Story Sidequest - A Homestuck Experiment


Drinker of coffees
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
((In which I write snippets or whatever surrounding hypothetical two player sessions. Suggest things, I guess?))

This first one is a love story between a Knight of Space and a Prince of Time.​

-- cleanCanvas [CC] began pestering godlessTimeset [GT] at 2:20 --​
CC: hey
CC: i know its late
CC: and you're probably not up
CC: but I just wanted to thank you for playing with me.
CC: no one i know irl wanted to
CC: none of my other online friends wanted to either
CC: they said they were busy
CC: and maybe some other time
CC: and i get it
CC: sometimes they just have shit to do
CC: but i can't help but wonder if maybe its me, if maybe they don't like me, that maybe i'm the problem?? that they don't like playing with me because I annoy them somehow? but they're too polite to say that to my face???
CC: these thoughts really hurt me, y'know?
CC: at least you're honest with me

GT: dude its too fucking early to start thinking deep philosophical shit
GT: go the fuck back to sleep
GT: I'll gladly have this conversation with you later, but seriously.
GT: im just too tired right now, k
GT: good night

CC: yeah yeah sorry
CC: good night

-- cleanCanvas [CC] cease pestering godlessTimeset [GT] at 2:25 --​

CC sighed and stared at her screen, resting her head in the palm of her hand, leaning up on her desk. She wasn't sleepy in the slightest. Rotating left and right slowly in a rocking motion, she looked to the pair of discs next to her monitor, before looking back to Pesterchum. Perhaps she could find someone else to pester at this time of night...?

Nah. She needed to sleep. She knew she needed to sleep. Stifling a yawn, CC looked to her bed, just a bit too plush and too warm in the middle of summer. She wondered what the conditions were for GT, where he lived, and what temperature or even season it was for him. It was almost two thirty in the morning, and CC had homework to do in the morning. She rotated to lean her back against the desk, locking eyes with the covered canvas in the corner of the room.

Surely enough, she did live up to her chumhandle. The canvas had recently been painted over in white and left to dry after the fifth attempt at putting paint on it in some semblance of an image went bad. Her cousin, as well as everyone online, assured her that her final products were always good. But they never saw the in-between, when the entire thing looked like crap and took her a month to actually get the way she wanted it.

Rubbing her eyes, CC got up from her swivel chair and shambled to her bed in the corner, turning the fan up as high as it went and flopping down onto the mattress. Tonight was going to be a long night.

How many days had it been? How many hours? How many minutes? GT refused to find out. It was nearly impossible to tell, anyways. There was no sun in the Medium. all light seemed to radiate from and around the planets. Somehow, with only the vast expanse and blankness of this space-like area, they were still able to see two feet in front of them. A singe blue star shone in the distance - GT knew now that it was actually Skaia, and not, in fact, a star.

He rubbed his eyes. How long since he last slept? GT didn't want to go back to that accursed purple moon the locals called Derse. As an aspiring astrologist, it wasn't hard to tell that Derse hardly even classified as a small planet. If he could fly around it in the span of a day, he was either flying faster than he should be able to fly logically, or the "planet" wasn't in fact a planet. It was only twice the size of the moon, anyways. And that chain was simply illogical -

There he went, rattling off space facts again. GT took a moment to close his eyes and settle himself. The sound of frogs echoed over his land, the Land of Chimes and Frogs, as the local turtles called it. He didn't understand how it was possible to sustain breathable air with only minimal plant life, or how all these frogs even managed to - never mind. He didn't want to know.

GT wondered how CC was fairing - she had said her land was the Land of Clay and Paint. He knew she had a thing about art, and didn't know what exactly she thought of the world she had been handed. GT had been tempted to ask her many times, but hesitated every time for fear of having to suffer through CC's rants. Apparently the consorts on her land didn't exactly know what they were doing... he imagined that would have set her off like nothing else.

Spinning his newest weapon, something his Sylladex dubbed the SHEARS OF TIME, he mindlessly slashed and snipped at enemies, unknowingly snipping and cutting off many doomed timelines...

CC huffed, bracing her hands on her knees as she panted and gasped for air. She had just gotten back from traversing her planet. Her sprite hovered over her, turning its feline/vulpine this way and that, ears perking and swiveling. CC simply shook her head. Not a single frog anywhere. Not only was her planet, the planet that was supposed to be full of frogs, missing all its frogs, but CC hadn't heard from GT in so long.

This planet was so boring... so simple. There were all kinds of paints everywhere. Kids watercolors, oils, acrylics... and then there were the clay creations. Consorts spun lumps of clay into more vase-like lumps of clay on pottery wheels, but the way they did it... it almost made CC want to correct them. Almost.

As if on cue, CC received a notification on her glasstop, a combination of her glasses and laptop.

