Shattered Humanities


Four Thousand Club
You may play as either a member of the Core or Vanguard. Follow the signup,and you should be good.

Name: Given name and surname. Middle initial and an alias is optional.

Age: Minimum age of nineteen. Try to be reasonable,especially if you're in the Core.

Faction: Vanguard,Core,or Tinker-Tailors?

Solar: Yes or no. You do not "become" a Solar; You're born one.

Specialty: What do you do well? If you're in the Core,include your rank. The Core uses the same rank structure as the Canadian Air Force (because that's what I know!)

Your appearance! Use one of these bad boys,a spoiler tag,if you're using an image and/or a verbose description. I don't care what media you use for your appearance,so long as it isn't sound. Photo,drawing,anime,3D CGI,whatever. So long as it conveys your character's appearance.

Armour: Since firearms aren't exactly used anymore,armour is now a major factor. Let us know what you wear to keep your insides from becoming outsides here.

Weaponry: What are your tools of war,if any? Make sure you can actually CARRY it all,if you're a walking armory. Get creative with the names,and be as specific as you can. Swords,for example,are extremely diverse in form and function...

Other Belongings: What miscellaneous items do you own? Who knows,an analog watch may come in handy.

Background: How did you get to where you are now? It needs to explain much of your character. What influenced them. What are their goals. What changed them,and how. That sort of stuff. A background is a very important piece of information.
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Name: Kristine V. Rechtis

Age: 29

Faction: Vanguard

Solar: Yes; specialty in Empathy

Specialty: She's intelligent, knows an assortment of torture techniques and has been interrogating people for the past 9 years.

Armour: Oxium Vambraces, Oxium Greaves, Knee covers, and a chestplate that reaches not her abdomen. A long cloak drapes over her person.

Weaponry: Ferrite Flamberge Dagger, poison (nightshade) flask. Associate poisons of varying potency are kept in a satchel over her shoulder.

Other Belongings: Gold ring with a diamond stud, signet ring, silver chain necklace, medical kit complete with bandages,


Raised on the Patriot’s Vanguard, Kristine is the daughter of an experienced soldier in the Vanguard, and matured into their utilitarian mentality. Their goal was to defeat and overcome the water-poisoning Core, and Kristine agrees that all techniques towards this end justify themselves.

Her mother was never much of an influence; she just kind of faded into the shadow of her father, who was known for his prowess in battle and shoe-making (he was a humble cordwainer before he joined up with the Vanguard, and brought his homemaker wife with him when he joined). Kristine was amazed by the respect her father, Troy Richt was given by the Vanguard community, and wanted to grow up to be just like him. But when her supernatural abilities as a Solar were made manifest, and shown clearly at the age of ten, she was taken away to be trained amongst others like her. Kristine showed talent in Empathy, and though she’s had and still has difficulty determining between her own emotions and the emotions of others, this ability and her father’s protectiveness pushed her into the role of interrogator.

And in this role, Kristine excelled. The emotions of her victims were so clear in her heart that her mind found a pathway for breakage, and she became notably skilled at the art of not merely reading emotion, but inciting and manipulating it based upon that empirical knowledge.

A love of poisons, her father, and mother are what drives her, and her closed world within the Vanguard’s Patriot is one she’s rarely strayed from, and is a loyal, but untested soldier of ideals and guile.
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Personnel Information

Name: James Agon

Age: 46

Faction: Vanguard

Solar: Nope.

Specialty: Leadership,tactics,boarding action,jet-bike combat


Stands six foot two,and weighs 210 pounds of muscle. His skin has a ruddy complexion for spending so much time out in the sun,and was once fairly pale. His skin bears numerous scars from mining and fighting. No,his left arm is not mechanical.

Armour: James rarely participates in combat,so he generally wears Oxium leggings and boots with an Oxium breastplate. In battle,he wears a modified breastplate with a plasma engine jump pack,wears Oxium armour on his arms,and an Oxium helmet. Finally,he has a shield,made of Oxium with a layer of Ferrite,with a spike for planting.

Weaponry: His weapon of choice a straight saber,though he keeps a dagger on hand as a backup,and a longbow for when he needs to attack from a distance.

Other Belongings: James has a quiver,specially modified to keep his arrows inside,should it get upended. He also owns an electrum plated pocket watch.

Background: He's been the leader of the Vanguard for twenty years,ever since the death of the founder,Agustus Cole. Further intel is classified.
Name: Sebastian Zacarias Alejo.

Age: 32

Faction: Tinker-Tailors (Soldiers)

Solar: No

Specialty: Ship to ship combat, including all manner of boarding, and close quarters battle, as well as small unit, and guerilla tactics.


Sebastian stands a square 5'10" with an extremely athletic build after years spent training to perfect his craft. Under the hood, he is easily remembered for olive skin, sharp features, green eyes, and a shaven bald head.

Armour: A series of ferrite plates, as depicted above, with an oxium ringmail tunic beneath the rest of his combat gear. Thick cloth forms a hooded vest, beneath which is a set of thick goggles with a small flashlight attached to the side.

Weaponry: Strapped with a half dozen knives, all with internal capacitors, Sebastian also carries a series of solar batteries on his person, in which his knives are sheathed. These knives are attached to chains, so that the knives can be thrown, and retrieved with ease, as well as to entrap limbs and weapons. Besides his knives, Sebastian carries one of the many trademark pneumatic rifles of the Tinker Tailors.

Other Belongings: Sebastian also carries a Pocket-sized sundial, a compact journal which can fit into most pockets, as well as a stick of charcoal in the spine, a thin barber's razer which he uses to shave his head and face often, and a whetstone.

