• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.





Character Sheet.



NICKNAME(S) if applicable






ROLE if your character fits under the "other" category, just write "other".









In Depth

PERSONALITY 5+ traits with explanations, or 2+ paragraphs.







BACKGROUND fill this out once the list of accepted characters is posted. you can add some of your own personal backstory here, but don't write your family backstory until characters have been accepted and you have PM'd your family members.


WRITING SAMPLE you can copy/paste a writing sample from a different roleplay.

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Selene Ellaveeva Nazari










December 31st


Golden Girl




5' 2"









Noticeable Features:

Small Facial Features

Analytical Gaze

Resting B*tch Face




Bright. "See? Now wasn't that smart of me?" This is something she'll admit, and say, shamelessly until she's certain you believe that she is the most intelligent person in the world. Even if some agree with her, or don't argue about it, Selene presses the issue relentlessly, wanting not only agreement, but the praise she's grown to love.

Righteous. "I can't believe you just did that! How terrible!" She's not perfect to any stretch of the imagination, but she'll still act like you're a million times worse. While she does have strong morals, and honestly abides by all laws, she isn't kind just because she follows the rules.

Backstabbing. "You seem like a really nice person. I mean, when you talk, you make me feel smarter." Half the things she says can be cruel, without any obvious way to counterattack. For instance, if she says you look prettier in person, she means for it to be implied that you look ugly in pictures. Not only this, but if she finds an option that means could be easier by hurting someone else or making them look bad, she'll take it. Selene has a way with words, and a vocabulary that surpass most of average intelligence. Because of this, she can say complicated things to mean one very simple insult.

Stubborn. "What can I say? I'm just determined, I guess." If she thinks of something as desirable, she'll have it. And if she doesn't she'll raise Hell.

Vindictive. "It's funny, because you don't know what I can do to you." She takes revenge in all forms but violently, and usually won't stop until she has gone beyond what she thought was necessary to do in order to punish the person that wronged her.

Flexible. "Oh! We were just talking about you!" She can change mood, attitude, and expressions in a heartbeat in order to please or anger someone. She's an incredible actor, which leads her to be able to deceive most.

Cheerful. "Thank you so much! I can't believe you did this for me!" Around those she finds beneficial, she appears cheerful, kind, and innocent, which is a very wrong assumption.







Playing the Victim

Proving her Intelligence



Illegal Activity

Unpredictable Behavior

Being Caught or Chastised

Feeling Stupid

Intense Heat


Left Handed

Often Checks Time Before Talking With Someone

Looks at Sun to Predict the Time

Observes Strangers Carefully

Keeps A Coin On Her All The Time


Bouncing Her Leg

Smiling When Spoken To

Biting Lip When Thinking




Social Interactions

Current/Popular Events

no slide
no slide







Rias Luna DeLane










November 30th


Rich Bitch




5' 4"









Noticeable Features:

Bold Eyes

Various Small Scars on Shoulder




Sadistic. "Oh! You poor thing. Do it one more time." She enjoys humiliating or hurting others, but rarely does it without reason.

Funny. "Well, shit. I guess I have to do it then." She curses profusely, which adds to the humor felt around her, but its hard to tell when she's making a joke, and when she's just unintentionally hilarious.

Unintelligent. "Wait wait wait. So what does that
mean?" She's not the sharpest knife in the box when it comes to academic or book smarts. However, she can be witty with her words, and understands the darker side of people, accurately predicting what they're like.

Flirty. "Let's get to the point. Do you want to have sex with me?" She's very direct when it comes to this area, which really works with some, and really doesn't with others.

Mean. "Excuse me?" That's the only thing that can really describe her. She's just a mean, mean girl.



Sweet Things


A Careful/Long Term Plan to Make Someone Fail

The Heat

Pointing Out Flaws

Alternative Music


Being Wrong

Being Speechless

Getting Lost

The Dark




Bites Nails

Reads Everything In A Room

Has A Nightly "Goodbye" Ritual


Nail Biting




Winning Arguments




To Be Updated


(Contact in PM)


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she's done, he's not @H A N A K O

Emery Quinn Gallagher

{ dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight }



emery quinn gallagher


em, mimi




cis female {she/her}




november 13th



roleoldest gallagher daughter









black, chest length with bangs




click here

noticeable features

freckles across her face and a half sleeve



+ caring: emery is always there to lend a hand or a shoulder to cry on for anyone, but especially her siblings. even though she may not come of as the most warmest person, she will take care of those who are closest to her.

+ loyal: she knows where her loyalties lie, and will move mountains for you when she trusts you.

+ adaptive: with things being as chaotic as they are in the gallagher household, she has learned to adapt and never get used to anything.

+ organized: she knows when bills are due and keeps a calendar of all the odd jobs her siblings should be doing around the house, but don't let this fool you. just because she is organized doesn't mean things get done or bills are payed on time.

+ intuitive: she goes with her gut, she can sense when things aren't right with her family. and knows when the shit storm she calls her father is about to hurl their way.

- self destructive: she is the first one to jump on the opportunity to go out and have a fun time partying, but unfortunately her actions on those nights out aren't always the best. she takes risks and those risks sometimes aren't the best for her an lands her in a pile of shit.

- insecure: shes' not insecure about her looks, she's insecure about actions. she never knows if what she is doing is right. or god forbid she turn out like her fathers. in a way she feel helpless over her risky actions.

- closed off: it takes her a awhile to get warmed up to people, and for good reason. she isn't about to let just any one into her life or her family's life. when she lets you in you better not mess up or else she won't bat an eye at the thought of kicking you out.

- reckless: when she lets her hair down, she's up for anything and everything. i guess when you lead a life meant for someone much older you tend to not weight the risks of situations.

- fiery: she's a spit fire and doesn't hold back her sharp comments from those who deserve it. but when it comes to her family her sharp comments turn into sarcasm filled with good intentions.


never drinks her coffee hot, always iced

when dining out she tidies up the table

stands with her legs crossed


cleans when she is nervous

bites/peels her lips








low key likes the golden boy but would never say it

theme song

Writing Sample


{ little thing i thought up one day }

writing sample: the hazy morning light filtered in through the dingy windows. the house was still and quite with the exception of the dust particulates that hung suspended in the air, almost like the first snow of the year. the tousled hair of the girl cascaded over the pillow, some strands sticking her to her face. gently her blue eye's flitted open. she blinked a couple times to adjust her sight to the lightness around her. as the blurry film across her eyes dissipated, she focused in on the curly haired mess that lay next to her. a smile started to grow on her face.

she loved waking up next to him everyday. it was a feeling she never wanted to forget. there was something about falling asleep coddled in the arms of someone who loved her as much as she loved them. not even the thrill of a dancing on top of a bar, or getting high of a new drug could compete with this feeling. propping herself up with her elbow she relished in this moment before reaching out her long pale arm to gently twirl his hair about. the soft locks of hair tickled the tips of her fingers and sent chills up her arms. she could feel him starting to stir next to her, and then roll over, the two of them locked eyes. a childlike goofy smile grew on her face as her eye's looked over all the small details on his face. the little dimple on his chin that made it almost butt like. the tiniest scar across his eyebrow that caused a little bald spot. and then those eye's, oh god his eyes. he had that most perfectly shaped almond eyes' with iris' of chocolate brown that she could get lost in.

whoever said that the eye's are the window to the soul weren't handing out a pile of bullshit. his eye's had seen so much and experienced so much pain but where was still a kindness in them. the same eyes that had seen so much violence and anger, could also look back at her with kindness and amazement.

with eye's locked she was at his mercy. "i love you," the soft words slipped from her lips.


