[Shards of Immortality] Skit Conversation Thread


Level 20 Mizard
Skit Conversation Thread

Pineapple and I have used this in past games with Skits.

This thread is specifically for any out of character talk you wish to have about the skits specifically, talk about them, plan for them, and ask people to have skits with you here!
When Serene gets approved, I would like someone to play out the skit with me with the General that helped Serene escape from her religious and fanatical kingdom.
Tabby said:
If I do get accepted on Illya I'd be up for a skit like that - there are some similarities in themes in their backstories so that might be fun to play with. That said, Illya can be charismatic but she's also blunt as hell as a general/General so if you wanted a smooth-talker she's probably not your woman. She's very genuine though!
C+p'd from the OOC topic in case you missed it. Illya is probably about 80% done now so reading through her would give you a pretty good idea of what to expect if you do entertain the thought. I believe "Doctor Calgori" was interested in joining as well if you wanted to do a threesome THAT SOUNDED DIRTIER WRITTEN DOWN THAN IT DID IN MY HEAD.
In light of the recent lack of activity concerning Shards, I thought I'd just leave this here :3 This is a general advertisement for anybody looking to take part in a skit. I'd really like to get my character up and running, but can't in the main storyline for plot reasons, so I figure that it would be most excellent to do it in a skit. If you're just as bored/fictionally deprived as me, fret not, because you can come and chill with Doctor in a cool, cool skit with some cool, cool stuff in it. It's really cool.
I'm up for a skit. Any idea on when or where we would have met? I see a couple of options that we could play out.

We could start back before meeting the Overlord, Aurelia might have been the physician who cleaned me up on the battlefiels when I met the Shadow of Death (Konrad's Mentor, see the monologue for details). She could have stuck around after Shadow left and had a conversation with Konrad. Though it would have been a gross underuse of her abilities, it might have been a moment to put her skills back into use. She would also have information on Konrad's past that he has forgotten.

Another opprotunity would be before Konrad became immortal, he could have received an injury and actually needed medical attention. This is easy enough to work given that he was training new recruits in archery basics at the time. A stray arrow could have hit him. Or a surly recruit may have decided to take personal offence to something Konrad said and the next thing he knows he is waking up Hospital.

The last one that I can think of at the moment would be if you had decided to train in archery. This one really applies to anyone who is interested since Konrad would have provided training to anyone who was interested in learning to use a bow.
Depending on how much work skills take to work out I would be up for a skit, definitely! Illya is about as subtle and understated as a sledgehammer, but also pretty up front and reasonable so she mmmight get along with with Aurelia. Could be that she dropped by the medi-tent out of bored curiosity about how things worked, they could BOND over having out of the way/weird relaxation spots, or having everyone they had ever loved died, orrrr something entirely mundane like a game of chess. Illya isn't exactly a sweet-talker but she was never a rampant bitch, either, just very honest, so it's possible that she and Aurelia might at least be neutral towards each other? Dunno. I finally finished Illya last night so if you're at all interested you can skim/read through her and see what comes of it.
Well when you guys are ready to proceed with your skits, just make your skit thread :) !
I think that the visit to the medical tent is always an interesting option. I would think that an accidental injury on a quiet day would be good for a few reasons: Aurelia would be not-busy enough to actually be able to chat, and the subsequent lack of anything to do would equate to a "Hey, why don't I hang out with the medic!" At the same time, pre, mid, or post battle could always be interesting. I'd be a fan of either, but the former would be my preferred option.

At the same time, she's also used as a domestic worker by a lot of the Generals, so coming to complain about service / demand that soiled bedsheets be replaced is also an option :3

I think the general theme is going to be, "God I'm so bored, therefore I'll talk to the medic," which can hopefully blossom into, "Ohey I'm bored again, I'll go talk to the medic. She's cool."
Yeah. Could even be as unimportant and underwhelming as a basic checkup to make sure that no one is turning into a giant evil crystal or whatever, or maybe after a scuffle with Nar'Tae, Illya wanders off to see the medic at someone else's insistence, grumbling mutinously all the while.

Regardless, I generally enjoy character interaction more than fightan' so I'm probably more of a fan of the former?

Illya is big on doing her own shit and didn't (quite) die until the Cathedral incident so she probably wouldn't have had many reasons to bother Aurelia in the past, for good or ill - I kinda like the dichotomy of her being horribly blunt and up front but also fairly chill and cool in general LOL ICE PUNS SO WITTY. If nothing else, other than being blunt, she might be able to avoid coming across as too abusive!
You could always have been attracted by the aura of normality Aurelia emanates. As in, had enough of the other Generals and their crazy magicks. I do like the second one you suggested, the forced meeting. There's a good setup there; it doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do about fighting, being more of an unsung prelude to the actual events of the skit.
Lawl. Random thought of Illya being frustrated enough from previous events to snap when Aurelia says something, then apologizing - a departure from the normal for Aurelia. >_> dunno. maybe that just sounded better in my head. I can definitely see Aurelia's aura doohickey leading to Illya being a little more open to just talking though, sort of a... not a therapist vibe, exactly, but someone who she just feels like she can trust.


what a twist


I do approve of this idea as well. All very good stuff.
I'm free to a past-lives skit, since Mordechai can't rejoin the main plot for a little while and I like where his monologue ended.
huh. well I dunno how he and Illya would get along but I'm hoping to finally get started properly tomorrow, since I'll FINALLY be over this stupid clusterfraggle of projects/tests, so I'd be up for... some form of skit if you had any ideas you wanted to explore.
Anyone want to get Skittish with a self-important, megalomaniacal Teifling?

Captain Hesperus
Well, perhaps a skit revolving around the Overlord's planned invasion of the Nether Plane. Or something like that?

Captain Hesperus

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