

Junior Member
I apologize if I'm going about this the wrong way, but I'm new so I hope some patience and understanding is shown. :)

I was thinking of an rp which involves a ship wrecked on the beach of a nearly deserted island. This allows for any type or age of character, honestly and I would allow up to three characters per player.

The beach is sandy as opposed to rocky, and there are various natural resources to gather and use. There are inhabitants of the island, which I welcome others to play. However, I imagine it might take a while for that discovery to take place.

The rp would start with the aftermath of the wreck. Half of the boat has washed ashore with some of its cargo, but for the most part, anything useful has been swept away.

Since I'm not sure how this site works, I'll leave it at that. If I'm doing this right, and if others are interested, and if it is deemed necessary, I will post many more details.
You might want to give a time setting (I have seen a few of these rps set in present day but never in the past), a general idea of what the island it like either using words or pictures, set some ground rules (no powers, make a male and a female character, between the ages of..., but these are just suggestions), create character forms Name: Gender: Age: etc., and a general plot line :)
Oh thank you so much for the advice 14hca14! That was very helpful indeed! I hadn't thought of the timeline issue at all!

Okay, so here is what I think to be a better description:

A boat and its crew have wrecked onto a mostly abandoned island during pre-technology times (think medieval ages). The wreckage can be seen several hundred feet away, its mass looming in the distance and quite water-logged. Within the cavities might be some salvageable items, but what's left wouldn't be enough to support the survivors for more than a few days.

As for the island itself, the immediate beach is sandy as opposed to rocky. The forest of the island is quite dense and bears fruits such as coconuts and pineapples. The island is also quite large so that one can not predict what might lurk within. Seaweed, shells, crabs, and tall grasses can be seen along the shore line, while minnows flit around in the shallows. There are larger fish, but they are further out from the shore and would take some skill to locate and catch. Seagulls frequent the shoreline to snack on small critters.

Within the island are snakes, lizards, boars and a few other small critters. The vegetation is thick and the atmosphere is quite hot. Violent storms often pass through the area.

Deeper within the island are inhabitants which may be played by players. However, so as not to spoil that, I will let others private message me about their interest in playing the "natives". Despite their being inhabitants, there are very few paths which are visible to the average person.


1. No cell phones, internet, or advanced technology.

2. No sexual content which isn't suitable for the general public.

3. No transgender characters, but you may create animal characters which don't speak, or even other "races" which aren't magical.

4. While I don't mind cursing, no excessively foul mouths.

Character form:


Species (Human, animal, if non human, please explain):




Background (Remember not to reveal TOO much, or else there's nothing to discover in game!):

Is that okay? Any suggestions on how to improve or what to add? And also, can we get started now? :)
My character:

Name: Poi Hnaniceck

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: early 20s, from all appearances

Appearance: Poi is a small girl, maybe 5'2", with brown wavy hair that dips to her waist, and a deep shade of grey for her eyes. Previously she had been on a ship which wrecked, but having been bashed about by the merciless sea, at one point her head hit a rock burdening her with a loss of her memory. She lies on the sand, unconscious, her hair in a tangled mess, occasionally coughing up salt water from the sea. Her body is adorned with bruises and cuts, and she doesn't appear to be very strong, but the fates have spared her nonetheless. The waves lap gently at her feet, tickling her dark creamy skin with teasing tastes. She has strange and dark tattoos adorning each wrist and ankle. They are very elegant and meticulous. The one that swirls around her right wrist displays her name. Her accent is thick and foreign, and she appears quite shy.

Background: On the ship, much could not be determined about Poi's purpose or background. She was quiet and reserved, and did not respond much to the other sailors.

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Hmm...I'm not particularly picky about the time so long as we don't have modern technology. :)

As for the purpose of the boat: the general transportation of goods and people from one place to another. This way, each character can have whatever unique story and reason for being on the boat that they wish. I figured it'd be more interesting that way.
All that information is important for making a character, I also need to know where they sailed from the general geography of the area
Oh dear. Well I was thinking it didn't even have to be earth, just an earth-like planet. That way, you could create whatever location you came from and whatever location you were going to. :(

Um...I guess...just give me a little time to think on it.
Okay, Cause to make a character I'd need indepth cultural, historical and geographical infromation
So I assume you're not willing to develop your own? :) Or maybe suggest some you'd like to work with? I don't have any preferences.
I'd really like the early 1900s, Western Europe, having the characters be around working/lower middle class would be a good strategic move
Alright. We'll go with that then. Maybe you should tell us a little about that time period so that we can play better? I may have to adjust my character a little so that I can rp sensibly, given the time and location. I'm ashamed to say history is my weak spot.

