Advice/Help Short replies when the plot focuses on my OC but LONG replies when it focuses on theirs?


New Member
Hi there,

I posted here a while ago about an RP that I was struggling with, and got some amazing advice that really helped, so thank you again to those people who offered said advice!

I was going to dump the RP entirely but after a conversation with my friend, where I pressed that it was frustrating having the entire plot revolve around their OC, she agreed she had got carried away and we continued.

And it's been good for a while. I genuinely have enjoyed working out scenes and plotting with her OC in mind, and really try and give good, meaty scenes and canon responses. Sometimes are easier than other times, but the point is that I really do TRY.

The time came for my OC to be in the limelight a little... as part of the overall plot, and honestly? I'm totally disappointed. I was excited to finally be able to have my character interact with canons (usually I have to write both sides because my RP partner rarely writes canons,) but she said she would try.

Now bear in mind when I write, my RP partner receives paragraphs... sometimes an entire page if I'm really into the character and plot at the moment.

I got short sentences. It really was the BARE minimum and to cap it off, as soon as the scenes with my OC were done, my RP partner immediately said "shall we go back to XYZ about my OC now?" (Not quite in those words, but you get the point).

It really felt like a slap in the face. That the scenes with my OC were just an inconvenience to them, and this morning, I wake up to PAGES of them writing about their own OCs internal monologue.

So like... it hurts because they CAN write when they choose to, they write well, and are motivated to, but they couldn't be arsed to even try when it came to giving my OC a moment in the spotlight?

It's honestly such a shame because I've been enjoying the overall RP more than I was at the start. But this just stings, and makes me feel that maybe my OC is THAT dull?

If I give them a massive benefit of the doubt, I could maybe see that they weren't comfortable writing the canon characters... maybe. But it really felt like they just didn't even try, especially when it came to them instantly wanting to turn the focus back to their OC.

Sigh. I don't want to dump the RP...but again I'm just feeling used. I'm also feeling like am I being selfish here, expecting more from my RP partner?

I don't write them swathes of indepth writing in order to get swathes back- I genuinely enjoy writing it. But it also feels like it should be assumed, if they CAN write at length, it's only fair to reciprocate?
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So, tell me if I'm wrong, you are writing canon characters for both you and your partner on top of writing an original character while they are just writing their OC?
So, tell me if I'm wrong, you are writing canon characters for both you and your partner on top of writing an original character while they are just writing their OC?
Yep pretty much! Very occasionally they will write canon briefly in a scene...I can think of a few occasions, one where they wrote canon for a longish scene, with decent input (which proves they CAN do it,) but for the most part, yeah they tend to just play their OC.

Sometimes it can feel quite amusing I guess when essentially I end up writing fic, rather than RP, chatting away to myself between canon characters and OC.
Honestly, it seems to me that if this RP is gonna be saved at all, it's gonna be as a result of bringing up the issues. It seems that the massive difference in word count isn't the problem, but only a symptom of the problem, which is that your roleplay partner is not invested in your side of the story.

When bringing this up, I would NOT bring up word count as the problem, but that you feel that your partner is only enjoying their "half" of the plot. You can maybe cite the word count disparity as an example, but I wouldn't make it the focus of the conversation. Cause if they get under the impression that it's JUST the word count that's the problem, the best case scenario is that they will fix their word count and something else will crop up, because they're still disinterested. And the worst case scenario is them getting resentful of you because they think you're stingy about an arbitrary number.

So I would bring up their seeming disinterest from an angle of mutual benefit. "You don't seem interested in my side of the plot: how can I help you feel invested? Is there a theme that you don't like? Can we find a way to bridge this gap between our plots, so we can both be invested in the same story?" Stuff like that.

If your partner is very understanding, introspective, and communicative, they SHOULD engage with the conversation. But if they choose to disengage or play the blame game, I'm not sure you have a lasting RP.

Just from the vibe of everything you've said so far, I probably wouldn't get my hopes up...? But if there IS a way out of this with your RP intact, it's probably that.
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So this is entirely why I refuse to double roleplays period. I would rather go into a roleplay with the understanding that I’m playing a canon love interest for my partners OC than do exactly what your doing.

This isn’t a roleplay. This is your friend taking advantage of your kind nature to get a fanfiction featuring her OC.

So I would tell her that going forward you will no longer be writing the canon characters. If she wants to continue the roleplay she will have to figure out a way to do it with you both playing OCs.

If that’s not possible then leave. There is absolutely no reason you should be consistently writing for three characters while she only writes for one. She knows that too.

She is absolutely aware that she isn’t being fair and she is banking on you being too nice to call her out on it.

Lastly this has nothing to do with your skills as a writer or your character. It is one hundred percent your partner conning you into writing fanfic for her.
Now because my last post was a bit bitter I will give you some less biased advice.

I think what is happening is that your partner wants to write a story where she plays the main character and you play the supporting cast. Now that in itself isn’t a bad thing if she communicates it to you.

Now maybe she thought you would say no if she asked you outright or she over-estimated her own ability to share the spotlight. Either way you were sold a version of the roleplay that does not exist.

So I think your best bet is to ask yourself if your okay playing the supporting cast. If you are then I would just drop your OC and focus on the canons.

If you aren’t okay playing the supporting cast then I would find a polite excuse to leave the roleplay. You can utilize your “I” sentences.

“I am sorry but I am going to have to leave the roleplay. ( insert reason, “I’m busy,” “I’m not feeling motivated by the characters”, “I would like to focus on other stories”. Etc.)

The key thing is don’t make it an accusation against your friend, focus entirely on your feelings and the fact that you are leaving for your own personal reasons.

You can still talk to your friend, and let her gush about her OC to you. It just doesn’t have to be in a roleplay format.

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