{ intro from criminal couples }

ava stood over the dingy bathroom sink. lifting her head she gazed up at her appearance in the the mercury mirror. her piercing blue eye's jumped around the small details of her face. tonight was the night that her and her boy toy were to be meeting up with a group that shared the same hobbies as them. in no way did this mean that they were in, but it surely was a step in the right direction. leaning in closer she peered down at her dark lipstick and swiped off a bit that fell outside her lip line. leaning back she smirked and said to herself, "perfect." and with that she turned on her heels and tromped out door, or at least where a door would be.

her apartment wasn't much to brag about, in fact it was so horrible she rather say that she lived in one of those shitty, mold infested motels. the roof leaked every time it rained, all of the floor boards creaked, and don't even get her started on the fact that a majority of the interior walls didn't have dry wall. but she wasn't about to start complaining, it was a roof over her head, the rent was cheap and her land lord stayed out of her business. walking over to her dresser she slipped on a black sweater over her bralette and the handgun that was tucked in the small of her back. she never left her self unarmed, gun or knife. she never knew what trouble she might get herself into and always wanted to be prepared. with that she headed out the door and into the hall. grasping the slightly rusted knob of her door she yanked the heavy door closed. her front door had a tendency to get sticky and jam, and unfortunately today was one of those days.

the hall was filled with the unbearable stench of pot, mixed with garbage, and cat piss. ava's legs couldn't carry her fast enough out of the building as she held her breath. swinging the double doors open she flung herself outside into the fresh night air. letting out an exasperated gasp she took in a couple deep breaths to cleanse her system. collecting herself she shoved her hands into her pockets and headed off down the dimly lit street. jace had texted dee and her earlier about the location of their meeting spot. she knew exactly where it was. she had passed it a lot when she was a child, it was only a few blocks from her former home. darting down an ally she splashed through a couple puddles before hoisting herself onto a dumpster and over the brick wall behind it. she landed on the ground with a thud and continued on her way. she knew every short cut around this back water town.

it only took her about 10 minutes to find herself standing at the back of the convenient store. she noticed that the dumpster was off kilter a bit, taking the cue she squeezed through the opening. she blinked a couple times to get her eye's to adjust to the darkness. kneeling down she peered at the floor in search of the trap door. a thin line of light caught the edge of the door. she had to admit, the door was very well hidden. yanking the door open, the light from below filter into the room above. this was it, she was about to meet everyone and for once she was actually a bit scared. these weren't regular people, they had the capability to make her disappear without a trace.

with boots tapping down the ladder rungs she turned to meet her fate. she could feel the unwelcoming mood in the air. she couldn't say that she blamed them. there were about to be two new people in their group. to them, dee and her were outsiders and couldn't possibly trust them, but she wasn't about to let that stop her. she wasn't here to make friends, she was here to cause trouble. her eye's darted around the room at the faces of all the other members. clearing her throat she spoke, "hi, i'm ava." oh god, she wished dee was here.


{ intro from summer friends }

click. click. click. the sounds of the rotating baggage carousel rang in naomi's ear. she waited patiently for her brown hounds tooth luggage to come around. it was like her eye's were stuck in a continual loop of shifting back and forth, panning over every bag that came by. she didn't want to miss her bag and then have to stand around for another five minutes waiting for it to come around again. out of the corner of her eye she spotted her large suitcase; it stood out like a sore thumb due to just it's size. this was her first time leaving home for this amount of time. the thought of having to pack for three weeks flustered her and before she knew it, half of her closet was in her suitcase. hauling her bag off the carousel with a huff it landed on the ground with a thud, causing her jump. wide eye'd, she looked around the baggage area in hopes to find a clue as to where to go.

even though naomi had done her fair share of traveling when she was a child, it was all by car, actually more like by moving truck. the only time she had flown solo before was when she went to go live with her grandmother. and that one time wasn't nearly enough to prepare her for this shock. still unsure as to where to go, she went with the flow of people who were on her flight. it was an airport, how lost could she really get? after 15 minutes of aimless walking naomi started to get nervous that she had completely missed where she was supposed to have gone. just as she was about to loose all hope she spotted bodies in the distance with signs in their hands. score! she thought to herself as the took off towards them. as she got closer the words on the signs became clearer. her name stood out in the sea of names, but that's because it was familiar to her.

naomi walsh. a big smile grew on her face as she read her name to herself. this was it. it was happening. she was about to meet all of the people she had been talking to online. the driver directed her towards the car and helped pile her belongings into the trunk. she took in a deep breath of the warm air around her before hopping into the car. thankfully the ride was shorter than she thought it would be. if it was any longer she just turn into a pile of jelly due to her nerves. typically she was good with meeting new people, but this was different. she had already formed bonds with everyone and now it was time to see if those bonds would hold up. the cab came to a slow stop in front of the vacation home. the blonde's blue eye's peered out from the tinted windows. she was in awe of the house. this was nothing compared to the tiny two bedroom bungalow abode she left in orlando.

with her bags in hand she strided her long tan legs into the large white house. "hello?" she called out as she swung the front door open. the place seemed quite empty. as she set her bags down she realized that she had completely let herself in without even knowing if anyone was home.


{ intro from of sins and virtues }

The bleach blonde's eye flicked open to the disruptive shouts of her neighbors. The thin walls of her apartment always provided her with a front row screening of their doomed marriage. Shaking her head and giving a good pound on the wall she exclaimed, "For f***s sake get a divorce," before she headed off the bathroom for a quick shower. Morning showers were her thing, no mater where she was, she would always make time for a shower. It gave her time to think and collect her thoughts before starting her day.

Andrea's wet feet hit the floor with with two wet plops. The cool tile sent shivers up her spine before the cold air around her could. Brushing out her tangled blonde locks the female strides over to her dresser and pulled out her typical all black outfit, but it was a little bit more appropriate today with it being the Mayors funeral. Taking one last, but long, glance in the mirror she checked over all the details of her outfit, hair and makeup. The corner of her mouth curled up into a smirk the longer she looked in the mirror. She knew she looked damn amazing.

