Shuriken in combat


New Member
Just curious how you storyteller types handle Shuriken in combat. Can you attack close range? Can you throw multiple Shuriken at once? Can you throw two or more Shuriken at the same time at the same target? At different targets? Can you throw multiple shuriken at two targets during the same turn?

I'm a newbie to Shuriken and was wondering if anyone could give me some details. :D Especially interested to hear what Gustav has to say, since he is my ST an all. <3
It depends if this is 1e shuriken (they've got special rules for those suckers in 1e - Night Caste book). 2e, they're just regular thrown weapons.
As far as I understand it, you can throw a handful of shuriken (up to your Thrown Ability) at a single opponent as one action. Multiple targets equals multiple actions... unless, say, you were to develop a custom Thrown Charm what bypassed this restriction..?
I believe there are different stats for it in the players guide.  I seem to recall they are a little stronger.
There is an artifact called Infinite Jade Chakram.  It allows the user to have an endless amount of throwing ammo.  While the one in the book is primarily for the Air Immaculate monks, it is reasonable to say that there are versions made for the other Exalted casts.  And if not, make one.  If you are using 1e, you can easily split your dice pool and slice and dice quite nicely.  Add to that the various thrown Charms out there, and poofta!  Your target has now become a quivering pile of xp for your enjoyment.
In Scroll of the Monk there are the Typhon Wheels, oversized shuriken about a foot wide and returns like a Sky-Cutter, the boomerang artifact.

This is however, 2nd Edition.

Thanks to all the replies. I think I'm going to end up using a Chakram of my own creation instead of Shuriken. I may post it when I get it statted. It's for my Abyssal. > :)

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