Surprisingly, I was actually thinking that the boat could have departed from western Europe. :)
Thank you very much Nethwan. Those will be quite useful. So when should I start the rp? Now, or wait for a few more to express interest? Also, should I start a new thread where all of this is condensed, or is that generally not allowed?
Name: Rose Parker

Species: Anglo-Saxon Human

Gender: Female

Age: 32

Appearance: View attachment 3437

Background: Personal maid to the captain's teenage daughter who insisted on accompanying her father
Name: Marella Faire

Species (Human, animal, if non human, please explain): Human

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance:Like most other people whom have been shipwrecked her outfit and body is not in perfect condition. She suffered many minor cuts and bruises and at the moment her wrist is severely sprained, of course all of these will fade with time and heal hopefully with out infection.


Background: To say that Rosa is not some what relieved for the ship to be wrecked would be a lie. However she also feels some guilt, her destination was not one she looked forward to and she had prayed for something to stop her from having to complete this journey, she did not pray for a shipwreck though. Someone had owned an Newfoundland on the ship and since they are such great swimmers she and the dog were able to swim to safety with the help of a board of wood.

Deuce the Newfoundland:


Name: Marcus Cartwright

Species (Human, animal, if non human, please explain): Human

Gender: Male

Age: 25


Background: Marcus is a bit of a stuck up snob around his family but once he is taken out of his element (dumped on an island) his arrogance dies down. He is an actuality a hardworking person which is something to say even though he has such a rich family. He is very guarded and is running away, not from his family, but a crime he committed for his family. Was this crime done out of of good or evil???( I actually haven't decided yet)
Name: Raekel Hallibreck

Species (Human, animal, if non human, please explain): Human

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Appearance: Raekel has short flaming red hair that is cut short to her chin. She has bright green eyes. Freckles extend from one corner of her eye to the other crossing over the bridge of her nose. She is fairly skinny although lanky in a way. She is also pretty short standing at a mere 4'11". She tends to dress like a boy and has a scar one her left eye.

Background (Remember not to reveal TOO much, or else there's nothing to discover in game!): One could say that Raekel did not have an easy childhood and because of it she may be a bit cynical and untrusting towards those older than her. She also has very sticky fingers as well.
Name: Aaron Cornwell

Species (Human, animal, if non human, please explain): Human

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: Rather fair-skinned with a small amount of freckles on both sides of his face. Hair is a dark caramel brown that reaches slightly past chin and is constantly ragged or messy. Eyes are a deep blue-green, and as for build-wise he is decent, specifically in the upper body. Stands at about 5”7. (or pic :B)

View attachment 3480

Background (Remember not to reveal TOO much, or else there's nothing to discover in game!): He was a runaway through and through, looking for a way to get out of his town. So when he found a ship at the docks bustling with other crew members, he decided to jump aboard and help clean. Seeing that the boy had promise, the captain allowed him to stay on the ship as long as he continued work. Little did he know of the events to come though, maybe then he would've stayed...

Heh, I'm obviously new at this forum but this looked fun so...>__>; just wanna make sure I'm accepted before I jump into this. :P
aww awesome! I'm so flattered that as a new player, you chose to play my rp! Woohoo!

You are most -certainly- welcome to join!

And welcome to the forum board! It's so exciting to have new players!!!

Just jump in and play when you're ready! : )
[MENTION=2233]Amberwing[/MENTION] I went to join and typed a huge thing but it took me so long it signed me out so i I have to retype it!
aw that really sucks!!!! LOL

I used to have a problem with that on other sites, so now I have the habit of always copying the text in a box before I hit submit...just in case. ;)
Name: Eva McDunna

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Appearance: Eva has light olive skin that is lightly tanned. Her hair is a mix of Auburn and Dark Brown. It falls to the bottom of her shoulder blades. Her hair has semi-choppy layers. She weighs about 120 pounds, so she's not deathly skinny. She has her first and second set of ear piercings. She wears a gold ring with a diamond but she hasn't been able to find it since the wreck. Although, she thinks she lost it in the sand.

( This is the closest I could find because I really like this picture, Just change her hair and eyes to look like this.. )

Background: What people know about Eva is that she's from a middle class family and has one sibling. A brother named Evan. She grew up in Reno, Nevada her whole life.

Name: Evan McDunna

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: Evan has short brown hair that is sort of choppy. He has a shadow of his chin strap/goatee thingy(Lol look at the picture.). His eyes are a piercing baby blue. He is very muscular.


Background: Evan is pretty kept to himself so the only thing people really know is that he has a sister names Eva.

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(( Finally done -.-" ))

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