Shinobi Rising [Naruto RP]

T o b i

New Member
I don't know when I'll be able to post because I'm usually busy, but I know I'll be active during weekends.

Link to character sign-ups:

[[The role-play will begin a day before the Chunin exams begin.]]

An opaque orange pigment pierced through the obscuring haze, resembling that of a freshly lit match. The atmosphere was heavily caked with large quantities of clouds, obnubilating not only the dark toned man, but also a variety of landscaping. However, this weather was nothing deviating from the norm of Kumogakure. The shinobi brushed his hand against the cold metal railings of the balcony which he stood from, staring impassively down at the gradually passing clouds below him. Once there had been a small clearing, he could see authorities scattered across the graveled streets, remaining stationed at various weaponry shops and small food stands.

“Are they still out there?” An older woman stood before the door as her feet slowly inched toward the threshold. She gently rested her head against the casing and wrapped her hands around her plumped stomach.


“They’ve been there all day, haven’t they?”

“It appears so. From what I can see, they’re all stationed by the shops.”

“I’m guessing that means they’re all going to be lined up by the gates as well.”

“That’s more than likely where the majority of the authorities are going to be located at.”

“Aren’t they taking this jinchuuriki thing a bit too far?”


A much younger boy appeared by the side of the woman, gently grasping to her soft-colored apron with an uninterested expression imprinted on his face. “Can we go now?” he asked impatiently, “We’re going to be late for Academy again.” Having a particularly large family to cater, along with a variety of task to complete, made delays and mistakes seem inevitable. So it was no surprise that the family with a little more than a handful of responsibilities and duties, would end up making more mistakes than none. However, they shockingly maintained a well-balanced weapon industry, and kept up with a wide variety of tools and supplies.

The woman motioned her body off of the casing, taking a step outside of the apartment complex and onto the balcony. “In a minute, Sekkashi; go make sure your siblings are ready, first.” She placed her hand on the young boy’s shoulder, motioning him to go back inside. She knew that it would take at least another minute or so for the rest of the little brats to get completely ready. Usually, everyone would be scattering about the apartment in a rushed manner, making a fracas in the process. Childish outburst wasn’t uncommon in this particular household.

She turned back around to face her elder son. “Reizo,” she spoke, “could you take your siblings to Academy this morning. I’m going to be busy today running the shop. I’m sure they won’t be too much trouble, anyways.” She quirked the corners of her lips upwards into a smile. She leaned forward, placing her hands over her mouth as if gossiping about something frivolous, “I told them I was going to force them to eat vegetables if they didn’t behave themselves.” She leaned back up, softly laughing to herself.

Reizo’s fingers unlaced from the rails, turning around to face his mother, “sure.”

She sighed in relief, “thank you.” Stepping back inside the architecture, it appeared as if Sekkashi had followed his mother’s word of advice, and gathered the several other siblings to the front door. All five children, not including Sekkashi himself, sat arguing amongst themselves as they waited impatiently. Something such as this was defiantly not uncommon for the family full of hot heads and feral shinobi. In whatever manner or way, though, they knew how to pull themselves together and worked well as a unit. Reizo reached for the door and spared a glance toward the ragtag group of kids before making his departure to Academy, “We’re leaving."

Villagers were usually scattered across town, but because the chuunin exams were being held tomorrow, town was even more populated due to the ranging amount of foreigners participating in the event. This, besides the conflicting arguments about the jinchuuriki, was why many Kumogakure authorities were scattered across the area. Reizo continued to walk in his casual and composed manner, glancing at the passing foreigners out of the corners of his eyes. He wasn’t necessarily worried, but it wouldn’t be wise to get arrogant and become careless.

He halted once he reached the façade of Kumogakure’s Academy, watching his younger siblings run inside. Turning around, he scanned over the streets and began taking count of all the head bands. ‘Konohagakure…Sunakagure…Takigakure…Otogakure…Kirigakure…’ There was many, but probably more to come later on in the day. ‘I should probably find Rika and Tomei,’ he thought quietly.


