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Fantasy Shifters, paranormal assault team (rp page)



The one who made Aerth
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The last three months were certainly memorable for the newest recruits to join the Shift agency.
Three months in a underground blacksite training facility on a strict diet of every waking moment being controlled by the pair Mr Gee and Mr Fed.
Waking at 6am sharp to clean your quarters, yourself and your equipment.
Moving on to breakfast at 6:10 am and leaving at 6:20 am to practice using technology and weapons that movies still have trouble computer generating.

The day ends at 8:30pm where upon a quiet time for socialising was allowed for twenty minutes before the day ended and you went to bed or was put to sleep. Like in the mafia sense...
It was hell for Lalo, but a hell he needed. Similar to the training camps a professional fighter would undergo, but much more strict and extreme because of the guns an such being involved.
Twenty recruits made it through the trial to become Shifters, Lalo was one of those twenty and despite ranking at the top of the class the man seemed agitated and defeated. Three months sober was amazing physically but overall made Lalo feel like ripping someone's throat out for a joint. He would drown a shark for a bottle of rum.
"i would drown a shark if it got me a bottle"
Lalo spoke outloud to any around, a light chuckle came from Ruben who was somewhat similar talking about how he wanted a beer and a cigarette.

The twenty shifters each got their Shift license,
(like the police badges except most branches of government, law enforcement and military know not to ask questions if they see one)

The Standard issue Shift equipment,
(the same black suit and tie most shifters wear complete with sunglasses.
A SHIFT Exoskeleton, to covertly enhance strength and speed.
A customizable firearm, able to fire specially made bullets.
Silver switchblade,
Blessed spiked knuckles,
One hellstorm incineration grenade)

And a blindfolded car ride to a private plane which landed at another blacksite but this one was somewhere in America. Apparently the Shift agency is splitting the newest twenty into special ops teams. Lalo and Dorian were paired together, they were being assigned to oversee and work with two Shift associated paranormals. A Vampire and a Lycan who have been bouncing about different places unable to find a spot to stay. The idea being make a spot where they can be useful.

This blacksite wasn't underground and Lalo for one was happy to see the sunset. Less happy to find out mission briefing would be in two hours and that leaving this undisclosed airstrip to find a town and buy some drinks is basically grounds to be fired or shot.
At least the suits aren't mandatory, Lalo stuck out rather easily in his white shirt and board shorts but walked into that hangar with the confidence a world champion would have.

What few people were there (the Shift agents and one or two office worker looking types) didn't seem to care. They do busy work, chat, two men off to the side are with priest whose blessing various weapons and ammunition. The priest looked tired, by the amount of stuff on the tables one can assume this old man has been blessing things non stop for the last four hours.
Dorian and Lalo were greeted by a Mr Zed, with all the charm a English accent can muster Mr Zed offered the two to join him for a meal. Their new team mates might also be joining them for this meal.
Callistis Callistis HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Pseudo-nim Pseudo-nim
Everyone is in the same location and will be forced to meet in two hours to hear the first mission. This was just a small opening post to show the tone, Leaving it a bit open ended in case some more human characters drop in by the time the first arc kicks off but this at least let's you write in game instead of waiting.
Hope y'all have fun with it.

Vampire and lycan are cool to do whatever within reason both have most likely been at the location for a while in hopes of getting them to coexist but your most likely being kept in check in some way As well as being rewarded for decent behavior.
Food for the lycan
Donated Blood for the vampire. Maybe a switch or ipad for the long plane rides being stuck in a box sealed away from any trace of sunlight
Aiden paced around, not anxiously, he repeated to himself but it sounded less reassuringly than he would have liked, he knew he had no choice in this new change of teams. He didn’t like the sound of being “overlooked”. He was just getting used to working with his team, his pack, but now he was being moved around to work with some fresh pups straight out of recruitment. This wasn’t ideal, but he knew how it would go, they would be to antsy around him and untrusting on their own prejudice, put in a request for another team and by the time they finally got used to working together, there would be another call and he would be moved out of the squad again. Just as he was being moved now.

He had been willing to keep a safe distance of the new recruits, he knew how the “ceremony“ went, with the new Shifters being handled their badges and their equipment (the silver switch knife, taking up special attention from Aiden), he wouldn‘t want to have any jumpy newcomers trying to attack him on the basis of an accident, besides all the movement and noise at the hangar were a lot to take in and he didn’t need any extra stress, he took the stairs to the rooftop instead.

He left out a sigh, laying down on the floor, the cement was still warm. Things would go well this time, they had to go well this time. He closed his eyes, feeling the sunlight and the wind in his skin, with his back against the hard floor, he stayed like that for a while until the sound of quick footsteps took him out of it. He got up in a jump, noticing that the footsteps must have been from an human, very likely an agent, but an older one, the steps were more slow and sure like he has been coming here for years.

“Ah, there you are Lycan. You had me looking all over.” The man said, in a slight annoyed tone, there was some irritation Aiden noticed, but not outrightly hostile. “Come now. Mr. Zed is waiting for you.”

He followed the man. No need arguing to see if there would be room for hostility. Upon arriving he noticed the two new recruits and the one he thought was the referred Mr. Zed. He greeted then with a smile, sharp teeth bared and showing, he always thought it was funny how this was the display of friendliness amongst humans, and a wave. “ So, this is the new meat? “ Aiden’s tone was playful, but overtly friendly, like he thought this was a very funny joke.
Maria sighed as she sat down on a chair within her darkened room, leaning it back towards the wall. So good of these Shifter agents to at least be accommodating with her special circumstances. It was one thing to be stuffed in a coffin, but to put her in the cargo hold of the plane? It was certainly a bit of humiliation she could take, but given the fact that it irritated her to some degree, she just wished that they'd compensate her with more than just an iPad. It's a blacksite. Was she going to get decent internet connection in an undisclosed location meant to be secret? Clearly not. At least it was filled with books she had requested before they stuffed her inside a coffin, and not her personal coffin. She had it ready too. Hopefully, they had at least the decency to unload it in her room once this briefing was over with.