Background: Before his time with the Tinker Tailors, Sebastian lived on a largely unpopulated mining chunk owned by the Core. Nearly seventeen years ago, there was a large-scale riot in which the miners overthrew the Core occupying party, however they were left with nowhere to go once their island was freed, and were quickly snatched up to perform their labour term. After a riot staged to increase the water ration for the chunk, the entire chunk was quickly turned into a prison, and water rations were decreased even further. The action here drew the attention of other eyes, eager for extra hands, and for raw metals.

A swift raid eliminated the pitiful garrison of Core troops, and kept communications silent; to any Core officer patrolling the area, it was just another day, and the Tinker Tailors kept it that way, placing several of their own soldiers on the island to impersonate the Core guards that were stationed there. Many of the young, those still impressionable enough to learn new skills, were recruited into the Soldiers, while those with a knack for technology, the Tinkers.

While the Tinker Tailors weren't exactly benevolent owners of the island, they rationed water as it was earned, not on a strict budget, and while some went without, or with too little, just working a bit harder they got enough to get by, or even enough to take days off once in a while.

After his recruitment at the age of sixteen, Sebastian went on to perform with excellence among the vanguard for ten years before he was recognized across the Tinker Tailors for his greatness, at which point he was elected Paragon, a title which he has held for the past six years consecutively.

Among the Tinker Tailors, there are two factions, the Soldiers, and the Tinkers, both of which elect a leader from amongst their number, who in turn select a group of individuals to assist in their tasks. The Paragons work together to perform the duties of a singular leader, and when faced with a split decision, will call upon their appointed advisors to break the tie. To earn his title, Sebastian had to be as the name implied, a paragon of all that it was to be a Soldier, and thereafter be voted into power.

Name: Marika Skjolben Luba

Age: 29

Faction: Tinker-Tailors (Tinkers)

Solar: Yes, primarily in the form of lasers and telekinesis.

Specialty: Construction of intricate weapons, armours, and even ships.


Marika stands at an almost unnervingly tall 6'5" though is somewhat lanky in build, with relatively little muscle tone despite the many hours spent working on heavy machinery.

Armour: Seeing as she's never directly involved in open combat, Marika doesn't wear combat armour, though she wears thick gloves, boots, and kneepads to work around the shop without injuring herself.

Weaponry: While it lacks much of the punch of a pneumatic rifle, Marika carries an air-powered hand cannon, just to be safe. Besides the handgun, Marika also carries several wrenches, pliars, and other various tools in a harness, though it's often because she forgets to leave them in the shop after too many consecutive hours on a project.

Other Belongings: Her pride and joy, Marika wears a self-winding analog watch which she built herself with nothing but hand tools. Outside of the watch, Marika also carries a set of magnifying goggles for fine detail work, and an emergency tool set inside her belt, a true utility belt.

Background: Marika has never been apart from the Tinker Tailors, and spent most of her early years holding onto her parents' coattails in the various shops across the primary shipyard where they worked. By the age of seven, Marika was already building entire jetbikes on her own, and even helped reverse-engineer the hull-stripping prototype that the Tinker Tailors had recently hijacked from the Core. Just one year later, Marika was nominated as Paragon, though wasn't elected, though over the course of that year, Alan Wingates spent a great amount of time tutoring the young girl whilst he was in the workshop, finding little difficulty in trivial matters like construction of plasma engines and air-compressors, the supplies in highest demand.

While some said that the Paragon had taken a liking to his strongest competitor, some argued that he had acknowledged his fate, and simply wanted his successor to be as well equipped as possible for when the time came, and regardless of the motivation, like everything, Marika learned it quickly, and soon held more understanding than her teacher did. The following year, at only nine years of age, Marika was elected Paragon, and has since been re-elected for twenty years running. Unfortunately, while she is an irrefutable genius, Marika has never had any peers on an intellectual level, and has great difficulty in interacting with others for prolonged periods of time.
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  • Carlisle M. Baroque
  • 42


A member of what was once the largest collective of minds since 200 years ago when the survivors made a conscious effort to better their lives as a whole. The Union of Resplendent Minds was a collection of 30 of the smartest people gathered in one place, initially the group had been a secret and met beneath the noses of The Core. Their mission was to find a way to create or find a new source of water and waylay the factions iron grip on the populace.

At the time Carlisle was but the lowly apprentice of Simon Harlon; one of the most brilliant minds since the revered Steven Hawking of Myth and Legend. The man was the founder of the URMs and pioneered several projects that all ended in failure after failure. The group however maintained hope and continued their secret plans in underground bases or abandoned towers, wherever they could conduct their research without the Core's knowing.

Finally after five years of failure Professor Simon stumbled upon a success, however on the night of his great reveal the group was found out by a squad of the Core''s elite force. Amidst the confusion and death Simon managed to bestow Carlisle with his tablet
The Password is Genesis! In order to access the files you need to use a second password which is -ach!!! The man was shot down, his chest smoldering but in his final words he left a clue "My-my journal, it's in the journ........" With that Carlisle ran from the scene of carnage, his escape made possible by the other researchers he used as human shields.

With nowhere left to turn Carlisle went into hiding, he didn't speak to a soul and he turned to scavenging the most dangerous places in order to survive. Rumors of the URMs began to spread, The Core used propaganda to smear the group's reputation, this seemed to intrigue Vanguard who sought out any information of the group's former members. Eventually the trail lead them back to Carlisle. They entreated him to join their ranks to help them against the The Core and he agreed, not because he had a grudge against the faction of extremists but because his former teacher would have wanted it.

So now he works as a scientist/engineer for The Vanguard while trying to decypher the password to access his teacher's research, the research that could provide the human race with a twinkling of hope for the future.
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Name: Nicholas Jaskson (Nick Jackson)

Age: 23

Faction: Vanguard

Solar: Yes. Telekinesis.

