[Signups and OOC] Bloodpurge 2.0


Four Thousand Club
Show of hands! Who here remembers Bloodpurge? If you don't,let me jog your memory. It's the distant future. Earth was turned into what could only be described as a "Hive World",the entire surface covered by a single,massive metropolis with cities built upon cities in spires stretching to the stratosphere. Humanity is now looking to the stars for new worlds to colonize,as Earth has reached it's limit. However,the stalkers of the night,vampires,have returned to prominence. Vampires don'y want to leave Earth,however. They have their own society,growing in secret since they went underground in the Gothic times. Now,they are numerous. However,humanity has advanced. Humanity can now effectively fight the vampires. United Terran Government Vampire Task Force,or UTG-VTF,is an elite force of soldiers trained and equipped to fight the vampire threat. They own the streets after dusk,firing on sight,equipped with weaponized UV lamps,silver bullets,and blessed icons.

The vampires can vary wildly between individuals between Generations. Newer Generation vampires can easily pass as human,some can even walk in the daylight. However,these vampires,known as Daywalkers,possess very little vampiric blood,and so possess very few,if any,of the vampiric strengths and powers,and if they are present,they're severely weakened. However,in exchange,they're extremely resistant to vampiric weaknesses. The oldest of vampires,known as Nosferatu,are the exact opposite. The vampiric weaknesses are vastly magnified to them,but in exchange they are the very pinnacle of vampirism,capable of mighty magicks and their physical prowess outstrips those of humans by several orders of magnitude,and often look like hideously monstrous humanoids. All generations between are considered "Average" vampires. However,individuals may evolve along divergent strains. Vampires that evolve more physically are called "Krewlod",and those that evolve more magickally are known as "Eeofol". Generally,Krewlod become like mountains when they set their minds to something: Immovable,whilst Eeofol,with their underdeveloped psyches being so much closer to the forces arcana often break their minds,creating barely functional madmen with astounding magickal power.

There are thirteen vampiric Generations. The higher the number,the younger you are. A thirteenth Generation vampire is the weakest "vampire" in the setting. They can effortlessly pass as human,and only get mild itchiness from contact with only the most potent of vampire counters: holy relics,but are close enough to humanity that many vampires consider them to be humans. On the opposite end of the spectrum,a first Generation vampire would be an inhuman monstrosity with enough physical ability to obliterate entire armies and enough magickal energy to reduce Quebec to a glassed crater,but are instantly vaporized by weak sunlight coming in through a stained glass window.

Vampiric Weaknesses: Vampires are weak to sunlight. It burns their flesh nearly instantly,and older vampires are ashed faster. Flowing water acts as an impassable barrier to vampires,as they physically are unable to touch it. Older vampires are unable to even fly over it. Items blessed by the world's religions are harmful to vampires,causing burns and weakness on touch. Holy ground is fair game. Wooden stakes through the heart put a vampire into an instantaneous state of stasis,unable to do anything. Silver harms vampires as though it were steel to mortal men. Vampires may not enter a home without the express invitation of a resident. However,once the invitation is extended,it is permanent. Mental domination renders all invitations void. Vampires have easily assaulted senses,as they are heightened. Garlic doesn't work,however. Unless it's gone really,REALLY bad. Vampires MUST drink fresh human blood periodically. The amount and frequency required increases with Generation.

Vampiric Strengths:
Vampires possess a much better physical state than normal humans,including their senses. All vampires have access to magic,no matter how minor. Vampires do not need to eat,drink,or sleep,only drink blood.

Both strengths and weaknesses magnify as a vampire advances in generations.

Generations 13-10 are known as "Daywalkers",vampires immune to sunlight. Generatins 3-1 are "Nosferatu",the pinnacle of vampiric evolution. As a yardstick,Bram Stoker's Dracula is a seventh Generation vampire.

Finally,there are Thralls and Ghouls. A Thrall is a human enslaved and sustained by vampiric magic,and is entirely immortal so long as their sire exists. You quintuple their weight in lead,and they'll just keep going. You can hack off a limb,and it will reattach itself. All blood lost is instantly replenished. Thralls can survive atomic blasts,although some assembly will be required. Thralls are entirely indistinguishable from humans until their indestructible nature is revealed. Thralls often serve as the agents of vampires in the world of men,shock troopers,and cattle for vampires too lazy to hunt,or kept handy as an "Emergency rations" of sorts. Thralls cannot take actions against vampires,and are compelled to obey all vampires,although their sire has absolute authority.

