Sidereal Question(s)


Junior Member
1. Can you use Charms that have the Fate keyword outside of the purview of the Loom of Fate (Malfeas, Autochon, etc.)?

2. Are specialty dice used to calculate DVs?
Oh damn, I forgot one.

3.When you're using a prayer strip, do you use your DV or the strip's? For example, if I were using the Charm Perfection of the Visionary Warrior (where the prayer strip goes over your eyes), do they have to penetrate my (improved) DV to target the prayer strip or can they just go straight for it?
Have mostly first edition version of Exalted and am in process of developing a game using mostly dragonblood characters but one player is interested in running a sideral and from what I've read from that versions sideral book it feels somewhat lacking.

Does the second edition version explain siderals better?

Or am I missing something mentioned earlier in the book since I've only glanced at the usual opening narration for siderals in the Exalted setting?
hopeless said:
Have mostly first edition version of Exalted and am in process of developing a game using mostly dragonblood characters but one player is interested in running a sideral and from what I've read from that versions sideral book it feels somewhat lacking.
Does the second edition version explain siderals better?

Or am I missing something mentioned earlier in the book since I've only glanced at the usual opening narration for siderals in the Exalted setting?
2E Sidereals is a great book.

Mixed Circles with Sidereals and Dragon Blooded are often a bad idea because the Sidereals are vastly more powerful than DBs.
hopeless said:
Have mostly first edition version of Exalted and am in process of developing a game using mostly dragonblood characters but one player is interested in running a sideral and from what I've read from that versions sideral book it feels somewhat lacking.
Does the second edition version explain siderals better?

Or am I missing something mentioned earlier in the book since I've only glanced at the usual opening narration for siderals in the Exalted setting?
The 2nd edition book I think did a better job of explaining what non ronin Sidereals do much better than the 1st edition book did. The problem is mostly in that the mechanics in the 2nd edition Sidereals book suck A LOT. There have been some Ink Monkey love and some errata to fix a few things. But the grand Sidereal fix update is still a little in the future.

Also don't worry too much about a Sidereal in a Dragon Blooded book. Nitche protection is the biggest thing and the limited charm set of the Sidereals helps in this regards.

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