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Multiple Settings Shapeshifter/werewolf 1x1 ★★★


❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜
Hey again! Belle here. For anyone who's interested, you can find my main thread here. I also have multiple other threads with single plots, like this one, and then a cravings thread. I post alot of threads. xD Anyway, before we get too into what I had in mind, a few ground rules. I'm looking for someone who can write-- be able to form a proper sentence. I get it, mistakes happen, and I'm not a heartless bitch. Hell, I'm not perfect either, I make mistakes. But I'm really wanting someone detailed (and that doesn't mean fifty paragraphs a post) who can describe what's going on around their character, with their character, within their character. I want someone who will contribute to the plot. I am a full time nurse who has alot of time for responding, but I still get busy, and I still lose my muse sometimes. Don't bug me for replies, I will respond to you when I can. For this particular plot, I am looking for someone to play male to my female. Doubling is a possibility, though the plot won't be written out for doubling. Romance is amazing, though I love adding other elements to the stories I write, too. And lastly, I do have discord for OOC chatter if you prefer (Beauty_Belle#2463) but the RP will take place over RPN. Oh, one more thing.


There have been attacks. Dogs and horses killed, even some people harmed. MC knows, like everyone else, not to be outside after dark. But one night, her dog gets out (or something, lol) and she's forced to follow. While she's chasing after him, YC shows up, only he's in his wolf form. Terrified, MC thinks its all over. But YC ends up just coming over to her, sniffs her, and then leaves. Terrified still, she grabs her dog and flees back to her home, grateful to be alive.

Now here's where the story could go a few ways, I guess. (Though to be fair, the beginning can change to if you have a different idea). Either YC could come to her as a human and try to get to know her, or he could keep coming back as a wolf at night. I also like the idea that he comes back to take her back to his home with the other werewolves. If you have ideas, I'm down to hear them. The whole purpose is that something is different about MC, something in her blood, maybe. Maybe something that will help diminish the painful transformations at night? Something else entirely?

It can all be discussed. Please PM me if you're interested!

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