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Nation Building Shattered Crown - Character Roster



Mister Zero
Roleplay Type(s)
Please use the format listed. Character creation will be handled in Discord but sheets MUST be posted here

Character Sheet
Name: (What are you called?)
Race: (One of the various peoples of the Empire)
Affiliation: (Where does your Backing/Influence come from?)
Descriptors: (Choose 3 plus Racial)
Skills: (Choose 5 or 3 and Magic)
Magic: (You may sacrifice 2 Skill Slots for Magic - One Specialty, One Tradition) (OPTIONAL) (edited)




The various people who all belong the the Nostro Empire, many incorporated over centuries of conquest. All are considered citizens of the Empire so long as they commit no act of treason against it. Each race has three descriptors to choose from when selecting it to present some additional advantage to your character from their cultural background.

Dwarf (Earthen, Resilient, Stubborn)
The masters of the Northern mountains. Dwarves are long lived with long memories. They are some of the finest craftsmen in the Empire and have a notable link the living stone of this world few others can manage. Dwarves have been a long standing ally of the Empire, even before they joined it and have strong bonds with humanity from fighting in the Long War together.

Elf (Agile, Perceptive, Sylvan)
The Elves reign over the Eastern holdings of the Empire. They hold a strong link to nature and woodlands but also must combat its most extreme elements in the various beings of the Feywild that emerge from the depths of their great forests. Imperial support has helped in holding back such invasions.

Gnome (Cunning, Industrious, Inventive)
Gnomes have survived by their wits before the Empire and since then have used those wits to find an impressive niche. Dwarves may make an axe that lasts, but Gnomes make the machinery that simplifies life for many a common citizen from harvester combines to the impressive sewers of the Tideveil city-states. Where there is industry and invention, there are Gnomes.

Halfling (Brave, Hardy, Stealthy)
A stout people with a love of food and life. Many joke that Halflings mastered farming before any other discovery. Beyond this, they were a surprisingly brave and hardy folk that protect their lands with determination. Various city-states of the South have learned the folly of attempting to conquer a Halfling Shire. They are a people unafraid of conflict to protect their own and are surprisingly good at guerilla warfare due a natural talent for stealth among their people.

Human (Ambitious, Adaptive, Diplomatic)
The heart of the Empire. Humans dwell in every direction of the empire often by the side of the more dominant races of those regions. The Imperial Dominion is where the greatest concentration dwell. Humanity has drawn together the various races of the region through various means to forge the Nostro empire. They are a people known to adapt to any region they encounter, much to the distress of the longer lived races at times. They often have found themselves the arbiters between the various peoples of the Empire.

Orc (Fierce, Relentless, Strong)
No other race could scrape out a living and survival after countless centuries of fighting save for the Orcs. The West perhaps had more life to it at one time, but the Long War destroyed that. The Hordes squabble over their holdings and water sources, each dominating an Oasis City. Joining the Empire has brought much to their lands, but they are forced to rely on trade and service in the Imperial Legions to ensure better resource access for their people. No race of the empire can outdo an Orc in sheer physical prowess generally.

Estate General
The great assembly holding the Empire together. You have some link to it either as a ranking Representative or connections to several. To be backed bye the Estate General is to owe favors you are expected to repay, lest those allies holding you up elect to find someone else to support.

You are a member of the nobility. Noble houses are founded out of the lineage of great heroes of the Empire, no matter what race. They can be found in the Imperial Dominion and any of the Four Veils. Land, wealth and power reside in your lineage and title. You must see to the needs of the Highborn as more than one house is backing you to sit on the Regent Council. Beware the intrigues of the squabbling houses.

Imperial Colleges
The Imperial Colleges are the foundation of magical knowledge and research in the Empire. They hold a great degree of influence in politics and affairs due to this as they provide many trained casters to server in roles all across the Empire. To be affiliated to the Colleges it to have powerful magical support but obligations of ensuring the Colleges continue to have a voice in affairs and the funding needed to continue to do their work.

Imperial Legions
The Nostro Empire was forged through trial and tribulation. The Imperial Legions have been there from the beginning. They are the shield and sword of the Empire. Even today the Imperial Legions provide support to the various parts of the Empire to provide security and safety. To be backed by the Imperial Legions means an expectation of keeping them supplied and supported with Imperial resources. Failure to do so could have dire consequences for you and the Empire.