Ghouls are what happens when a Thrall's sire is slain. A Ghoul is an ageless thing that looks just like a human,but can only die by violent death.

The RP begins as all of the player characters as members of a single coven of vampires,led by third Generation vampire Dimitri Kozlov,attempting to lead his fellows to a place where they can call home and subjugate the world of mortal men.


Name: First and last names,if you please.

Age: Age since birth. Only early Generations have slowed visible aging.

Generation: Thirteen to six. If you're a Thrall or Ghoul,state so here. There is no correlation between age and Generation. Think of it as evolution: Completely random. Note which strain you are. The strains are Daywalker (Generations 13-10),Eeofol (9-4),Krewlod (9-4),Undivided (9-4),and Nosferatu (3-1)

Sire: All vampires,Ghouls,and Thralls have sires. The sire is the one that tuned you. Vampires are two Generations below their sire. Add in parentheses whether they're alive or dead.

Physical appearance. I'll take any descriptive medium outside of audio. Include height and weight. If you describe,make sure the uninitiated will be able to make a mental photograph. Use the [noparse]

Insert appearance here

[/noparse] tags to contain your appearance,as some images or descriptions can be quite large.

Personal Effects: Things like weapons,devices,and the like. Anything that aren't the clothes on their back,essentially.

Personality: Although this will be primarily subject to change in-RP due to character development,it's always nice to know how a character behaves from the outset.

Background: Simple,really. Your character's story up until now. Wow me. You'll be competing for limited slots,and this is a major section.

Other: Anything else that you believe is relevant,really. Completely optional,but if a skill spontaneously comes up in the RP and it isn't listed here,I'm dropping some anvils.


-Gunnery Sargent Erik Yates,seventh Generation vampire,Krewlod strain. Played by Heartsteal22

-Jinx Starling,tenth Generation vampire,Daywalker strain. Played by Nicha

-Iiokl/Orin,ninth Generation vampire,Eeofol strain. Played by Gemini.
Name: GySgt. Erik Yates

Age: 26

Generation: Seven (Krewlod)

Sire: Emily Carson, deceased.

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Erik stands at precisely six feet, and 163 pounds, his extreme military training evident in his physique and bearing. A narrow scar running from the edge of his right brow down nearly to the jawline proves a keen identifying feature.

Personal Effects: Formerly being with the UTG-VTF, Erik's personal possessions were looted from his home immediately by his former unit to deny all possible resources to the new vampire, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Personality: Somewhat militant in nature, Erik likes to think of himself as a good man, and in possession of a strong moral compass, though recent events will force him to betray those notions in the days to come. Grudging at best of his new vampire strengths and weaknesses, he hopes to harm as few innocents as possible before he is brought to an end.

Background: Gunnery Sergeant Erik Yates was a member of the United Terran Government's Vampire Task Force for four years before being turned whilst off duty. Yates spent his entire life idolizing the VTF, hoping to some day join their ranks and help those unfortunate enough to be caught in the sights of a vampire. While somewhat of an outcast in his youth, not only did Yates make it into the VTF as an organization, he was welcomed into the fold with many of the veterans. A few months in the service made the work much less glorious than he'd previously envisioned, but a dedicated conscience was more than enough to keep the young man coming back for more. It was four years later that things finally went awry, better than most recruits could hope for. The least dramatic thing possible happened, on his way to retrieve the next week of groceries, Yates was ambushed, and promptly turned, without even the time or good sense to fight back. The vampire that had turned Erik was recently turned herself, and had been refusing to drink blood until such a point that she simply lost control, impulsively attacking the Gunnery Sergeant in a fit of uncontrollable thirst. Above her, Yates had no idea who'd turned the girl, and within a week, before he'd even thought to ask, the two had been attacked by a handful of men from his former unit. Between his knowledge of formations and equipment, Yates had managed to escape, though Emily had not, choosing not to act upon the advice given by her underling for reasons that he has not yet determined.

