Story She-Ra: The Search For The Artic Treasures- Scene 1

Catro the Writer

Sorin High Baby!
So this is a part of a story that I have mapped out and have a good bit written. But was curious to see what people think of it. Though I'm not giving a huge amount of detail of what's going on it the story in this part. I hope you all like it.

The cold air filled Frosta’s lungs as she sat cross-legged in the castle garden area, taking deep breaths in and out as she meditated. The morning time was the perfect time to do so as the cold arctic air was even brisker than normal, most problems in the castle weren’t going to happen for a few hours, and she could be left alone. The area was completely covered in bright blue ice, with ice sculptures of swans guarding the area, and pillars rasing high up into the sky. The entire courtyard was specifically for Frosta. Since only a few plants grew in the ice kingdom and almost none of them were suited to fill the garden. So it was all an empty space for the twelve-year-old to do whatever she needed to do. She went out there for her morning meditation, spell practice, and anything else that she might need it for.

The meditation helped her clear her head and wake up, that way she could make smart decisions for her kingdom. Most princesses her age would have their mother and father to run the kingdom for them until they were of age. But Frosta was an orphan and had been in charge of the castles day to day operations and ruling the kingdom. So making sure she started the day thinking straight was important to her.

But as she took a deep breath in, her eyes closed as she did so, she heard someone walk up to her and clear their throat, trying to make their presence known to the young princess.

“Yes?” The girl asked, not bothering to look up, figuring that it was something not important that could wait for her to finish her meditation.

“Your father would like to see you in the library, princess.” A guard said, dressed in a large thick dark blue parka, a light blue mask covering her face, and a long spear made of ice in her hand, that standard guard uniform for Frosta’s kingdom. This news made the girl sigh, taking a deep breath in and out. She opened her eyes and watched her froggy breath foram into a swan and fly off. The swan was the symbol for her kingdom, well that and the gemstone that she got her powers from, the ‘Fraktel Flake’. So the girl did have a dad, but it was kind of a long story. But hearing he needed her made her jump to her feet and walk into the castle. Walking down the halls of clean blue ice, the walls of a similar color reaching up to the sky, with banners hanging on the wall, the design of the Fractal Flake on them. She continued on until she got to the library and walked in, seeing her dad standing beside a table looking down at a book.

“You needed to see me, dad?” Frosta asked walking into the library of the castle. The library, much like most of the castle, was light blue in color and frigid temperature, as it was made out of pure clean ice. Standing at a wide table, which was also made of ice, her dad stood as he looked down at a stack of books. King Micah as many knew him by was intensely darting his eyes back and forth as he read from one of the thick books. He wore a thick grey colored parka, wool pants, snow boots, and mitten gloves. Compared to Frosta’s attire, which consisted of a dark blue dress that fell down to right under her knees, white leggings, dark blue flats, and a small gold crown that sat on top of her head going through her thick short hair, that matched the dark blue color of her dress. But if you compared the attire of the two one looked ready for a stroll on a warm spring day, while the other looked ready to go hiking through the snowy mountains.

Of course, Frosta had been born heir to the frosty Kingdom of Snows, so the cold temperature didn’t bother her. In fact, she hated forms of heat, other than her blanket, parka, and hugs from her dad. While Micah was originally from the kingdom of Brightmoon and was the king. But his birth daughter ‘Glimmer’ had become queen and was the ruler over the land. He had been absent in his birth daughter’s life when he was sent to die on a malicious island called ‘Beast Island’, an island that was normally quick to kill off any outsiders that were unlucky to find themselves on the island. But thanks to his powerful magic and his desire to see his family again he was able to survive on the island on his own for years.

Sadly even when he escaped from the cruel island he still didn’t get to see his daughter. As they were in the middle of fighting in a war. He stayed on the planet Etheria to try and protect it while Glimmer was in space, captured by the space tyrant ‘Hoard Prime’. While he and most of the rebellion had been chipped and forced to work for Prime, he didn’t get to see his daughter when she returned to Etheria, leaving GLimmer and the last remaining rebels to fight. Thankfully Hoard Prime had been defeated and Micah and the others who were controlled were freed. Meaning Micah and his daughter finally got to have their reunion. But with Glimmer in charge, Micah wasn’t really needed to rule. But he and Frosta had made some sort of bond during the war before he had been chipped and that bond only grew over time the two had gained a father and daughter relationship and Micah moved to the Kingdom of Snow and took over day to day tasks for Frosta. That way the 12-year-old girl could have some free time to have fun. But that didn’t mean Frosta wasn’t in charge and had to take the lead on many of the projects. But she still had much more free time than she had before. So the situation still worked out for them. Micah had a daughter he could help and Frosta finally had a father and could have some sort of childhood.

“Yes, Snowflake.” Micah said, calling the girl by the nickname he had given her, and patted on a stool, which was also made of pure ice, “I’ve been doing some research and I think I’ve found something interesting.”