The subtle wind brushed against the blonde’s checks and sank into her untamed hair. The atmosphere was much different from Sunagakure’s crisp air, and the temperature wasn’t overwhelming, either. Kumogakure’s balmy climate was relatively pleasant and soothing, but she still preferred the toasty air of Sunagakure. She could hear a wide range of conversations and voices, catching a few key words every now and then. From what she could hear, the majority of the population was from Kumogakure, Konohagakure, Sunagakure, and Kirigakure.

She took a step forward with her bare feet, smelling the pleasant scents of restaurants and food stands. They arrived a day or so later than planned, so assumingly, most of the descent motel rooms were no longer available. However, because the exams were held tomorrow and they probably wouldn’t have to rent a room for but a night, it probably wouldn’t be that excruciating if they stayed in a less nice room until then. Isako furthered down the streets, easily passing by the various shinobi without bumping into someone. “First,” she said, “We’ll find a Motel with available rooms that hopefully don’t smell like week-old dangos and soured milk. Then I’ll use my special sniffing powers to find somewhere to eat, because this place smells delicious, like shabu-shabu and yakitori.” She gave a toothy grin.
The unusually populated village of Kumokagure made the perfect opening for the Akatsuki to send a spy. Xandi was the chosen one, as usual, since there was really nothing suspicious about him. Xandi made sure to be very cautious in the village. He didn't particularly want to be caught. He tried to ignore the crowds of people rushing about around him. Xandi closed his eyes and almost drifted off to sleep. He jolted himself awake and looked around. 'Not the ideal place to sleep' Xandi thought to himself.
Haru, who had just arrived at Kumogakure the day before to rest from walking around for awhile and get some fresh food (you couldn't take too much with you even when you were travelling, and you couldn't take much of a variety) had gotten up earlier than usual for no particular reason and was kind of confused. He was bad with remembering the date, and he didn't remember anything big going on that would require this amount of foreigners to be in Kumo. Maybe some sort of popular festival? But it didn't look very festive. From overhearing a very short portion of one conversation as he lazily walked out of the hotel he was staying in and into the bustling streets, he figured out that whatever it was it was happening tomorrow. The breakfast the hotel was serving wasn't good at all, so he had left to find a restaurant or something like that. He hadn't been to Kumogakure in forever, and had forgotten where things were so he just wandered around until he couldn't stand not knowing anymore. He noticed someone laying in a place that didn't look very nice to lay down in, but he was awake and Haru didn't feel like trying to keep up with someone that was walking away to ask questions, so he approached the man.

"Excuse me sir, if you don't mind," he started off, polite out of habit, "but as you can see I'm not from around here. Do you know what's going on tomorrow?"

The question probably made him look at least a little ignorant, but he didn't know this person and didn't care too much.
Xandi stretched and looked up at the male who had just asked him a question. "...Chunin exams..." was all Xandi said. He stood up and began walking away, not bothering to look back.
Haru shrugged as the man walked away, and turned around and walked the other direction. if he followed he might seem like a stalker, and frankly he didn't want to follow him or talk to him anymore. What he wanted to know was what was going on, and he found out. The Chunin exams made a lot of sense, why hadn't he thought of that? But Haru wouldn't dwell on that- why put himself down for something so small? He casually strolled through the streets, glancing around for a store. It was cool outside but he didn't mind.

((Sorry I have to go and do something VERY IMPORTANT coughwatchbatmanmoviecough))
Zen'no Ohashi. Lovely Kunoichi of Amegakure. The Beautiful Mistress of Birds. ... that was how she saw herself. This morning, she may as well have been the Moronic Mistress of Procrastination. Her alarm had been blaring for nearly an hour before she palm-thrusted it across the room and woke up. "Stupid clock... I'm n... hell." She lept out of bed and bolted into the bathroom, grabbing some clothes from her dresser along the way. After a quick shower, she sped into the kitchen and made a quick breakfast of runny eggs, toast, and sausage links... along with a glass of juice. It was mediocre at best, but she was in a rush.