Imperial Watchers
The Imperial Watchers feign neutrality while trying to maintain their position of power within the Empire during these difficult times. They control the spies, informants and agents of the Empire. Backing means some faction within the Watchers has elected to support you. They may make odd requests for you at times. Fulfilling them will lead to reward but could have unexpected consequences. Failure will mean increasing apathy from them when it comes to your concerns.

Inventors Guild
Aqueducts, sewers and engines of industry define the Inventors Guild. They maintain the great engines of state that keep the Empire's populace happy and healthy. They also have a notorious reputation for blowing Imperial funding on wild projects that sometimes lead to nothing save a body count. Their public reputation is one of wonder and disdain. To be affiliated with the Inventors gives you access to potentially wonderous solutions to problems, provided you can maintain Imperial patronage for the Guild. To work with the Inventors is to gamble, but the payoffs can be beyond belief. Failures can be disastrous.

Merchants Guild
Commerce is king; so the merchants say. The Merchants Guild is the lifeblood of Imperial trade. No merchant worth his coin operates without a Guild membership. The Merchants control the banks and man trade venues across the Empire. In exchange for this freedom, they pay taxes to the Imperial Estate. The Merchants Guild seeks to maintain their autonomy and expects you to protect it and other interests of theirs on the Regent Council. Be warned, assassination is technically a form of business in the Empire should you fail to remember your backers.

Regional (Frostveil, Greenveil, Tideveil, Sandveil)
Your patron is one of the Veil Lords of the Empire, representing an entire Dominon of the Empire. They expect you to see to the interests of the Veil and their own ambitions. Be wary for some may have aspirations of Secession or even a shift of power dynamics in the Empire. You will have choices to make. Each provides unique forms of benefits and penalties.
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Heinrich Von Kemmler


Race: Dhampir
Affiliation: Frostveil Dominion



Magic: Necromancy
Tradition: Occult

-Long time "loyal" aide to King Floki Ironoath. He has helped guide the King's hand in many decisions. Most have resulted in a consolidation of power, not just for the King but also for Heinrich. A man of no nobility has no right of holding a King's ear, particularly an outsider, yet he does.

-Loyalty to the King exists to only aid in Heinrich's end goal. The deep mines of the dwarves reveal ancient, long forgotten secrets of the occult amongst other historical artefacts. Yet the occult is where his eyes focus, wanting to unleash Sulyvahn, an almost forgotten deity. One of the Old Ones, he longs to feast on mortal souls but was bound to a prison by the other gods. Myths promise immortality and infinite power to whoever can free him and that is the long term goal of Heinrich. The search for knowledge, acquisition of items and a grand ritual are what he needs to do to succeed.

-He leads a cult that worships Sulyvahn, it's existence denied by nobles but wholly believed to exist by the common folk.

-Only the King and Heinrich's followers know of his necromancy.

-Bloodstone - Found in the depths of Glacierstone Hold, in the deepest mines. The stone is said to be the blood of a bound god. It hungers. Draining and siphoning necromancy spells are boosted.

-Illusory Key - A stone key that was granted to you by King Floki. It offers protection in dire straits. Boost Evasion when used to defend in combat.

-Terror of Ivar - A cloak whose leather is of concerning origins. It's wearer is granted a dread aura. Boost Intimidation checks while wearing it.​
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His Excellency Julius Isadore Garbert-Smithe
The Imperial Lexarch | Chief Justice of the Imperial Courts



[Office of the Lexarch] [Estate General]

[Lexarch] [Order] [Enforcement] [Diplomatic]

[Investigation] [Diplomacy] [Law] [Occultism]

Specialize: [Conjuration]
Tradition: [Occult]

Gear & Items
Endless Quill
A gift from the previous Lexarch for years of service and dedication to the rule of law in the Empire. Endless supply of ink and boosts tests involving writing.

Conjuror's Focus
A second gift from the Colleges after resolving a major case involving magic abuse and practices. This handheld idol is black and white, The white side celestial while the black side is fiendish in design. This item boosts conjuration magic tests involving summoning, binding, and banishing Angels and Devils.

Arbiter's Eye
A well-made magical eye with discreet runes of perception and insight that grant the user boosts to sight-based investigation checks. A gift from King Floki Ironoath for resolving a major dispute between the Goldfray and Silverbend clans in Frostveil, averting a Clan War.

Julius is a man who is deeply committed to justice and the rule of law. His years of service in the Office of the Lexarch have honed his instincts and sharpened his abilities to investigate and prosecute those who break the law.

