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Realistic or Modern Silent trouble (A Haven Falls Flashback)


Hit Me!

Mei Li







  • home (filler tab)

Damian Rice


It didn't take long for kids to sense weakness in Mei. She'd been at this place for less than a week, trying to keep to herself. But there were too many kids to have her own room, and the house was always noisy and cluttered. There was also no accommodating her, there were too many children to worry about to give her any specialized attention. They bathed, clothed and fed the kids like clockwork, and Mei was dissociating her way through a lot of it. The other kids had begun to notice her more. When they would talk to her, she would just stare at them, or do a small gesture: A nod, shrug or a shake of the head. She did have a little notebook, she used to to communicate with the adults. The one place that she could be in solitude she'd found in the house was in a little fenced in courtyard around the side. She's sit on the edge of the courtyard and watched the birds in the trees. She was there today. She had to pick her moments, like while the other kids were eating or playing inside. Today she had been the first out after eating, having wolfed down her food.

Mei sat at the end of the courtyard digging at the dirt absent-mindedly with a stick. She didn't see much hope in being adopted. All the adults in her life had made it quite clear to her what a burden she was. Breaking her train of thought came the feeling of a small pebble hitting her on the shoulder. Alarmed, Li Mei stood, looking around. A group of some of the bigger children were approaching, One of them, a boy she knew was called Jack, was at the front of the pack "What's wrong ching chong?" he called as he came nearer. Mei's heart started beating faster. In her mind she was trying to find an escape rout. But there were three of them, and her back was to a fence. "Why don't you say something, huh? Go on" He mockingly turned his head to the side and cupped his ear.

Li Mei glowered at the boy. She couldn’t find her words, threre was no way to run. All she had left was to fight. Mei’s little heads were shaking so she clenched them into fists. Instead of staying where she was she too a step forward. The boys just laughed at her, one of them shoved her hard and she stumbled and fell “What is wrong with her?” One of them asked,”How come she never says anything”

they were talking about her now “She’s Chinese or something, she probably doesn’t understand” They looked at her again. They turned to her “or she’s just an idiot.” Mei got up off the ground and tried to shove the boy back. He got caught of guard but quickly regained his balance and pushed her again. Down she went, into the grass “You can do all our chores for us Ching Chong or you’ll get worse than that!”

♡coded by uxie♡


The Sweet Disaster



bored to annoyed


Gray oversized shirt, black basketball shorts, and white vans.


Foster Care Group Home


Mei Li


Jordyn stared up at the sky just staring at the fluffy white clouds slowly moving across the bright blue sky, She practically jumped when she heard one of the workers yell. "JD! you better get off the ground now. What if a potential parent comes in and sees you like that!" She rolled her eyes as she pushed herself off the floor.
"I don't wanna get adopted anyway."
She muttered, She moved over to the worker and grabbed one of the flyers she held.
"We are having another adoption day again? Well, that sucks."
She said as she handed it back to the worker, only stopping when the worker called out to her again. "JD, go get the other children. We are going clothes shopping, Maybe you can pick a dress this time. So people can stop mistaking you for a little boy." Jordyn gave a deadpan look to the worker,
"I'll gather up the other kids. But I will not be getting a dress."

Jordyn moved throughout the group home property to notify other kids about the shopping trip, nodding at the other kids who called out "Hey JD!" She looked around the property to find the last batch of kids. While thinking about how easy it was for her to respond to JD now, once you are considered to be a long-term case, everyone gets their name shorted as short as possible.

She soon finds the last group of kids in the courtyard where she sees one of the bigger kids, Jack shove one of the new kids down. She couldn't hear what he said, But Jordyn could hear the loud laughter of the other kids. Before she knew it all she could see was red as she walked quickly over to them, as soon as passed the laughing idiots, She shoved Jack down to the ground.
"Why are you being a fucking cabrón?"
She said before turning to the Asian girl and offering her hand to the girl to pull her up.
"You can just ignore Jay and the rest of those pendejos."
She said while guiding the other girl out of the courtyard, She yelled over her shoulders.
"By the way pendejos! Everyone is going on a clothes shopping trip."

♡coded by uxie♡

Mei Li







  • home (filler tab)

Damian Rice


the second push had been harder, but her landing was soft. She didn’t know what to do next, if this was going to keep happening what should she do? She thought briefly about throwing something at him when suddenly she heard another’s voice. It was another kid, but Mei could recognise that she held some authority amongst the kids. Suddenly Jack’s face was in the ground next to her and a hand was being offered to her. Mei took it and was hoisted upwards.

She let herself be lead through the courtyard. She glanced back at the boys. This girl had clearly embarrassed Jack, he had an absolutely diabolical look on his mean little face and his friends were all smiles. The girl spoke again.

Clothes shopping

Mei gave a soft groan. She didn’t want new clothes. Most clothes were intolerable to her, she couldn’t stand scratchy fabrics or anything with a tight neckline.