Specialty: Stealth, infiltrating.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/a614.jpg.bcce520b4110d339fedcc729c1b78efc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/a614.jpg.bcce520b4110d339fedcc729c1b78efc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 6'2, slight build, not bulky but not without muscle.

Nick doesn't advertise his equipments. He wears a large leather jacket, laced with Oxium plates on the inside, distrubuted as many thick small plates to enable him to move without much restriction.

Nick carries a machete strapped under his back under the jacket. He also has a hunting dagger on his belt, and many small coins he can use as projectiles with telekinesis. He also carries a modiefied Oxium gauntlets which covers his forearm and knuckles for close quater combat. The gaunlets have spikes on the knuckle.

Other Belongings: A mini Electric Plasma Engines which he had never had a chance to use. A Swiss army knife with all type of tools. A set of tools he use to open locks, a pair of thief glove, a pair of night goggles, first-aid equipments.

Grew up in a typical Core town, Nick, like all of his fellow villagers, hated the Core for setting up mines around the town and polluting the area. When Nick was 15, a team of Vanguard passed by the town, hunted by the Core soldiers. The villagers hid and protected the team until the Core heard some rumors and came investigate. The whole town was burned to ash as two sides clashes, all other people in his town either joined the sides or was taken down by the fire. Nick, using his Solar ability, saved the life of the team's Captain, and was brought along with them when the Vanguard retreated.



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  • Name: John Bramblewood

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    Faction: Core

    Solar: yes

    Nickname: Steel Eye
Name: Ryan McCormic

Age: 22

Faction: Vangaurd

Solar: No

Specialty: Jet bike recon, Jet bike combat tactics, Dead reckoning navigation, Assassination.

Ryan has brown hair, stands 5'9" and weighs 175 lbs. He has an average build that fits a Jet bike well. He has one blue eye and one brown eye.
Armour: Light ferrite chainmail tunic for torso and arms, with leather jacket on top; Oxium flight helmet and atmosphere mask; and leather pants.

Weaponry: Extendable ferrite lance (for jet bike), Oxium gladius and dagger for ground fights, small hand crossbow.

Ryan was awarded his own custom Jet Bike for his 10th official combat kill. Ryan dubbed the bike "Boltwhip". The Bike was designed for long range patrol and evasion. Combining some of the best Core technology with the durability of a Vangaurd bike, and mix in some Vanguard engineering innovation; gave birth to what some call the fastest and toughest bike in existence. Durability, acceleration and top speed were the goals of the project and each one was achieved. Though maneuverability and stability is sacrificed with the design modifications, a good pilot can over come these challenges, and Ryan is better than good.

Other Belongings: Flight slide rule "Whizwheel", Solar powered digital watch, Leather backpack, Portable water purifier, Plasma fire starter, Solar powered headlamp, oxium fork and knife.

Background: Ryan McCormic grew up under the rule of the Core, his family were miners barely scraping an existence on the "dead planet" as his parents would call it. Ryan's father is a miner, his father's father was a miner and his father' father before him, and Ryan's older brother Jared is the perfect miner. but Ryan was not. Ryan hated standing over rocks and pounding the ground, he wanted to be in the air, to be free. Every waking moment the boy would imagine flying with the Core's Jet Bike Division fighting for order and peace. Slowly over time the Core reduced Ryan's family's rations until they were forced to make a choice. After the ration reduction, a group of other families were planning on stealing a gunship and running away from the core to fend for themselves, surely they could find water out there. Ryan's family decided to join them.

When the moment to escape came, it was the middle of the night. The family crammed themselves onto the ship like the algae crammed into a ration can. They escaped easily with no hassle, it was as if the whole Core was asleep. The next obstacle was finding some ice to mine, but all of the people on board were miners so it didn't take long for the prospectors found some deposits of the clear gold.

Life was easier for a while. The families docked the ship over the deposit and started work building a utopia of a settlement, they all felt like birds set free. In seven days the mine was set up and fully functioning, that night the Core attacked. It turned out the Core watched these poor families the whole, and allowed them to set up a new mine.

The Core soldiers slaughtered everyone, everyone except Ryan and his brother. In the middle of the attack Ryan's father stole one of the Core soldier's jet bike and put Ryan and Jared on it. Ryan's father begged them to leave and save their own lives. The plasma engines of the bike flared as the boys escaped the slaughter.

The two boys were found by the Vanguard half dead and barely conscious. They were going as fast a possible, Jared kept the jet bike floored for 3 days straight. With zero pilot skills it was a miracle that they didn't crash. After they recovered Jared started mining for the Vanguard and quickly climbed the divisions ranks.

When Ryan became old enough he tried out for the Vanguard flight school and did extremely well. Upon completion Ryan volunteered for the Pathfinders and has been flying ever since. Ryan still dreams about the last time he saw his fathers face. One day he will avenge his father's sacrifice, one day the Core will pay.
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Personnel Information

Name: Anton Oslo

Age: 77

Faction: Core

Solar: Yes,and one of the single most powerful.

Specialty: Supreme Commander of the Core. Leadership,strategy,scientific method,biology,physics,chemistry,tactics.


Stands five foot seven,and weighs 150 pounds.

Armour: He is noncombat personnel,but he does keep a set of Oxium chain handy. He also keeps two guards on hand at all times,wearing armour of a classified material; it is perfectly reflective.

Weapons: As an extremely powerful Solar,he is a weapon. However,for when he's without light,he keeps a hand-crossbow with an autoloader system and a scimitar,made of Ferrite.

Other Belongings: Anton is in possession of a collection of plasma cells,as well as a pocket watch,made of silver.