Despite his reputation as a relentless and uncompromising enforcer of justice, Julius is also a man who understands the importance of compromise. He knows that the law is not always black and white, and that sometimes dropping a case can be for the greater good of justice and the empire.

However, this willingness to compromise does not mean that Julius is soft or that he can be easily swayed by those in power. He remains steadfast in his pursuit of justice, and will not hesitate to pursue justice against anyone who breaks the law, regardless of their rank or position.

Julius is a man who commands respect and fear in equal measure. His unwavering dedication to justice and his willingness to stand up to those in power have earned him a reputation as one of the foremost servants and executors of justice in the empire.

Though he can be single-minded in his pursuit of justice, Julius also has a strong sense of empathy and compassion for those who have been wronged by the law. He recognizes that justice is not always black and white, and that there are often complex social and political factors at play. Nevertheless, he remains steadfast in his commitment to the rule of law and will do whatever it takes to ensure that justice is served for the greater good of the empire.

Julius Isadore Garbert-Smithe came from a long line of noble families who had served the law for generations. Raised with a deep sense of duty and honor, Julius was taught from a young age to uphold the law and maintain order in the empire.

After joining the Office of the Lexarch as an Investigator, Julius quickly made a name for himself as a relentless pursuer of justice, even against those of high standing in the empire. He prosecuted multiple members of the Estate General, including some of the most influential and powerful individuals in the empire, for crimes such as bribery, corruption, and embezzlement.

Julius' reputation as a ruthless enforcer of the law was unmatched, and no criminal, no matter how powerful or well-connected, could escape his keen eye and investigative prowess. Those who caught Julius' attention trembled in fear, knowing that they would never be able to live in peace.

Despite his reputation, Julius was respected by his colleagues for his skills and dedication. He was known for his unwavering integrity and his unwillingness to compromise on matters of justice, even if it meant going against the wishes of those in power.

Julius' rise through the ranks of the Office of the Lexarch was swift, and he was soon promoted to the position of Chief Investigator. In this role, he was responsible for overseeing a team of Investigators and tackling the most difficult and complex cases that came before the Office of the Lexarch.

One of the most controversial cases Julius took on as Chief Investigator involved multiple members of the Estate General who were accused of embezzlement and corruption. These powerful individuals were well-connected and had the means to influence the outcome of the case in their favor.

Despite the obstacles, Julius was determined to see that justice was served. He spent countless hours reviewing the evidence and interviewing witnesses, and was able to uncover a web of lies and deceit that these individuals had used to cover up their involvement in the crimes.

As the trials progressed, Julius faced intense pressure from those in power to drop the cases or manipulate the evidence to ensure not guilty verdicts. But Julius refused to compromise on his principles and remained steadfast in his pursuit of justice.

In the end, Julius' relentless investigation and unyielding determination paid off, and the accused were found guilty and sentenced to jail time, with some even facing execution. Though the trials were controversial and sparked intense debate among the public and those in power, Julius' actions were seen as a bold stand for justice and the rule of law.

There were only a handful of people who knew that those prosecuted high ranking members were those who were obstacles to Julius' career in the Office of the Lexarch. With them gone, Julius had paved a way for his career, which opened up his path to become a Judge and then eventually, the Lexarch and Chief Justice of the Empire.

Julius' unwavering dedication to the empire and the rule of law earned him the respect and admiration of all those who served the law, regardless of their rank or position. His reputation as a fearless and uncompromising investigator cemented his place in history as one of the greatest defenders of justice in the empire.

Evidence A-7398 from the Lexarch Archives
My dear friend,

I write to you with great concern for our safety and the future of our noble house. The Chief Prosecutor, Julius Isadore Garbert-Smithe, has gone mad with power and is purging our peers from their positions of influence and power.

It seems that he is on a mission to rid the Empire of corruption and those who have taken advantage of their positions for personal gain. Our peers are not safe from his all-seeing eyes and his ruthless pursuit of justice.

I fear for our safety and that of our family. We must lay low and avoid drawing the attention of the Chief Prosecutor. It is imperative that we take precautions and do everything in our power to protect ourselves and our interests.

I urge you to be cautious and to take this threat seriously. We must remain vigilant and stay out of the spotlight until this madness subsides.