Other: Yates has developed far down the path of the Krewlod due to his natural aversion to magic, brought on by years spent training the body over the mind. Well versed in several martial arts and with most firearms from his military service, Yates is quite the force to be reckoned with physically, though he consistently fails to use magic.
Name: Ariana Elisabeth Morwa

Age: Looks 25, Is 520 years old

Generation: Thrall

Sire: Crayon, pronounced Kra-Ya-N. ((Alive))




x10 pocket knifes

x20 kunai throwing knives

x2 daggers

x4 advanced make-up kits. ((Including wigs, contact lenses etc.))

x3 horses. One by the name of Butterfly; her favourite.

Personality: Her love, loyalty and closeness to her Sire Crayon brings forth the best of Arian. Living for so long has sharpened her skills for patience, observation and fierceness. At times she can be humble, mostly at the presence of Crayon and her love for baking and cooking takes her to the kitchen when she has the small free time of luxury. Ariana is rather reserved, cold or as some seem to take it ((mostly humans)) shy. Ariana is fixed at medieval-clothing. Everything from gowns to cloaks.

Background: As the sun left the sky and the moon lit up the cold night like a diamond among the stars, Ariana stared at Crayon. His eyes seemed to brighten up dangerously as his gaze reflect the moon and with humble eyes she greeted her master. Her lover. He was gentle but fierce like a lion, cold like the north pole and the only words he muttered was a simple hello. Deciding it was time for her to remember once again she stared at the moon as he did. "I remember the first time we met, a summer night. I was barely six then and mother she was a pain. Ranting on and on about how a proper lady behaved. ´Thou shall listen to your father and don´t play in the mud!´ She´d yell..." Chuckling slightly she glanced briefly Crayon´s way before she once again spoke. "I haven´t forgotten yet how you mercilessly slaughtered my father, mother and my dear sister. Blood was splashed everywhere...At that time I didn´t know that nobles were so easily killed. The guards were a mess on the floor but what scared me the most was my tears. They never came and all you did was stare." Taking a deep breath Ariana continued. "The very next day, my father had visitors. You should have seen their shocked expressions. A single child standing in the middle of a bloodbath! Since then I was called a monster, an abnormal unlucky child which brings horror to the world. If it not for your nightly visits, the nights you´d just stare at me with dark eyes that haunted me at the time, I wouldn´t take it. We continued like that for awhile, remember? You´d come every night which you weren´t hunting and visit me. You wouldn´t speak but your eyes were still a comfort. When three years had passed I started to voice my thoughts. To utter the horrifying words which I have been wishing to conceal somewhere deep in my mind. Why did you spare me? Why did you not slaughter me and have a good laugh after? You did not come back for four years, leaving me restless. That is why it shocked me to the core that day when you came. When you took me away...." Ariana smiled softly. "I learnt the truth that day, my new kin. They were cold, merciless murderers just like you which made your sweet enticing voice even more mortifying. It was a weapon; a way of hypnotising your victim to believe. The years passed and soon I was near my twenty-second year of life. That is when you turned me and started that training. Within a few years I was the perfect assassin and spy. Your little sweet doll that followed all of your commands. But I did not know the true reason for my transformation. Not till I was near my 200th year...And now 300 years later we´re here...Amusing isn´t it?"

Other: If you haven´t already missed it...She is Crayons lover but don´t confuse it to something lovely-dovelike. It´s more of a rare closeness between them two.


Name: Crayon, pronounced Kra-Ya-N ((Only has a first name; father n Mother unknown.))

Age: Looks 26, Is 964 years old

Generation: Eighth Krewlod

Sire: Dorothy Tanner ((Dead))


Personal Effects: x4 pocket knives, x2 Long swords, x10 Kunai throwing knives and x2 emergency backpacks containing emergency clothing and blood packs. ((One for Ariana)) A horse by the name of Crimson.

Personality: Cold, reserved and secretive, Crayon has only showed some sort of gentleness to Ariana. Preferring having her near since thralls nature automatically obeys vampires unless the sire is present to prevent that order from being accomplished. He can be a bit arrogant and doesn´t mind the slaughter of humans as long as his kin cleans up after themselves.

