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Fantasy Shigakuru Gaiden

Autumn McJavabean

Prettier than you.

There was a time in Edo Japan, which has immense historical significance for the nation that we now know as Japan, when samurai were used as a military force by the Shogun. However, about a decade ago, a group of samurai, also known as the Kage, murdered the former Shogun by his own enforcers. They are a collection of samurai and fighters whose personalities and fighting styles are distinct. There was a member of the group who was not assigned to kill the Shogun, and it was believed that he had been killed in combat with his brothers during his time there. As a way to quell the fighting during the rebellion, a famous and infamous group of men known as the Kage were sent.

It should be noted that even though the man slain by his brothers did not just “die” that night, the man known as Hayate managed to escape from his brothers and was saved by an unknown individual after all of the others had been senselessly murdered on the castle grounds. It is only when Hayate awakens in a decaying, mist-covered farm far from civilization that our journey begins.
I must go, I need to avenge the murder of the shogun! Hayate proclaimed.
He tried to stand up but immediately lost his balance falling back into the bedroll.
If you leave now, the only murder you'll have to avenge is your own, as a ghost! now sit down and let me tend to your wound.
Hiyate begrudgingly stopped trying to stand and allowed this strange woman to tend to his wound. He didn't trust her, but if she wanted him dead he'd already be.
Who are you? Why have you been caring for me? Did someone put you up to this? What has happened to the rest of the Royal Family? What news have you of what has happened?
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Attack of an OniThick Lined Divider

Even though the sword had become as sharp as it could be, the veteran swordsman did not stop himself from putting every last ounce of effort into his work, despite the fact that the sword had already become more sharp than a razor blade. As he stood at the forge, his tattered straw hat obscuring his face, he peered through it. His hat was black and yellow in color with a slight sanguine tint to it. Though this staining was not a result of any normal dye, it was still man-made, even though it didn't appear to be natural. After all, no matter how hard he scrubbed that straw hat, he was never able to get it back to its original shade, as the dark red of the blood was so stubborn to get out of it. This blood carried with it the blood of those he had killed, as it also carried with it the pain and torment of knowing that his former brothers-in-arms had become nothing more than tyrant and obedient rulers for the new Shogun, and an unremovable stain on both his hat and soul. In light of the fact that the fabric and the blood have become one, it is very much in the same way that he has become one with the knowledge that he must live with what he has done, and what he is still bound to do. That is, if you can still call what he is doing now living.
He was adorned in a silky white robe, the hilt of his magnificent sword Kokushibyō peeking out of his right hand. The sword was much more than a weapon in his hands, even though it was sharper than a razor's edge. Additionally, besides the sword being a masterpiece that exceeded even the most beautiful Kintsugi pottery that had been repaired with gold, the sword's sheath was also a work of craftsmanship that was well constructed. From the base upward, there were black tendrils that glow like human veins and radiate from the sword's base upward. There was a single yellow gem at its base on the sword that slowly pulsated and glowed as if it were crafted by the legendary swordsmith Sengo Muramasa. As far as the untrained eye is concerned, it seems almost as if the sword were magical, and in this case that would be true. The veins were enacting their own form of sinister magic upon the swordsman for each kill, for it was a legendary cursed blade. The question that needs to be asked is whether the swordsman used the sword or if the sword used him rather than the other way around?
After polishing the sword for several minutes, the straw-hat stopped, slowed down on it, and caught a sound coming from behind. He slowed his polish of the sword and turned his attention to the right as a series of footsteps began to approach. Clearly, he knew that the subtle sounds of movement did not fit into the pattern of a normal peasant going about their daily routine, but instead were undoubtedly the sounds of a samurai. A faint yellow tinge went about when it came to the straw-hat's eyes, but despite the bloodied straw hat, the faint yellow aura couldn't be missed.

In addition to footsteps and the clanking of katana sheaths, he noticed a change in the sounds, as they seemed to spread out in the distance. Attempting to surround him, there were now two on his left, two on his right, and even some behind him, all trying to surround him. It is likely that the two on each side would split further, leaving him completely surrounded if he had to guess.

He heard the sound of a blade, even just one, coming out slightly, ajar from the home that housed the blade. However, there were now three bodies behind him. It came out in a flash like a flash of lightning. The swordsman shifted around in seconds, and his blade was mere centimeters from the commander leading what was now clearly a squad of samurai when he saw the commander.