Yours truly,
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Character Sheet

Name: Wizz Floosh
Race: Gnome
Affiliation: Inventors Guild
Descriptors: Union Boss/ Waterworks/ Underhanded/ Cunning
Skills: Lore/Crafting/Deception/Diplomacy/Intimidation
Magic: N/A
Character Sheet
Name: John Smith
Race: Human
Affiliation: Imperial Legions
Descriptors: Diplomatic, Quartermaster General, Bureaucrat, Perceptive
Skills: Logistics, Diplomacy, Finance, Magic: Arcane
Magic: Arcane, Universalist



John is a rather modest figure despite his fame and reputation. He is a dutiful man who takes his job and responsibility seriously. Yet, court life is always full of background noise and distractions as many people make plays and bids for power. Yet, John tries to stay away from such trivial squabbles. The Imperial bureaucracy is immense and requests can easily become lost in a labyrinth of red tape, procedures, and regulations, truly it is the greatest monster created by the Empire and deserves respect and attention if one is to successfully navigate it. John just so happens to be the type of detail orientated person who navigates such environments with ease.


John came from rather humble beginnings. The third son of a minor noble family that received land long ago due to an ancestor who served the Mage King, John was purchased a commission in the Imperial Legions as a junior officer to go make a name and living for himself... or at least die in the field of battle to not bring shame to his family's name. It was at his first post where he was tasked with the most menial and boring tasks. He was made the quartermaster of a legion as a part of a typical hazing ritual to humble new officers as it was far from the glorious and romanticized life that most people thought of. In fact, logistics and inventory duty was typically considered a form of unofficial punishment among the officer corp. However, it was in this environment where John truly shined. The legion had never functioned so smoothly with inventories and supplies being masterfully handled and payroll never in question. John made sure that every man got his due on time no matter if it was a new belt buckle to replace the rusty one of a new recruit or if it was their monthly pay. He experienced a surprisingly meteoric rise to fame within the legions despite being a "desk jockey" as he could be relied on to get the job done and beloved by the men in his legion to fight for them and make sure that their pay was never late. Every general staff within the legion wanted John within their officer corp and John received many commendations and promotions in the process.

Eventually, his success caught the attention of the Chamberlain himself. With the growing concern of soldier pensions looming over the Empire, the Legions supported his move into government to work on improving the economy and finances of the Empire as the Chamberlain's assistant to make sure that the Legion would always be well funded, supplied, and paid on time.
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Name: Khorvashta Farrion
Race: Half-Orc
Affiliation: Sandveil
Descriptors: Fierce, intelligent, diplomatic, fair
Skills: Survival, Medicine, Athletics, Primal
-Tradition: Primal
-Specialty: Universalist


Personality: Khorvashta is a brave, forceful woman, who takes strongly after her mother. The harsh competition she has faced with both races due to her lineage has left her thick skinned, and more than ready to stand her ground and fight when challenged. That's not to say her father hasn't also had an impact though. She's learned well when to wait for a better moment, to manage the way she presents herself, and get what she wants from even the scornful highborn. She is patient, intelligent, and determined to do what is best for those that would stand with her.

Background: Khorvashta is the result of a young heir to the Farrion estate being sent to establish diplomacy with one of the hordes. And, while he was certainly successful, and left quite an impression, the amount of attachment he showed in not simply denying the child was his meant he's disgraced in the family. As such, he didn't take Khorvashta to see his side of the family much. But he never was formally disowned, as that would bring too much risk of a scandal. So his daughter was allowed the services of tutors, with the agreement that she wouldn't come into the Imperial Dominion without very good reason.

Well. This certainly sounds reason enough.

Might Stone - A gift of an Orc shaman who saw your potential it improves your physical attributes to compete with Orc kind. No orc ignores a shaman boon. Boosts Athletics skill checks and Orc interactions.

Sand King Totem - You have stood in the court of the Sand King, greatest elemental lord of Sandveil's spirits. The spirits of other lands honor this status and answer your invocations. Boost Primal magic checks.

Scarab Charm - A petrified desert scarab whose spirit guides healing hands. Boost to medicine checks.
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Name: Sanja the Blazing Spear, Heir to the Eternal Flame Sage
Race: Orc

Affiliation: Imperial Colleges
Descriptors: Fierce, Internal Sorcery, Ki Adept, Heroic
Skills: Martial Arts, Diplomacy, Performance, (Occultism)
Specialty (Jotun: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Transmutation)
School (Occult)

Sanja is a jovial, light-hearted adept of the mystic arts, who seems to have stepped out of a storybook. He is a hero through and through, and is quite willing to confront all manner of martial challenge for the sake of the Empire's peace and people. Adopted from an Imperial orphanage by the Sage to become his latest apprentice, his experience has lent him a unique perspective upon the Empire, firmly believing in the benefits of its unity, and feeling a deep debt to it for giving him the chance to rise as high as he has. Fear is a foreign concept to him. He relishes the adulation of the crowd, whether lowborn or highborn, and is quite happy to enjoy the material benefits of such a thing, be it women or fine wine. But those are mere luxuries to him, and he remains steadfastly devoted to the empire.