Background: Anton Oslo has been serving as Supreme Commander of the Core for forty years,as long as the war has been going on. All further information is classified.
Name: Valeria D' Longeria

Age: 21 years old

Faction: Vanguard

Solar: Yes

Specialty: Hand-to-hand combat, Sword combat, Poison



Its name is Karma

Other Belongings: She has a Peregrine Falcon


Background: Valeria was born into a poor family that barely had enough money to eat once a day, it was fight or be killed; with the Core being in charge of her hometown Valeria had to go out almost everyday to steal whatever she could get her hands on as well as hide her Solar abilities, when she was at least 7 years old she got her hands on a book of plants and poisons that interested her but it took her about 3 years to actually learn how to read it and she's practicing with stolen books since then. When she was 13 years old her father died of starvation and her mother soon died from her horrible health, in order to survive Valeria left her home and pretty much raised herself on the streets using any means necessary. At the age of 19 Valeria ended up going to Vanguard in order to put her skill to use.
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Tinker-Tailor,all aboard the Soldier-Sailor!

Heartsteal's characters are approved,and he is in charge of approving or rejecting any further Tinker-Tailor applicants




Carlistle M. Baroque,you are one of the greatest minds in the world. We at the Vanguard would like to ask you to put it to work for the betterment of all humanity,and not just the elite few the Core select. We await your response; You'll find a radio frequency noted down on a piece of paper hidden in your home.

-A friend


Nocholas Jackson,in light of your selfless act of valor on the field of battle,we at the Vanguard would like to ask you to join us as a soldier. The Core would likely offer the same,if they knew of you and your talents,or would take you away,locking you in some steel vault underground. We would,instead,like to treat you as an equal with talents many others lack. Please,consider our offer,and use the frequency provided by Captain Curtis if you seek to join our cause.


Ryan McCormic,we are sorry to hear what happened to your family and people,and it is exactly those kinds of situations we aim to eliminate once this is all said and done. Your brother is a natural jet-biker,and you're none too bad,yourself. We would like to ask you to consider joining us in our fight against the Core. You'll start as a gopher here on the Patriot's Vanguard,but,if you want to,we could also see about you taking to the field once you hit nineteen. When you've made you choice,you know where my office is.

-James Agon


Valeria D' Longeria,our scouts and agents have noticed your aptitude for thievery,your Solar powers,and your particular interest in certain plants. Know that the Core will capture you eventually if you continue to hide your abilities from them. However,if you join us,at the Vanguard,we will do our best to keep that from happening. We will teach you how to use your talents safely,and instruct you in your chosen craft. We will not lie to you; You will be asked to fight. However,you have the option to say no,and remain with us for other duties. If you wish to join us,leave a hemlock blossom on your windowsill. An agent will contact you shortly afterward.

-A friend




Johnathan Bramblewood,your qualifications,although below average,are passable,and you passed you physical examination and aptitude test quite handily. Furthermore,examination of your Solar potential has revealed that you possess above average power,with a natural affinity for empathy and telekinesis. An officer will collect you for transport to training in seven days. Your future starts now. Congratulations.

-LtCol. Jennifer Masterson,Core Republic Armed Forces,Recruitment & Training


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Name: Feliks "Lucky" S. Mikhailov (The irony of his nickname is not lost on him)

Age: 33

Faction: Core

Solar: Yes

Specialty: Solar Researcher, Rank equivalent of Master Corporal. Being a Solar himself, he is also helpful in ways other than research.


(Yes, that is Ratman from Portal, but I could find nothing else remotely close to my internal image of Feliks)

Armour: Basic Kevlar/Oxium mix, non-joint coverage full body armor, steel-toed boots and spun-ferrite gloves to amplify his powers.

Weaponry: Most often, Feliks uses his solar powers if it comes to combat, but has two knives he carries for tools or weapons if need be. One is a WWI US military trench knife, restored and refurbished with sturdier material, and one more modern knife salvaged from an old-world home



Other Belongings: A mechanical, self-winding, stainless steel pocketwatch on a titanium chain, a rebreather, two MREs, and a flask that he keeps full of 100-proof whiskey at all times, nobody knows where he gets it.

Background: Feliks' father was a sheriff in a small settlement, his mother a farmer. His father's authority made people look the other way when his mother went to work in the sharecropper fields with bruises and scars every few days, or when Feliks wasn't seen outside his house in days. When Feliks was five, the abuse went too far, and a mound of freshly dug dirt appeared near Feliks' house. Feliks witnessed the act, and brooded about it in his room for days before speaking to anyone, he discovered that if he focused enough, and he had his window open, he could do things he hadn't seen anyone else do, things he was pretty sure weren't normal. The next person to talk to him was his father, saying that Feliks was to tell no one about what was about to happen, but with Feliks' mother gone, his father had to do something. He was a man, after all, "men have needs, you'll understand when you're older." Feliks learned to detach his mind from the physical sensations that he felt in his father's visits, and when he was alone, he practiced with his Solar powers until he had all but mastered heat, light, and fire at the age of 15. The next time Feliks' father entered Feliks; room, Feliks was the only one to exit, covered in ash and singed clothing. Rumors spread about Feliks' Solarity and eventually someone claimed the bounty for information regarding Solars, and the Core came to get Feliks. Having nowhere else to turn, Feliks went willingly and cooperated wholly with the Core, eventually undergoing BT and joining the Core as a researcher. Feliks slowly built a reputation as a bit unhinged, performing experiments on Solar POWs that the most hardened veterans thought cruel, but Feliks justified himself in the eyes of the Core by finding ways to force captive Solar rebels to activate their powers, creating a cheap energy supply, tripling the output of conventional solar energy and meeting the efficiency of current fusion tech.
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Name: Gerald M. Thatcher,Ph.D.