He stood in the middle of the village that was Kushi-Hara - an ancient fishing village with two large and plentiful rivers on either side, which split from a single river where the village began and flowed directly into the bay at the southern end of the village.

"If it isn't the well-known Hayate Masayuki," a voice said to him, despite the blade at his neck, the head of the voice looked up with a smile on his face, and no fear could be seen in his eyes.

"Here we all thought you had perished ten years ago." There was a resolve of fierce fury within Hayate's tone underlying the intensity of his response. "I'm not the one with the blade to my neck, samurai, what does it matter to you what I do with my life?" Hayate responded firmly with determination.

In the beginning, the commander laughed, then he burst into full-on laughter. In spite of this, Hayate wasn't letting his stance slip for even one moment. Ten years ago, he was a member of a group of Samurai who were directly in charge of the Shogun. His enforcers were them, as well as his eyes, his katana, and his armor.

A group known as Kage was infamous throughout Japan, as it included some of the finest samurai from all over the mainland, even those from neighboring islands such as Tsushima, Iki Island, and Okinawa. Aside from being skilled, they also had their own unique ways of doing things in almost every way. In addition to being loyal to the Shogun, they were also feared when it came to battles. The Shogun had quelled resistance by killing entire revolutionary forces, but the ever-loyal Kage had played a significant role in quelling the revolution. Despite this, there was one day when Hayate was officially slain by his own brothers, and witnessed the beheading of his leader in front of him before he was nailed to a pike outside the castle's door.

While Hayate was one of the original members of this ten-man cell, which had been known and feared for its brutality in the past, he was now ten years older, more frail, less agile, and less nimble because Kage as a group was no longer around. Even though he was no longer in his prime, he has become wiser as the years have passed and his abilities have diminished in what they can do as well. He knew what he had to do when fighting with a blade, a situation in which he was in.

“Samurai, what do you want from me,” he asked in a tone of contempt. He was no longer a fan of samurai. He wanted answers, and if they hesitated, or even the slightest sign of fabrication in their narrative, he would be ready to chop them all in half.

In response, the commanding samurai's statement was simple: he pulled and held up a parchment scroll. "I came with orders," he replied. "I saw you working the sword, a rōnin, if I recall correctly. In the end, I learned that you are the legendary warrior from Kage, a warrior who has great skill, and although you're supposed to be dead, you're still alive."

"I do not have much time for samurai, and for those with orders." Hayate said as his blade penetrated his target's throat slightly for blood to drip down.

“Look, this meeting is by chance, I was merely looking for an able body to do a mission for me. One that would pay decently and let you remain here in the shape of a safe haven for you. I can have my men look the other way if you do this task.” With that, he threw the parment scroll in the direction of Hayate who grabbed it with ease.

"A boy has gone missing from our hands that we want back in our hands. Do this, and you will be regarded as an official ghost of Kushi-Hara. It may seem like you should be worthy of being captured alive, but this boy is far more dearer to us than anything you could hope to gain from life."

Hayate hesitated for a few seconds before lowering his sword and reading the scroll. A young boy named Miyoshi Sadahira had been captured. The real question was why this boy was so important. In order to reclaim this boy, the member of the group known for killing the former Shogun had no more than a role to play.

“Why is he so important you’d give me a free pass from outing me to the world?” Hayate was suspecting foul play afoot. But despite his question, the samurai leader just shook his head.

“It is not your business to know that.” The samurai replied.

Hayate paused for some time as he pondered things over. Truth be told, he didn't feel the need to correct these men. Although he was once Hayate, he now told those who inquired, looking for Hayate, his real name was Shigakuru. Though the village wasn't huge, it was a large village because it was a haven where he could be pardoned and sanctioned for the welfare of the village. Although not huge, it was a large village thanks to its generations of successful exports of fish and seafood. In terms of size, it is large enough to have enough guards patrolling the grounds and to be able to hold off any attack for some time.

