Shattered Earth (Actual RP)

Zack DeAngelis

Junior Member
The year is 3013, and humans are going extinct. The wars were bad enough, but when the X’Ravirr invaded, humanity was crippled. X’Ravirr wanted the planet’s resources, without the annoyance of humans. So, they purged the planet with fire. The last few bands of humans live out their existence hiding in fear. Very few groups ever have surfaced to rise against the aliens. Currently, the only group to pull any success was called the Earth Occupying Party (or the EOP). Immediately, the collected governments of the world pushed all of their resources into this rebellion force.

EOP’s first victory took place 5 years ago. Since then, 2 other groups have risen from the fog and alleyways that have become the remnants of Earth. They are the Planetary Anarchists, and the Gunrunners. Only two of the three clans have the potential to enact the solution (be it war or peace) that will end the horrid X’Ravirr’s reign over the Earth
Jemima rubbed her eyes as she awoke. She climbed out of bed, and pulled her guns into her belt. She sat by Xavier, and waited for him to wake.
Xavier Started to Move around His Necklaces Jingling around on his neck, He could hear someone breathing "Is that You Jemima?"
Riggs got out of his bed and went to his family's grave which was a daily thing for him. I will try my best for today kids. Riggs left his house in order to search for supplies.
Jemima sighed. 'Yes, it's me...' She mumbled, tiredly, a yawn escaping her mouth. 

TheDigiMaster said:
Riggs got out of his bed and went to his family's grave which was a daily thing for him. I will try my best for today kids. Riggs left his house in order to search for supplies.
Where did you get that blue guy eating the lollypop? What show is he off?? xD
(sorry i didn't post i'm just waiting to see if anyone else would)

Xavier thought for a moment and turned to her "Can you pass me my shirt please?" he stood up a bit and stretched his arms being sore from the day before. Already wearing his Cargo Jeans he grabbed onto the bar near his bet and began doing pull-ups "Another question what are we doing today for a mission if you do know anything about it?"
The reason this isn't going anywhere is because you aren't taking us anywhere. You just gave us a basic description of the setting and left us to make a plot. I have no idea what to post!
Jemima chucked his shirt at him, half smiling. 'No. I just woke up too.' She replied, rubbing her eyes. 'Something about food and water and blah blah blah.' 
That's why you improvise. It's pretty simple. A good role player needs an explaining plot, a great role player doesn't need one at all. .
Xavier caught his shirt one handed while still on the bar trying to pull himself up with only one hand. "I give up" he dropped down and stated to stretch his legs. "Can you pass me my backpack? oh and please don't throw it"
Renados Fleischer awoke early in the morning. As every morning, he rolled out of bed instantly to do push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. Afterward he cleaned all of his guns. He had recieved today's target last night. Renados almost laughed remembering how he scared the postman, pulling Siri on him. Renados dropped into position to take out 2 young Gunrunners. He sat in complete silence, watching as he saw they woke up, the female threw the male his shirt and began to hand him a backpack. It seemed a little too comfortable. Thankfully, the Long-Range Savior could end this......
Jemima rolled her eyes and grabbed his backpack, placing it gently next to him. 'There you go.' She smirked.
Xavier grabbed the back pack and smiled, "I can't help it, it's my Bio-suit, and thanks." He started to move toward the door "Ready for some grub, i am starving"
Riggs was able to get some apples from a market nearby. Just then Riggs saw a merchant getting robbed. " Hey you stop right there." Riggs rushed and beat up the robber and took back the money. "Here you are sir make sure you have some sort of security next time." Riggs handed back the bag of money and then left with his apples.
Xavier opened the Door to the hallway in the base, "Ladies first" he said with a smile.
Jemima rolled her eyes. 'Thanks...' She mumbled, shuffling through the door. At her entrance to the hallway, she wrapped her arms around herself. The hallway was kept cold for the people who had just been on missions... They'd be boiling after a GRS mission. Jemima and Xavier were probably early up, and so they hadn't turned the machines off yet. At the uprising of a majority of the GRS, they would heat the rooms again.
"Christ its freezing why did you wake me up early Jemina?" Xavier was rubbing his arms trying to keep himself warm. A light bulb turned on in Xavier's head he then turned around and started to run backwards "Race you to the mess hall?"
Hmmmm i wonder if Xavier lives around this area. Riggs was walking around in a new area he never knew about. It was an unidentified area to him.
Renados had his heat optics active on the Long Range Savior. He squeezed the trigger. Silence was all that was heard nearby. The bullet ripped through the man's ear. 'Damn, he twitched...'

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