Age: 47

Faction: Core

Solar: No

Specialty: Astronomy; Civilian Consultant

A wizened man with an unsurprisingly balding head,Doctor Thatcher sports the labcoat-and-slacks getup typical of his profession. Though rather healthy for his age,his athletic build has lost the hardness of youth; perhaps he was a sprinter,once upon a time. His face is square as a businessman's,topped with a pair of large,black brows which serve to characterize his otherwise dull,greyish eyes. His expression,as neutral as it is,isn't quite dismissive. Despite the flatness of his lips and the deadness of his gaze,it's clear that he is a thinker,not outright emotionless.

Armor: N/A

Weaponry: N/A

Wristwatch: A simple analog watch,accurate enough to keep him on schedule with the Core breathing down his neck.

Large Flask: Up to two-thirds of a liter of fluid — perhaps what little water he may be blessed with — can be safely stored in this metal container. It's large enough that it would be terribly missed should it by some unfortunate circumstance accidentally fall off. Typically hooked to a belt loop.

Hair Comb: A hand-sized handleless comb,like the one you'd find at a barber's shop. Ironically kept despite his receding hairline; often used to flatten down what little hair is left.

Satchel: A two-liter shoulder-slung bag,with a number of side compartments for reasonably secure carrying storage. Typical contents listed below:

- Mechanical Pencils: Several point-five writing utensils; these all-in-one devices sport erasers and lead,with no need for a sharpener.

- Notepad: A hand-sized spiral-bound notepad,complete with two-hundred sheets of college-ruled paper.

- Arithmetic Calculator: For simple operations,as one would expect to be used by an elementary student. Apparently the years in higher mathematics never taught him how to do those easier calculations in his head.

- Compass: The geometric kind,not the magnetic sort; 175° of reach,plus a handy little slide lock to hold the angle steady.

- Protractor: For angular measurement; also includes a ten-centimeter ruler on its flat end for convenience.

- Instructor's Guide — Astronomy: A handy textbook complete with astronomical tables,spectrum analysis records,an overview of contemporary astronomical history,and a number of other related subjects.

- Lunchbox: Large enough for a sandwich or three; a tin shell held together by iron hinges and latch.

- Portable Camera: Prints onto unprocessed film; has an overexposure option for low light,high contrast foci,and enough fidelity to justify not toting a proper telescope around.

Raised on an especially rural skylet under the jurisdiction of the Core,Gerald spent most of his childhood raising crop; the extra water rations didn't hurt,but under the strict supervision,there was little opportunity to be exposed to the Vanguard and its ideals. It was only natural that Gerald developed a fascination with the idyllic scene he lived in,but rather than remaining in his family's meager plot of land,his eyes turned outward,eventually leading him to a nearby university.

For a number of years Gerald studied mathematics,then theoretical physics. Eventually,he settled into what had been his intention all along — astronomy. As a graduate student,he was quite intrepid,even taking on a number of spectral analyses on his own. The recognition he earned,while limited in both scope and degree,landed him a comfortable professorship.

As a consultant for the Core's aerospace program,he has some weight against the run-of-the-mill grunt,but only in that he is a minor asset to their distant future. In the end,his words mean little more than the opinion of a worm as to whether or not it would be prudent to avoid smashing it while walking through a downpour.

Doctor Thatcher regularly writes to his family,still taming wheat and corn. He has become well-traveled as his opinions and lectures become increasingly desirable,but his honest desire is simply to settle down with an observatory all to himself,and perhaps a witty wife to bounce lewd astronomy quips against.



Christine V. Rechtis,your family has served the Vanguard admirably,and doubtlessly you will,too. However,here at the Vanguard,we believe in choice. If you wish to serve the Vanguard in an active capacity,we won't force the decision on you. If you wish to wash your hands of this war,then that is your prerogative. However,should you elect to serve the Vanguard,you will be welcomed. Your Solar powers are an asset,no matter what field you join. If you wish to further the cause of Man,or wish to sit the war out,you know where my office is.

-James Agon




Feliks S. Mikhailov,we are aware of your...Situation. We at the Core extend our sympathies,for what it means to you. No one should go through what you have. We believe you were fully justified in your actions. Your Solar aptitude is interesting to us. You're self-taught,and you've succeeded in carbonizing a grown,struggling man. Many of our trained Solars are incapable of such feats. If you cooperate,I will personally make sure you receive an appropriate position in the Core. Think about it. I'll be back tomorrow.


Doctor Gerald M. Thatcher,your work in astronomy is of great interest to the Core. As you are aware,it's impossible to make a permanent map of the Earth. As such,dead reckoning and star navigation are important to our duty to humanity. We at the Core would like to extend an invitation to work with us on our efforts to make navigating the world easier. I cannot explain the details now,but you come highly recommended. Please,consider our offer. Radio your response on frequency <REDACTED> at your earliest convenience.

-Cpt. Marshall Walker,Core Republic Armed Forces,Experimental Technologies and Procedures Development & Refinement


Name: Keliline A. Manes

Nickname: Keli

Age: 22

Faction: Vanguard.

Solar: Yes. Telekinesis and Radiation are her specialties in this regard.

Specialty: She is very good with machinery and metal in general, and she has a quick, intelligent mind, and steady, able hands. If you give her a piece of factory machinery, she can fix it, and use it well.


She doesn't wear much in the way of armor. She wears a comfortable chest protector of her own making, tough and resilient, yet still movable. It is scaled like a reptile, and what it is made of, she won't say. It was chemically colored a dull, but pretty bronze. The protector goes from about the belly button, up to the neck. There is a back portion as well, that does much the same, going down a little further, and covering the back of her neck.



Other Belongings:

  • Pocketwatch
  • Toolbelt with various tools
  • Goggles
  • Canteen
  • One shoulder bag for various other things

Background: Keli was raised in a prominent, factory owning family. Her Father and Mother both owned their own factories at a time, so she never went without everything she wanted. Her Mother died when Keli was 7 years of age, from breast cancer. Her Father always put on a brave face for Keli, and loved her even more than before, cherishing her as all he had left. Her Father also took up the ownership of the other factory, as well as maintaining his own. Despite all that was going on around them, he refused to get involved with either side, for Keli's sake. From the time she could walk, on, her parents taught her how to work the machines, how to properly work metal, everything they saw necessary. They made her make the weapons that she constantly asked for, and with their help, she did, and gave them names to personalize them.