Her temporary room was a mess by the time she was done eating, as she tossed stuff everywhere as she looked for her ninja gear. Suddenly there was a voice at her window. "Hello, Zen'no!" said a boy she had met when she came to the village, named Tadakatsu, was standing there. ... Zen'no had not yet put clothes on. "Y... I'm so..." his face went pale as hers turned bright red. "You... ASSHOLE!" Zen'no thrust her hand in his direction, and he was quickly knocked down by the huge gust of wind. Zen'no rushed into her bathroom to put her clothes on as Tadakatsu recovered from her attack.

"You shouldn't just look in the windows of people's rooms, perv boy." She grumbled as she walked with him to the spot she was told to meet her squadmates. The boy laughed a bit. "Yeah, I guess. But now I have something to keep my mind occupied later. No! Don't hit m..." Zen'no punched him square in the head, sending the kid careening into a fence. "Pig. Why do I even associate with you?" This kid should have enrolled in the academy... his endurance was incredible. "Because you secretly love me after only three days? I don't know." He walked back over to his female friend and they continued to chit-chat all the way to the small park.

As they approached, Zen'no dismissed her friend. "Sorry, perv boy. Military business. You know how it is, the whole 'could tell you but would have to kill you' thing." Tadakatsu tried to play like he was hurt by the sudden dismissal. "But we were meant to be together... you w... don't!" Zen'no had raised a fist, this time as a joke. "Ah... I see what you did there. Joke is on me then." Said the boy before he waved goodbye. "Later, doofus." She said as he walked off. The lovely Kunoichi then headed over to a bench and took a seat. "Huh. Good thing I set my alarm for so early. I'm the first one here." She adjusted her headband a bit and began to converse with the nearby birds to pass time until the other squad members arrived.
Xandi wandered around and finally settled down next to a tree. He noticed a few people walking around. Xandi paid no attention to them and drifted off to sleep. About twenty minutes later, Xandi was dreaming. His dream was about the day he came home and found his parents dead. She shook roughly in his sleep and jolted awake. "What the-" He mumbled.
Nao tugged up the collar of his shirt and hunched his shoulders, trying to block out the noise of the people around him. He trailed along behind Isako, stepping silently along the road and weaving his way through the people who didn't seem to understand that someone was coming through. He focused on her words, the normal babbling about scents. To him, the air didn't smell like much beyond people, food, and crisp air.

"I just want to get away from all of these noisy people," he grumbled to himself, gripping the straps of his traveling pack tightly.
"3 o'clock in the morning!! Why did I have to get up at 3!!!" Sweat dripped from his face while he constantly moved in circular patterns, his blade whistling through the air slicing the leaves being dropped down by his grandfather who sat on a nearby wall. "If I were not your grandfather right now I would have killed you for your sloppy movements and sub-par swordsmanship!!!" The old man growled his face crunched together in an angry scowl but Tomei payed the old man's constant yowling no heed and instead continued to move through the forms he had been taught nonstop ove past few years.

"Papa, he looks like dancer and his sword is glittering in the ligh, it's pretty!!"

"Your brother is practicing our family's Nikkō no Tatakai Taijutsu, it utilises the sun's rays to distract the foe while striking, it is most useful against projectiles but when used in conjunction with a sword or blade it becomes very useful against other opponents by extending the range and effectiveness of the circular slashing movements."

As he moved to cut another leaf down, Tomei caught sight of his father and his sister watching him, his sister who was only five years younger than himself was smiling at him and waved while his father maintained his usual low brow grimace that never seemed to change when he looked at his eldest son. A little angry now, Tomei increased his speed and the nature of his movements changed to mimic his sudden outburst of anger. When Tomei had realised what he had done, every leaf that his grandfather had thrown landed on the ground in shreds. "Now that boy was amazing, a little more of that and I might think you could survive tomorrows trials." Tomei bowed to his teacher and sheathed his sword it was almost time for his team to meet up, but first he thought a wash would be good and a new change of clothes.