In fact, he had never realized how important a kid could be to such men as these before Hayate. The commander's eyes stabbed Hayate in the head, as he spoke up. “Fine,” Hayate finally spoke up, his eyes stabbing the commander's eye. “But if you do anything, I’ll kill you and your family. Remember that saying; scorched earth.”
Even though the samurai was covered head to toe in red samurai armor, he felt himself shake as the words rang out. He was experiencing an extremely intense level of anxiety and his metallic barrier vibrated in response to his fear. Aside from being threatened by the former Shogun, he also faced a highly skilled killer who was suggesting that the entire family of his family should be murdered. In his mind, he was imagining his wife, Neko, as well as his young son, Yami. His fear for their safety made him even more worried.
There was no hesitation from him and he said, "Fine, no strings attached. Get the boy, I know you will be able to live your miserable life sulking." Then he began to turn around when he stopped. He said, "I don't know how you survived, but I assure you, I will find out how you escaped such a fate that was rumored to have happened.”
It was then that the commander walked away with one last statement before he left. "My name is Commander Yamada Sadaatsu. Don't forget it, Rōnin. Thank you." The commander left with one last comment, leaving Hayate alone as the guards eased up their tense stance and began to slowly walk with the commander.
He was looking for someone who was willing to do this work for him, under the table, and being that Hayate is who he is, he would be granted protection within the walls of Kushi-Hara, and this was something that Hayate could not ignore. With such a job, he could freely do much more during his time, and who wouldn’t have to worry about his name being publicly dropped by arrest.
While Hayate was grabbing his belongings from his house, he noticed a piece of cloth wrapped neatly with a bow from the ends with pieces of armor inside. The armor was his old one. During that time, his wrists were encircled by chains and a helmet with large horns and a black wolf's face on it.
In a clutter-filled room, he sat on the bed and rubbed his chest through the opening of the white silk robe, feeling the stab wound many years ago. It was not a crust or a cellular surface; instead, there were bumps and protruding black veins from which the scar now sat, causing his body to ache in pain as he did so. He sat there with his eyes dead and cold, much like his body, as his memories filled his headspace of the night it all happened.
The memories began roughly ten years ago. Hayate was twenty-two years old with his hair pulled back into a bunch. His armor was blackened in the darkness of night, and his black eyes were able to see where he was, planning his actions in advance. When Hayate opened the sliding door at lightning speed, he found the body of the now deceased Shogun beheaded there on the ground. It was a horrifying and disgusting sight. “M-my Lord...” Hayate said under his breath, a bloody river of essence, his blood seeped deeply into the flooring. He was wondering, just who had done this? He slowly walked up close, inspecting the object, but when he did, a shiver started to run down his spine, and then he began to feel his body start to tremble. The air became cold, and he held his breath tightly for a few seconds. If a sign of life was present, then he was listening intently. Hayate grasped his katana's handle with ease as he spun round, avenging his master at any cost. He had no choice, but to avenge his master at any cost. Otherwise, his life would be meaningless.
There was nothing there except a tree branch from the outside hitting the sliding door leading out to the courtyard. He ran through and sliced at the doors so that he could move much faster. He could hear a metal clash in the far distance. “There!” He dashed through the courtyard of the castle and made his way down, leaping off edges and onto rooftops, rolling for safety as he fell, and then leaping again. He was sprinting at full speed.
The truth was, he had been sent on a mission alone, so when he heard rumors of what might happen, he hurried back immediately. As Hayate learned that his Shogun had been murdered, he was more than a little worried about whether it was true, but he would only find out in person that the Shogun had been murdered; assassinated. It was clear that Hayate was far too slow to have saved the day, or his Shogun for that matter. Furthermore, Hayate couldn't resist noticing that none of his brothers were present, the men he worked with as part of the infamous muscle from the Shogun's side, the Kage. He thought to himself that it must be that the nearby fighting he heard had been his brothers-in-arms defending and seeking vengeance for the Shogun's death.
He tried to work out what had happened in his mind as he rushed towards where he had heard the sound. While looking over the evidence, his stomach turned as he fought the urge to vomit when it became apparent to him that the opposite was actually true! The nine members of Kage had indeed fought the guards on the grounds of the palace, but it happened between the blacksmith and the fletcher buildings. He first thought that there must have been a revolt and the guards turned against the Shogun, but he was wrong! He was still in denial as screamed to the heavens “Betrayers! My brothers killed the Shogun!” Being aware of the skill and reputation of the Kage, and considering where they were, he realized that it was highly likely that the Kage would kill the Shogun and rebel against the government.
He clenched his teeth firmly as a fire roiled through his mind as the idea rummaged through his head. In the past, his then-normal and exquisite katana, not cursed by an unnatural power, was his weapon of choice. The sword did not possess the same curse he was now burdened with. In spite of its average size and look in most areas, the blade, Kokushibyō, was adorned with such stellar and stunning designs and decoration. It looked almost perfect for its standard when put next to other blades wielded by your average samurai; Hayate, however, was no average samurai, or person for that matter. It appeared to have been almost perfect in comparison to its normal standard. Despite that, with no curse, no glowing gem, it was still just a normal blade.
He quickly clashed the sword with his former brother, one which was inducted into the cell of samurai, although not a real original member to Kage. He was a man of extremely large, well-built, and a towering stature, with enormous muscles. His shoulders were extremely large, and his biceps were quite powerful. His messy medium-length black hair stood up from the force of Hayate’s attack. Hayate, not having realized it before, could see a scar on his forehead. Makuto's scars started over his frontal lobe and reached the upper jaw of his right cheek. This was Makuto, an individual who was more than simply a brute. As a result of his harshness and violent nature, he often bursts into arbitrary rage as a result. His team suppressed him from killing people one evening at a tavern. Although this was unacceptable, it happened far more often than anyone would admit. Makuto was a very capable weapon holder. Despite the fact he was wielding a leviathan-sized morningstar flail weapon, which normally would have to be handled by two men, he was still able to do so with just one hand.
Makuto claims that there are several factors that led him to choose such a weapon, but he has not provided a detailed explanation as to why he chose that weapon in the first place. In addition, he was surrounded by a tremendous amount of mystery, as no one knew much about him other than the fact that he defeated a squad of samurai and rebels by himself.
The morningstar, which he previously told Hayate that he had forged himself to protect himself against the local Daimyo and his men, was present when he found his house in the middle of a major battle on his farm. Even though he was not supposed to be there, he was just annoyed with the people who were engaged in a worthless battle on his land, even though he wasn't supposed to be there at all. There is a story that he claimed was based on the fact that he did not want them on his farm, so he killed them all, leaving no one alive and a mess that still leaves a foul stench upon the property on which he once lived, or now lives.