Once they were inside, Mei pulled on the girls arm to get her attention. She put her pointer finger up in a gesture that meant ‘wait a minute’. She ran to the living room and grabbed her little backpack. Inside she produced a little black notebook with a pen strapped to the side. Back when her dad had been her guardian, she’d had a speech therapist who had helped her communicate with other methods. The notebook was her main one. She also had flash cards.

She ran back over to the girl and started writing.

“Thank you” she wrote, her handwriting was beautiful, and very neat. She showed it to her with a small smile and then wrote

“Lù lǐ méi

She wrote then pointed to herself. She wrote her full Chinese name in pinyin and then under it she wrote the name she’d adopted to the English spelling at school. Mei’s little heart was still beating quickly as she came down from the adrenaline of the situation she’d found herself in. She rocked a little on the spot, shifting her weight subtly from the balls of her feet to her heels. It was one of the things she did to self soothe.

Mei took up her Pen again. She did not usually talk this much but this girl felt safe.

“Why do these kids listen to you?”

She showed her the page and gave her a curious look. She hoped that was an ok question to ask. Her father towards the end, was very harsh, calling her a bad mannered child, telling her she was loud and brash. Criticising her tone, often telling her to drop the bad attitude that she didn’t have.

Overtime she’d just said less and less, until talking became a huge trigger of hers and she stopped entirely.

Mei peered at the girl as she waited for her reply’s.

♡coded by uxie♡


The Sweet Disaster



Curious and amused


Gray oversized shirt, black basketball shorts, and white vans.


Foster Care Group Home


Mei Li


She ran her fingers through her short hair as she watched the other girl looking for her bag. She moved to sit on the couch while letting her mind wander a bit till she realized the other girl finished the task that she had set out to do, she couldn’t help but admire May’s handwriting. She smiled at the other girl and tapped her notebook.
“So you do know english.”
She said softly.

Jordyn looked at May’s face to get a better look at her, she couldn’t help thinking May was quite cute and that Jack was an idiot once more. Especially since to her May looked younger than herself.
“It’s nice to meet you May, My name is Jordyn. But everyone calls me JD here.”
She leaned closer to read the next sentence.

She couldn’t help but snort as she thought about the last year she had been there and all the arguments and fights that she had gotten into with some of the other kids.She tapped May’s notebook,
“Answering this question is a little hard. I think it’s mostly because I’ve been through alot with them.”

She nodded her head after thinking for a moment,
“also winning fights tend to help make the others avoid causing problems for you.”

She smiled at the other girl, looking at her curiously.
“So how do you like the group home so far?”

♡coded by uxie♡

Mei Li







  • home (filler tab)

Damian Rice


So you do know English Mei just nodded in response. Her English was near perfect. She could read, write, speak in two languages. She used to take pride in it. Jordyn stared at her, so May stared back. This girl was around her age, but she looked strong. Mei had not long came from a home where her father had only fed her as an afterthought, or fed her things he knew she didn’t like. She hadn’t been eating properly for a good month at least. As a result, May looked younger than she was because she was so frail.

As Jordyn explained, May began to understand. This girl must have been here a while. When she mentioned fighting Li Mei remembered her pathetic little push that had barely unbalanced the larger boy and dismayed. If fighting is the key to respect, I might be doomed. She thought dismally. Jordyn spoke again so May looked over at her.

Her initial answer was very negative, but then she thought about where she had come from. In the end she shrugged, she wasn’t sure what to say.

Finally she turned to a new page and wrote.

“It’s too crowded, and it’s unfamiliar.” She paused, the pen hovered above the page and she pursed her lips. Was she going to offend Jordy, did she like this place? She seemed very comfortable here. No, Jordyn had asked her a question, she should be honest.

“there’s no where to hide. And I fell like I stand out” she finished. She was very nervous about showing the girl this but she held out the page. After Jordyn had read it she took the paper back. She was going to ask another question when a lot of kids started coming into the living room all at once. Some of the staff also came into the room. Clothes shopping. She remembered.

The noise in the room suddenly felt overwhelming. Kids laughing, talking, arguing all at once. So many faces, so many voices. Someone turned on the radio, she heard a tap open in the kitchen, outside someone had started an engine. She felt surrounded, suffocated.May felt panic rising, her chest hurt, her breathing was fast. She looked like a deer in headlights in that room. Her eyes found Jordyn, and as quickly as she could she planted herself on that couch and gripped her arm. She didn’t realise but she dropped her notebook and someone had kicked it accidentally and sent it skidding off somewhere.

An adult noticed her, she must have been very obvious in her distress. Immediately the staff was at her side, but Li Mei couldn’t focus on whatever she was saying. She let go of Jordyn and put her hands over her ears, trying to block everything out. She shut her eyes tightly too.

♡coded by uxie♡

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