After what seemed like ages of her staring back at her own reflection she headed off out the door of her run down apartment. She never bothered to lock her door anymore, she had nothing worth stealing and all her neighbors were to busy stealing from the rich to bother with any abode in the strip. Striding down the hall she heard bits and pieces of the conversations that crept through the cracks of doors. A drug deal here, cult talk there, and of course the ever common fight. It was all the same old same old to Andrea.

The warm air hit her like a brick wall as she stepped outside. The 70 and sunny weather put a small pep in her step as she headed toward downtown. She had a couple hours to kill before the funeral. She figured getting a cup of coffee in her system before the gather would be a good idea so she wouldn't get to crabby half way though. It didn't take very long for her to arrive at Under the Willow, it was right on the cusp of downtown and the strip. Andrea caught glances of her self walking as she passed the large spacious windows the lined the front of the store before the door. This was something she almost always did when she walked passed windows or mirrors. It gave her a sense of what others saw as she walked by.

It didn't take long for her to work her way through the line. If there were anymore people in line she might have just left due to her impatience. Once she had her coffee in hand she took up a seat in the shop, close to the window. She figured she could kill some time with a little bit of people watching.

Benjamin Alexander Gallagher

{ don't wanna be another social casualty }



benjamin alexander gallagher






cis male {he/him}




august 19th




oldest gallagher brother









brown, typically disheveled and swept to the side




click here

noticeable features

random stick and poke tattoos scattered across his body



+ observant: he is quick to find out what makes people tick and use it for his own enjoyment or to get what he wants.

+ intelligent: he is quite possibly the smartest one in the gallagher clan, math and science being his forte.

+ protective: he may not be as protective as his sister, but he is protective none the less of his siblings.

+ pragmatic:

+ truthful:

- slacker:

- blunt:

- critical:

- non-confrontational:

- cocky:


rolls a coin over his fingers when bored

writes with his left had but does everything else with his right

takes stupid bets for small amounts of money


bites his nails

cracks his knuckles



intelligent, not only at school but on the streets too





pm for any~

theme song

heathens- twenty one pilots

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??? ?????????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ????



BODY ;; She's very slim, and the only parts of body that have fat are her tighs and chest // she has faint stretch marks around her abdominal area

HEIGHT ;; 5'9 // leggy

WEIGHT ;; 135 pounds

HAIR ;; Dirty blonde // parted down the middle // straight with slight waves

EYES ;; A very light blue that is seemingly gray in some lighting

STYLE ;; Very preppy // never anything too revealing and/or short // hardly ever wears dark colors

NOTICEABLE FEATURES ;; always wears a vibrant shade of lipstick // always wears tons of accessories

don't know what song to use

NAME :: Evangeline Nazari


AGE :: Seventeen

GENDER :: Female

SEXUALITY :: Heterosexual

BIRTHDAY :: April 1st because her life is one big joke

ROLE :: The Golden Girl

text i guess


Sucks up to her parents, Goody-goody, Tattle tale, Smart, Athletic, Narcissistic, Popular,

Evangeline is snotty, conceited, and overconfident. She never doubts herself and runs in headfirst instead of thinking carefully of her actions. Even though this gets her in very unpleasant situations, Evangeline will not tell anyone that she made a mistake. Instead of taking the blame, Evangeline believes in an external locus of control, meaning it's what fate wanted. Her stubbornness, however, is not only her downfall but also her one of her strong points. It is the reason why she excels both academically and physically. Falling down only lights a fire within her, making Evangeline work ten times as hard to get back up.

She loves to be the center of attention and will do anything it takes to be under the spotlight. Evangeline believes that she is God's masterpiece and that the world revolves around her. Narcissistic is an understatement. She
knows she has major assets and flaunts them shamelessly. Honestly, she borderline has delusions of grandeur.

Throwing others under the bus is her favorite thing to do, and Evangeline is usually the one that spreads most rumors about others. If she sees someone doing something suspicious, Evangeline is the first one to snitch. No secret is safe with her, so watch out what you choose to tell her.


? Makeup

? Brand names

? Mirrors

? Competition

? Anything sweet

? Snitching


? Not getting what she wants

? Not having a challenge

? Most animals (they hate her)

? BuGS

? Getting injured (she gets pulled out of games)

? Failure

QUIRKS :: Stutters when angry ;; right-handed but eats/drinks with her left hand ;; always carries lip balm with her ;; counts ceiling tiles when bored

HABITS :: Whenever she is about to eat, she places a napkin on her lap ;; looks in a mirror at least once every hour (carries one with her at all time)

SKILLS :: High endurance ;; Very flexible ;; Very good at baking

text i guess

BACKGROUND fill this out once the list of accepted characters is posted. you can add some of your own personal backstory here, but don't write your family backstory until characters have been accepted and you have PM'd your family members.



I just realized it's almost 2 am and I really have to sleep so I'll edit this and finish it tomorrow. I'd prefer if you would read this when it's actually ready but you can read it now I guess

The only people that were beloved in this world were those of ethereal beauty. She had always questioned this growing up, but when Trinity turned thirteen, the statement that had always lingered at the back of her mind was proven to be the truth. That was the day she started to break. That was the day she began to shatter.

It was cold. As she shifted on the tile floor next to her toilet, she closed the lid and proceeded to flush it. She should stop doing this. It wasn't right. Most importantly, it wasn't healthy. She didn't want to stop, though. It was the only thing that was able to bring her solace in the past few months. Trinity shuddered and mumbled, "Well, fuck. There's ten dollars down the drain." Literally. For the first time in weeks, her lips tugged up to form a small smile.

Trinity leaned against a nearby stool and unsteadily got up from kneeling. Without bothering to wash her hands, Trinity stumbled down the hallway and entered her room. She glanced at a nearby mirror and felt herself quiver, grimacing she threw a towel to cover up the monstrosity that she was. Self- deprecating thoughts flooded her mind, and Trinity bit down on her bottom lip, wishing for blood to form into droplets. Wishing for the drops of red to roll down her chin and stain the floor. Before she was able to break the skin, Trinity stopped pressing her teeth down and sighed. She had to stop. Why had she started this in the first place?

They used to call her beautiful. What had happened to that? With a rigorous exercise and beauty routine, she slowly became more and more attractive. Once she was confident enough about her appearance, she joined social media for the first time. Increasing with popularity, Trinity felt more at ease with her body and began posting a plethora of pictures of herself. It wasn't too long before the hate started rolling in. If it was true that those of beauty were loved the most, why wasn't she loved? Maybe she wasn't beautiful enough.