Makuto himself has been the target of rumors for many years that he brutally and harshly murdered his entire family at a yearly gathering. It is important to understand that for a long time it has been rumored that he committed this act. Since then, Makuto has been hardly ever truly understood, assuming the claim is true. His lack of concern for those he hurts, destroys, or mangles might give the impression that he killed his family, since he was unquestionably a cold-blooded killer both in battle and on his own.
It was even worse for Makuto when his weapon became stuck in the bodies of some of his enemies, which made it even more brutal than the brutish, barbaric weapon he used as his weapon of choice. The fail, or the chain that connected the ball to the handle, had to be operated in such a way that it was retractable into the handle in order for the morningstar to become a regular morningstar. In addition to its seven foot length, the pole was equipped with a chain twice as long as a typical morning star chain, and a large, bulky, pointed ball that could be attached to the pole.
In the midst of the battle, Makuto, a giant warrior, utilized all his strength so that he could not let go of his massive weapon while he hamfistted into Hayate's armor. The neurons within Hayate's body responded rapidly at a rapid pace when Makuto's punch struck deep into his gut through his body armor, causing his mouth to dribble with blood. In his screams of pain, Hayate flew across the dirt and petal-covered ground as he coughed up blood for the second time.
His attempt to rise was hampered by intense pain. Hayate had witnessed Makuto fight many times and worked alongside him, but now he was against him and Hayate did not know what was happening. The pain was so intense that he fell back onto the ground and panted heavily, realizing he let go of Kokushibyō during the attack. During the actual attack, Makuto had the ball extend from its base, revealing the chain, and firmly wrap it around the blade of the katana, holding it with great strength. It was so fast, Hayate didn’t see it coming. It was like they moved faster and were much stronger than before. Where these really his former brothers?
“Come now, Hayate, this isn’t how it is supposed to happen,” a voice told Hayate as he lay there in pain and gripping his gut. He saw Makuto throw the sword, looking like a toothpick in his grip, and saw it fly through the air and stick into the ground as if he was beckoning Hayate to try again. The very nerve of such a move infuriated Hayate to his core. That was when he saw who spoke, not that he didn’t recognize it, but he was nonetheless left bewildered.
"Nakagawa Tadamochi," Hayate struggled to say. Even though his blood began to boil in spite of the overwhelming sensation of pain, his adrenaline kicked in, and he began to feel the pain begin to numb itself, and he began to feel his blood pump at a rate he hadn't experienced in a very long time. Even though Hayate was still slower than normal, he was quickly regaining strength, even if only for a short time. He gripped his sword and charged with it.
It was during that time that the storm’s light penetrated the mountain ranges, and as lightning flashed above, the members of Kage were illuminated in an almost blinding light, which illuminated the leader and head of everything at Kage: Nakagawa Tadamochi. Among them was a man called Ishidou Fusatame, a skilled ranger, who was always hitting his mark and Manabe Narimoro was an expert dual-wielding, short katana fighter. It wasn't long before Hayate discovered Ina Kiyoaki, an extraordinary herbalist, healer, and medic, who had once served as a monk. Of course, Hayate couldn't fail to mention Kira Sukekuni, a deadly rogue and assassin with a horrible mug. Funabashi and Amano Motosada, the demonic twins, who were known for their ability to kill up close, and for their ability to work together. Even when they were left alone, they managed to accomplish most tasks. As a team, they had already got Goto Yoritoshi, a mercenary who wielded the nodachi with an unending stream of energy, and Asai Kunimichi, who was one of their best trap-makers, strategists, and fortification tacticians. Lastly, there was Makuto Hiroie, who stood out above all other members owing to his strength, power, and towering presence.
Hayate stopped at the sight, realizing they all were there. He had to play this out, Asai Kunimichi would undoubtedly set something up. If he was there, he couldn’t let his anger lead him into blindly charging. “Do not fear us, young brother,” Nakagawa charmingly stated. He was luring him in. He couldn’t be trusted, none of these monsters could. If the Shogun was dead and killed by them, they broke their oath. This left them as arguably Japan’s most dangerous group of men, and what they could accomplish was not what Hayate supported. His duty was to protect the ruling, and overall, the people of Japan, not his own self-interests.
“Shut up!” Hayate bellowed, his rage and bloodlust evident in his eyes as tears rolled down his face. The young Japanese samurai was likely going to die, but the more he took out the safer Japan would be, and would ultimately have better odds at a fighting chance. “Did you kill him?! Did you kill Oshiro?!”
There was a short pause, but the chilling effect of Nakagawa’s silvertongue lay dormant for now. “I’m sorry, Hayate, but it’s true.” He stepped out into the light, his armor had a sort of vest with a crest of his sigil on his back. He had wide shoulder pads that were flat and tied with red string. The armor overall was blue and black with stripes of white. The vest was black and had blood and mud stained on it. Normally, he always kept it very clean, even in battle, sliding around and dancing about as to avoid sprays of blood. Now, he must have been more reckless.
“Why? Why would you break your oath to Japan? To our leader?” Hayate was having problems comprehending why this was happening, it was like a horrible nightmare that wouldn’t end.
Suddenly pacing as he spoke, Hayate took a close eye on him, and anyone else who might suddenly move even just a finger to make sure that no one would be taken by surprise. Now he explained: "We made a deal, see.".
As Hayate walked up to them, he asked a simple question, "What trade might make you forget your duty, honor, and loyalty?" He had the intention of gaining their trust by allowing them to relax and allow him to show them that the trade might lead them to forget their righteousness, honor, and loyalty as well as the truth.
“It is a deal that is for our safety, as well as the safety of all Japan. It was important that we did not have the ruling power in the hands of a dishonorable man like our former Shogun. Oshiro was a fool who had committed many crimes against humanity. As a result of a bitch of a woman who spoke out against the gods who provide us with harvest and protection from danger, and grant us victory in war, he abandoned his ways and connection with the higher powers and his connection with them. Her tainting of Oshiro happened long ago, and we do what is best for the country.” Nakagawa didn’t seem to hold anything back. Was he trying to sway him to join them?
It was Hayate's sword that he gripped tightly and he vowed he would do everything possible to end this nightmare as soon as the battle began. As he prepared for battle, Hayate said to Nakagawa, "I will not tolerate you disrespecting our traditional ways!" He gripped the sword tightly. Along with pointing the sharp point end of the blade at the group with both hands, Hayate also stood in front of them with his left foot forward as well.
There was a grinning Nakagawa who was watching Hayate's action as he was about to engage in battle with not only one, but nine of his former brothers. Hayate had no idea what had changed, or who they had traded with, nor that their relationships had changed for the better. “Come now, Hayate of the Masayuki clan, are you about to throw all of your honor away dying before us? You represent the entire Masayuki clan. You could have more, keep your clan prosperous.” Nakagawa relaxed his body. There was no real danger.
Suddenly, Hayate was aware of a chill sweeping across the castle grounds. The wind seemed to have made Hayate's blood ice cold. Although no one seemed alive outside of the members of Kage, the wind seemed to have made Hayate's blood ice cold. Although he could feel the cold, he knew that he was actually seeing it clearly.

