Story Silly fandom one-shots!!


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Here, I'll be writing some quick one-shots of some fandoms I'm in/enjoy! Feel free to give constructive criticism, just please be nice, this is just a fun way I like to improve my writing skills :)
Warrior Cat's (oc's)


Sunpaw panted as he ran. He ran through the forest, zig-zagging through the trees as fast as his legs could carry him. He had to get away. Away from Roseclan, away from the Dark Forest, away from everything. Once he assumed he was safe, he gradually slowed to a stop, his breathing ragged from running for so long. He coughed a little bit, not used to running so fast for such a long period of time. He sat as he tried to catch his breath. When only a few moments later, he heard the quick pawsteps of a cat approaching quickly. He quietly cursed under his breath as he scrambled to his paws. But before he could run again, he felt a heavy weight ram right into his side, sending him tumbling to the ground with a startled yelp. The cat seemingly came out of nowhere, all Sunpaw had seen was a flash of brown and black fur. Once he stopped moving, he shut his eyes tightly, expecting the worst to come. He felt a painful sting across his face, and he hissed in pain. He turned his head away at a bad attempt to shield himself from whoever had him pinned.

"Traitor!" Snarled the voice of Shadestar.

Sunpaw hesitated before opening his yellow eyes widely to meet Shadestar's glare.

"You don't get to speak down to me. You don't get to question my leadership. And you most definitely do not turn my own clan against me. In my clan, life is a privilege, not a right. I don't think you understand that. I could easily rip that privilege right away from you." Shadestar snarled, baring her teeth. Her ears were pinned to the top of her head, her tail lashing and sharp claws unsheathed, holding Sunpaw to the ground by his shoulders. He could feel her claws sinking into his skin and drawing a small amount of blood. It stung, but not as much as the large gash on his face.

Sunpaw's eyes were wide with terror. He didn't even try to struggle or negotiate. He knew there was no use trying to get out of this situation. He knew that Shadestar really didn't care about her own clanmates. She only cared about power. And he should have figured that out a long time ago.

"It would be easy," the leader continued, slowly removing a paw from one of his shoulders and dragging a claw across his throat lightly. Not actually drawing blood, but more to intimidate him. Then she pressed that paw against his throat, almost choking him. "And Fernpond isn't here to save you this time, is she?" Shadestar sneered with a cruel chuckle.

Sunpaw let out a sharp gasp for air as she began choking him. That's when he began to struggle, kicking at her underbelly with his hind legs. Although, it didn't do much. Shadestar winced but stood her ground.

"I have seven lives. And I'm stronger than a mere apprentice. What do you think fighting will do for you?" Shadestar sneered. "Honestly, you amuse me."

Sunpaw looked around frantically. Shadestar was right. He was just an apprentice; he didn't stand a chance! And so, he resorted to the only thing he could think of at that point.

"Help!" He choked out as he continued squirming. Shadestar simply laughed at the weak attempt.

Suddenly, the weight holding him down vanished. It happened so fast, Sunpaw had to take a double-take. He coughed and sputtered before quickly scrambling to his paws and his eyes landed on the scene in front of him. Some cat was fighting Shadestar. A rather familiar-looking cat, too. His eyes widened as he recognized the cat who had come to his rescue. It was Eminerunner!

After a bit, they broke apart. Shadedstar was heavily injured as she stood there on wobbly legs, panting and glaring at the two as her wounds bled. "Erminerunner." She growled. She took another breath before continuing. "You are Roseclan's deputy no longer! You both have chosen to be disloyal to me. To your clanmates, to your ancestors!" The leader hissed.

"No, Shadedstar." Erminerunner interrupted her, lashing his tail as he stood protectively in front of Sunpaw. "You're the disloyal one. Brutally attacking one of your own clanmates? Let alone an apprentice! I cannot stand by and support your decisions any longer if this is the path you're going down. You've taken things too far."

The brown and black she-cat was seemingly shocked, but she quickly replaced it with anger. "How dare you." She slowly limped forward. "You and your.." She took a glace towards Sunpaw. "Offspring," Her gaze flickered back to the ginger tabby tom. "Are no longer welcome in my clan. If my warriors ever see you even near the border ever again, they have my full permission to kill you on sight."

The two cats held tense, aggressive eye contact for what felt like forever before Erminerunner turned his head to look back at Sunpaw. "Let's go." Is all he said before limping off.

Sunpaw lowered his head anxiously as he looked from his father and back to Shadedstar, who was glaring both of them down. He knew she was probably going to watch them until they were quite literally out of her sight. Then the apprentice turned to quickly follow his father with a heavy sigh.

"Thanks for helping," He exhaled. "You didn't need to." Sunpaw started quietly as he walked alongside his father, allowing him to lean on him slightly for support.

"Of course I did." Erminerunner replied. "I could never just stand by and let Shadedstar kill another innocent clanmate. Especially you. I know we've never had the best father/son relationship, but I'm not that cold-hearted. Besides, I've been meaning to start putting more effort in. This wasn't the new start I was hoping for, but it's something I suppose. I really just wanted to apologize. For.. y'know. Not being there when you needed me all those moons ago. I hope we can start over."

Sunpaw's eyes widened in shock as he heard his father speak. He wanted to apologize? Part of him wanted to respond with something petty and angry. But the other half of him was greatful and really wanted to accept the apology. But he wasn't sure he could. His father had supported Shadestar for all those moons, even when she did some pretty horrible things. But he really did want to have a decent relationship with his father. Sunpaw's gaze flickered to the ground. He waited a few moments to reply.

"Yeah. Me too."

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