When he had finished cleaning himself Tomei returned to his room, his covered by his white towel exposing the large black tattoo of his family's crest lay bare upon his back and for a moment Tomei wished he didn't have to be the heir to lead his family. In his room Tomei found a surprise, according to his mother, his father had laid out his clothes while he was in the bath house and even more surprising his father had laid out a smaller facsimile of his own uniform. Ready now Tomei left the family complex and ventured out to the Academy to gather with his team mates.


The light filtered through the canopy, the nearby critters chittered happily going on with their lives and the laughter of children could be heard. The air was nice and crisp much like Konoha but it didn't hold the smell of cut grass and foliage. Horosha Hofuna the Leaf's vagrant ninja and leader of a budding new team of genin who were actually very talented and had the current political climate not required that they wait until tomorrow his team would probably already have been made chunin by now. Hofuna was not worried about his students, they were big bad and scary enough to handle themselves, the only one he really worried about was Toshi who had an unfortunate tendency to take his practical jokes a little too far and that could land them all in hot water with the Hokage. Hofuna had already made reservations for his team when he had arrived a week ago, this wasn't the first time he had been to Kumogakure and he had made a few friends with some of the big ninja names around here but things were tense in the village and Hofuna had a foreboding feeling about the future.

After his very delicious bowl of ramen, Hofuna made his way to a small park nearby where he and his team were meant to meet up, they had agreed on the place before they arrived and he was sure they would all find it. As he rounded the last corner before reaching the idyllic little park, the jounin caught sight of one of his students, she seemed a little preoccupied with her thoughts but he paid it no mind and as he got closer he greeted her
"Mornin' milady hows things goin'? You nervous for tomorrow?" He asked her, this one was a bit too cheerful but the moment she gets angry she's like a firecracker, if only she could get her chakra flow under control then she'd be able to learn the really good lightning jutsu that whistled and stuff but no, for the moment her skill set would have to suffice.

Isako continued to swerve around the obstacle of people, listening intently to the constant movement of wind and foot movement. So far, she’s only traveled to smaller and less developed villages on missions, so she was quite eager to venture around the perimeter of Kumogakure. She also seemed to be quite interested in the variety of shinobi across the great nations, intending on gaining the knowledge of all the rankings of abilities as well as social rankings. It was an exceptional way to confirm who to avoid and who to target during the trails. Also, based on what knowledge was obtained, they could plan a strategy to use to their advantage. Of course, Isako was more than likely not the only one thinking this.

She tilted her head back, smelling the faint scent of oil pastels and charcoal, which she could only assume to be Nao. She gave a snarky grin, “what?” She asked teasingly. She began snickering at her own little comment, “You two are so reserved and unsociable. If I couldn’t hear either of you breathe or move, I’d think you ditched me.” She continued to walk amongst the large crowd in a brief moment of silence, “or if I couldn’t smell doggy fragrances and wooden lead pencils.” She let out another snicker that others found sometimes annoying.

Picking up on a conversation about a near-by motel, she listened on a sketchy direction to the location.

“It’s by the Rice and Mochi stand.”

“Is it the next street over?”

“Yeah, take a right and you should see it.”

The directions she over-heard weren’t very descriptive, but it was enough to follow. Isako furthered down the streets with her feet already starting to ache. Unlike Sunagakure, Kumogakure didn’t have soft sand, but instead had hard gravel which made it unpleasant to walk on barefooted. It was bearable, though. Passing by a few fruit stands, she could smell the sweet and delectable scent of freshly made Mochi. She turned to the right along with the passing people and as promised, there stood a small motel. “Is there a motel nearby?"
Hiraka stared at the ground as she walked, following her two teammates. She couldn't help it, she was in a village that she had never been to before that was filled with people that she had never met before. It was making her jittery. Hiraka glanced up as Isako spoke but stayed silent. She pet Yohei as the little pup stuck his head out of her jacket which calmed her jittery nerves a little. Hiraka noticed that she was lagging behind her teammates and hurried forward to catch up to them. Yohei chose the moment after Isako spoke for a second time to bark rather loudly, attracting the stares of a few people who were passing by. "Sorry." She muttered to the ground sure that they couldn't hear her anyway.