The ringing of her phone interrupted her thoughts, and Trinity answered it without looking at the caller name. Quietly but still audible she asked, "Hello?" There was a long pause before there was a response. "It's me." Trinity's breath hitched, and she growled out a 'fuck you'.​

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"What? I'm the runt in this fuckup family. The youngest. And the most damaged person you will ever met...aside from my brothers. "

no slide
no slide
no slide
no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide
no slide
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"Don't say shit about my family. We may be fuck ups but we are people you know. "

no slide
no slide
no slide
no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide
no slide
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Emilie Nazari



Emilie Rosie Nazari.


Em or Elle. Emilie prefers to be called Elle since it's more casual than her full name.




Cisgender female; She/her.


Heterosexual Demisexual - This means that Elle is attracted to only men but after a strong emotional connection is formed.


April 5th, Aries.


The Girl Next Door.


Elle has a slim
body and it seems like she's a walking skeleton most of the time. She rarely wears anything too revealing so it's hard to see how she looks when she's wearing a bikini and such.






Elle's hair is a shiny black color, almost like the feathers of a raven and usually straight. Her hair cascades just below her shoulders. She usually leaves her hair down and rarely does anything special with it.


Elle has dark chocolate brown eyes with black specks near the pupil.


x / x / x / x / x / x


Elle always draws a small semi-colon on her right wrist and pretends its a tattoo she got.


+ Creative, Shy, Caring, Loyal

+ Sarcastic, Doubtful, Manipulative, Gullible.


Drawing - Her brother - Watercolors - Tea - Netflix - Stand-up comedies.


Horror movies - Bad puns - Sour things - Acrylic paint - Bad drawings - Coffee.


Tucks pencil, pen or paintbrush behind her ear.

She never has worn heels before.


Always bites her lip when anxious.

Bites her nails when she's scared.




In Depth


"Picture, picture, smile for the picture. Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?"

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"Damn, picture how rich I'd be if I had a dollar for every guy that hit on me. Oh wait, that's right... I do."

"I'm fucking gay, and my job is against the law. The only way I could make my parents any more disappointed in me is if I fucked a nun and burned the Bible."

"Quick tip; try talking out of your mouth instead of your ass, because all I'm hearing is shit."



NAME Axel Nazari Jr. His father is Axel Nazari Sr.

NICKNAME He goes by Axel, and doesn't really have any nicknames besides the annoying ones from his sisters.

AGE Sixteen years old.

GENDER Cisgender male, meaning he was born a male and also identifies as a male.

SEXUALITY Closeted Homosexual. He doesn't want his parents to find out because he knows for a fact that they'd disown him in a heartbeat.

BIRTHDAY Axel's birthday is May 22nd, making him a Gemini.

ROLE Boy Next Door.


BUILD Axel has an athletic build. His arms, legs, and torso are muscular yet also slim. His muscles are only really noticeable in a tank top or when he's shirtless.

WEIGHT 158 lbs. (72 kg)

HEIGHT 5'10". (177 cm)

HAIR Axel's hair is a dark chocolate brown shade, and is naturally very curly, shiny, and soft. He doesn't use gel in it or any products like that, he usually just washes his hair with conditioner, combs it, and leaves it that way. His hair always looks a little messy and always looks a little different every day, but he pulls off that messy/effortless look quite well.

EYES Axel has pale green eyes that have specks of brown and gold near the pupil. They hold an intense look to them no matter what facial expression he has on.

STYLE Axel's clothing style is simple, fashionable, comfortable, and a little bit edgy. His wardrobe contains ripped denim shorts, ripped skinny jeans, sweat pants, adidas sneakers, combat boots, vans, bomber jackets, letterman jackets, cardigans, t shirts, tank tops, and that's about it. He also wears non-perscription glasses with clear lenses very often. His clothes don't look like masculine clothes designed for males, they look more like masculine clothes designed for women.

NOTICEABLE FEATURES Axel's most noticeable features are his eyes and his hair.


PERSONALITY Sarcastic- 99% of the words that leave Axel's mouth are sarcastic. He's constantly making sarcastic remarks and side comments. Sometimes the intention of his sarcasm is to be hurtful, and sometimes he's just messing around. Usually he's just joking, but when he's in a fight or an argument he'll use his sarcastic comments to hurt the other person. Sometime's it's actually hard to tell whether he's being serious or just being sarcastic.

Funny- Axel can make anyone laugh. I mean, anyone. He's an extremely funny person, and takes pride in that. He tries his best to make people laugh because it makes him feel good about himself. The things that make him laugh are sarcastic jokes, dirty jokes, offensive jokes (to an extent), teasing, and making fun of shared enemies. His jokes can appeal to people with different senses of humor though, because he'll learn what makes them laugh and tell certain jokes in their presence.

Protective- When Axel gets close to someone, he's extremely protective over them. If someone does something to hurt or harm them, he'll go after that person that hurt someone he cares about. He looks out for the people he cares about and tells them straight forward if he thinks they're doing something stupid because he wants the best for them.

Loud- Axel isn't afraid to speak his mind or express himself in any situation. This often gets him in trouble or bad situations, but he's good at getting out of bad situations.

Blunt- If you look fat in that dress, he'll tell you that you look fat in that dress. Axel is an expert when it comes to giving opinions and advice, solicited or unsolicited. He's very open and honest about his opinions most of the time, unless he's trying to charm someone with different opinions. Then he'll pretend to agree with them.

Confident- Axel is a very confident person. He's attractive and he knows this, and he uses it to his advantage. He's not afraid to approach anyone, and is never nervous about someone being out of his league. This is one of the reasons why he takes rejection so hard, because he goes after things he can't get.

Strategic- Axel's no idiot, he doesn't just throw on a mask, run at someone, and take their bag. He has a whole long strategy to stealing, and basically everything else he does in his life.

Smart- Most people probably think Axel's just some idiot dropout kid, but he's actually extremely advanced in math. He's average in all other subjects, but excels very far in mathematics. He's also very street smart, and knows how to take care of himself and other people. He likes to think he's independent, which he is for the most part, but not emotionally.

Emotional- When Axel feels emotions, he feels them intensely. Love, hate, sadness, happiness, etc. He never feels kid of happy or kind of sad, he's either jumping with joy or depressed. He bottles up his emotions so he doesn't feel bad about all the lying and deceiving he's done, but every few months the lies catch up to him. He'll spend about a week smoking, drinking, laying in bed, and hooking up with guys he barely knows.

Flirty- He flirts with guys a lot. Straight, gay, bisexual, he doesn't really care. He just thinks it's fun to flirt, and it also has a big part in his job, so he's pretty good at it.

Jealous- When Axel really cares about someone, platonically or romantically, he'll get jealous when he sees them with other people. A lot of the time he won't act on that jealousy because he knows he's being ridiculous, but sometimes he can't help but be nosy about it and poke around ad ask questions, maybe even have a confrontation.