Background: "My story is filled only with war, bickers and idiotic fighting between me and Dorothy, my sire. I can not forget her fire-red hair and her wild gaze during our battles; which were merely for fun, something to make time pass. Being a young man working for the army before she turned me made me stronger and faster. But my new kin had its weaknesses, the sun for one. If I knew that Dorothy was far to exhausted to move herself before morning..... You see it was another bicker of ours that got out of control; her constant yapping annoyed my ears and soon it was a full blown out fight between the two of us. Her death wasn´t sorrowful but my time-consuming partner was gone and boredom reached me within a few years. That is when you came into the picture; a child among many whom family I had slaughtered. But this one didn´t cry and that shocked me. Leaving for the night as I saw the sun rise was a quick choice.

I came back to get rid of you before you muttered of my existence but the fact that your eyes never wavered from mine consumed my time....And once again I left; continuing the same ritual almost every night...That is when you asked that question I have been avoiding for so long. Why did I not slaughter you? I didn´t know and that made wonder. I never had any love interest in my past life, not even caring for the other gender! Who would know that I got interested in a mere child! So I left and came for you after my mind wouldn´t take it...It wanted you to serve me and soon enough Tina, my slave at the time, came with the idea. ´Sir! As you can´t handle the sun why not use the child as a resource; an weapon? After all aren´t you able to do so?´ She had said. The very next day I killed her; abducted you and trained you before turning you to an obedient slave. I wasn´t satisfied; I wanted more! And more did I get.....

So no, it is not amusing but rather enthralling don´t you think?"

Other: He is rather agile and loves running at all costs. Travels around all the time. Owns a few houses around the world.
Name: Jinx Starling

Age: 26

Generation: Tenth

Sire: Julio Esteban (Dead)


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Personal Effects:

Aspect Modification System: One of the first “upgrades” she received when being initiated as one of the Coninux was the Aspect Modification System. The system of nanites can produce (or reproduce) skin abnormalities such as blemishes tattoos, and scars. Within seconds, it can also modify eye color and skin color, as well as hair length, color, and style, although doing so does cause some pain.

The system can the host’s facial features by adjusting subcutaneous musculature and fat deposits. This takes a few minutes, and the process inflicts even more pain. If the host is willing to lie still and allow the system to work undisturbed, it can even modify the host’s height by up to six inches by lengthening or shortening key bones, although body mass cannot be as easily adjusted.

Personality: To attempt to discern Jinx's true personality can be quite difficult, as if going into a room full of mirrors and trying to discern which is the real person. Due to her professional obligation, she often molds her personality to compliment her current “client”. This has the ironic affect of making her a very closed off person; one who more often projects an image up to shield the person she truly is.

Background: The beginning of Jinx's life stands in stark contrast to who she is today. She was born on the streets; a baby of some two-bit whore that dumped her off on the first door that she could find. The family that picked her up, were in no better shape to care for the young Jinx. An offer was presented to family; enough rice and tuna to live for a month. They eagerly jumped on the offer.

Coninux, an organization of “respectable” consorts, were the ones who bought the child off of them. This wasn't uncommon, as they got girls that could be raised into the life and thus, more pliable to different tastes. Thus, she was raised and trained with many other girls to satisfy the needs of their diverse clientele.

She stood out from the others in her “class” in both her ability to please a client, as well as her remarkable intelligence. Often, a client wouldn't strictly be looking to have their baser desires satiated. Jinx was very popular choice for high profile clients looking to have an escort to high class social functions both for her refined nature, as well as her ability to carry a conversation on an array of topics from classical history to theoretical physics.

Her unique assets brought her a lot of attention. One in particular, Julio Esteban, was a very powerful telecommunications tycoon. One night, when she was spending the evening with him, he revealed his true nature and savagely assaulted her. Although she was quite adept at martial arts (a useful trait when other clients didn't understand that they had to pay for more time with her), she was no match for his this beast, or as they prefer to be called, vampire.

As traumatic as the event was, it did grant her new abilities that served only to skyrocket her career. She quickly became well known for her unique abilities to meet any man's needs; especially in the bedroom, her clients spoke of how that during their intimidate encounters, it was almost as if she was inside their minds, making the experience that much deeper and profound.

