Shipwreck Island SignUp


Junior Member
On a cold, early morning, the passenger ship Shoreline is due to leave the docks before sunrise, on course for the coast of France. With 150+ people on board already, they still had half an hour for the other passengers to get on board before they left the docks. Skylar and Daniel were going to visit their family in France and couldn't wait to get there. They were eagerly sitting on deck next to the railing watching the waves roll across the ocean as the deck hands bustled about around them preparing for launch.


1. No god-modding (controlling other characters but your own) or ghosting*

2. Please respect each other

3. Preferably no one-liners

4. At least make an attempt to use proper grammar, please

5. Cursing is permitted

6. No OOC drama or spamming

*the only characters you are permitted to ghost besides your own are the ship's employees (as long as they're not anyone else's characters) or the island natives

Once you've been accepted (by me), you may join in here:






Sibling(s)(if any):

Pet(s)(if any):

Reason for traveling with Shoreline:

My Characters

Name: Skylar "Sky" Harris

Gender: Female

Age: 17


Personality: Skylar is sweet, friendly, supportive, intelligent, witty, funny, and devoted, and loves making new friends. Since she was a child, her and her older brother Daniel have always been inseparable and are always there for each other.

Any other info: None

Name: Daniel "Danny" Harris

Gender: Male

Age: 19


Personality: Daniel has always been a nice guy, friendly to everyone. He's very supportive as well of protective of those closest to him. He's sweet, charming, and enjoys romance. He's nice and playful when it comes to his little sister Skylar.

Any other info: None
Name: Abbi Castens


Gender: Female

Personality: smart, funny, friendly, caring, sensitive, talented, witty, and suppotive.

Sibling(s)(if any):


age: 15



age: 17

Pet(s)(if any): N/A

Reason for traveling with Shoreline: Visiting old friends. :D
Name: Ron McGee

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: Kind of sporty, can be prideful, kind of loud sometimes

Sibling(s)(if any): N/A

Pet(s)(if any): N/A

Reason for traveling with Shoreline: Vacation

Name: Casey Renee (Caye)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: She's a wild thing, but she is also sweet. She loves having fun and meeting new people. She can be a flirt, and she is very caring. Casey is very competitive and athletic. She loves exercising and playing sports.

Sibling(s)(if any):

Pet(s)(if any):

Reason for traveling with Shoreline: Vacation

Name: Tony Hannover

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Down to earth guy who has a big heart and loves to listen. He can he a bit of a trickster at times. Tony likes to see the upside of things, and is very optimistic. He is strong, and loves to have fun.

Sibling(s)(if any):

Pet(s)(if any):

Reason for traveling with Shoreline: Vacation
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/mememe.jpg.55481de8c8ca91ada71432be2d14e13f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/mememe.jpg.55481de8c8ca91ada71432be2d14e13f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/LOVEBUG.jpg.ccade020efbce34180aee25b16d87dcd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/LOVEBUG.jpg.ccade020efbce34180aee25b16d87dcd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><-----this is Love Bug

Name: Priscilla Valentine

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Priscilla is a very loud girl. She loves to talk and have a great time, anything adventurous is an absolute 'yes' from her. She is very social with anyone and everyone. Cilla is also extremely competitive in just about everything seeing how she has been in gymnastics and dance from the age of three. She also is never in a bad mood (besides loosing but even then she's not a sore looser) and has an upbeat/glass-half-full attitude.

Sibling(s)(if any): Chatton Valentine (age 28)

Pet(s)(if any): Love Bug (sugar glider)

Reason for traveling with Shoreline: Visiting her older brother for a little while. (So Chatton will just be ghosted for like letters and phone calls)



  • mememe.jpg
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  • LOVEBUG.jpg
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Name: Johnathan Lucavie

Age: 27Apperance

Gender: Male

Personality: Generous, Selfish at times, Handles stress well, Good humor, Bit serious,

Sibling(s)(if any): None

Pet(s)(if any):None

Reason for traveling with Shoreline: Heading home to see his son after his business trip
Name: Valerie Eva Fray

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female

Personality: Valerie is a little on the quieter side. Though she doesn't say much, there're many words going on in her head, some unkind. She's the definition of sarcastic, and though not the friendliest, isn't afraid to send someone a smile.

Sibling(s)(if any): None

Pet(s)(if any): None

Reason for traveling with Shoreline: She was planning on attending her best friend's wedding.

Name: Madison Winters


Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Madison (Maddie) is a quiet girl who tends to keep to herself and the company of her older brother and dog.

Sibling(s)(if any): Blake Winters.

Pet(s)(if any): Black German Shepherd named Buck

Reason for traveling with Shoreline: traveling Europe with her brother

Name: Blake Winters


Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Like his sister, Blake is also quiet and shy. He has a big heart and is extremely over protective of his sister.

Sibling(s)(if any): Madison Winters

Pet(s)(if any): Buck, sort of.

Reason for traveling with Shoreline: traveling Europe with Maddie.

((it won't let me post links, so change all the commas to periods to see their appearances))

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