When she was 15, she actually went on a trip that took her far outside the family property. Seeing the state that some people were in tore her heart to bits. She saw one very small girl, around 6 years old, shamelessly begging for water. She had never had to go without herself, and gave the girl what was in her canteen. They got into a conversation that ended with her taking the girl home with her. Keli didn't want to see the girl in pain anymore, and ended up seeing the girl as a younger sister. Her Father was lonely, and more than happy to take the little girl into their house. For three years it went on this way, happy as can be. Keli kept hearing more and more about the Vanguard though, and unlike many in the groups her Father conversed with, she was sort of happy about what they were doing.

On her 18th birthday, there was no celebration. Both the now 9 year old little girl, named Ruby, and her Father had fallen horribly ill. There was nothing that doctors could do to help them. A week after her 18th birthday, the both of them lost to the illness, leaving Keli alone. Understandably, she grieved for days, not really wanting to eat or anything. After two weeks, she finally regained her composure, and took her place as the owner of the companies. Most of the work is dealt with by subordinates. For four years after she took control, she had been giving the Vanguard most of her ridiculously sized portions under the radar, and anonymously. She just recently turned 22, and sent the last portion off with her name attached this time, explaining the reasons why she gave so much so often. She wants to help.

As for her abilities, her Father knew of them from a very young age, as did her Mother, but they both kept it well hidden. Once Keli turned 10, her Father actively tried to teach her how to properly hide it, and she did well at such. Its something that she just found natural, and never gave much thought to.
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Name: Nemine P. Kholer (Pronounced Neh-mean)

Nickname: Cole

Age: 25

Faction: Tinker-Tailors

Solar: No

Specialty: Cole is great at navigation and flying in general. He is also very apt with a sword.





Other Belongings:

  • A jet-bike
  • A wristwatch
  • A compass

Background: Cole was raised in a situation that was unfortunately all too common. His parents either died or just ditched him. He doesn't know, and frankly doesn't care which. Raised as an orphan, its surprising he is even alive, but hell if he is going to mope about that. He hates the Core, understandably so, because of their cruel hold over the world's bits, and their unlivably strict water laws.

From age 5, he had to work hard to make sure he didn't starve to death, or worse, die of dehydration. The moment that he could, he started working on learning maps and navigation. He even made a few maps himself. Unfortunately, the system as it is is so complex, map making for it is nearly impossible. He did that navigation stuff until he was 17 years old, and then he started to seek out... other ventures.

It is good for him that lady luck seems to be on his side, considering the multitude of things he has stolen. Mind you, the majority of them are harmless thefts, but still, the Core wouldn't be too kind if they caught him. After hearing about the Vanguard, he thought about joining them, for a while, but really did not like how structured they sounded. When he heard about the tinker-tailors, however, he immediately wanted to join. Small problem. At that point he was 22, and he had no ways to get enough money to send a damned thing. Finally he... "found" some money, and has used it to get in contact with them, hoping to join their ranks.


Nemine, I've been made to understand that you're looking for a chance to prove yourself, for a place with us. From what I hear of your particular skillset, I understand that you're passably skilled with navigation, a useful skill to be sure.

Pending proof of your loyalty, we would be glad to welcome you into the fold.


P.S: I understand that you have something of a history with the Core, and I know that you asked questions about the Vanguard, remember that we are partial to no side, and you will be expected to behave the same.

Name: Jason Zhukov

Age: 27

Faction: Core (Rank:Captain)

Solar: yes

Specialty: sword combat and Intimidation with some skill in interrogation resistance if he was to be captured


Weapons: Dual Sabers with a crossbow as a back up

Other Belongings: journal with all his entries and Maps

Background: Born with solar powers , Jason was very important to the core. He got some of the best training that was offered to cadets with the solar powers. He excelled at hand to hand combat. He was taught ways to intimidate opponents so they wouldn't dare mess with him or get info out of them. After he finished training, he was put into a squadron with some of friends from his class and his brother. They went to a little bar and ended up in a fight with some thugs from the bar. they fought and won but when Jason went to get his things from the bar, he heard screaming from the front of the bar and saw that his friends and brothers were killed by more thugs that came to exact revenge on them for beating them. when he saw this Jason got back to ship and has regretted letting his brother friends killed. He does anything to live on their tradition and do the best he can to make them proud.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/download.jpg.6be65317191f67835ed7b52e2edb6e76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14914" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/download.jpg.6be65317191f67835ed7b52e2edb6e76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • download.jpg
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Name: Vivian "North" Langley

Age: 27

Faction: Tinker-Tailors (Soldier)

Solar: No

Specialty: Flying, jet-bike combat, close-combat, pillaging, setting fires.



Underneath the mask is a kind, freckled face, big hazel eyes, and a smile that would cause birds to sing. But, uh, looks can be deceiving.


Vivian bought this beauty off of a vendor years ago, something they called a "chain sword." The idea of an already sharp object with more, small, rotating sharp objects was greatly appealing to her. It does not, however, actually rotate, much to the girl's dismay. Hopefully someday it will.
Armour: Vivian typically wears thick leather attire at almost all times; however, when needed, she will equip her set of oxium chain.

Other Belongings: Her former Core soldier uniform (now both customized and vandalized), "Petunia" (a.k.a. her jet-bike), an old lighter, her gas mask, and her father's spyglass.