Hearing this Frosta didn’t hesitate to jump onto the stool. Micah had also taken the girl’s magic training on himself and had spent countless hours researching the girl’s ice magic, and had made impressive processes in the research department and the training of Frosta. She had not only gotten stronger since training with him, but she had also learned actual spells! Her magical ability had gone further than just spreading ice. She now could freeze people, not in a block of ice, though she could do that too, but make them stop completely motionless. She could also control the weather around herself to a certain effect. She could make it snow, hail, and drop the temperature. Those were only the two spells that she really had down. Going from knowing to do one thing that wasn’t really a spell, to mastering two of them in less than a year was good progress.

But when Micah said he had found something interesting in his research. Frosta was always interested. As it usually meant he had figured out a new spell for the young girl to learn.

Looking at the table Frost saw six different books, each of them thick as they had a few thousand pages in each. There was the ancient book of ice magic that Frosta had tried to read before and use on her own, but the book was written in the ancient language known as, “First One’s Writing’. Thankfully Adora, a fellow princess, had the uncanny ability to read the forgotten language and had been able to translate the book. Well bits of it at a time, as it was a large and she was translating one of the other books, the book of Brightmoon’s magic. But Brightmoon, being the city of magic, had most of their spells in the book already. The two books took a long time to translate. So there would be times when Frosta and her dad wouldn’t have the books for weeks on end. But when they would come back two of the other thick books came back with translated text.

The books were actually written observations of spells, theories of spells that could be done, and even notes and lessons that they had gotten from the magic users of old. The problem with them was a lot of the writing had faded away over the millennia or pages were just missing from the book as well. So fifty pages from the original book could add up to a total of two or three pages of random words, incomplete spells, and worthless pictures in the new book.

Then the final two books were Micahs that he wrote in himself. One was a book of ideas and theories of his own. Whether it be for the magic of Brightmoon or that of the Fractal Flake; the gemstone of the frigid land, or even the very theoretical combination of the two different kinds of magic. Most people would say the combination of two magic types would be impossible, but Miciah was sure positive it was possible, and if anyone could figure it out it would be Micah. As he was the strongest magician in all of Etheria, who wasn’t a princess that is. He was already a master of Moonstone magic, and thanks to his forced labor for Horde Prime he was the strongest shadow magic-user, as that was the only kind of magic the space tyrant wouldn’t let him use any other kind of magic. Of course, Miciah wasn’t proud of any of this and he tried his best to forget about that time. But with his knowledge of magic, his theory book was filled with many different research projects.

Then the final book, and the least filled book, was the book with the completed spells. Not spells that Micah had come up with or the spells from the other books. But a combination of the three, and the book spanned about 20 pages, which translated to about ten spells. There were two spells from Frosta and her ability to control ice, then the remaining were Brightmoon’s spells and none from his personal notes. But he hoped that would change today with this new spell.

“Whatcha got pops?” The twelve-year-old girl asked wondering which book they would be looking at, which Micah turned his personal notebook around towards Frosta, and pointed at a picture on it. It was a sketch of Frosta, though she didn’t have her face drawn in, her body, clothes, and hair were drawn out and shaded appropriately. She had her hands out, surrounded with magical energy, and then a robot, that was shaped like an orb with three spider-like legs and a T shape in the middle of it. The robot was encased in ice, completely frozen. Going to the next picture it was of her again, well two pictures flexing. One was just plain and simple Frosta with ‘normal’ under it, the next picture had an outline of jagged lines surrounding her and she had two circular eyes drawn on her face with ‘charged’ under it.

Quickly darting her eyes back to the beginning of the pictures and read the text that her dad had written under the picture. Which, in short, the spell would cover her opponent in ice, using the Fractal Flakes power and she could drain their energy using an altered Moonstone spell then adding the drained energy to her own power.

“Wait really?” She asked, her dark blue eyes sparkling with excitement as she looked up at her dad, “Is this something I could really do?”

“In theory,” He said, smiling down at his daughter as he stroked his neatly cut, enjoying the excitement in her eyes. He was excited as well as it was the closest he had ever gotten to combining the two magic types for one spell. “But I think we can do this if we work together. First, we need a plant or a bug, really anything small enough to practice this on.”

It only took them asking a servant to fetch a plant and moments later they had a plant called a Snowfall. It was a flower with a thick dark green stem, five large clean white petals that stuck straight out to the side, then four little stringing stems that came out of a dark purple bud in the middle of the flower, and at the end of each of the stems were little white glass looking berries. The berries themselves weren’t edible, as they were very toxic, but they were really pretty to look at. The flower was native to the snow kingdom and was one of the few plants that could thrive in the frigid arctic weather.

