good with all pairings, but I prefer MxF and FxF. I'm fine with playing male and female characters! I'm open to playing non-binary characters as well.
✦ I love creating and developing characters. I have a character showcase thread too! I usually use art/anime FCs. I do not use real people, nor do I use AI-generated art.
✦ I like to double depending on the plot, but if you aren't interested in that, I'm fine with it.
✦ I prefer RP on-site, I'm not used to Discord or other sites. PMs for OOC, threads for actual RPing.
✦ LGBTQ+ inclusive!
✦ I'm open to doing either platonic or romantic pairings.
✦ OOC chat is welcomed and encouraged.

About you!
Here's just what I hope to gain from my future RP pal.

✦ Must be 18+. I have nothing against the youth, this is just a personal preference.
✦ Matches my literacy, no one-liners, please!
✦ Willing to contribute to the plot and planning of the RP. Don't be afraid to suggest ideas and help move the plot forward.
✦ Replies at least once a week.
✦ Has decent grammar. I'm lenient towards spelling mistakes, we're all prone to them.
✦ Tells me any triggers they might have before any discussion. I won't cover too many dark topics when RPing, this is just for reference.
✦ Okay with using anime/art FCs that aren't AI-generated. This one may be a little petty, but I can't stand AI art. Be sure to credit where you got your FC from as well.

Not fully-thought out plots, but ideas that we can flesh out together. I'm not too picky on roles, so you're free to be either A or B.

✦ Heroes Only Exist in Stories, Right?
A and B are traveling storytellers and close friends. A is a mage that specializes in illusions and B is an acrobatic rouge who helps act out the stories. They've become borderline celebrities with their unique and charismatic storytelling. When they return to their hometown after a long tour, they find the townspeople thrown into panic. The kingdom's queen informs you that her daughter was stolen. With nobody else to turn to and the royal guard has fallen, the queen calls upon A and B to save her. A and B have to put their skills to the test and become the heroes they've only told stories about.

Lost In Paradise
A is a mage and B is their shapeshifting familiar/companion; they're drifters who almost never stay in the same place. But one day, they uncover a kingdom off the map and located in the middle of nowhere. A beautiful and near-utopian kingdom where magic has been swapped out for advanced technology. More advanced than any kingdom A and B have come across. However, this may all come crashing down soon. A calamity is oncoming that could wipe the kingdom off the face of the Earth and only A and B know about it. With nobody in the kingdom believing them, it's up to A and B to stop it before it's too late.

✦ Whereabouts
[Doubling Required]
There's a club taking place inside of a bar, a dimension traveling club. Led by an expert on dimension travel (an NPC I'll control), the bar is a TARDIS-esque contraption used to travel to different dimensions so the members can explore. A, B, C, and D are all members of this club and are from different dimensions. But when the club leader is taken, the members have to use the bar to find the leader. There are two problems, though. One, they don't know where the leader was taken aside from a few clues. And two, none of them know how to work the bar

✦ Time and Time Again
A is a time traveler from the distant future, visiting different eras for personal research. As they travel through time, they notice something odd. A familiar face keeps popping up no matter what era A is in. This game keeps up until the familiar face notices A back. This person, B, reveals to A that they are immortal and gives A a challenge of sorts. The challenge in question, find out how B became immortal.

Word Bank!
Just a collection of tropes and ideas we can possibly work off.

Childhood Friends | Dimensions | Dreams and Nightmares | Imagination | Childhood Friends/Rivals to Lovers | Superpowers | Supernatural | Found Families | Ride or Die Friendships | Magical Realism | Modern Fantasy | Magic | Mythology | Monsters | Fluff | Humor | Ancient and Forgotten Worlds | Magical Realism | Anachronism | Opposites Attract | Two Idiots in Love | Road Trip | Facing Fears | Enemies to Friends/Lovers | Rivals | Megalopolis | Hopeless Romantics | Power of Friendship/Love | Anime-inspired | Aliens | Shapeshifting |

That's all! I'm currently looking for two partners right now, so if you are interested, pm me with what you are interested in doing. Don't reply to this thread. Hope we can work things out!
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