She glanced up again when Isako turned right and looked up at the motel. "Yes." Hiraka said quietly.
Xandi rubbed the back of his head and stood up, glancing around. He was really getting annoyed and tired of this situation. He noticed a couple of people standing in front of a motel. He yawned and glared at them, considering walking over to them and gathering information on the chunin exams.
Nao's eyes lingered on the food stands as the team passed them by. The mochi, particularly, looked and smelled absolutely delicious, and Nao became distinctly aware of the emptiness of his stomach after the long journey to Kumogakure. When he and his teammates finally stopped in front of the hotel, he breathed out a sigh of relief, then jumped in his skin a little when Yohei barked suddenly.

"Hush, puppy," Nao commanded with a little half-smile that bared a single canine, poking the dog gently through Hiraka's jacket.

All right, come on, he thought, plodding up ahead of the girls to enter the motel. He pushed the door with a lazy shove and leaned on it, holding it open.

"Welcome!" said the hotelier, looking at him expectantly. He was silent, waiting for Isako to come and do the talking.
​That night, That terrifying night. Mizuki opened her eyes and let out a long yawn. Her dream was of that night again. Mizuki looked at her clock and then remembered that she had to go meet up with her team. She sat up and stretched, she looked in the direction of her mirror and pouted. Her hair was every which way, her eyes had black circles underneath them, she looked like she just got back from a trip to hell. Mizuki got up and walked to her dresser, grabbed a few clothes and walked to the shower.

"Wow Mizuki. You look way worse then yesterday." Kazuka stated jokingly.

"Thanks." Mizuki said sarcastically as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

When Mizuki finished her shower and put on all her ninja gear, she walked to the front door,

"I'll be back later Kazuka!" Mizuki said then walked out of the house and headed towards the little park where her team always meets. For some reason today, Mizuki wasn't the same as always. She seemed more tired then anything, and her hair was still a little puffy. She saw Zen'no and walked over and sat next to her, "Hey Zen'no." Mizuki said tiredly.
lllllAs his alarm went off, Toshi slowly got out bed and opened the curtains. He immediately regretted the decision as the sudden bright light burned his eyes. Blinking his eyes to try and get used to it, he stumbled over to the drawer in the hotel.. The thought of something happening to the two family members he had left as he was gone was constantly in his mind keeping him awake, even though he knew it was unreasonable. They could take better care of themselves now- they were both in the Academy and he had left them as much money as he could for food. Neither of them were sick. Yet Toshi couldn't help but think of every single possible way things could go wrong. Even the upcoming exam could go wrong. If any little thing kept him from passing, would he be able to provide with the amount of money he got as a genin?

lllllHe got his clothes out of the drawer, habitually taking out enough to put on several layers and making sure that a lot of them were long-sleeved. Then he started the process of putting on his clothes, which took awhile considering the fact that he was stuffing various knives and kunai and shuriken and all the other weapons he had into his clothes, like a normal person would do. When he put on his last layer, he looked in the mirror and, ignoring his messy hair, made sure that what was supposed to be hidden was hidden, and he patted himself to make sure nothing would poke him or anyone that happened to bump into him. Toshi did this way too often, and had started to get good at it. He didn't have to adjust too much. Then he spent at least ten minutes trying to make his hair look nice, and he hid bobby pins in it (who knew when you'd need to pick a lock?). If you glanced at his hair you wouldn't notice anything. He then glanced at his nails to make sure the small points hadn't disappeared, and grabbed his poisonous nail polish and stuffed it into a pocket, deciding he'd do that on the way to the park where his team was going to meet up later.

