[Shards of Immortality] (The Awakened) Lucia Isolde: The Red Lady


the crimson
----- Lucia Isolde -----

----- The Red Lady -----


Name: Lucia Isolde

Title: The Red Lady

Race: Nymph

Physical Age: 40

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Posting Colors: #c6054a


Height: 5"6

Weight: 135 lb.

Hair Color: Light Red/ Pink

Eye Color: Red

Notable Characteristics & Distinguishing Marks: Lucia has a scar on both of her hands where she was nailed down with a spear before her death. She also has a tattoo on her back that is a colored to look like stained glass and depicts a woman being protected by a great shadow from a man with a spear.

Description: Lucia is a fair skinned lady dressed in a short white dress tied together by a small red ribbon. A small light brown jacket with scaled designs and a red ribbon that closes it into a large bow. Her hair is as red as a camellia and her eyes as red as a rose. Her corset type clothes keep her in a slender but, plain look.



Opinion on the Overlord: Lucia looks to find The Overlord so she can try to seduce him and mother his unholy children. She may not say it but, she harbors a love for him that she only has felt once. This love of hers is much more out of something she wants rather than what she feels. She also believes him to be the unholy messiah that will help her to get back at all the kingdoms that she envies for their love.

Opinion of the Generals: Lucia is friend and bedmate to almost if not all the generals but, keeps a distance so she may understand who would help further her plans for The Overlord. She wants to regain their immortality as well but, aims to for her gains first. She has no ill will towards the others but, will try to mislead and remove whoever gets in her way.

Opinion on Friendships: Lucia loves to have a friend by her side to hold when she feels cold but, her constant want for lust makes the relationships more physical than anything. She does feel lonely at times but, likes to sit on her own.

Opinion on Relationships: Lucia loves to lie by just about anyone but, ultimately loves The Overlord and wishes to gain his praise and love. She values her friends but, is always suspicious of everyone else intentions.

Opinion on Races: Lucia harbors no grudges or loves for any specific race but, has eye for people that prove be wise and strong. She being a nymph regards fae folk highly and likes to be around more magic users since it creates a better environment for her own magic.

Education: Lucia was taught formally by her mother who wrote and sang. She is literate and has a voice that can make a storm calm. Her education also continued after, with her first love. He showed her many kinds of magic as well as forbidden spells.

Motivation: Lucia wishes to find The Overlord and mother his children and will do anything to make it happen. She is determined to make it happen and will destroy whatever is in her way. If she fulfills her motivation, she will attempt to destroy all the great kingdoms. This will ultimately help her find and kill all those who feel true love in the major parts of the world. She despises the concept of love more than anything.


Upbringing: Lucia had a good childhood with her mother. They were living alone in the forest outside of a large city and would learn about the world around her as well as the Faes. Her Fae parent was nowhere to be found but, Lucia's mother taught her much about them. As time passed Lucia began talking to a boy from the city that taught her to use magic. This boy was the apprentice to the court wizard in the great castle of the city. The city wasn't very fond of fae since they didn't believe in crossing races and were mainly human. Their relationship developed into a love and she eventually moved to the city after her mother had passed away after drinking a poisoned cup of wine. The wine's maker was jailed for the crime of killing those that drank from it. They lived together in secrecy since the town didn't like any Fae folk and the apprentice had taken a vow of celibacy. What happened next began the end for this capital city.

Most Important Event: Life was mostly good for the two lovers. After a few years Lucia was found and tried in court for the use of magic and forcing a vassal to break his vows. Her lover's vows were broken out of choice which resulted in him getting jailed as well. Magic use was forbidden outside of the court's patrons as well. Her lover was the one that taught her magic, this added to his crimes as well and he was executed in front of her. The king's court then revealed that this was a plot from the beginning. Lucia's lover was the one that poisoned her mother and was sent to teach her magic since the Fae-folk were stronger than the humans in the arcane. This was a secret plot to allow the city to acquire, create, and control a new powerful mage. She was to be made and molded into the strongest battlemage in all the kingdoms.

Before Immortality: Lucia played her part as a court apprentice for half a year and performed at a great level for the kingdom to see. She was a pet and party favor. She was used for her body by the king and for her magic by the general. She was strong enough to kill whole battalions at a time. This eventually captured the attention of The Overlord and he laid siege to the city. When breaking the wall and walking into the main court of the castle, The Overlord stood mighty and ready to kill everyone there. Lucia was sent to stand in front of the king with her master; the court wizard. As the ever daunting mass of armor approached, she met a great and utter feeling of sheer horror and coldness. When he stood close enough to look her in the eyes after killing the guards, he simply said to join him and she will receive any and all things she wants. As she became less frightened, she turned around with a dark look on her face and a evil smile stretched across her face. The nobles and men of the crown trembled with a terror that could only be described by the screams that filled the entire kingdom and still haunts the castle to this day. The throne room stand painted in the darkest red and signifies where a kingdom's lust for power killed itself.

