Shattered Earth

Zack DeAngelis

Junior Member

The year is 3013, and humans are going extinct. The wars were bad enough, but when the X’Ravirr invaded, humanity was crippled. X’Ravirr wanted the planet’s resources, without the annoyance of humans. So, they purged the planet with fire. The last few bands of humans live out their existence hiding in fear. Very few groups ever have surfaced to rise against the aliens. Currently, the only group to pull any success was called the Earth Occupying Party (or the EOP). Immediately, the collected governments of the world pushed all of their resources into this rebellion force.

EOP’s first victory took place 5 years ago. Since then, 2 other groups have risen from the fog and alleyways that have become the remnants of Earth. They are the Planetary Anarchists, and the Gunrunners. Only two of the three clans have the potential to enact the solution (be it war or peace) that will end the horrid X’Ravirr’s reign over the Earth

The Factions

  • Earth Occupying Party (EOP) : This group used to simply be hippies with machine guns. Then, the United Governments usurped their hard-earned victory, and used the place the EOP gained to attempt negotiations with the X’Ravirr. After 3 years, the language of the X’Ravirr was fully decoded. From then, all attempts to work a deal have failed. EOP wants to bring the Earth out of it’s seclusion with the least amount of damage.



  • Planetary Anarchists (PAT) : The PAT are all of the remaining gangs, cults, terrorists, and …well, unsavory folk, that survived the purges. They want to take down the X’Ravirr, only to turn around and let Earth fall again to chaos, this time with PAT watching it happen. The PAT wants to wrench the X’Ravirr away from Earth, not caring how much destruction happens.



  • Gunrunners (GRS) : The Gunrunners are easily the most heavily armed faction, except for possibly the X’Ravirr. They want to free the planet in more ways than one. Obviously from the X’Ravirr, but also from the government. Their ultimate goal is peace with no leadership hanging over their heads. The GRS want the Earth whole, but not many tears will be shed over a few scratches.



  • X'Ravirr : Aliens who wish to be rid of the humans for ease for access to the nickel in the Earth's core. Only desire is resources, with no care of how the planet's ecosystem is afterward.


Under the armor :

Rules: No GodMod

Speak to me and owner of other character before killing off peeps

4 Sentences minimum

PG-13 romance

Detailed descriptions of gore and such allowed

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!111!!!!1!!!1!!!!!!!

Common sense must be applied: if something seems common, don't go asking me about it! On the other hand, if unsure of something, please feel free to ask in total confidence.

Follow ALL RPNation rules and regulations.

Put lolcat in your post if you read the rules.




Race: Human/X'Ravirr

Faction: (*Only applies if Human) EOP/GRS/PAT






My Skelly:

Name: Zendar

Age: 62

Race: X'Ravirr

Personality: Hatred for inferiors, including X'Ravirrs and Humans.

Appearance: As pictured above.

History: As X'Ravirr culture, he was born into royality. His parents cast him out at the age of 12 to find his spirit. He came back 9 years later, ready to rule, and as culture, killed his parents. Since then his rule is undisputed.

Skills: Katana, Laser pistols, leadership

Weapons/Gear: Katana, Dual twin laser pistols, self-destruct arm band(that activates upon death)

Accepted folk:

Zabuza with Captain Jack Reynolds(EOP) , Hiron(XRR)

Sedrian with Sedrian(EOP)

Blitzy with Ryan "Mask" Fleischer(PAT)

Moonsong with Jemima(GRS)

thesmashbro- Eyron Agrail(EOP)

tkolord- Sargent Xavier D'angelo(GRS)

thedigimaster- Lieutenant Riggs(GRS)

Goddess-Raza Ghoul(PAT) , Phinx Hevn(XRR)

Zack with Renados Fleischer(PAT) , Zendar (XRR)




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Nice! i would to join! but where's the character sheet? would the gunrunners be humans?
Name: Captain Jack Reynolds

Age: 35

Race: Human

Faction: EOP

Personality: The captain doesn't talk unless he finds it necessary. He is serious and doesn't like being disobeyed. If you disobey him you better have a good reason otherwise he will take you down. He doesn't like the guys that talk for no reason, or make jokes just to hurt someone. He is more tolerant of woman then he is of men.



