Story Short Stories


Bad job, Superstar!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • Oakville Memorial Hospital


    medical and mental health themes

    These days, knowing more makes you more miserable.


9 minutes ago

nine lives


Dam Minyoung

"When you lock in place and can’t move because you’re too busy being in your own head and paranoid about how much everyone hates you, it won’t be me who saves you. Better pray someone in here gives enough of a shit. But I suppose you don’t think that’s gonna happen, huh."

Minnie felt a lump in her throat, a tight cramping sensation as he spoke those words to her. An awful cold feeling flushed over her, her face tingling as the blood rushed from her head. Her vision blurred as her eyes welled up, hot tears spilling onto her cheeks.

Maybe he was right. She always froze at the most important moment; On stage, during presentations, in life-and-death situations. She was a liability, they had to be able to trust her to run when needed and at that moment, they just couldn't.

She could hear her sister arguing back, though it was muffled as she found herself losing control of her own body. She couldn't concentrate, her hands shaking as she tried to cling to consciousness. It felt as if she was hanging onto her body by a thread as the strong currents tried to drag her away. She felt like she was at home again as her mother argued with a strange man behind the wall. Haewon searched the cupboards for any scraps of food while Minnie sat on the table, her eyes teary.

She remembered different men each week, coming in and out of her house, disappearing into her mother's bedroom. She didn't understand it, she wondered what they could possibly be doing in there.

She remebered Haewon holding her after her mother's rougher customers, trying to protect her from them as they yelled and threw things, but Haewon was young, too, there wasn't much she could do.

She remembered Haewon scooping her up and running down the street, trying to find a nice neighbour who would let them stay over.

She remembered the bruises and the screaming and the horrible men.

She managed to claw herself back, her chest tight as she finally took a breath, only to blurt out:

"Then maybe you should've just let me die, then!"

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the sun.
"Don't touch me!" Miyu frantically signed as she scrambled to her feet, her nose bleeding, her hair scraggly and messily cut short. Her eyes were wild as she backed away, a cornered animal as poachers loomed in. She felt hot tears spill onto her cheeks, her vision blurred. Her face hurt, her limbs ached from fighting, her dress was torn and bloody. What had they done to her? She could barely remember.

"Hey-- Hey, calm down--" The stranger pleaded, their arms outstretched as if trying to tame a beast, "I'm not here to hurt you."
Miyu couldn't read their lips through her tears, her hands trembling uncontrollably. Her thoughts were cloudy, a dark feeling filling her head and making it heavy on her shoulders. Her ears rang louder than usual, the piercing screech driving her insane.
"Trust me, I'm not here to hurt you!" The stranger continued, reaching out and taking her by the wrist. A wave of panic flushed across her body as if the world around her was spinning. She yelped, pulling her hand away like their touch burned her flesh. The stranger flinched, holding their hands up in defence.

"Alright, I-I'm sorry," They assured her, a lump in their throat. They watched her tremble, the cold finally getting to her. She looked... wet. Her hair was damp, her dress sad and limp and full of holes.
"You look cold... let me..." They muttered, removing their thick, fur coat. They cautiously approached Miyu, holding the coat out to her before draping it around her shoulders, making sure they didn't actually touch her skin. They then stepped back, giving her space. Miyu was hesitant before gently wrapping the coat around herself, her shoulders hunched.
"Thank you," She signed, though avoided eye contact. There was a pause as the two hesitated.

"Who did this to you?"
mood: oh god oh no
location: the science lab
the moon.


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