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Fukushima Akira

オーダーののサンクタム & RPN's Resident Suit Gang Leader
I was wondering something about signatures, that I'm hoping can be answered xD :

Basically, I saw the rules regarding signatures, and how there wasn't meant to be any distracting gifs. I was wondering if the gif below would be considered as distracting, and if not, would it be okay to be put into my signature?:

Mordecai said:
.GIFs won't show up in signatures at all. They'll be boxed out.
Ah, okay.

Any plans to introduce gifs to signatures, Mordecai-senpai?~ (>u>)
This isn't mentioned in the rules, but remember also that loading .gifs can slow the page down, and we have a lot of mobile user and others who tend towards slower loading as it is. :)

As a personal opinion, I'd find your picture distracting just from the size alone, so you may want to think about that, too, when picking a new signature picture.

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