Temper- Axel get's mad pretty easily. Sometimes he's passive aggressive, and sometimes it's full blown yelling and throwing things and tears. It depends how much he cares about you, and how hurt he's feeling. You never know if you're going to get the silent treatment, or get a bomb in your face.

Moody- Axel can be excited one moment and ready to cry on the floor the next. His moods change quite often, which is a result o aa disorder he has called cyclothymia. Basically, it is a mild form of bipolar disorder. He gets sudden bursts of joy or depression, which can last from 4 hours to four days. When he's feeling depressed, he'll lock himself in his bedroom and lay in bed until it passes over.

Clingy/Needy- Since Axel is so emotional, he's very clingy and needy to people he cares a lot about. He needs to get his emotions out somehow, and he prefers to do it by ranting to a best friend or spending time with someone he cares about, which is almost always his little sister..

Intense- If Axel falls in love with a guy, which is rare, he can come off as a intense at first. He doesn't have much experience with real relationships, so he might feel confused and say things he doesn't mean or he thinks he's supposed to say, for example, confessing his love a week into the relationship because he thinks that's what you're supposed to do.

Romantic- In a relationship, Axel is very romantic. He likes bringing his boyfriend gifts and kissing and holding hands.

LIKES Netflix, Scary movies (he thinks they're funny), Cats, Dogs, Junk food, Drinking, Cigarettes, His little sister, Writing, Math, Books, Stargazing, Soda, Pizza, Candy, Cooking (suprisingly), Teasing his sisters, Boys, Rainy weather, Sex, Money, Giving people gifts, Making his little sister laugh/smile, Pranks, Roasting people(he's literally waiting for people he hates to come after him, he has insults he's been saving up for ages), Sunsets,

DISLIKES Black coffee, Pretending to be straight, Most healthy foods, Girls, His older sister (they have their moments), Perverts, His father, Being told what to do, Being restricted, Being betrayed, Conservative people, Super religious people,

QUIRKS Lip biting- Axel bites his lip when he's very focused on something, or when he's checking someone out. He usually does it subconsciously.

Finger tapping- He taps his fingers against a flat surface when he's bored or impatient.

Crossing legs- Axel sits with his legs crossed like a girl, and sometimes his sisters playfully tease him about it.

HABITS Throwing things- Axel throws or breaks things when he's mad. He's bad at containing his anger and emotions in general, and usually have to let them out in a physical way.

Drinking- Axel drinks when he's upset or in a bad mood, and you should probably avoid him when he's in one of his bad moods.

Lying- Sometimes Axel lies without even thinking about it. He doesn't lie to people he's very close with, and if he has lied to them he'll confess about it, but he lies to strangers and clients all the time. Sometimes he makes up a whole new identity. Also, he has to lie to his parents about his whereabouts, so of course he has to be a good liar.

Cleaning- Axel can't help but clean. When he goes over to someone's house and sees a small mess, he just can't help but clean it. It doesn't seem like something he'd be so obsessed about when you see his personality, but he can't stand seeing a mess.

Cursing- Axel says fuck, shit, I'm uncultured, asshole, and basically every other existing curse word on this planet. He uses bad words in every day language, and tries his best not to slip up in front of his parents.

SKILLS Lying- Axel is very good at lying, and his lies are always very believable because he backs them up with false evidence most of the time.

Charming- Axel can get almost anybody to like him if he wants to. He's good at molding his personality and changing his behaviors around certain people in order for them to like him.

Seducing- Axel's used seduction to get his way many times, and it's part of his job today, so of course he's good at it.

Stealing- Axel's got a lot of tricks and strategies when it comes to stealing. He steals in a way that he can't be blamed for it, or it can't be traced back to him.

Hiding- He's just good at hiding in general. Hiding things, people, himself, secrets, etc. Axel is quite the gossip of course, but he can keep a secret if he really wants to.

Quick Thinking- When given an abrupt and surprising problem, Axel can quickly think of a solution off the top of his head.

Math- You definitely wouldn't know it at first glance, many of his close friends don't even know it, but Axel is a math genius. Physics, calculus, trigonometry. You name it, he probably knows it.


BACKGROUND Axel's currently a male escort. He's not a prostitute though. Most of his clients are guys in their 30's or early 40's that have kids and wives but are still in the closet. They take him out places, give him money, but him things, stuff like that. There's no sexual aspect to it. This is a secret he keeps from his parents and his older sister, along with his sexuality. He knows his parents would hate him and kick him out.


"You're just jealous 'cuz I'm the prettiest girl in all of Chicago and you fucking know it."

"I'm not that difficult to predict, honestly. I've got four settings: Fuck you, Fuck off, Fuck me, and Fuck that. Usually fuck me, but that's besides the point."

"I'd rather have sex with a girl than do that. And that's coming from the gayest guy in the state of Illinois."

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"I don't know what stories you heard but it's all lies. Every damn word. Especially the one about the blue dress."


"Keep talking, your just giving me more time to plan how to get rid of the body."


"I'm not ashamed of who I am. The world just isn't ready for me, yet. "

Dimitri 'Petrie' Bilinski

An other




Dimitri Bilinski



"My family call's me Petrie. Like in the land before time. There's a story behind it but I don't like talking about it..."




Cis gender male


Homosexual (Closeted)


December 3rd

"I tell everyone it's in May. This way my balls don't freeze off as we sing happy birthday."



"Really, I'm an alian. See my pasty skin and ethereal golden eyes."




Petrie has a lightly muscled build usually hiding behind his sharp tongue, moles, baggy clothes, and long limbs.




147 lb






Petrie has a very relaxed style that typically consists of jeans, high tops, t shirts with logo's or pictures, and a sweatshirt or plaid shirt. He sometimes adds a hat.


He has pale skin and a lot of moles.

"I know, what your going to ask and yes. I was born this handsome."

In depth



Pertrie is well known for his mouth as it never seems to stop moving always moving from topic too topic and being to loud for his own good, as he is rather outspoken. Petrie always has a sassy or witty remark on the tip of his tongue. Usually it's something funny as he tries to diffuse a situation. He often rambles, especially when nervous or anxious, and just blurts out things without meaning to which can get him into trouble or awkward situations. It doesn't help that he is naturally reckless and sometimes just likes being a smart ass. Usually though he is clever enough to stay out of trouble or find a way to escape. Ironically he is very good at keeping secrets.

Petrie is to curious and reckless for his own good, often sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, and he is determined when he wants to find something out. He is also highly ambitious, he has high goals for himself and others, and is also very loyal. He will defend his family to the end and won't hesitate to hurt another should it be needed. Though he might feel bad about it later.