As a General: Lucia was one of the envoys for The Overlord and served as a messenger to the kingdoms to look for potential soldiers. Her legion of courtisans were able to use magic as well as seduce nobles to flee from a fight and cause the downfall of kingdoms. Lucia herself was able to best most other wizards in magic power alone. Whenever she would approach, the gates to castles would fling open in fear of being destroyed so she may deliver a note. Rarely when the cities began to fight against her on her arrival, she would create a symphony of red along the town. Her title 'The Red Lady' was given to her by a young prince; who the last one living in the city, that was about to meet his demise as she walked in covered in the blood of the all those she slayed viciously.

Your Defeat: Lucia was killed in the HANGING GARDENS that resembled the forest she once lived in as a girl. It was covered in roses, camellia, and all sorts of red flora. She was laying with her finest handmaidens as a great knight with a spear rushed in with wizards to attack her. As she watched them burst, they were met by a flurry of violent magical blasts that would have decimated whole armies but, did not affect any of them. When Lucia saw that nothing worked as the furrious battle of magic raged, she stepped in and let her subjects rest. She unleashed a unholy red energy that is said to Harold the end of a kingdom and killed all but, the knight. As the two of them fought, he attacked with a great furious that she has never seen. Not only was he unscathed by her attacks but, he seemed to thrive on them. After a few hours of intense battle, he bested Lucia. She was pierced through her hands to the headrest of the bed in the garden and then the knight chanted holy words that were felt through the spear itself and set the hanging garden in a blaze of of holy energy. All that were in it were engulfed and Lucia lie dying with her handmaidens that screamed till they died. The knight was rejoiced as a hero and the weapon became a holy relic.


Personal Mementos: She keeps a band on her hair thats was made by her mother and was inscribed with the Fae markings that mean love.

Weapons: None

Armor/Clothes: No armor/ Lucia wears her normal clothes to move quickly and more quiet.

Other Items to Note: The ruby of screams (Releases the deafening screams of those that were killed near it to scare all around.)

Quest Items: (To be filled in by Storyteller)



Disadvantage: No armor- Lucia has no want to carry heavy armor around and she feels hindered in combat by it. Her nymph body is frail and weak to attack. She suffers immense damage from physical attacks, since she doesn't have anything to defend her body against attack.

Disadvantage: Holy scars- Weakness and Fear of holy magic/weapons. Lucia's bout with the knight at the time of her death has left her scarred and still feels the pain of the light.

Disadvantage (Optional):

Disadvantage (Optional):

Orange Skill Slots (Basic Skills & Proficiencies):

Crimson slash- A dark red energy surroundsher open palm and she slashes it through the air cutting whatever is in its path.

Hand to hand combat (proficiency)- Uses a quick fighting style to get close and lay waste to her opponents with a flurry of punches and kicks.

Nymphs charm- Lucia is able to charm and invoke great amounts of affection from others. She is able to talk herself into and out of most situations.

Green Skill Slots (General Skills):

Crimson shield- A dark red shield that veils over Lucia but, maybe be projected up to five feet and is usually made in the shape of a seven feet tall by seven feet wide rectangle of magic energy. This shield is used to protect against physical or magic abilities. Piercing attacks such as spears can break through it when it is hit with enough force.

Purple Skill Slots (Ultimate Skills):

[No Slots are Unlocked]
Reviewed over your character. Here are some of the revisions we recommend.

History - The issue I have with this is why were you punished for learning Magic in your human city? Is this a special human city where magic is banned and can only be used by the elite or something else. Breaking a vow of celibacy I can see, but I see more artful punishments than that. (Like a Scarlet Letter kind of thing).

I also feel a loss with the whoel thing about hte conspiracy in the Court and the Fae. I think you should rework your Upbringing and life before immortality a bit. However you scene meaning the Overlord is pretty badass. I jjust imagine no words were spoken.

Disadvantage - No Armor. I don't usually like this disadvantage, but if it does hinder you combat it can be allowed. However I do want some more specifics about it.


Arcane hand-to-hand: I think this can be altered by breaking it up into specific abilities for hand-to-hand like the Crimson Slash.

Crimson Shield - More details need to be with this one. What does it protect you from and where?
I think it makes more sense now and should look a bit better. We'll talk on ts if anything to make sure its good.

Edits done though.
I am still not sure how I feel about the No Armor disadvantage. That is like everyone's favorite. However, I don't see any reason to reject you on it, because I allowed others when they explained they physically could not do it because it interfered with their magic and movements. Which I guess makes it a fairly average disadvantage.

You can always change it. So congrats, you are approved, but unfortunately you are on Waitlist.
Because of the so-so posting of everyone that is a PC, you have been bumped from Waitlist to Player Character. You should post your awakening in the Prologue and then move onto whichever group you think your character would follow.
Knight said:
Thanks man just tell me where to start = ^_^ =
Miz said:
Because of the so-so posting of everyone that is a PC, you have been bumped from Waitlist to Player Character. You should post your awakening in the Prologue and then move onto whichever group you think your character would follow.
He did >_>.....

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