Sign up for Supernatural RP!


One Thousand Club
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Love Interest:


So far, the available races are: vampire, werewolf, angel, demon, ghost or human (humans can either be vampire hunters, werewolf hunters or just normal humans).

Quick info on each race:

Vampires - Super speed, super strength, super senses (hearing, taste, smell) can be killed by exposure to daylight or a normal weapon (guns, knives etc) Must have red eyes and pale skin.

Werewolves - Super speed, super senses (hearing, taste, smell) and super strength in wolf form, can also be killed by normal weapons and can switch between wolf form and 'human' form freely. Must have tanned skin.

Angels - Can manipulate the forces of light and water but there must be water nearby or light nearby, they cannot conjure it up out of thin air. Can heal people and are hurt/killed by manipulated darkness and manipulated fire. Extremely powerful Angels can turn themselves into light and can conjure up light and water freely. (High rank required)

Demons - Can manipulate the forces of darkness and fire but once again there must be fire nearby or darkness nearby, they also cannot conjure it up out of thin air. They are hurt/killed by manipulated light and manipulated water (usually holy water). Extremely powerful Demons can turn themselves into shadows and can conjure up darkness and fire freely. (High rank required)

Ghosts - Can fly through objects (doors, windows, walls.) Ghosts are always visible to supernatural eye but appear invisible to humans unless the Ghost decides to become visible to the human. Ghosts cannot be killed, BUT they cannot inflict harm on anything else, they can just annoy people :D

You need to follow the rules below or you will be kicked out of the RP:

1. No godmodding (such as surviving a stab through the chest or/and dodging every single attack).

2. No automatically becoming super powerful, you need to earn a high rank.

3. No being rude or hurtful towards other players when not RPing.

4. You can't kill another character without the controller's permission

No more than three characters each please!!

Here's my characters! :D

Name: Leila

Age: Looks 16

Sex: Female

Race: Vampire

Appearance: Long dark red hair that reaches down to her waist with a side fringe, crimson red eyes and pale skin. Has a good figure even though she is slim.

Love Interest: None

History/Personality: Was bitten at the age of 16 a few hundred years ago. She was bit by a stray vampire who immediately left afterwards so she had to learn to survive on her own. She is known to be ruthless when she crosses a werewolf despite the fact that she often keeps to herself. She likes sitting ontop of house roofs and Dislikes people who betray others.

Name: Belinda

Age: 14

Sex: Female

Race: Demon

Appearance: Short, coal black, crazy, layered pixie style hair that reaches half-way down her neck. Big, wild black eyes with pale skin. Often wears summery dark coloured dresses with barefeet.

Love Interest: None

History/Personality: Her personality is very crazy, she likes to mock people and acts very childish although she is extremely clever. She has a signature smirk. She likes to annoy people and dislikes when people think she is a stupid 'child'

Name: Gwendolyn Amelia Braxton (Nickname Gwenni or Gwen)

Age: 9

Sex: Female

Race: Ghost

Appearance: Light blonde, wavy hair that reaches to her bum, big blue eyes and a scar across her cheek. Is always wearing a small blue summery dress that reaches to her knees (because she died in it) and normal blue girly shoes. Has a few cuts on her arms and looks like the ghost of the typical 'concrete angel' herself. Has an overall translucent effect about her.

History/Personality: Was killed about 10 or 9 years ago by her drunken single father, he used to regularly beat her up ever since her mum died when she was 5 and once day went too far, resulting in her death. He hid the murder from everyone by burying her body in the forest near Frederick's house and was never arrested nor charged with her death. He is still alive today. Ever since her death, Gwen has become more curious about other people and likes to roam around freely, she often likes to sit inside the mansion/house near her resting place although she has not yet been discovered by anyone. It is possible for anyone between the age of 18-19 to know Gwendolyn because she would be that age now if she had not been killed, it is more likely that a human would know her than a supernatural. (Like Blake! :D )

Name: Kai Daniels

Age: ​28


Half-human, half-vampire. Strangely only smells and appears to be a human to any other race.

Tall, dark black hair that is ruffled in a messy style but still manages to look hot. Dark chocolate brown eyes and muscly arms and six-pack. Often wears plain t-shirts with black jeans and a leather jacket. Looks like this guy but with black hair, brown eyes and paler skin:

View attachment 2088

Love Interest:
None yet.

Kai was raised as a human by his human mother. His hatred of vampires began when as a 9 year old boy his home was invaded by a vampire that looked oddly like him. He soon discovered that the vampire was actually his dad who raped his mum nine years ago. He watched as the vampire started punching and basically beating his mum up, and he ran - with new found speed - to the kitchen, grabbed the biggest knife and ran back, speeding over to the vampire and plunging the knife through the area where he knew the heart was, the vampire staggered back in shock and looked at the child, putting two and two together. The vampire died that night and Kai discovered of his own other side and still to this day he ignores it. He grew up training to kill vampires and his hatred grew even more when at the age of 21 his mother was killed by vampires. He is now an expert at vampire hunting and his half vampire abilities help him.
Name: Flower Moon Stroud

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Race: Key holder


Love Interest: None

History/Personality: SHe is stubborn and brave. Quite the loner and is a great sword fighter. She is strong and will never give up. Her past was filled with pain her family was killed when she was six and was raised by another family.