lllllWhen he went and ate the breakfast that the hotel provided, he woke up enough to realize most of what he'd done that morning probably was a waste of time because he wouldn't need any of it, but he wasn't going to bother taking it all out. And it was cooler here, and he didn't mind being particularly warm anyways since he was usually dressed like this. Glancing up at a clock, he was surprised to see that he was going to be late even if he ran. He had set his alarm for earlier than usual... Toshi was more often than not late, so he hoped that they wouldn't mind too much. Cleaning up, he hurried out the door and into the crowds of people in the streets, getting a couple of looks as he, a boy, did his nails with what looked like nail polish. Mornings were the only thing that had something like a routine, and if he only did one half-way it would just bug him. The way to the park was something he was fairly sure of, and Toshi didn't get too lost on the way. Keeping his fingers open so they'd dry as he pumped his arms, Toshi came to the park. Indeed, everyone was already there.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, I hope you weren't planning on doing something?" He called out as he approached the bench, unable to think of something punny to say quickly enough.
Xandi cracked his knuckles and stood up. He approached the group of people gathered at the bench. He glanced at Toshi. "...chunin exams...what do you know about them?" He said, dryly, his voice dripping with venom. He considered killing this guy if he didn't give him answers. He closed his eyes and opened them again, glaring viciously. "..." He hoped this person didn't give him information, so he could kill him.
Toshi turned to where the steely, cold voice had come from. This guy sounded like he wanted to hurt them for no reason. To Toshi, this sort of attitude was just the thing to make him hate a person without any other excuse. He stared at the man, thinking that if they were in any sort of danger, he was glad he had 'wasted' all that time this morning.

"Just as much as anyone. I'm sorry, do you think details would be announced to the public? Also, I loooove your friendly approach." He pretended to shrug at first, glancing off to the side nonchalantly, but with the second sentence he sneered just a little bit, and gave the tall, frowning man a angry look. Was he threatening them? No one would ever touch his friends! It was only in rare instances like these Toshi would become like this.

((Oooohhh, someone's being a jerk to Toshi already?? :o

This escalated quickly.))
Xandi smirked. "Really. No need to be that way. I was just asking a simple question." He said, shrugging. The smirk disappeared. "Sorry if I angered you." Xandi said. He held up his hands in a non threatening way. He closed his eyes and tilted his head. He opened his eyes again and glared at Toshi.
Hofuna watched as Mizuki arrived and greeted Zen'no and he frowned when she forgot to greet him as well. Mizuki was a good girl, in act Mizuki could have been the poster girl for all good girls the world over, she was so good and helpful and stuff that the mold that good girls are made with must have exploded apart and they had to make another mold but it wasn't as good as the one Mizuki was made of and every girl made after her had been flawed in some way or another. Hofuna knew much about his students including their various pasts and while he felt pity for them he knew that they didn't need it and could cope well enough on their own despite their own personal hang-ups. It seemed that the only one left to arrive was none other but Toshi. The Jonin hoped he wouldn't have to look for his absent student or his plans for the day would be cut short but just s he was about to let loose a huff of extreme frustration- "Hey, sorry I'm late, I hope you weren't planning on doing something?"

Hofuna followed the sound of Toshi's voice and sighed in exasperation, Hofuna was about to admonish his student a little when out of nowhere Toshi simply turned around, Hofuna had to lean his head to the left a little to see what had happened. At first it appeared as though Toshi was simply being snarky but the other person looked as though he were simply looking for a fight. Hofuna picked up a stone aimed and threw it in Toshi's direction, the stone itself was simply meant as a distraction but he couldn't leave too many things to chance, Kumogakure was a ninja village of course and the Chunin exams would start tomorrow which meant there would be a lot of dangerous people wandering around
. Hofuna quickly ran up to the duo and examined both of them closely, Toshi was tensed up, he could tell since his jaw was clenched while the other man was obviously a ninja all the way down to his toes. A ninja wouldn't ask another ninja for simple direction so Hofuna assumed he was asking about the Chunin exams.