"Don't do anything you regret, Hayate, we aren't alone." Hayate ignored this advice until he saw them. There were figures with horns that had different colors of skin, including red, blue, black, green, and so forth. Oni are not humans, these were oni. Oni soldiers were all over the entire castle. "This can't be possible!” Hayate exclaimed.
“Yes, Hayate. There will be a new order formed, and new agents will be created, and the dawn of a new era has begun. This is the dawn of a new time.” Nakagawa commented as he raised his arms up in praise.
When Hayate dashed forward, the nearby oni were aware of his presence, and they began moving one by one as if in response, which caused the oni's to react immediately. Despite the fact that Hayate had to cut one of their weapons in half after slashing through it, it did not matter because a new one took its place. In order to prevent Hayate from getting closer to their dark lords by trying to prevent him from doing so, the horde began to pile upon him. There was a dramatic increase in Hayate's adrenaline levels as they piled up on him, enhancing his muscular capabilities and pushing him to the limits of what was possible.
When the pile burst, the oni fled from Hayate as he swiftly moved forward, grasping the handle of the sword firmly with both hands. After releasing his energy, he quickly sliced multiple areas, killing a lot of the oni that were attacking him before yanking the blade down with a furious attack, cutting Nakagawa's body in two directions. Despite the fact that Hayate lifted the blade and yanked it down, what transpired still amazes Hayate to this day. Hayate was completely oblivious to the significance of what happened just a few seconds earlier when he saw Nakagawa use his index finger to stop the knife from approaching his face. Nakagawa's actions had shocked Hayate, who had no idea what had just happened.
When he saw Nakagawa no longer standing there, as well as that he had been stabbed from behind as he stood there, he spewed blood from his chest almost instantly, as if it had happened instantly. While he lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground, blood splattered on the ground. He heard someone talking to him but as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, he was unable to hear them.
In the immediate aftermath, Hayate found himself in a damaged house, battered both inside and out. The wood had been bent, splintered, and creaked in an unnatural proportion. The wood warped out of shape and was bent and splintered. As Hayate lay in the semi-warm bed roll mat, he felt the warmth coming from the mat's cover.