Because of his ADHD Petrie finds it hard to focus on one thing which is what is partly responsible for his rambling. Petrie can also be found to be a huge geek. He loves video games and sci fi tv shows though doesn't often get to do things like play video games or watch tv. He worries a lot about his family and their living situation so spends much of his free time working and although he is usually very outgoing he secretly has very low self esteem.

"Ahum, I think we are getting a bit to deep here. At least take me out to dinner first before asking about my kinks, you dog."


Finding answers, Video games, Sci fi tv shows, Netflix, Animals, Junk food, Drinking, classics, Books, Cooking, Great movies, and His family.


His father, being poor, bad movies, jerks, not being able to focus, stereotypes, rumors, and emberrasing himself.


Rambles often- Petrie likes to talk and often gets off topic and forgets to breath

No brain to mouth filter- Petrie tends to blurt out things when anxious or nervous. Usually very embarrassing or stupid things.

Never stops moving- Petrie is full of energy and find's it hard to focus as such he is always moving rather it be twitching or shifting restlessly


Looking up random facts- Petrie knows a little about most things because he finds it easy to throw his focus on researching even the smallest of things once he finds it interesting.

Eavesdropping- Petrie just can't keep out of other people business, he is just to curious. Unfortunately he typically can't resist the urge to say something witty or sarcastic about what he hears....to the people speaking.

Asking random questions- Because Petrie's mind is constantly moving Petrie finds himself often thinking strange things while speaking to other people. Sometimes he just can't help asking something that may seem completely random to others.

Falling- Petrie is a complete klutz when it matters. He has good balance but he just can't seem to stop himself from running into things, usually when distracted, or tripping over things.


Cooking- Surprisingly Petrie is a very good cook. He picked up the hobby when he was younger and is the main cook of the family. He tries to make every meal as healthy and filling as possible with what they have at the time.

Research- Petrie is like a dog with a bone when curious. He won't give up until he has tracked down and answer.

Going with the flow- Despite some set backs and insecurities Petrie usually can bounce back and adapt very quickly. It has helped in the past.






"I haad hoped you w-would be out heeere."

Petrie restrained an annoyed sigh at the familiar voice, it was slurred from to many drinks but still arrogant and confident. Damn it, I had been hoping to escape him. Giving up on smoking the cigarette he had been attempting to light, despite the wind, he tucked it behind his ear and turned to face origin of the voice. A hunched figure of an otherwise tall man, about 5'11, stumbled toward him from the shadows obviously inebriated.

"Look, I've tried to be nice about this but perhaps your brains to small to understand. So I'll be straight with you. I don't like you! Especially, not sexually. Now please leave me alone." The man stopped blinking at the teen's slight figure in confusion as his, small, brain tried to comprehend what he said. His brain obviously came to the conclusion that Petrie had either insulted him or strung him along all night by making him by him drinks only not to deliver because he glared at the boy.

"I d-don't like teasses!" Stumbling forward he attempted to grab Petrie and force him to deliver. Squeaking, in a manly way of course, Petrie dodged the hit stumbling away from the angry man. Bloodshot eyes followed him as he steadied himself. I can't believe I found him slightly cute in the beginning. Pointing at the man he waged his finger, like he was scolding him. "No mean's no mister! Want to hear it in spanish? No!"

Yelling, the man lurched forward and Petrie didn't bother withholding his annoyed sigh as he dodged the man's grabs and hits. Now that he expected them they were easy to dodge. Maybe I should have outright rejected his advances from the beginning instead of 3 coke a colas and a shot of whiskey ago. Oh well to late now.

"Wow, alright then. Sorry but I'm going to have to stop you right there." Knowing he would miss the L should he continue to linger Petrie decided to end it. The next time he dodged the mans grab Petrie moved behind him and with one steady kick to the middle of his back sent the man flying onto the ground. He was passed out before his head hit the ground.

"Chow," Petrie uselessly called behind him, tugging the hood of his red hoodie up, as he made his way toward the L that would take him back to the south side. Away from the passed out man who's name he couldn't remember, I think it started with an L, and gay club he had spent his night dancing and flirting in. Where no one from his side of the tracks would be lurking. I wonder If I have time to stop by the liquor store and grab something. A reward for mostly sticking to cola all night so I wouldn't end up passed out on the side of the road.

"There I answered your, somewhat intrusive, questions. Now it's your turn to spill. On a scale of one to ten how much do you like me right now?"


"I'll get the shovel and garbage bags if you get the ax."


"Keep up the insult's and I may begin to think you like me."


"We all have our secrets. I keep mine close as I unravel yours."


"I became insane long ago. I just suffer with long intervals of horrible sanity."

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Desmond is what one may consider to be very fortunately built. He is tall, broad-shouldered, and packs enough muscle to be threatening. Or to knock a man out, if he wanted to.




178 lbs.


Light brown and soft, usually swept away from his forehead in a way that looks both classy and carefree. When not brushed after he showers, it curls as it dries.


Blue; When doing business or when he feels threatened, they take on a cold, calculating expression. Usually, however, especially around family, they appear soft, kind, and a bit sad.


Typically, Desmond will don a simple pair of jeans, along with either a t-shirt or a plaid button-up, depending on the weather. Whatever he wears, he generally looks clean and well put-together. He also adores hats of any kind and can be seen wearing them often, along with a necklace in the shape of a cross that hangs around his neck. In the winter, he can often be seen sporting a black coat with fur around the hood. In the way of shoes, chucks, tennis shoes, or a pair of work boots are his ideal.

Noticeable Features

His exceptional size

The dark circles ever-present around his tired eye

A faint scruff of facial hair on his chin

In Depth

It could be said that Desmond is a sort of gentle giant. Kind and empathetic, he is never at a loss for a kind word and will never refuse his assistance when it is needed by another, no matter the situation. He appears easy-going, and has a sense of humor that is funny without needing to be hurtful, which makes him pleasant to be around. In essence, the man is a mix between a mother, a father, and that one charming uncle who always seems to light up the room. An intelligent man, he enjoys reading and the study of literature, which he was hoping to pursue in college before those prospects disappeared. He is forgiving by nature, but if he believes an apology to be in-genuine, he will become stern, and is not one to pass up on giving a well-intended lecture when he believes it is needed. Des is fiercely protective of his family and will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. Needless to say, crossing his family, in his book, is the highest offense that a person can commit.

A family man, Desmond desires nothing more than to be married one day and to have his own children. For now, however, his focus is primarily on his younger siblings. Especially with some of his oldest brother's many vices, he is constantly worrying over their state of well-being, which sometimes cheats him out of sleep. He hates the concept of stealing, but does so with the knowledge that it will help his siblings. Des believes that his siblings deserve a much better life than the one they were given and makes it his duty to give them that life, and to be a better caretaker than their father. Deep down, he is deeply afraid that the two of them will leave him someday, and that he will not be good enough for them, and this sometimes leads to him letting them do things against his better judgment just to keep them happy. Additionally, Des has a tendency to let his anger build up. He usually does not become outrightly angry, but will act bitter and distant if upset until all of his anger finally comes pouring out at once.


