Sidhe: The Alderking's War

Rex That Betrays

Junior Member

It was, in ancient times, there were two Gods, He of Heaven and the god of Earth. The god of Earth was a wicked thing and caused all manner of strife and war. He raised up the giants and put the serpents in the sea, he taught men to craft swords and showed them how to slay and beguile one another in war. The god of Earth was a wicked thing and the god of Heaven would not have him. So it was the god of heaven whose power is over all the sky's and storms opened up the stores of heaven and let all it's water flow upon the earth and drowned every living thing except His chosen. With the waters the god of Heaven cut apart from the land an island in the west and put it aside and underneath it, deep into the earth, he threw the god of the Earth and underneath this island trapped him there that he could not torment or corrupt the peoples of the earth ever again.

But the god the Earth was a crafty thing and though his body was trapped beneath the world, not so was his spirit, so abandoning his flesh he became a great and mighty phantom whose power was over life and death and could work many wonders. However he could not travel far from his body, or he would die and go to the place of the dead and so the mighty phantom was trapped upon his island.

So he created life there and filled it with every grass and shrub that pleased him, raised up every tree and dug out where every river runs and made the island a good and lovely home. First he made the beasts, every fleet-foot dear and plain-stalk lion. He filled the trees with birds whose songs he loved and lastly made he them, the sprites and spirit-kin after his likeness. The sprites then fashioned for themselves children who were the elves and fairies and the spirits like their father made more beasts and gave them wondrous power, these are the creatures of legend.

The god of Earth had made wonderful things here, but as he was a wretched thing he too made wretched creatures, these were the Goblin-men, trolls and Giants who live in the great north woods. There in Brochelan he gave the wretched things all power and strength to rule their forest and proclaimed that any thing that should walk in that wood will forever be a Goblin's slave, and he taught them every way of war and every manner of death and made himself their king.

This was all in ancient times, before the kings and thrones.

After a time it came to pass that the god of Earth sewed distrust amongst his creations so they would learn to hate each other. This is when they elected their first kings and set about to divide the island amongst themselves. To the elves went Mag Mell and to Fairies, Beo. Nog was ruled by Spirits and Annwyn was for Sprites.

They were all divided.

This is when the god of Earth decided e should leave his people, the Goblin-men, and give to them a king who was made of flesh, a mighty son like no other, to lead them against the island and bring to them great war. So as a ghost the god of Earth went out into Mag Mell and stole an Elfen child and whisked him away into Brochelan and told the trolls and other wicked things.

“Lo, I give to you my son, Alderking, you will raise him and teach him war, and you will give him a throne and scepter and he will rule over you, because he is an Elf you will hate him and hate every Elf because of him and he will be a tyrant and a cruel lord above you, but he will give you war and for it you will follow him”.

And so it was.

It has been three generations since, and the Alderking has grown great and powerful. Now he will fulfill the covenant made between the Goblins and their god and bring down war upon the island.

Today the goblins march into Mag Mell.

The royalty of Sidhe have convened at fort Lir, all the Elector Princes of the Elf-land, the nobility of Nog. The Spritish duke and mayors and the fairy Queen. Gathered they to deliberate peace amongst themselves and raise an army to push back and thwart the wicked Goblin horde.

This is a literate fantasy roleplay set upon the island of Sidhe, the home of the Elves and other magical creatures. Sidhe has come to war, the Goblins and their Alderking have declared war upon all of Sidhe and desire to plunge into blood and death. What will become of Sidhe and it's nations?

If you're interested sign up with the following character sheet. Your character will be a child of one of the many gathered nobles, princes and officials gathered at Lir to discuss the war plans. The roleplay will unfold from there.

Your character does not need to be all that detailed, I hate filling out character sheets so I'm going to make this very simple. But just because you don't need to write allot here doesn't mean you won't be held to a standard of literacy. I'm trusting you to be able to know who your character is and reveal them to us effectively in the roleplay without having to tell us who they are here.


Age: (you are meant to be a young person, while the age range for childhood varies for each race keep in mind what race you are when you give your age)

Race: (Sprite, Elf, Fairy or Spirit)

Appearance: (What do they look like, I'll accept pictures)

Parent's Title: (what position do they hold)

Biography: (The history of your character)


The Elfs are the second to youngest race, made just before the Fairies and created by the ancient Sprites. They are a tall and handsome people, marked by their beauty and fair appearance. The Elfs are a race capable of great magic even in the least talented among them. Elves tend to be a mischevious and curious lot in love with exploring the world finding new ways to do everything. They've been accused of being air headed if not outright simple-minded. Elfs view everything they do in life as an art, from weapon smithing to farming, if it's to be done it's to be done craftily and with an eye towards aesthetics. Elfish weapons are notoriously poor in quality, they appear dazzling and well crafted (for surely they have been) but they are not suited for battle, the same going for much of their armor and most everything they produce has a very ceremonial aura about it. The power in Elfish crafting therefore is not to be found in itself but in the magic and enchantments placed upon them, a sword only as sharp as your skin may be rather useless but when it is covered in magic fire it more than makes up for it's short comings.

Elfs are long lived creatures, aging slowly and growing as old as 2 centuries. Though sharp and quick in their youth and adulthood, aging is a dreadful thought for an Elf, though they stay beautiful and young all their lives, their minds erode as any other races. An Elf in his 70's-90's will begin to feel the affects of his age on his mind and by their first century most Elfs will have grown senile. Bey their 130th year they will have lost their mind and at this time most Elfs in this condition will wander north into the Brochelan where they will never be seen again.