“Ok!” Micah said, moving the books out of the way and sitting the plant on the table, “You use your magic to cover the plant with ice and then I’ll use an energy share spell,” He instructed her, and was quick to explain the energy share spell, “I’m going to cast the spell but I’m going to try to do the opposite and not give it energy but pull energy from the flower. Ready Frosty?”

“Always!” The princess said cheekily and thrust her hand out and the defenseless plant was immediately encased in crystal clear ice. That was the easy part of this spell since Frosta could freeze things on ice in her sleep. The next part of the spell that would rely on Micah and not just casting the spell, the spell itself was fairly simple. But having to force the spell to do the opposite of its intended purpose, was going to be the difficult part.

King Micah thrust his hand forward and a pink ring of magic surrounded the plant and the ice it was trapped in began to shake, meaning the plant was growing in the ice, thanks to the spell and the energy that Micah was giving it; which was the opposite of what they wanted. Seeing this Micah frowned as he tried to think of a way to reverse this and start to drain the energy from the flower. He started to think of things that drained him in his day-to-day life or just drained in general. Exercising, using too much magical energy, pulling the plug from a bath and the water being sucked down, Beast Island…. That was it, Beast Island!

The magician had spent many years on the accursed island. It was a deadly island of old tech left by the First Ones infected with viruses, which was normally a death sentence to whoever was found themselves unlucky enough to be on the island. But thanks to his magic Micah had managed to survive all those years. Well thanks to his magic and determination to get back to his wife and daughter, But when he had heard his beloved wife had passed away and his little girl was all grown up and was the queen of Brightmoon, he had a moment of self-pity and the short selfish pity party almost cost him his life. The island only needed a moment to infect him with the virus, and when he had been infected the island began to drain away his very being. Nothing, at that moment, mattered to him. Nothing nor no one matter, his entire existence felt meaningless. The island just made him want to give up fighting and sink into the trash.

That's what he needed to make the plant feel like. Like it wanted to hive up its energy for him. He needed the spell to want to drain the little power the plant had. Putting those thoughts into his spell the pink circle moved from around the plant to inside Frosta’s ice, making the blue shine pink.

“W-whoa!” Frosta said as the magic within her ice started to absorb the energy from the plant and started to energize the young princess, and she felt herself gain more energy. As she got charged with the plant's power her eyes started to change color, which only Micah could see them go from a dark sapphire blue to a bright blue, almost cyan, color. “This is awesome!” Frosta cheered. Though it wasn’t a lot of extra energy, the little bit made Frosta feel stronger. Her whole body buzzed like she was on a sugar high, not that the young princess would know what that felt like she was a dignified princess, not some candy-obsessed brat. She felt like she could run a marathon and have enough energy to go a long jog afterward.

“So it worked then?!” Micah asked, matching his daughter's excitement, glad to see one of his theories actually worked. “This is amazing! And the small amount of energy had a physical effect.” He said seeing Frosta’s eyes glowing, which the young princess looked at her own reflection in the ice.

“That is so cool!” She stated, pounding her fist on the table, accidentally making it grow in size, using the little energy she had gained, and her eyes turning back to their normal color.

“And just think, that was from a little plant.” Micha exclaimed, “Imagine what could happen if you managed to do that to something with a lot more energy.”

“Yeah!” She agreed, bouncing in place eagerly, “I could be unstoppable! But how can I cast the spell? I can do the ice portion but I can’t do the other spell, that's Moonstone magic.”

“Well, you can actually,” Micah said, starting to write in his theory book, making sure the notes he had written were proper before putting them in the other book, “The magic you’re using comes from the fractal flake. All the other princesses get their magic powers from their own gems. Nobody can get magic from the other gemstones as the princesses do with their own gemstones. My teacher was the closest person to ever do so, and she never came close to unlocking a gemstone's power.” He said, quick to drop the subject of his old teacher. Shadow Weaver, as most knew her, was once a strong pure sorceress. But in an attempt to get power to defeat the Horde she resorted to using forbidden dark magic and it had backfired. Which lead to her face being horribly scarred, doing this was also a direct act of disobedience from the council of mages, and they voted to kick her out of the school she taught in. Which sent her crawling to the Horde. Promising them help Hordak recruited her and she got to do experiments on a gemstone whenever she could. Thankfully she did switch over to the good side and ended up sacrificing herself to save their world. But the pain she had caused to Micah and everyone else was still there.

“But most people, when they use magic, they draw it from the Moonstone in Brightmoon.” He went on to explain, “In rare occurrences, people have been able to manipulate other sources of magical energy. Like using plants or even their own life force in desperate situations. But since the Moonstone is available for anyone who can use magic, I think you should be able to learn how to cast the energy drain spell.”

“Really? Yeah, let’s do it!” The princess cheered banging her fist against the table again, “But, will I be able to cast two spells at once? And two different types of spells?” She pointed out, but Micah didn’t even bat an eye.

“If there is anyone who can manage to do it, it would be either one of my girls.” She said winking at the twelve-year-old.

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