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Fandom Silent Hill RP

Robin man

Well I'm looking for about four or five people to come join me in a Silent Hill RP. I've been craving one for a while now. And I do have a plot in mind.

One person died a few months ago. But recently four or five people got a letter from the same person, they all know the person, but not each other. They all go to town of Silent Hill in order to find out how did the person sent the letter.
Dude, I'm a HUGE Silent Hill nerd, I could help you with ANYTHING you need, and I'd like to be a character!
Perfect, I could use a expert on this game, my knowledge is minimal, and of course you can be a character, we just need a few more people first.
[QUOTE="Robin man]Perfect, I could use a expert on this game, my knowledge is minimal, and of course you can be a character, we just need a few more people first.

Okay, feel free to PM me and I'll help, being my first day I can't send one, but I can reply to yours. =3
[QUOTE="Robin man]Perfect, I could use a expert on this game, my knowledge is minimal, and of course you can be a character, we just need a few more people first.

Sounds like a pitch based around initial premise of the first two games. Do you have any particular inspiration for this narrative or references? If your knowledge is minimal on the series, then perhaps not being directly based on Silent Hill would be an idea? Rather, have it inspired by SH, or SH-esque?
I know, my knowledge is very limited on the whole series, and like I said already, I can certainly use another expert, if you want to join us that is ^^
Are you aware of the emphasis on psychological elements and/or character studies that exist within the horror/terror visualisations of the series? If you don't have time or the availability to complete any of the SH games (1 through 3 and Shattered Memories are the highly regarded ones, in particular the ones produced by the original Team Silent), then the movie Jacob's Ladder is well worth the watch, for a good idea.
I haven't had time to beat the second and third games, but I'm still working on them, and I watched about half of the first one on YouTube
Take the time to finishing one of them before the RP and give yourself a chance to mull over your idea and then came back when you feel you have a strong story/core. If you can't get around to playing, then this is a competent and entertaining Let's Play of Silent Hill 2, that covers much of the lore and symbolism as attributed to it. Also, the voice actor for the central protagonist recently did an interview with the LP'ers on their podcast, so there is some legitimacy to the commentary. [media]


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