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Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS

[QUOTE="Crimson smile]No, but you really need to WATCH IT! Though that may just be my inner fan girl talking...

.....I will watch it.....I mean I just got into Supernatural so.....I'm bad at watching new hit shows or popular shows.
[QUOTE="H A N A K O]if you guys know anyone who'd maybe be interested in this, please tag them! a lot of people seem to be going for all the roles except the gallaghers, and the gallaghers are the most important. it's okay if we fall short a few people from the other families, but all the gallagher roles must be filled, besides the father. it's not ideal that nobody claims him, but i understand not everyone wants to be a 38 year old drunk hated by his family. if nobody claims him, he can be an NPC.

I can do the 14 year old male....
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[QUOTE="H A N A K O]i'm gonna limit it to 2. you can apply for up to 4 roles, but you can only be accepted for 2.

Then I will be applying for the 14 year old male of the main family and the runt....I'm really excited.
[QUOTE="H A N A K O]i'm gonna have the roleplay posted tonight because i'm pumped as fuck.
the sooner the better.

there goes my head start o(o・`з・´o)ノ

I was going to have my character be finished by the time you posted the rp then feel super proud to be like the first one to finish but oh well the sooner the better
I might sign up~ I've never seen the show, but these all seem like interesting characters with a lot of room for development :)

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