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//sigh//, I want to make this plot a roleplay, but-


⋆*ೃ:.✧The Juice Crew⋆*ೃ:.✧
the problem is I'm not sure I sure if I want it as a 1x1 or a small group roleplay. Here's the plot with decoration, that'll be added later:

[ A small dirty, crumbled, handwritten note was slipped under your cell door, it is unknown to you who have sent it, but you continued to read it anyways. You narrowed your eyes at dim lighting of the outside world, just to see a simple sentence of this poorly written letter. The note states the following ]:

"Dear fellow jail-bird, so looks like you're stuck here in the slammer like the rest of us. Like the rest of us you'll spend years of your natural life in a nearly burnt out jail cell, to rot in guilt in consequence. However, little rumors have been spreading around here like wildfire. The military gives you a sugar-coated opportunity to be free once more, almost. A great war between many countless countries, and rebel forces are in the horizon in the Middle East.

- Thus, the government rather let the people who are a nuisance to society, fight in wars on behalf of loosing the lives of honorable citizens. Here's the catch, they're going to just set everyone free. Everyone. Therefore, you shouldn't just fear the enemy itself. Your allies post a threat to yourself as well. Running away isn't an a choice without dire consequences, there's spies of every kind out there, and they will hunt you down as if you were prey. killing yourself isn't an option, there's no weapons open for us to use entirely. As a matter of fact we'll be sleeping in muzzle and straight jackets to prevent any,
"accidents." Rioting can't work either, because they'll have the ammunition upper hand...The Birds!

- If you're lucky enough to survive all of these hazards, what's next? Nothin' special, except home sweet cell... That's right.. You were just a toy soldier for the Great American Dream, existence. Even if you fought bravely for yourself, and your country all you'll get is a pat on your back to escort you back to where you belong. Funny isn't it?...Being a free man again isn't so easy. Is there a way?... I'm not sure, but I'm sure you'll figure something out. How do I know so much? Well, like everyone, a little birdy told me. So what are you gonna do pip-squeak? Are you just going to run, or fight to dice freely?"
How interesting~

I feel like it's be an idea for maybe... Mm, four people? Two to four people, not too many but not too few...


Not sure.

But it's cool~
Yeah, I wanted to give people a few main roles, and some possible side characters. I've been really skeptical on using this plot. Mainly because I quickly loose interest in large roleplay groups. Maybe because they take so long to prepare themselves, and I loose interest quickly? Hmph. However, I can be committed roleplayer, but I don't like to wait too long at the beginning.
I know. I always do one X one because they are easier to keep track of.
Hm, then we'd have to find you some active people~

Don't think too poorly, friend~

Well, either way I find this interesting, never seen a plot like that!
I'm super active. I have nothing to do but highschool
Oh, thanks you guys!

I try not to think that way, but my gut takes over.

I might do it though!

I still need to tweak a few things.

It's been in my files for awhile now.

I actually thought I was going to make it into a book, but that didn't work.

Heh, anyways, there's a good chance it'll happen.

I have a lot of work that must be done. I'll PM you guys soon. Okay?

Sorry for the late replies. ^^;
Four I believe is the best number for a successful roleplay~

Especially since we're all on, are scheduled must be similar, no?
Yeah, I believe so? However, mine's could vary due to school. I should be on 3-5 times a week maybe more. Generally the same throughout the year. I'll try to tell you if I'll be absent that day.
I'll reply everytime some one replies to me. time varies though. But, I always post that day.
May ask you guys how in depth can you roleplay? I'm not big on the whole demanding-15-paragraphs thing, but I would like a bit of effort. You know? I know we all have a one-liner days. I surely do. Although, I wouldn't make it a habit. Grammar mistakes are okay, but please keep it easy for me to read. I was around a lot of people without an ounce of grammar, but if I can't decipher everything. Myeh, enough with Grammar Nazi thing.
I'm in ap geography and honors English, I am physically incapable of one liners or grammatical errors.
I can do as much as I feel like it that day. I pretty much can do any depth.. I'm looking for a depth rp right now.
I'm taking regular English. I wish I hadn't. Well, no, I like my teacher. I feel like I can learn with her. The only thing higher level that I'm taking is Chemistry and AP World Hist. World History is killing me with all these projects.


I don't like to be too demanding on some grammar guidelines. It makes me feel snobby and mean. Maybe I'm just a big ol' softy.
I try to be kind or comical to state rules. Just in case I hurt someone's feelings they could laugh a little, hopefully.

I'm kind of the comedic relief in a lot of stuff

But I still can't tell people they have crappy spelling and grammar and stuff

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