Name: Blake

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: He is tall with short brown hair and green eyes. Pale skin.

Love Interest: none

History/Personality: He is quiet and shy but win fight when he needs to. He rather watch situations then interven.
Well, its set in the late 1800's and its a town where the supernatural get hunted by cocky humans. The supernatural tend to try and blend in as best as they can except the rare few who think they can do whatever they please. Any other plots can be made up as we go along.
Name: Logan

Age: 17

Sex: male

Race: Werewolf

Appearance: He's tall, tan with silver eyes and black hair. Kinda plan.

Love Interest: None

History/Personality: He was born into a werewolf family and found himself having to act like a human. Even when smelling a far away fire he had to do nothing. It was hard for him when it costed lives to stay hidden. He is quiet and lonely. He hates having to act normal.
Name: Frederick Gungs

Age: 65

Sex: Mane

Race: Human


Love Interest: Multiple his favorite "toy" is Marella

History/Personality: He is a wealthy business man with an assortment of creatures. He has a few hunters that capture his little pets. They are housed like animals in a barn in the back that is constantly guarded. It looks like a normal carriage barn but inside it is all stone work

Name: Marcus Browns


Sex: Male

Race: Human


Love Interest: none yet

History/Personality: He is a hunter but his main focus is relocation to places more suited to the creatures. He gets them far away from towns and people.
Name: darknen

Age: 18



Appearance:wears a black hood that makes it harder to see his face, the hood continues into a shirt of equal blackness that he wears underneath a black coat, always buttoned tightly, with red lining, his black hair covers his left eye. He wears black trousers. Has light red eyes and pale skin

Love Interest: little to non

History/Personality: was bitten at the age of fourteen serveal years ago, the vampire that bit him nearly drained him completely dry them threw his corpse of a cliff. He woke up the next night, the first thing he did was look around, nobody had seen him. His coat used to protect him from the sunlight, now it takes all his powers, and some weaknesses, during the day. If, during the day, he takes his coat off he will either: lose his powers forever or drop dead. He is unsure of which one and doesn't want to try it out. He doesn't like killing people for food so he will find someone who appears to be sleeping then take a tiny sip from the arm.
Name: Emily

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Race: Angel

Appearance: About 5'2, slim, shoulder lenght blonde hair, blue eyes, usually wears jeans, black cowboy boots, shirt, and jacket. Warm ivory skin. Soft facial features but has a stern look about her.

Love Interest: None

History/Personality: Generally a warm hearted girl but has strong qualities. She was sent to Earth to blend in with the humans to watch out for them. She is a strong angel and a good warrior and fights to keep everyone safe. She has made a home in Buffalo, New York where her vessel's family still resides.
Yay! I knew this random dead animal would come in handy! Will a fly be enough to revive a WHOLE rp though xD
I'll go ahead and sign up, can you bring me up to speed as to what's going on so far? A summary?

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Name: Faith Lehane

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Race:vampire hunter

Appearance: View attachment 1950

Love Interest:none as of now

History/Personality: Faith was born in the late twentieth century; growing up with an abusive family, Faith was chosen at age fifteen to be a vampire Slayer, one of only two in all the world. However, a mistake when she was sixteen ended up sending her on a downward spiral that eventually landed her in prison for three years. Just recently having broken out in an effort to save the world, Faith's effort was successful; however shortly after, while tracking down Rikarah Pallaton, a Lycan with whom she has shared considerable bad blood, Rikarah was able to puncture a hole between the future and past and escaped through it into the late nineteenth century. Following after her, Faith found herself back in time, struggling both to hunt down vampires and werewolves and to also fit in with a time period unfamiliar to her.

Faith is far from a proper lady of those times, can seem rough and sarcastic, but is essentially good hearted and concerned.

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Name: Rikarah Eve Pallaton

Age: appears to be between 19 and 21

Sex: female

Race: werewolf

Appearance: View attachment 1951

Love Interest: none as of now

History/Personality: Rikarah was born Susannah Pallis in the late twentieth century; after murdering her family, she quickly became what she considered a "moral" killer, murdering those she felt to have earned the death. As time passed, although Rikarah still comes across as very much the charmer, she became considerably more driven by power and bitterness at her continued solitude from society. Eventually after having been turned Lycan by a lover who soon after faded from her life, increasing her bitterness, she deliberately provoked and several times attempted to kill the Slayer Faith before finding a way to tear a thread between time periods, disappearing into the nineteenth century. Now, Rikarah is trying to reinvent herself in the past in order to look forward to a new future.

So guys, since you seem willing to help me revive this RP. Should we start a whole new one? Or try and get the old one out of the un-active RP section? xD
Lol I'm sure willing to start it up again but they are in the middle of something in the old one sooooo....I wouldn't know.

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