Caring for His Family



80's Rock

Driving Late at Night


Comfort Food




Petty Quarreling/Violence


His Family Being Hurt in Any Way

His Father



If your clothes are messy, he will fix them.

Dances like a white dad at a barbecue

Avoids eye contact when angry or disappointed


Hits the snooze on his alarm clock exactly twice every morning

Drinks his coffee black

Has one drink every day, as he believes that it helps the heart (and also helps with his stress levels)

Usually doesn't let his anger show; will act bitter or disapproving instead

Never gets enough sleep


Theft - He hates it, but part of selling stolen cars is stealing the cars in the first place.

Making Sales/Money Management - He sells those cars with the best of them, mate.

Empathy - Desmond is very good at connecting with people and their struggles.

Mechanics - He's a whiz at dealing with the workings of cars.

Parental Skills - Cooking, cleaning, mending clothes; as the self-proclaimed household parent, he needs to know these things.





Taken from the thread Obitus Nox

Despite the early hour, by the time the message arrived, its recipient was already wide awake - had been, in fact, for quite a while. Four a.m. was generally the cutoff for Eric when it came to sleep, the time at which his internalized alarm clock had been programmed to ring for as long as he could remember. Not that it bothered him. As a man of boundless energy, he held strongly to the belief that time spent sleeping was time left to waste away. Besides, he had come to learn it best to provide for his mother's morningly needs before she awoke, which, admittedly, was becoming a much easier feat to accomplish as of late, as the woman had recently been doing more sleeping than anything else. Well, that and complaining, but Adelaide had never been one to let her grievances go unexpressed.

Currently, the Frenchman stood atop the roof of Le Cheval Blanc, the ritzy Los Angeles hotel that had been under the management of the Montagnes since the era following the Second World War, watching the first rays of morning sunlight peak up over the tops of the adjacent skyscrapers, blowing smoke from the cigarette held loosely between his right thumb and index finger and tapping his foot on the concrete pavement in a sort of sporadic rhythm. The roof, an area that was usually marked off for ownership and members of the staff, was otherwise vacant, and Eric was unusually grateful for the solitude, his mind preoccupied by his other, more important - yet less widely accepted - line of business. As the second tier of Obitus Nox, quite possibly the largest and most intricately run crime ring in the nation, it was a key aspect of his job to remain well informed, and the evening prior, he had received an interesting piece of information. Apparently, the newscaster had said with an urgency that was meant to make it seem like a stunning development, the agents down at the F.B.I. headquarters had succeeded in bringing in one of their members, and when the woman spoke his name, Eric had actually laughed. Nellis. The man was of such a low rank that he knew next to nothing of critical importance, if he knew anything at all. Honestly, sometimes he began to wonder if the Federal Bureau of Investigation even possessed any aspirations of felling the great and mighty Obitus Nox. For his two years in the game, they had hardly ever posed a substantial threat to his boss's means and intentions. The fools never seemed to pick up on any earth-shattering leads, and whatever information they did acquire was pored over for far too long to be of any real use when they finally decided to act on it. The entire thing was almost a sort of dry joke, one that brought a humorless smile to Eric's lips.

When the telltale buzzing of the cellphone in his pocket alerted him to that fact that he was being paged, the man shook away his previous musings, transferring his cigarette to his non-dominant hand and reached into his pocket to retrieve the device. His mirthless smile transformed into an expression of pensivity as his eyes scanned over the message, sent by Jadran, his superior, instructing him to round up his high ranking counterparts and to make sure the lower standing specimens were awake and on their feet. Throwing the cigarette to the pavement and extinguishing it with the heel of his shoe, Eric made to respond, his expression changing once again to one that bordered on affectionate. His eyes drifted to the time stamp on his boss's message. He didn't know why he knew, but to his limited knowledge of the man's daily routine, this would be about the time that he would be commuting to work.

"Texting while driving is dangerous, you know. Take care not to get yourself killed," he sent back on first instinct, and then added, as an afterthought as he remembered the true matter at hand, "Consider it done, mon Patron."

Now that he was focused on business, Eric made quick work of sending out a mass notification to all those comprising Obitus Nox's lower level, receiving seconds later a serious of responses, some reverent, others rather halfhearted, as the recipients began to rouse themselves for the day ahead. Certainly, this was not something that Jadran was incapable of doing himself, but, as Eric knew, the man preferred not to come into contact with those so far beneath him, even in the form of a simple text message.

Next came those higher standing, thieves and murderers who had gained recognition as some of the ring's most effective members. Briefly, Eric considered going to gather each of them himself, but considering the lengthy amount of time it would take to do so, along with the fact that a few of them could be particularly difficult to locate unless they wanted to be found, he decided that a second message would be much more efficient.

With his initial task taken care of and the knowledge that his next was to promptly report to Jadran's office, he slipped his phone back into his pocket before turning and heading for the door leading into the hotel, stretching his arms over his head as he smiled once more, this time with a sense of anticipation. Whatever was about to ensue, it was bound to be interesting.


the golden boy

Name: Desmond Caputo

Nickname: Des

Age: 22

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Birthday: July 2nd


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I remember the easy confidence of her smile, the gentle elegance of her hands, the refined warmth of her voice. But what I remember most about Tiffany was the look of fear in her eyes. Tiffany had started to realize her world was unraveling. And for a woman who despised loose ends, that was unacceptable.
Her Good Friend Leslie



Tiffany Anne Nazari


Tiff , Mamasita , Mom , Tiffy










September 24th


Mrs. Nazari



Tiffany has an amazing
body for a mom. She has 34DD breasts, large hips, and a very large ass. She is often called a "Hot Mom" which embarrasses her kids a lot of the time. Tiff has a pretty flat stomach also which gives her an amazing hourglass figure. It is always quite a spectacle when she wears a bikini.


5 ' 5


145 pounds


Tiffany has long dark brown hair that is slightly wavy. She usually keeps it long and the shortest she cuts it is her shoulders. Tiff usually keeps her hair down, rarely putting it in a pony tail.




x / x / x / x / x

Tiffany dresses cute for a mom. She knows that she has a nice body but doesn't like to show it off too much. She wears cute clothes that are appropriate for a mom.

noticeable features

She has a very impressive body for a mom.



Perfectionist - Tiffany has to have most things perfect. Some time her perfectionist attitude gets borderline OCD. Tiffany believes everything should be absolutely in tip top condition.

Sweet - She is a very sweet person. She is always going out of her way to do nice things for others.

Controlling - Tiffany can be very controlling. This stems from her perfectionist attitude. Her need for things to be perfect make her want to control things so that they are perfect. This has started problems with her children and her and her husband.