Background: Vivian was born and raised in what seemed like the most desolate of land chunks; the community she had grown up with was based mainly on agriculture, however there were a few hunting families in the town, none of which the girl belonged to. Instead, she was the only child to a retired sailor and his Solar wife, who was taken away by the Core when Vivian was only two. In her mother's absence, the girl's father did most of everything in the earlier years, and later with the help of his daughter. To keep her entertained, the man would often tell stories of his adventuring days, such as how he escaped from a bunch of blood-thirsty pirates with his life and a couple pounds of treasure. Whether these stories were true or otherwise did not matter to Vivian, for she was both inspired and intrigued.

In her teenage years, Vivian grew bored of her little town and wanted to escape the tasteless rock, dreaming of having her own adventures that mirrored her father's tales. She would often explore the land that bordered the town long after curfew, bringing home little odds and ends she had found during the day. Of course, this would not satisfy her, for once she turned eighteen she packed her bags, said goodbye, and left to join the Core.

After passing the training courses, Vivian was promoted into an official soldier to the Core. She later discovered that she had a talent in flying ships, however never made it to becoming a pilot. Vivian was deemed both "unstable" and "unpredictable", and therefore not qualified. It wasn't soon after that she was kicked out of the army for a violent outburst against another group of soldiers. The girl was then dropped off at the nearest floating rock, and left to rot along with whatever towns inhabited it.

After being discharged, the girl became a drifter and committed petty crimes around the island with no particular goal in mind. If someone were to ask where she was from, she would lazily reply "somewhere up north", which would almost always receive laughter as a reply. Later, "North" become somewhat of a nickname, and she used it as an alias ever since. It was also around that time, five or six years ago, when she heard rumors about a group called the "Tinker-Tailors" and became very interested. Unable to go back to the Core and unflattered by the idea of joining a righteous rebellion, in the end Vivian decided that she would be better off joining something that would make her a profit than rotting away with another man's wallet in her pocket.


Vivian, yes, even we can do our research, we have received news of your eagerness to join us, and upon brief review of your skills, you appear capable of complementing those under our, employ. Your Core training, while not the only from among our number, will prove invaluable in the months to come, and upon further review, we would be delighted to welcome you into the fold.

We'll be in touch with your first assignment shortly.


P.S: Cpl. Morris might have a bone to pick with you, keep an eye open.

Name: Sigil Grace

Age: 32

Faction: Vanguard

Solar: Yes. He specializes in lasers more specifically he uses a modified 9mm to widen the beams of light into a larger laser than he could create himself with more intensity than he can muster alone.

Specialty: He was once a Core armored ship mechanic, making him good with any form of vehicle and giving him extensive knowledge of core machinery before he defected.


Armour: He wears normal core mechanics armor. This consists of a pair of fireproof gloves with removable fingers, a vest made of a strong light alloy allowing for heavy machinery to fall on his chest without crushing him and a pair of fireproof pants with similar metal knee guards. Of note is the silver color of his vest which has the core symbol crossed out on its front and the black color of his gloves and pants. He also wears a pair of shatterproof goggles and keeps a pair of dark tinted glasses in his pocket in case of sudden need for work.

Weaponry: He carries an old M1911 pistol which though not containing bullets works as a catalyst for his ability. The insides of the gun have been replaced with multiple mirrors and magnifying lenses in order to intensify light. The words "Death and Salvation" have been carved into the side of the clip which when removed from the gun itself contains a spring loaded knife. He also carries around his plasma welder with him and a few spare plasma cells which is quite effective at cutting through armor.

Other Belongings: He always keeps with him his various tools for work on cars and a pocket watch which with a little work he has kept running for years. He keeps all of this in a small black messenger bag on his side.

Background: Sigil was born on a small mining colony on one of the orbiting crust pieces. Due to the specific metal found on his colony being vital for the creation of Sigil vehicles the miners there were worked especially hard and medical attention was minimal. His father had died in the mines two days before his birth and his mother died a week after from the inhalation of smoke. Because of this he was given over to his father's close friend who attempted to raise him secretly in order to keep him from having to work the mines. He was raised from a young age in the basement of the mans small house and grew up without seeing much of the outside world. He was raised with books instead of human interaction which later lead to his commonly violent behavior towards human as his favorite books even from a young age were always about some hero or another destroying evil armies. At the age of 8 he began to show signs of being a Solar as he had begun to manifest little lazers in his fingertips using them to carve symbols into the walls of the basement he called home. Due to this behavior he was finally named Sigil by his caretaker. Unfortunately he eventually realized this new ability could be used to melt the basement locks and he got out revealing himself to Core authorities. This lead to his caretaker being arrested and his forced work in the mines started. Before being taken away his caretaker warned him about revealing his Solar abilities and so he pretended to be a normal human being. He began his work as a miner and quickly grew in strength from the daily routine of waking up early and mining until sunset at which point you would carry your load of minerals to the inspector get your pay for the day and be allowed to return home. After 10 years of this work the Core began to recruit mechanics from all over the world a recent attack by the Vanguard having destroyed one of their factories and killing a group of mechanics. Desperate to get off the little rock he jumped at the option and left his homeland for sector 73. He spent a year training until he was considered fit to begin working as an armored vehicle mechanic. For two years he kept his powers a secret and even managed to get the title of head mechanic at the factory he worked due to his amazing desire to keep from being beaten for laziness and innate intelligence. He eventually began to enjoy the daily work and even became content with working for the Core who once had worked him like a slave. By the time he turned 24 he was considered to be a valuable asset to the Core and was moved from the factory to an office where he began working on schematics for new and improved Core vehicles. Though he had been upgraded to an inventor he was not pleased with letting anybody else create his prototypes and as such he continued working hands on to create the vehicles he invented. Unfortunately when he turned 26 the factory he usually built his prototypes at was attacked by Tinker Tailors and he, in order to fight back, revealed his Solar powers. Feliks became interested in Sigil after he showed the ability to create lasers without any former training. This interest turned to an obsession with being able to test on Sigil whom he demanded would test his newest designs. Upon denying him Feliks began to threaten imprisonment if Sigil did not comply and began to attempt to test on him in secret attaching devices to him while he slept. This behavior lead to Sigil leaving the Core and running into hiding for a year on another piece of crust. He was then reintroduced to the cruelty of the Core and began to grow ashamed of the machines he had given to them. He eventually joined the vanguard 3 years later after deciding that he would destroy the machines he had created for the Core and stop their endless killing. He is not well liked though due to his sudden outbreaks of violence and less than friendly behavior. He spends most of his time alone reading a book in a corner until he runs into a group of core soldiers whom he will usually immediately strike against. This behavior makes him both a useful and slightly annoying member to others in the Vanguard.
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Name: Grayson Ellis