And while she did appreciate these talents that brought her to the forefront of the Coninux, she never had forgotten what Julio had done. No one quite knows what became of Julio; If you were to ask Jinx, she will simply say that he had asked for her company on his private yacht but never showed up. The police never had anything solid on her. Even if they did, she could make no less than thirty two phone calls to make this problem go away.

Other: Among all of aforementioned abilities, she has also become quite adept that the art of thievery. Whether this is due to acquired skills, or being able to read sensitive information from her unwitting clients, she will never tell. In addition, she is just beginning to tap into her mental abilities which include telekinesis, telepathy, mind reading among others at varying abilities of skill.
Name: Iiokl (Ik-Yol), formerly Adam Wright.

Age: 27.

Generation: Ninth

Sire: Carol Reading, (Dead)


Personal Effects:

+ Auto-Injector (metallic, pen design, custom/reusable)

+ x4 3ml vials (reusable).

+ x9 Razor Blades

+ Six pocket card wallet (black leather, used for razor blades)

+ Fingerless leather/melee gloves (plated/armored knuckle)


Timeless, Iiokl has developed the near unlimited patience required of a hunter awaiting it's prey due to his feeding habits and is unpredictable and creative; eccentric. He can be malicious in his charm and is cynical, his humour often dark and he enjoys witnessing others discomfort/pain; manipulating, teasing, tempting and generally pushing and testing others limits for his own amusement.

Iiokl knows who not to betray, but for the rest, 'all is fair', however his mannerisms suggesting otherwise (and not to mention hypocritically), iiokl will punish the maker (and take his sweet time with it given opportunity) should they attack or hurt those he has become 'accustomed' to, revealing both an unwavering, somewhat disturbing loyalty (a 'how dare you try to break my toys' mindset), a hidden capacity to care if you will.


Growing up, Adam's childhood is not something he likes to look back upon with fond eyes. . . in fact he never looks back at all.

His father's mind sullied by the regular intake of alcohol, he was abusive turning his hand upon his family; never satisfied by what they or the world had to offer and making no attempts to better life for himself and for years Lucas watched routinely as his mother was attacked over ridiculous claims, unable to believe the nonsensical reassurances she provided regarding how his father was once a good and honest man, understanding and compassionate, that he once held his family in highest regard and 'would not hurt a fly'. Watched her heart break with each and every revelation of yet another sordid, back alley affair, unable to accept him, until one day when he was old enough, during a particularly brutal attack Adam stood up in her place, coming to her defence, unwilling to back down.

He accepted his father's hand without resistance or regret, the beatings from that day on mostly redirecting toward him instead, and an only child, Adam did everything he could to appease his father's temper and make him proud under the childish fancy that he might stop altogether.

Over the years he became increasingly aggressive, began to channel and misdirect his frustrations into something more 'constructive'; for the first time he was on the receiving end of respect and his accomplishments were rewarded and he found release in making others suffer and inflicting pain, equalizing the field as it were as he provided a small introduction to what he had grown up with, and as he aged he began to indulge himself, both within and out of the law, and his human history (and indeed that as a vampire) is . . . colorful. He developed a 'taste' for beautiful women (though even now he is certainly far from denying himself a handsome male as well).

It was the scent of freshly spilled blood during an after hours mugging attempt that caught the wrong kind of attention and resulted in the offender becoming the victim and assaulted by his sire and then lover, Carol Reading. He was reborn into a new world, one he quickly grew to enjoy and enjoy the perks of, caring less and little for humans and thralls (whom he views little more than, despite creating several himself in the past), viewing them as tools or 'walking juice-boxes' to serve and satiate hunger (both in appetite and/or flesh) which often drew attention in regards to the former as he feeds sparingly; not for sentimental reason, but for the added high it provides him when he eventually does as he is never gentle, rather takes pleasure in the act.

His reckless feeding however was not without it's drawbacks, naturally reducing his healing rate and strength, making him aggressive and short tempered, resulted in the killing of his sire when he discovered she also shared her bed with another.


Iiokl is unnaturally fast at his peak, provoking query of/belief that he is possessing of cybernetic augmentation; possibly neural implants and adrenaline stimulators to enhance and wire-reflexes. His first conscious kill was that of his father and all those associated.

Name: Orin (Birth name unknown).

Age: 25.

