Should I Drop Out?


Lord Legendary
I'm so sick and tired, emphasis on the sick.

I have a long history of mental issues. The counseling sessions I had to have in elementary school because I wanted to kill my mother. The chronic (and terribly manifested) cases of ADD and OCD which caused me to hear voices in my head as late as the eighth grade (and no, I haven't told my therapist), the delusions (I hope they're delusions because otherwise we have other issues that need to be dealt with), and most importantly, the depression and the suicidal thoughts and the mental breakdowns.

Like the one I'm having now.

I talked to a rehabilitation specialist- for the sake of anonymity, let's nickname her Onna- and she says I'm borderline needing to go to the Psych Ward.

And I want to go. My problem is simple: I've been faced with the task of either getting my parents and the Board of Education (or whatever stupid council) to approve my call for independent study based on mental health needs (impossible) or dropping out of high school.

And I don't know what to do, because I can't do this anymore.
As much as I feel that education is really important, I would probably drop out in your situation. I'm not saying that It's the best thing to do, But It's probably what I would do. It may be easier on you to study on your own, and study what you want.
Thank you. I did skip school yesterday, and today I'm petitioning the board. I've already decided; the day they say no to my final appeal (probably a week or so from now) I take my GED, and if there's something wrong with the appeal between them, I take my GED. So it looks like I am going to be a high school drop out, only because I made the mistake of growing up in a town that doesn't care about anyone's mental health, with little to no accommodating resources.
I don't see any problem with being a drop out as long as you take your education seriously and can handle it on your own. In fact, I saw someone who is 12 years old and dropped out of school really early and is smarter than most 20 year olds.

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