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Fantasy she assumed such shiny, small and white, smooth and paper thin ovalesque item of such grassy and dirt path with boulder is sector of blackfoot daisy.


it is righteous, as me, as existing unhurtful.
hi, hehe. c: such privilege it is of meeting you! i am camping and thought of three different role plays, this is one of them. i shall exist super privileged of writing with others, as i am hoping of three until seven writers of characters aged of twenty-seven and older, or one other writer.

!!! Of such role play of Show Low, Arizona, I thought I should describe some of the state Arizona, such of joining writers of comprehending Arizona slightly. Arizona is of zero beaches, though many different lakes. Arizona is of the Grand Canyon, the Grand Canyon is such large gorge (gorge as narrow valley middle of hills or mountains, usually of steep, rocky walls and some stream flowing of it) as orange, tan, and red hills and mountains, the Grand Canyon six thousand feet deep. Arizona is mountains as such majority, and much of the cities of Arizona are very busy.

Show Low, Arizona is of many different plants, though Evergreen trees, Juniper Berry trees, and blackfoot daisies are some of them. Such city is of several businesses and several popular grocery stores of some old, out-of-business antique shops and some small brick plazas. Show Low is of several little coffee shops and also some unique gown shops with Show Low of many different camping places, as well, Fool Hollow Lake one camping place of such lake where such role play is of such majority.

Fool Hollow Lake camping place is of several long evergreen trees beside eachother of both sides of one cement path, beyond such evergreen trees grass fields of several small boulders with the main sector of Fool Hollow Lake beyond such grass fields of left side of such cement path beyond such grass fields, wheat resembling plants at such shore of most of the one hundred and fifty acre, and twenty-three feet deep lake. One small and grey stone square park ranger building of metal green triangular roof, metal and green door, and one square window of left of green door is of middle of the cement path of Fool Hollow Lake camping earth, Fool Hollow Lake of one mile after and left of the ranger building as circularness with long grass plants on shore of small water sector, the water sector as swirl of lakeweed (lakeweed that might shine bright neon green if the sun shines perfectly on them of such camera picture on land) front of the circular remain of the lake, and lake narrower as straight as the complete remain of the lake along the campsites of first start of campground as compass correlation, such narrower sector of Fool Hollow Lake right and after of the ranger building. Such cement path after the ranger building is of two other cement paths that lead left and right, of the right path is three miles of earth of solitary (individual) camp places, camp places at the top as rows of nine of the sixty feet long rocky earth slant with Fool Hollow Lake at the bottom, each camp place of small, square cement path of start of each camp place of small black boulders of each side of small slant of small red rocks and dirt after small cement path until circular main camp place of small red rocks and dirt of circular and black, small, and iron fire place of several evergreen trees of each side of each camp place other than the front of each camp place. Such rows are as two rows, like one complete row, though the rows are as solitary of small middle cement space, such one row of nine camp places as the Bald Eagle Place firstly, and the other row of nine camp places as Osprey Place secondly. With tan grass fields of several evergreens and small boulders of other side of the right main path, such earth is flat until such earth is then the busy city of Show Low, with the left main path one mile until Fool Hollow Lake of one small and tan metal, square water path top of the lake of small driftwood on shore of dark brown sand, and the Fool Hollow Lake square and brown wooden store of two small square windows of each side of the wooden door, the wooden door of the middle of the store of triangular wooden roof and small, elevated wooden balcony of harp string design, wooden paneling as balcony short solitary of store balcony and green grass and sand until the lake. One red eye secretly watched campers at one time recently of such role play secretly, looking through the wooden paneling balcony floor of motive as evil...

sector: evil, such sector describing this role play is of mainly Zeuiiwep, the monster that resembles such young man though of eyes of switching of bright red irises and pupils of his severe evilness. Zeuiiwep's plan is starting at Fool Hollow Lake of his red psychic damaging supergift (superpower) of paperthin and bright, lightly glowing of small translucent red as all edge of half moon shaped psychic appearance.

sector: evil vs. nice, such sector describing this role play and its main plot, the main plot that some of the characters realize their supergifts of camping at Fool Hollow Lake camping earth or of this time, realizing Zeuiiwep and his evilness, and such evil vs. nice battling of supergifts at Fool Hollow Lake camping earth. "It is decorating of wondrousness, as well."

and such is all. i shall describe Zeuiiwep soon after who I shall write as, describe my other character of me describing Zeuiiwep, and put any other things about this role play soon, as well. i am only hopeful of nice characters and some ungifted campers of other writers, please.

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