Generation: Eighth

Sire: Carol Reading (Unknown, presumed dead)


Personal Effects:

+ x 4 small knives with flat keychain sheath (attached to a single ring as though they were car keys).

+ Counter/Clicker


Prone to black and white thinking, unsympathetic and judge mental in his logic Orin's belief is that his is the only 'real' existence (metaphysical solipsism), that this world and thus all those within it are creations of his mind that he has no control and thus, ultimately, do not exist, all delusions of no real substance. While this mentality is needless to say dangerous, making him particularly merciless toward his enemies and unfazed by bloodshed, it is not to say that he is not capable of enjoying the world he lives in or that he is distant from others. He feels therefore he cares and is not unsocial, a rather compassionate and considerate individual displaying child-like tendencies, (that is when it does not conflict with his own interests) and is patient, understanding of others.


Orin remembers very little of his past and cares hardly anymore than that for it, for the world is a dreamscape of his own making, a creation of the mind that will fade and disappear when he does from it to wake, however despite his denial he possessed a life once as one who wandered daylight. He was born to and wealthy household he nonetheless lacked the love, attention and positive reinforcement/support a child needs and deserves in favor of being neglected and sidelined, and so rather than growing to be kind and considerate he learnt spite (the kick them when their down type) and envy, finding amusement in witnessing the discomfort and pain of those around him, disliking of their contentment and happiness as his own family fell apart.

As time passed Orin grew frustrated at himself, at the world, frustrated with his father and mother and yet he was able to feign a smile everyday, and when not studying or finishing homework he was able do all the things most teenagers boys do: chase after the girls, hang out with the guys, be a regular kid. He could almost feel the puppeteers strings and he would burn up behind the mask.

He studied hard at school in order to present the best grades in the hopes of pleasing his parents, particularly his father who proved impossible, and even ensured to perform even the smallest tasks and chores to the best of his ability, however nothing he did was ever good enough and quickly grew out of his naivety. Withdrawing slowly into the background with practiced silence, withdrawing into his own little world.

During his early twenties was when Orin met his sire, Carol Reading, his change something of a blessing, and he spent a long time by her side, the attention she gave him something he had yearned for throughout his youth and she became his friend, his mother, his mentor and his lover rolled into one, fulfilling jobs assigned to him (mostly assassinations) until one day she was simply no longer there, to which he assumes she left to decay in her own madness.


Orin's mentality allows him the luxury of being truly fearless and he possesses extraordinary willpower which combined with a natural affinity for magic provides him with the unconscious and latent ability to form a telekinetic or gravitational aura (this acts much like a shield of defence and can be used for offense, slowing incoming attacks by repelling allowing him to dodge, or drawing in targets to speed up attacks or add power to punches on whim because it is what he 'wants', he can also slow his descent when falling or soar greater distances/heights when leaping). Naturally he does not view this ability as a use of magic, unaware that he is doing it and is simply considered to unnaturally fast or preemptive; reading his enemy.

+ Orin will be a secondary character who will not come into play until a bit later.
First of all,to everyone who's signed up: By some random stroke of "luck",my vampire strain names were the same as ones from something called "Vampire: the Masquerade",and the traits for these strains lined up with the namesakes,as well. Oops. The Malkavian strain is now the Eeofol strain,and the Bruja strain is now the Krewlod strain. Now,for approvals.

@heartsteal22: You were approved before. I'd like you to mention what strain your character is evolving down in the Generation section,though. I know it's in your Other section,but this way it's more easily found.

@HeartBrokenIceQueen: Ariana Elisabeth Morwa and...Crayon? Anyways,they're both ​APPROVED!

@Nicha: Jinx Starling is APPROVED! However! That nanite system CANNOT be implanted in your head. Neural implants strip vampires of their magic. Also,a skilled thief in this world must be VERY computer savvy,as most security systems are computerized.

Gemini: Ikiol/Orin is APPROVED! However,if you want magic,you cannot have neural implants. I'd like you to note what strain he is in the Generation section,please. I'm assuming he's still Eeofol?

Huh, yah I thought you meant to do that. Yah the system is called WoD for World of Darkness, have played it several times. I was thinking I could mimic past most security, and low level password can be attained through scans and such. But good to know in any event.

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