However, his time active as his master's voice in arbitration has taught him moderation and restraint. He is fully aware of the importance of his position on the Council, and is, on occasion, concerned that he is unprepared for such a position... But now that he is here, he seeks to use his fame and his skills to help hold the empire together, to repay the Empire for all it has done for him.

The apprentice of the famed Eternal Flame Sage, who dwells deep in the desert, contemplating the mysteries of deep magic. Some rumor the Sage is himself descended from the long-ago Jotun, an heir to their ancient sorceries, a remnant of a bygone age. The Sage has long stood as one of the great bulwarks against particularly powerful Lich-Lords invading from the west, facing them in sorcery while Imperial Legions and Orc Hordes wipe out their swarms of undead. But when matters within the Empire require his attention, he sends an apprentice in his stead, so as to maintain his vigil over the endless sands.

Sanja as his current apprentice has become particularly noteworthy. The Sage is often occasionally called upon to provide magical expertise and aid when monsters and sorcerous abominations threaten the empire, and in recent years, with the Empire's growing weakness, many such beings have seized the moment. Sanja earned fame and renown for going in his master's stead and defeating many such creatures, being showered with honor and favor from various imperial courts- though in particular, the Colleges, whom have benefited much from the rare and exotic knowledge and resources gained from the things Sanja has defeated.

And of course, Sanja has also had to act as his Master's representative in disputes between the Colleges, the Sage being considered a neutral arbiter respected by the various academies enough to ensure no fireballs start getting thrown. When the time came for a Regency Council, Sanja arrived upon it to serve as a respected voice for the Colleges, one widely considered a compromise candidate to avoid controversy.

Jotunshard - A spear hewn from the bone of a fallen Jotun from ages past. It is etched in Jotun runes, telling the tale of the First War between Jotun and Dragons. It thrums with power when facing mystical threats. When wielded against magical beings, it boosts your martial arts skill.

Grace of Esrinis - A rare medal almost never worn by non-Elves. This was granted by Queen Esrinis herself after you prevented an assassination attempt by a wicked Fey known as the Erlking. You banished the twisted Fey back to the Feywild on behalf of the Colleges and the Queen saw fit to reward you. No forgery of this medal is possible as the Queen makes each herself. Attempts to copy them result in curses. This item boosts Diplomacy with Highborn and Elves.

Teeth of Deathwshiper - The teeth of Razone Deathwhisper, the last Dragon Lord of the Blightlands. Taken when some fool attempted to animate his remains under the Haunted Mesa in Sandveil. Sanja managed to destroy the body and its binder before it could reach full power or worse, awaken the soul of Deathwhisper. The teeth work with Divination being cast and read during spells. Divination magic is boosted when used with it.

Laryssa Cassia of House Cassia



[Intelligent] [Wealthy] [Glamourous] [Adaptive]

[Espionage] [Performance] [Deception] [Primal]

[Conjuration] [Primal]

Glamourous | Decadent | Arbitrary | Clever | Playful

Laryssa is rather famous, or infamous depending on whom you asked, for many things, but the thing that is most often associated with her is just how glamorous she is. Laryssa wears the finest jewelry and clothing, she is extremely well connected with the finest craftsmen in the Empire and whenever something new or fine is brought into stock, she is almost always the first one they approach as a potential buyer. But it is more then just her personal attire, Laryssa has summer and winter homes all over the Empire and her estate in the capital is one of the largest and most well kept.. The parties she throws at it are known all around and while many will talk behind her back about her choice of attire and actions, they all fight for the chance to attend.

While glamorous, decadence runs hand in hand. Laryssa spends money at a frankly terrifying pace as if she truly does not care about the legacy of her house or the situation of her heirs. While she may have a truly staggering amount of wealth, it simply could not be feasible for Laryssa to bring performers, products and wonders from the far east or north... Why does she do this? Because it amuses her. Nothing more, nothing less. She spends because she can. She throws parties because she's bored. She engages in spycraft as a simple means to pass the day. For the Lady Cassia is an exceptionally arbitrary woman. She is driven by her wants and whims, she has no discernable long term goal or passion. She is a storm, blowing from port to port, wherever it takes her, and leaving it a whirling mess in her wake. It makes her damnably hard to predict, but also means gaining her aid is almost always possible if the mood strikes her.