Age: 25

Faction: Core

Solar: Yes. He is an Empath, and is currently an interrogator for the Core. He is extremely gifted, and is brought in on some of the most difficult cases.

Specialty: Interrogation. Grayson is a Lieutenant in the Core, and is only brought in to extract information from very difficult prisoners. Even when he gets the information he wants, he usually pushes things much too far. Not very many people survive his questioning.


Armour: He wears an Oxium ballistic vest and Oxium bracers when he goes out on missions.

Weaponry: He carries a long rapier at his hip, with throwing daggers lining the belt. He also carries a barber's straight razor in his boot, but he rarely ever uses it in a fight. It sees plenty of use in his other work, however.

Other Belongings: An old pocket watch that stopped working years ago, and a flask of whiskey.

Background: Grayson was raised in a very militaristic family, so it only makes sense that he would join up with the Core when he was old enough. Going through basic training, he exhibited a strange... enjoyment of the punishment. He would deliberately cause trouble, and fully enjoy the beatings that would come after. It was only when he started showing signs of being an Empath that real problems started to arise. Some of the other cadets would be found in their bunks, comatose.

Luckily, he was able to keep things under control enough to not get caught by his superiors, and once he was done with basic training he quickly rose in rank. Though he is often sent out on missions and patrols, the Core has started to use him more often for interrogations, as his methods never seem to fail. Of course, the prisoners are useless afterwards, but the information he pulls from them is more than enough to overlook the stacks of bodies he's amassed.



Keliline A. Manes,your support is greatly appreciated. However,the Core now knows you're a traitor; At the previous dead drop,we found a Core spy,radioing it in. We need to extract you now. A jet-bike will arrive within the hour. Be ready to leave before then. We will discuss your place with us upon arrival.

-A friend




Grayson Ellis,we are pleased to inform you that you meet our requirements to join the Core Republic Armed Forces. After reviewing your credentials,and a brief interview with Captain Ellis and MWO Ellis,we believe you are officer material. An officer will arrive at your home in a week to collect you for basic training. Congratulations,tomorrow begins today.

-LtCol. Jennifer Masterson,Core Republic Armed Forces,Recruitment & Training


Name: Arvo Eronen (often uses the pseudonym, Marcus Finch)

Age: 29

Faction: Core

Solar: No.

Specialty: Intelligence gathering. Arvo is tasked with rooting out any solars who do not comply with the Core, as well as any other political dissenters.

Appearance: Arvo has light, loosely kept blond hair and green eyes. He ways around 160 pounds and is five feet and six inches tall.

Armor: Usually wears clothes that would allow him to blend in with civilian crowds.

Weapons: Arvo usually conceals a poisoned stiletto knife with him while doing work for the Core, which he only utilizes if his life is in imminent danger.

Other Belongings: His mother's military dog-tag.

Background: Arvo was born to two high-ranking Core military officers, and as such, had an abnormally privileged upbringing. He had a largely uneventful childhood until age fifteen, when he was inducted into a Core Academy of Intelligence and Espionage, where he performed exceptionally in nearly all of his classes. Two years later, the head of the academy placed him into a special intelligence program to identify and combat solars. While his deficiency in combat training prevented him from assuming a direct role in Core special forces squads, he proved highly adept at weeding out solars, making him somewhat of a valuable asset to the Core. In the following years, he was trained to detect when an empath was trying to enter his mind and how to dull his emotions to make them less distinct and detectable. Most of the time when they figure out who he really is, it's already too late and he has either left the vicinity or Core forces were training their sights on the target by the time they came to their conclusion. When Arvo turned 23, his mother passed away in a skirmish with the Vanguard, leaving Arvo with only a dog-tag and pictures to remember her. From then on, he always wore the dog-tag, concealed under his shirt most of the time, as a kind of good luck charm, as well as a reminder of what he was fighting against. Up until the present, Arvo has been an effective agent for the Core, finding the identities of dozens of Vanguard operatives and solars. But, even so, after all these years working undercover, Arvo seems to be becoming more and more disillusioned with the current state of the world and the Core's role in it.
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Name: John Carson

Age: 27

Faction: Tinker-Tailor

Solar: No

Specialty: Ranged Combat,Stealth


Armour: Light iron vest and leather leggings and crude boots

Weaponry: a old Assault Rifle he nicknamed "The Peacekeeper" (found it with ammo by breaking into an old armory),Crossbow

Other Belongings: First-Aid Kit,Food Rations,Makeshift Knife

Background: John was born into a extremely poor family however this helped him learn how to survive and gather and make stuff on his own, which would become crucial later on in his life, His father died when he was 3 serving in the Vanguard, his mother often hit him, this did not make him afraid though but rather tougher, He often got into trouble in his teenage years with his aggressiveness getting into fights, when he was 20 he was recruited by the Vanguard but quickly left because he was not committed enough, from then on he made money by stealing stuff and selling them, he was then noticed by the Tinker-Tailors who offered him to join them, he accepted

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