"Toshi there you are, we've been waiting for you, we need to do some last minute training before we gather tomorrow with all the other teams, hopefully you'll pass, become a chunin and i can finally get rid of you guys and do ssome more traveling. I'm sure you and this man here are like best buds 'n' stuff but we'll need an early morning since we won't find out until tomorrow where the tests are being held." Hofuna smiled at the two of them hoping that he had given this stranger enough information to back off for now, but he didn't wait to stop and see he simple gestured for Toshi to go over by the girls and made to follow him.
Xandi glared coldly at the man. "...You are very foolish people..." Xandi said. He cracked his knuckles and licked his pointed teeth with his tongue. He didn't like when people got in the way of his target. He looked as if he wanted to kill all of them. Xandi closed his eyes and opened them again. He turned to the man. "..." He just glared at her viciously, not letting up. Xandi shook his head. "...You...You are foolish..." He said. He looked as though he was about to attack.
Mizuki let out a big sigh then looked up and smiled, it was as if she went to being her normal self again "Sorry I didn't say hi to you Sensei. It was a long night, that's all." Misuki said with that happy smile she always has had. Mizuki got up and stretched her arms and back and yawned. If anything Mizuki was tired, not upset or sad. That dream made her restless so much. Mizuki listened to her surronding and grabbed a kunai from her pouch and threw it towards a tree and it hit a worm. Still sharp. Mizuki thought and she smiled again. She looked at her sensei and Toshi, she chuckled because Toshi was always getting in a bite. Live it to Toshi for ya. Mizuki walked over, "Did you need help again Toshi?" Mizuki said teasingly. She always teased Toshi, but it was alright cause he did it back.
Xandi was getting impatient with these people. They couldn't even answer a simple question without being ignorant. He noticed a girl teasing the one he believed was called 'Toshi'. Xandi shook his head and mumbled. "...fools..." He just couldn't stand people, and this contact with them was making him just a bit nervous.
Zen'no was smiling happily as she conversed with a sparrow and a finch. They were both very talkative and very pleased that it was such a nice day. She was happy for them... and envious. They could fly away and go wherever they wanted WHENEVER they wanted. She could fly as well, but only with the help of one of her ninja techniques. Suddenly... her reflection and thought were interrupted by a gust of wind. Her hair whipped about freely and she stood up. She spread her arms and took a few steps forward, stopping at the railing that lined the edge of the park. The view of Kumogakure was breathtaking. Not even Zen'no's teammate greeting her could break her current, almost trance-like, state as she simply took in the feeling of the wonders around her. Of course, that all changed quickly enough and she responded happily.

"Oh. Hey there, Mizuki. Hope you slept well. I know I didn't... too nervous about tomorrow. This much was true. The Chunin Exams were an important thing to nearly every village. It pitted the trainee shinobi against one another and forced them to use everything at their disposal to defeat their fellow students. Should that be Jutsu skill, weapon mastery, intelligence and cunning, or sheer luck... was not for the teachers to decide. Once in the arena, it was all about these gifted kids and what they could do. And now breaking her train of thought again, Zen'no responded to her sensei. "Yeah. I just said as much to Mizuki. Sorry for not saying something sooner. I have a lot on my mind. ... but then he ran off just as soon as the Amegakure girl had begun speaking.

It seemed like there must have been a bit of a problem, from how the man that her sensei and teammate were conversing with was now acting. And so, Zen'no stood up and hefted the axe that was normally on her back... over her shoulder. She even caught the tail end of a conversation as she got there. "So we're foolish, huh? I don't know about that. You're the one trying to put on airs in front of a shinobi team. So how about you back off a bit and start over with a better attitude? Surely that'd be a better idea than being so menacing." The Amegakure native was now slowly charging up her chakra just in case things escalated... but was hoping deep down that they wouldn't. Only time would tell.
Xandi was about to attack the group of shinobi, when a female voice spoke up. He turned towards the voice and noticed the female. Xandi closed his eyes slowly and opened them again. He stared at the female for a few moments before he turned back to the others and fell into an attacking position. Xandi was ignoring the female, something he was excellent at. He shook his head, dismissing the annoyance who had interrupted his information gathering.

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