As the mist filled the land, Hayate barely saw the trees from where he lay due to the dense fog surrounding the land. He was wearing an old blanket to keep him warm, but remained chilly nonetheless. There was a burning fire inside the house and he had a warm and wet rag on his head. Someone had saved him, but who had done that? What exactly transpired?
Just then, footsteps could be heard walking nearby. Hayate struggled to simply move his head. “Awake, are we? I was afraid you’d never open your eyes.” The voice was soothing and relaxing to hear, it was female. By the sound of it, youthful, probably a young adult or no older than 27, and no younger than 16. He saw someone kneel next to him and look down at him, beginning to care and tend to his wound.
“Who… Who are you? Where am I?” Hayate remained calm, but could feel anxiety rising up inside him.
“You can just call me Yui,” she replied as she replaced the now cold and damp rag with a warmer and cleaner one. With careful consideration, she slid her hand into the upper part of the blanket and into the top of his robe, removing the blanket and top of the robe to reveal a blackened scar that looked intently infected.
“How long have I been here?” Everything that transpired seemed to happen so quickly, from the beheading of the Shogun to his assumed death.
“It’s been three months since we found your body.” Yui said, but that couldn’t be right. Three months is a very long time to be gone. “We found you unconscious thinking you were just another decomposing body. But you seemed to continue to draw breath despite how shallow it may have been at the time.”
Dead? Decomposing bodies? She couldn’t have possibly been talking about the men who defended Castle Motoyasu, where the Shogun lived at the time, could she?
Hayate sat up, immense pain and small amounts of blood forming on the wound where she began wrapping bandages around on his chest. He began to get a better look at Yui. Her eyes were sparkling, her hair mostly tied behind her head, and her brown and flower-covered robe.


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