Despite her fickle nature, Laryssa is clever. Not just in raw intellect, but in wit and mannerisms. While she may bring exotic dancers or monsters from the edge of the world, at the end of the night, what draws people to her lavish parties is her. The chance to speak to her, to dance with her, to be smiled at and in her company... After all, a boring man dressed in the finest silks and gold in the world, is still a dreadfully dull man. Not only is she great company, she is exceedingly playful. She loves a good wager, a good game, even something silly and simple. However, her games can quickly become deadly and Laryssa sees very little difference in enjoying a lawn game or playing a game with someone's life on the line. Either way, she is able to glean some short enjoyment out of it, and that is what life is about afterall, her indulgence.

"My history? Oh, that is sweet of you to ask, a bit forward, but I believe I can find it in me to forgive you for it. Its not much to say, behind all this wealth and splendor is just your average country girl. Don't believe me? Well, stop me if you've heard this before. A noble house on the brink of bankruptcy sells their pretty little girl off to some doddering old man so she can look pretty on his bed. Old man sure did his best to make an heir, such a shame his little heart gave out. Before the pretty little widow had time to weep for her dusty old bag of bones, she was married to another man who had such an awful tumble down those stairs.. And so on and so forth until that little girl grew up and realized she had all this money and no one she needed to answer to. Then she spent all this money she never earned to make herself feel special and unique. Such a common tale, but do try the pigeon over there, it is exquisite."

Ring of the Wind Courts - Laryssa has ingratiated herself to one of the powerful Wind Lords of the Elemental Planes. They have granted her a ring that will conjure a powerful Wind Djinn guardian that will protect her until dispersed or banished. This ring only works once per scene.

Obsurcing Opal - A jeweled pendent that has been in Laryssa's family for generations. It makes the owner more able to conceal tells and hints that would hinder their efforts to deceive. Boosts Deception skill checks.

Twenty Talents - A bag of twenty silver talents. Each talent allows the owner to speak with the carries so long as both parties have their component in their possession and one speaks the contact word. This allow superior coordination of discreet actions of spycraft. Boosts to Espionage​
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~Liviana De Paoli~
art by LOKOnity

  • Name : Liviana Beatrice De Paoli
    Nickname : Domina Paoli, Lady Liviana
    Race : human

    Affiliation :
    Merchants Guild

    Descriptors :
    - Diplomatic
    - Perceptive
    - Cunning
    - Fortune maker

    Skills :
    - Trading
    - Management
    - Diplomacy
    - Eyes for talent
    - Skullduggery

    Magic : none
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Andruil Sylaise

Name: Andruil Sylaise - Oracle of Greenveil

Race: Elf

Affiliation: Greenveil Dominion

- Oracular
- Stalwart
- Revered
- Perceptive

- Magic
- Society
- Lore
- Diplomacy (Religion)

Tradition - Divine
Specialty - Divination​


Born to Greenveil’s mystic forests to the well-to-do Sylaise family, Andruil lived a life of comfort but irrelevance. When the bliss of youth faded he was left questioning what his purpose would be in life. Discovering he was meant to become head of their household and carry on the family name and business did little for him.

One he wandered the forests seeking answers, seeking purpose, and he found it. Encountering spirits and worshippers of nature, Andruil felt the void in his heart filling with agency. Beyond the forests of Greenveil were factions and people who would rend their world asunder for profit and power. He would stop them.

Andruil devoted himself to his studies of magic and in doing so cemented his faith in the elven deities of nature who he drew his power from. Through communion with these gods and the forests, Andruil believed he received visions and messages that later helped him guide those around him.

The Sylaise family retired from the merchant business when people started to call Andruil a Seer. Then after his divination skills were put to use for the highborns and even the Elven Queen, he was given the title of Oracle. He has used his gifts to serve the Empire, but always kept Greenveil at the forefront of his mind.​

  • Amber Heart - An Amber sphere carved from the oldest tree in the forest whose sap has turned to stone. It grants a boost to healing magic checks.​
  • Star of Ithilaz - Enchanted diamond pendant that reaches into the divine realms. It grants a boost to divination magic.​
  • Silver Leaves - Silver talismans shaped as the leaves of the Greenveil forest. They are usually worn in the hair or in outfits. They improve one's ability to engage others. Boosts diplomacy skill checks.​

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