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She Never Came Back.

Derek pulled on his hood as he walked into the coffee shop. He looked like shit and had since the day she left him. He hadn't shaved, payed his bills, gone to work, hadn't gotten one nights worth of good sleep, the one scene haunted him in his dreams replaying different scenarios, He pushed her out of anger after she tryed to help him calm down over a bar fight, her falling down his stairs screaming, the pained grunts that escaped her then the sheering cry from her lips. He had broken her arm and dam near broken her leg.

Derek never went out anymore, everyone use to ask him about her and him, he got sick of it and just stopped walking around the small town. He went from a well known local to unkown, an unrecognized man. He ordered a coffee with the little money he now had. He stiffened when the voice he knew all to well spoke behind him.
"Derek it that you ... ?" She asked coolly. She looked nervous in her coat two size to big for her. She fiddled with the sleeves. Hoping for a reply. She waited for one.
Derek closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. Her voice, it brought him back. He slowly turned, his icy blue eyes meet hers, it was like he'd met her for the first time all over again. "Yeah it is..." He said softly from under his hood. She was still her stunning beautiful self. Her hair was longer, he liked it.
I bite my lip, He looks different. I order a bagel and chai latte and sit across from him. I wisper, "you look different"
Derek glanced down then back at her. He suspected she'd say it, he didn't blame her either. "Yeah I guess..." At least nobody recognized him though. Well other than her, somehow. "It's been a while..." He hadn't seen her since the day she walked out that door. He never expected to see her again after what he did to her.
"I've had better days." He honestly said. He wasn't up for lieing to her. Derek looked up at her, she still was the beutiful girl he once use to be able to hold in his arms. They day she left all hell broke loose. He never ment to say the things he said to her. He had been drunk, a drunk asshole. He stopped drinking alcohol after that.

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