Looking over the standardized equipment they had given her, she couldn't help but place her eyes towards the blessed knuckles. Clearly it was a form of subtle threat, to show someone like her that every agent was equipped with a way to retaliate against her should she decide to attack. Though, that hasn't stopped her from trying to put it on. Contrary to popular belief, being touched by holy items did hurt when applied to her skin, but there were these amazing tools called gloves that more or less negated that. After all, most of the blessed items here required contact with vampire flesh to be effective. Garlic is simply garlic until it actually makes contact with her skin or insides, and she could easily pick up one if she had proper protection that didn't involve skin contact. Still, aside from that and the firearm, something she would rarely if ever use, she had no qualms on what they gave her. She was already faster and stronger than humans, so giving her an exoskeleton was rather redundant, but she supposed this was meant for the humans to match lycans and vampires.

As she spent a few minutes browsing her selection of books, a knock on the door took her attention from the small device and from a sip of the warmed up A negative blood in her mug. An agent walked in, letting the white lights in the hallway shine into her room.

"Ma'am," the Shifter seemed rather nervous when he locked eyes with her. "Mr. Zed is ready to see you."

"Let's be off then," Maria replied curtly, placing the iPad onto the desk. Hopefully they don't expect the vampire to walk out in broad daylight if they're starting the briefing this early.

Maria followed the agent tasked to watch over her with mild interest, curious at why he was so twitchy around her. They'd established their partnership already, but she guessed it was simply the fear of having their blood drained, especially since she was behind him.

As they entered the room, she regarded her newest team mates with a small nod of acknowledgement. Her nose twitched at the scent of blood she was quite familiar with. "A lycan? It seems you work fast in finding hunting dogs for your organization."
Mr Zed with his charming accent was quick to give introductions and help smooth the process teambuilding along. "Miss Maria don't be so harsh, Mister Aiden is much like yourself. A valued and skilled agent in need of a permanent team, which brings me to the gentleman before us Mister Dorian Black and Mister Lalo Bang"

Mr Zed's hand reached inside his suit to retrieve three cigarettes and a lighter, offering to the two new men which Lalo immediately did to spark up
"Quite alright" Mr Zed lit a smoke Maxwell before continuing
"These two colourful indviduals placed very high in the program, not only having high marks in the places that count but I looked into the history of these two and discovered they have each killed a lycan with no formal Shift training. In fact mister Bang's ordeal happened to be caught on camera with limited access to shift employee and I myself find little enjoyment in blood sport but he did put on quite a show. If you all survive the first mission ill bring it along on a dvd with some other real tapes of paranormal fights"

Lalo smirked at the smoke being blown, literally and metaphorically as the phrase
blowing smoke up ya ass, Came to mind. This English chap seemed a lot more of a talker then the previous suits, not a bad thing in Lalo's opinion.
The tall dark kid with sharp teeth and unnecessary accessories seemed to be a veteran... given he called them 'new meat'

This Aiden is a lycan if you go by the Red eyed girl, miss Maria is most likely a vampire given the skin tone and eyes. A curious matter of safety floated around inside Lalo's mind but he thought little of it considering how cool calm and casual Mr Zed was being. Breathing tobacco for the first time in months was a odd feeling but the familiar feeling trickled over and Lalo couldn't help but feel calm as well.

"Miss Maria, Mister Aiden"
He seemed to copy Mr Zed's accent before speaking in his usual tone giving a half hearted
"Im Lalo i've spent the last three months mostly underground with the same thirty something people so im Happy to meet you, i hope to work well with both you"
Lalo made eye contact and smiled but it was more than obvious he was just happy to have a smoke outside with any sense of freedom. To have two hours instead of twenty minutes was crazy... What to do with that time though?
Three Months he had been away from home. Three months in a subterranean training facility. Three Months in the lower 48. I guess it wouldn't have been much of a surprise when he felt relief and joy when he felt the sun on him, even with the bag over his head as he and his teammate Lalo boarded the private jet. By the time they were airborn, the hoods were removed and the Alaskan was treated to a wonderful sight. Blue Skies.

By the time they had landed, the sun had begun to set, casting the airstrip in a deep orange glow, the heat of the day still radiating off the concrete and pavement as the air began to cool. Taking a deep breath, he took in the unfamiliar air then continued onward to meet with the Mr. Zed.

Dorian gladly accepted the cigarette , sparking it up quickly. Taking a long drag on what he could tell was a rather fancy and expensive brand, he savored the carcinogenic smoke, before exhaling a white hazy stream contentedly. "Thanks for that sir." He said appreciatively as he turned his attention towards his two new, Teammates. Upon gazing upon the Lycan, he had to suppress the urge to clench his prosthetic hand, as the memory of how he lost his hand was still fresh in his mind.

Moving his gaze along towards the Vampire, he couldn't help but give an appreciative nod. Beautiful and deadly. Taking another drag on his smoke, he addressed the two nocturnals. "Mr. Aiden, Madam Maria, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Dorian Black. Need any metal hammered or a target taken out at range just point me at'em. With the pleasantries out of the way, Mr. Zed, Where is the Armory? I would very much like to get to work adjusting my gear." At the mention of both Lang and his own altercation with a lycan, Dorian didn't suppress the urge to make a fist. The sound of metal grinding on metal could be heard, as he looked upon his new hand, as memories of that night wound through his head. He could still feel the E-tool severing his hand, despite numbing it with the cold snow.

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