Sid Barrel


New Member
Apologies I have been gone for so long, but I'm back. This new year hit me like a TRAIN in school, so I hope you all forgive me.


Sid Barrel (namesake: Syd Barrett) is a man of smaller-then average (5'4") height and a bit of a frailer-then-most build. He wears a school uniform with multiple belts and chains hanging on his hip, and he has vibrant red hair which is constantly messy and spiked up, although it looks intentional - with green eyes and a resting "bitch face", and seems to always be angry. His right hand is constantly gloved with leather, finger-less biker gloves with his wrist normally wrapped around with three leather spiked choker-style bracelets, which overlap his uniform. His pants always under-lap his shoes, making what he is wearing never visible.


Sid Barrel is ALWAYS stressed out. He always carries three stress balls on him in a peeps container that hangs from one of his belts on his hip. Despite him being so stressed out, he is a very quick thinker and generally very intelligent, getting all 95-100's in his classes, and every single one of his classes being AP in school. (the only accept-ion being Spanish, which he is one of the only people in the school who has Spanish 6) He loves to act like a tough guy, despite his short size for the world of JoJo, and because of this... although he loves GIVING beatings, he HATES taking beatings. His disciplinary record is a WRECK, with numerous fights on his belt - most of which he has lost. Because of this, he developed a loving to beating up smaller, more weaker targets and is essentially a bully. Nothing satisfies Sid more then actually BEATING somebody of an average build that has equal power to him, because it rarely ever happens.


Sid Barrel, as mentioned previously, is always stressed. He acts rash constantly. Somebody could scuff his shoe and he'd blow his tangent. His grade drops below a 95 and he would flip out - almost kill himself. He's insanely sensitive about things, and especially appearance. He has no control over holding it in, either. He also hates sports, and even the thought of somebody being even close as to strong or more fit then he is. Despite this, he doesn't work out - instead, he treats his issues with a stress ball, one squeeze at a time, which distracts him a lot. His high intellect doesn't help either, as he constantly over-analyzes every aspect or minor detail. He also seems to have an obsession with calling people "peons", as almost of an iconic insult.


Outside of his weak physical form, he recently awoke a new, more deadly power, which he as dubbed PINK FLOYD.



Pink Floyd is a close-ranged Stand of a below-average build and an odd stone-like head with only one eye similar to a camera lens and a very long collared onesie with a mainly pink and black color scheme. Everything is of average build except the arms and hands, which - past the elbow, are INSANELY exaggerated - as if they belonged to Tarkus. The stand says nothing outside of its battle cry, "HEY"


Pink Floyd is unique in the fact that unlike most Close Ranged Stands, it has little to no real physical strength. In this way, it is similar to the CANON stand, Silver Chariot. Not to be mistaken, however - this stand does have its strengths.

Crushing Grip: Pink Floyd has an UNSEEN grip. With just one hand, it is able to crush with hundreds of tons of raw power. Pink Floyd can even crush items stronger than DIAMOND, albeit with quite some effort. It is easily able to crush a human skull in almost an instant, turning entire bones to dust.

Compression - State of Matter: Pink Floyd, when using both hands in a clapping motion or something short of a two - hand crush, can change the state of matter of whatever it just crushed. It can change plasma to gas, gas to liquid, liquid to solids, so forth. It can also compress particles in what its crushing…

An example of the "particle compressing" ability in action is Pink Floyd using both hands to crush the oxygen above the user, and turning the oxygen to ozone (O2 -> O4) OR, the Stand could just compress the oxygen and make it last for months - similar to some NAVY oxygen tanks.

A good example of the state of matter changing ability would be something along the lines of getting a fireball thrown at the Stand, and having it crush the fireball with two hands, making it a liquid, similar to lava - just colder.


Destructive Power: E -> A (ONLY WITH GRIP)

Speed: B
Range: D

Precision: C

Durability: E / Infinite (ONLY on the front of the hand is the stand invincible)

Developmental Potential: A (The amount of objects it can use is limitless.)


  • He's gotten A's ONLY since first grade all the way to his current senior year, at the age of 16, the only reason he didn't skip more then two years was because of his disciplinary record.
  • He has an IQ of 144, which is considered "genius", however he suffers from multiple anger issues and has had to take anger management since middle school.
  • He can type at an astonishing 193 WPM, clocking in around the world record of 212 WPM. This is all because of his insane obsession and hobby with typing.
  • Sid has over a hundred dollars in yen which he got for typing peoples projects for them, and continues to get his income surprisingly steady from this.
  • Sid Barrel is the 3rd of 11 siblings.
  • The Barrel family is famous for "The Barrel Brewery" which is a famous pub far from the area. The Barrel family, all besides possibly Sid are pro-child laborers and heavy racists and sexists. Because of this, and Sid's combined love for typing, Sid is the chief editor and chief advertiser of The Barrel Brewery.

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