-- godlessTimeset [GT] began pestering cleanCanvas [CC] at 728:36 --​
GT: Hey, CC! Long time no talk!
CC: long time no talk?

GT: Woah, chill.
GT: See, this is why I didn't want to talk to you. I knew you were going to explode.
GT: What, is it the end of the world? Or perhaps the misshapen way your consorts interact with your land? Perhaps the fact that we're single-handedly responsible for the extinction of our own species?
GT: That was sarcasm to the max, by the way. It's probably a combination of all three, you don't even need to tell me.

CC: not to mention totally underhanded of you, to not tell me
CC: i thought we had a deal
CC: i thought you were honest with me
CC: i thought i could trust you
CC: i guess not

-- cleanCanvas [CC] cease being pestered by godlessTimeset [GT] at 729:40 --​
GT: Wait, CC!
GT: Ah damn...

-- godlessTimeset [GT] began pestering cleanCanvas [CC] at 731:10 --​
GT: Look, CC. I don't care if you ignore me.
GT: I don't care if you've already blocked me on Pesterchum or whatever. I just need to let you know.
GT: I'm sorry, CC. I didn't mean to leave you alone that long. I lost track of time.
GT: But I know that's not what I really need to apologize for.
GT: I'm sorry I let you think that I didn't like you. It's the opposite, CC.
GT: I really enjoy your company. I wanted to spend more time with you. That's why I played this game with you. Honestly, the game reviews for this made it seem like it was insanely boring, so I almost didn't play. I wouldn't have played if you didn't ask me to play with you.
GT: And yeah, it sucks that we're the only two humans left alive. And yeah, I know I shouldn't have left you alone for that long. But nothing I do is gonna erase what I've done.
GT: Well, maybe I could go back in time, but then me typing this would be kind of pointless, and I'd still remember, so it wouldn't matter.
GT: That's why time travel is a lie. You can't remove or redo your own past. You're stuck with your actions, whatever you choose to do.
GT: Speaking of, I'm going to go talk to my planet's Denizen soon. My sprite tells me it's a big deal, and I might not come back. It also tells me there's some things you need to know.
GT: First off, I have the frogs. They're all over my planet.
GT: Second, you're supposed to do the frog breeding yourself, or something. I guess I could just go to your planet meanwhile, to get out of your hair, if you don't want to see me.
GT: Yeah, I think that's it.
GT: So uh, if I don't die, and you decide you don't hate me and still want to hang or something...
GT: Guess I'll see you when I get back?
GT: Yeah. Later.

-- godlessTimeset [GT] cease pestering cleanCanvas [CC] at 731:20 --​

CC was oddly at peace.

For the first time since starting this stupid game at the dead-ass of night, CC felt totally calm. And she felt like crying. GT might never return. CC didn't even see his message 'till it was too late. She had initially berated herself for not forgiving him sooner, but also part of her was angry still at him for leaving her alone. And a small, dead lump in the pit of her stomach told her he was lying in his apology. She had a shaking feeling that he didn't actually like her.

Perhaps that's because she hasn't been being honest with him.

Perhaps it was time to take the cloth off the unfinished canvas and show herself in her most emotionally vulnerable. It wasn't like she had a reputation to uphold anymore. They were the last two humans, after all. Worst case scenario, she just avoided him from now on.

She hated herself. She hated her codependency on the approval of others. Every pat on the back, every happy smile, every satisfied patron gave her a reason to wake up in the morning. Her friends kept her from going crazy between finished pieces. But now there was only GT. She needed him more than ever now. She wasn't sure what to call it. Perhaps she was clingy. Perhaps she was in love. After all, CC had really narrow options now.

She just.. had never seen GT in person. She'd seen pictures, sure, but a hansom guy with bleach blond, wavy hair was almost too good to believe. After all, CC wasn't much of a looker in her opinion. Nerdy glasses, really dark brown, straight hair, usually a mess all over the place or in a bun... She didn't like her face. There was a lot she didn't like about herself.

Perhaps that's why she decided to wait for GT to get back to start the frog breeding. She was going to do it with him, show him her crazy, messy, imperfect way of making art. Show him her flaws and downfalls, that perhaps he'd catch her and fill in the blanks where she fell short. She twisted her fingers together, sitting on his front porch as she scanned the area for any signs of GT.

She wasn't expecting him to come from the sky.

GT would never get tired of the feeling of her fingers entwined with his.

They were entwined when he killed her on her Quest Bed, to help her ascend to God Tier. They were entwined after they defeated the Black King. They were entwined when the Genesis Frog emitted its Vast Croak. They were entwined as they descended to the new planet, that would one day befall the same fate theirs had. They were entwined as they ruled over the new planet as king and queen.

Their hands were entwined. As had the two of them had always been.

And GT loved it.



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