History: After being abused since he was 5 by his father physically and emotionally he joined the EOP to fight against the X'Ravirrs. He was under the command of Captain James Folly. When Reynolds was told by a friend that the Captain was harassing her Reynolds filed a case against Folly that was ignored. A week later Reynolds walked into his friends room and caught the raping his friend Lieutenant Kathy Rosenberg. Reynolds attacked and beat his Captain to death and rushed Kathy to the Army hospital. He wrote a full detailed report of what happened and was promoted to the Captain of his division. Three months later his only friend Kathy committed suicide from what happened. After that Captain Reynolds closed himself off and led his division to be the best division out of all the divisions.

Skills: Captain Reynolds is a fantastic problem solver, He doesn't get nervous in a crisis situation. He stays in top shape and is one of if the most skilled soldier in hand-to-hand combat in the EOP. He is completely dedicated and will not let his loyalty falter in anyway shape or form.

Weapons/Gear: He wields the standered issue Assault rifle the F2 Falcon, he also uses the Mark 2 45. Pistol, he also uses a sword that comes back to the owner if knocked out of his/her hands the blade is made out an indestructible metal. The blade is known as "The Watcher". He keeps many items on him like: Flash bombs, grapple gun, and a survival knife known as the "The Hunter".

F2 Falcon:


Mark 2 45.:


The Watcher:


The Hunter:

Name: Sedrian

Age: 28

Race: Human/X'Ravirr: human

Faction: (*Only applies if Human) EOP/GRS/PAT: EOP

Personality: Sedrian is a wise cracking, bad mouthing douche. However he is more polite around women then men, while he may not realize it he is. He is not above admitting when he's made a mistake or gone over his head. He does have respect for only a few people, but most of the time, he's an ass.


History: Sedrian was abused heavily as a child. He was beaten, stabbed, clubbed, and even tortured. However Sedrian managed to keep a good sense of humor, but one day he snapped and killed his parents and burned their house to the ground. After that he went to therapy and served his time in prison. He is now a wise cracker who enjoys women. When the aliens arrived on Earth Sedrian quickly joined the EOP and had the master tech wiz design his suit for him. It's unique and stands out, but the eagle wings on the chest plate show he is indeed EOP.


  1. master at hand to hand combat.
  2. will not crack under pressure.
  3. extremely loyal and trustworthy.
  4. works well with females.
  5. very advanced tech.
  6. expert gymnastic.


  1. Sedrian's blades on his wrist are very sharp and made of excalibrum(strongest metal in the galaxy moderator approved.) They can cut through almost anything.
  2. He has a tablet attached to his wrist which he has upgraded to do a number of things such as hacking.
  3. his armor is very durable, made of Kevlar and layered with steel.
  4. he has a red button on his chest that only he can push, when he does it the suit explodes killing anything within ten feet of him, including himself.
  5. suit gives him good motion, can't bend in some areas though.
  6. has bombs strapped to his back.
Name: Ryan "Mask" Fleischer

Age: 25

Race: Human

Faction: PAT

Personality: Batshit insane, for lack of a better term. Ryan does not care for anyone but himself and perhaps the rest of the Planetary Anarchists, and only does what will benefit him. Very selfish and not at all loyal, he often betrays his 'allies' to further himself in the world. Ryan is cold-hearted, and his actions are nonnegotiable, no matter how unreasonable and/or cruel. He is also extremely narcissistic, believing himself to be better than everyone else no matter the situation.



History: Ryan's parents were important members of PAT, and as such, trained him in the ways of anarchy. Because of this, he has grown up believing destruction and chaos are the only solutions, and will wreak havoc and defeat the X'Ravirr and all that stand in his way, no matter how much death it brings for the people of Earth.


-Lock picking

-Accurate with most weapons

-Efficient with long pole-weapons such as a halberd or a pike





-His father's halberd

Name: Jemima

Age: 16

Race: Human

Faction: GRS

Personality: Bubbly, creative, friendly, optimistic.


If you scroll down to Girls with Guns she's the one with blonde hair, because the rest are sexist and I freakin hate them.

History: Jemima was the happiest child you could meet. When the X'ravirr invaded earth, life shattered in her hands. Her father and mother were tortured and bribed into the PAT. Jemima ran, and met some older people who took her in. These people are known as the Gun Runners or the GRS. She learned from them, and though she was completely herself grew up in their ways. Now she is most attached to Sargent Xavier D'angelo, and see's him as an older influence.

Skills: Innocence, hiding, camouflauge, acting, kissing ^0^ xD

Weapons/Gear: I know it's a paintball one but take that bit away. Well that and a wide selection of shot guns.
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Name: Renados Fleischer

Age: 54

Race: Human

Faction: PAT

Personality: Fierce, calculating, and proud. Ashamed at what his son turned into, and yet not willing to devote time into fixing him.