Because of this most Elfs will partake in a sacred ritual suicide around their 60th year. Participating in this suicide is considered to be an act of great personal sacrifice and those who do are honored in their families and communities long after their death.


Fairies are the youngest of the four races and are a tiny people, not in number, for there are more fairies in Sidhe than fish in the ocean. No the Fairies share their height with the length of your arm, from your elbow to your finger tips. The fairy people come in all variety of skin, hair and eye color, their bodies adorned with all kinds of traits. A chimeric race any single Fairy can have or lack horns, hooves, long serpent tongues, rats tails, lions tails, bird or or insect wings or anything else the imagination may conjur. Though humanoid, outside of that there is no definition of what any fairy should or could look like and neither the traits of his mother or father can predict or foreshadow how a new Fairy will grow and develop.

The exception to this rule is the Fairy queen. The Fairy queen is special among the Fairies because she looks more like an Elfen child than a fairy. Though still short, standing closer to 4 feet than to 5, she is among her people a giant and is usually of fair skin and hair.

Fairies are short lived creatures, dieing around the age of 20 and if they are particularly luck they will reach the venerable and ancient age of 30. The Fairy queen may live up to a hundred years.


The second oldest and longest lived race. A spirit may live as long as 500 years. An immensly powerful race the spirits are known wide and far by their command of magic. Spirits magic however is different from it's Elfen cousin, Spirits hold great sway over “mood', their emotions altering and informing the world around them. A sufficiently powerful spirit when angry may cause a room to ignite with fire or flood valleys, when joyous he may cause flowers and grass to spring up from rock and sand. The spirit imposes himself on the world, rather than drawing out and manipulating natural phenomenon. Being as long lived as they are and as powerful it is not uncommon for particularly awesome spirits to be venerated as deities among Sprites, Elfs and Fairies. Spirits are a curious species in that they are only semi-tangible constantly shfiting between being material and immaterial creatures. They have no control over how solid they are at any time. Spirits appear more or less human.


The spritish race is the oldest and first made in Sidhe they can appear as almost anything their natural form is that of small balls or whisps of light and smoke. Outside of their shape shifting abilities Spritish magic is negligible having lost their ancient and magnificent powers to the Elfs when they created them.

A sprite may live up to 60 years.
Name: Selven Kel'Narek

Age: 60

Race: Spirit


Parent's Title: Ambassadors

Biography: Selven has been raised in a line of Ambassadors, but has no interest in the politics that are brought into play. He he eccentric, and has difficulty restraining his emotions at times. He is often held in contempt because of his eccentricities, but doesn't care about public opinion, much to the quiet infuriating discontent of other spirits. He has often been lectured by his parents for his lack of public responsibility.
Name: Lein Del'Spiro

Age: 74

Race: Elf

Appearance: Stuff/ElvenArcher-1.jpg

Parent's title: Nobles.

Biography: The Del'Spiro family has been known for centuraries as a high ranking family who will one day make it to the top of the political food chain. With his father being a big political figure and his mother being from a powerful magic bearing family, Lein was destined to become the one to take the Del'Spiro family to the top. Everything would have been grand if Lein hadnt picked up a sword on his 15th birthday. He had always been fantacized with the stories his uncle (a General) had always told him. So in secret, Lein and his uncle practiced swordplay and archery until Lein becme particularily skilled.

Then his Uncle died in a battle Lein turned 18 and Lein's mind shattered. He was no longer the fun loving child who would spend his days playing with the other children and practicing his fighting while trying to avoid his parents political lessons. Now he was a heartbroken young man who realized the world was a grim and dark place. He left his home and disgraced his family, He became a mercinary and spent his days growing up with the worlds most wicked types. Though he grew up with those who can kill children, he has kept a small bit of his humanity and cannot morily kill an innocent.

Personality: Though he may appear to be a cruel man, he is truly kind. It may be because of the Elven blood flowing in his body but while others see someone in danger and ignores them, Lein will jump in sword ready or bow up. Lein believes that even in a world that jhas come to chaos and pain, there should be atleast some gleam of hope for the people. 'You cant save the world as some sort of politician ' His uncle would always tell him.

Fighting abilities: Though trained well in swordplay by his uncle, Lein joined a mercenary faction and was taught to use a bow. That began his favorite way to fight and his preferred way of fighting. He still keeps his uncles sword on his hilt incase he ever decides he needs to use it. Through his mothers blood he has an exceptional use of magic but his training in magic is minimal.
Trollkage I can't accept your character as it is right now.

First, Your age is too high, I made a point to state that you should be relative children and as I described in the Elf description at around 60 years Elves begin to go senile. Furthermore with a lifespan of 200 years being close to 100 would make you middle aged rather than adolescent. So closer to 15-25 would be more appropriate.

Secondly your background does not make much sense in the context of where I mentioned we will be starting the roleplay, that is, as the children of nobles gathered at Fort Lir. If you had run away from your family and become a mercenary you would not be with your family at Lir.

There are a few other problems as well but if you fix those two, the others will by necessity clear themselves up, so I won't mention them. I will be looking forward to see how your character turns out once you've made the appropriate changes, if you decide to do so. Thank you for your time and I appreciate your interest in my RP.

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