History: Renados was a well respected mobster, even before the X'Ravirr purges. His loyality to his mafia family pushed him even higher in the ranks. He taught his son the most valuable lesson he ever learned 'Stay more loyal than anyone else to the family, until it endangers your life. Then save yourself, kill the witnesses and move on.' Now, Renados has reached the second highest rank possible in the PAT, answerable only to the leader.

Skills: Trained with experience in almost all arms, began working with X'Ravirr weaponry, Great head for plans, Stealthy, Assassin

Weapons/Gear: Two pistols, named Ender(first pictured) and Siri (second pictured)



Back-up Knife: Named Excalibur


G36: Named Terror


L96A1: Named Long-Range Savior

Name: Lieutenant Riggs

Age: 35

Race: Human

Faction: GRS

Personality: Quiet, serious, and, strategic


History: Riggs was a soldier that wasn't ready to follow the rules. He was married and had 3 kids at the age of 25. When the X'Ravirr took over his wife left him too take their kids to a safe place. Two days later he figured out that his wife and kids have been decimated. He swore he would do anything to get revenge.

Skills: Skilled assassin

Can wield a gun

Trained in the art of the sword

Weapons/Gear: Katana

dual wield eight-ball revolver

Name: Sargent Xavier D'angelo

Age: 19

Race: Human

Faction: (*Only applies if Human) GRS

Personality: Focused and Kind but on the battle field he becomes brutal and merciless



Without Armor in bionic suit

Without any of it he has Midnight black long hair and is a bit tan

History: Xaiver was not a normal child although hes was very nice the only thing he did at home was practice with wepons and guns. when the X'Ravirr invaded he took refuge in his basement when he was 16 with his parents eventually he came accros the GRS and was able to join to keep his parents safe. once he joined he practiced even more and then began to fight for his right to exist in the universe.

Skills: Mastery of Swords, Expert Marksman, mastery in hand to hand combat.


Titanium Katana


Assault laser:


Twin pistols:


Laser Sniper:

Name: Eyron Agrail

Age: 37

Race: Human

Faction: EOP

Personality: He's a bookworm of sorts and very curious, which sometimes gets him into trouble. If there is something he can't understand, he studies it until he understands it. He views life as a novel.



History: His parents were archeologists. He would tinker with some of the things they brought back with varied results. Once he accidentally shot an explosive energy bolt out of one of the things they brought back (In his defense, they were going to replace that wall anyway). He joined the EOP because he figured that they would need someone to figure out the alien technology.

Skills: Trained in archeology, technology, marksmanship, and demoliton.


-Two laser pistols

-Shock mines

-EMP mines


-Laser tripwire


-Goggles with ultraviolet, infrared, and X-ray vison
Name: Hiron

Age: 150

Race: X'Ravirr (Bounty hunter for them, host approved)

Personality: Cold and unforgiving, he loves to kill. Allies or enemies it doesn't matter to him if he is allowed to kill them he'll kill them. Happily.

Appearance (Without armor):


Appearance (with armor):


History: Being part of a dying race. The D'Rouger being bred for war and combat. The D'Rouger had built in more enhanced abilities both physically and mentally. They never give up and never surrender. Hiron wears advanced Nano Tech armor that allows him to move even faster, hit harder, jump higher, and solve problems even faster than he already can.


  • Advanced Speed (Can sprint up to 60 mph)
  • Advanced Strength (Can lift 2 tons, or leap 50 feet in the air) 'Only 500 pounds when out of armor'
  • Advanced Acrobatics (A contortionist) 'Armor restricts when wearing it.'
  • Advanced Senses (All senses are 80% better than any animal on earth)
  • Advanced Brain (Access to 100% of his brain function)

Weapons/Gear: Hiron uses:

Clawed gloves: (for hand-to-hand and climbing)


AR-41: (Tank piercing rounds that just tear threw his foes)


Mark 500 Tank buster: (A shotgun that has a 35 foot reach and has over 200 stop force behind each piece of shrapnel)


Type 250 Executioner: (Shoots explosive rounds)

  • Skelly
Alright! Now all we need is someone willing to play a X'Ravirr. If someone wants to make an extra character, fine with me (Up to a max of 2 Characters). If not we might need to call in another friend.
  • Skelly

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