Calm - She is extremely well under pressure. She is very calm and good at keeping a level head. She doesn't show how she is feeling a lot of the time but a lot of the time she is just calm.

Close Minded - She would never admit it but she is pretty close minded. Since she was raised in a christian home and married a christian man some of her beliefs are a little interesting. Tiff is never rude about it but she does believe in it very strongly.

Strong - Tiffany is a very strong woman. She deals with a lot of her husbands shit and stays with him. She also puts up with families shit but loves them regardless.


? Family Dinners

? Her Family

? Cooking & Baking

? A Clean House

? Church

? Holidays


? The In Laws

? Her Husbands Drunken Fits

? Liberals

? Bugs

? A Messy House

? Bad Parents


? ALWAYS brings her new neighbors a basket of muffins. It's just good manners. Being neighborly is very important.

? She has really bad allergies. It's the cotton in the air during spring that just clogs her all up.

? She never sings off key. That would paint her as some regular person and she just wasnt some normal person. She was Tiffany Anne.

? Always tidies up the house she's in when she visits. She likes everything to look its best, besides she cant stand a mess.

? Never cooks just one course, always 3 courses or more. Cooking only one meal was for amateur.


? She likes to unwind with a small glass of wine at the end of the night.

? She does not like to sit still which causes her to always be fidgeting or cleaning something.

? Has to have a cup of green tea to get her through the day.

? Prays before every meal.

? Writes in her journal everyday.


? Cooking & Baking - Tiff is an excellent chef and baker. She can bake or make almost anything from scratch. Along with her being good at it she likes to do it too.

? Sewing - Tiff sews most of her own dresses that she wears and halloween costumes etc.

? Getting what she wants - Tiff is great at getting what she wants. She has a very good and subtle way of getting what she wants.

? Keeping up Appearances - Tiff is great at making people think she is doing fantastic even when she isn't. She puts all her emotions into a box and files them away for when she's in private, then she deals with them.





S A P P H I R E & Y A R R O W


where : hotel room > the academy

when : 7:00 - 9:30 am

outfit : S & Y

who : each other

The alarm clock beep, beep, beeped and Sapphire turned it off. She was already awake and had been for a while. She woke up at 5:00 so she could do her morning yoga, then shower, eat breakfast in the lobby, then do her hair and make up, and finally pick her outfit. Sapphire was an early riser and always has been. Yarrow on the other hand always hated the morning and preferred the night. Their mom used to call them lark and owl.

Sapphire shook Yarrow until he got up. His hair was still a tangled mess, he was only wearing boxers, and his voice was all raspy. This was him until about 2 pm. Yarrow made his way to the bathroom and got into the shower as Sapphire picked his outfit for the day. He finished his shower, blow dried his hair, dragged a brush through his locks and got dressed in the outfit that was chosen for him. Sapphire was a big part of his life, some people thought it was weird how close they were but it was never like that.

Yarrow grabbed two of the suitcases and Sapphire grabbed the other two and they took them down to the lobby. They were greeted by an older black man who had a little sign that said 'Sheffield" on it.

"Are you two the Sheffields? Let me get your bags!" he said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Sapphire said getting into the back of the car and buckling up, Yarrow getting in next to her. Her leg was bouncing, she was biting her lip, Sapphire was a wreck.

"Sapphire. Chill out. You're gonna get too excited and then get loud and then be all crazy and people aren't gonna like you. So come on. Five... Four... Three... Two... One... You good now?" he said grabbing her shoulders and making eye contact with her. Sapphire took a deep breath at every number with her eyes closed. Yarrow was really good at calming Sapphire down when she got too wild.

She fished in her purse and got her ear buds and put them in playing some pop ballads to keep herself cool. Yarrow on the other hand was napping on the way back. After a little while of driving they pulled up to the academy. Sapphire shook him awake and he woke up looking around. He opened his mouth wide, and let out a large yawn. The two shuffled out of the car and took their bags taking in the views. They took their things into the school lobby and looked around. This school was so beautiful and so were the people in it. Sapphire's eyes first went to a boy with brown hair. Well one of them. There were 3 hot brunette boys in the room along with a gaggle of beautiful girls.

Sapphire grabbed Yarrows hand and pulled him over to another brother and sister looking duo. Sapphire and Yarrow smiled at Emily and Dylan.

"Hey! Im Sapphire and this is my brother Yarrow." she said pointing to Yarrow. Sapphire and Yarrow were both checking out the boy and weren't sly about it. It wasn't that the girl wasn't attractive, because she was but they both liked guys. They also had a little agreement that they made when they were little, they both had to be friendly until they found out if the guy was gay or straight. If he was straight then Sapphire would flirt with him, if he was gay then Yarrow would flirt with him, and if he was bi then it was whoever won him over.




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"I'm gonna tap dance on your spleen"

~Camilla "Mimi" Gallagher

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.88ac5d692b302e8d87cbd314a60697be.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.88ac5d692b302e8d87cbd314a60697be.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Camilla Gallagher


Her childhood nickname was Mimi and even though she grew out of it and prefers to be called Milla, it's clear her family won't ever stop.




Cisgender female




November 30th


Youngest Gallagher Sister



Mimi's slender and curveless with slight muscle tone




118 lbs.


Mimi's hair is one of her favorite features. It's dark brown, thick, shiny, wavy and reaches her mid-back. Fun fact: her hair always smells like kiwi shampoo.


Deep brown with lighter flecks near the pupil. Camilla's eyes are very large and doe-like, making her seem younger than she is.


At home, Camilla just wears clothes that are comfortable like sweatpants, sweaters and flannel. It's usually basic, cheap stuff from the men's section. School, however, is a whole different story. She wears much more punk, risqué clothes. Fishnets, leather , short skirts and the like. Mimi doesn't have much curve but her legs are nice and she wears clothes that'll emphasis them.

Noticeable Features:

Her large eyes, larger brows, glowing smile and a scar on her belly button from a botched attempt at a piercing.

no slide


no slide
In Depth




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rich bitch wip.

- pretty lonely.

- sure she drinks&affords expensive wine but alcopops are secretly her life.

- socially awkward in the sense that she can't properly relate to people when they cry, etcetera.

fc:: idk karla jara
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"Uh, so who the hell said violence is never the answer, because I'll kick 'em in the nuts."



Jacob Alex Gallagher


Commonly goes by Jake








November 29th


Second middle brother



Jake has that recognizeable teenager build - lanky, but still athletic and fit.


5'5" (the growth spurt is coming soon. He promises.)




Dark brown but looks black, very fluffy and often unkempt unless he's trying to impress a lady.




Whatever's clean, more often than not. Sweatpants and t-shirts, sometimes jackets or sweaters with converse or sneakers. Nothing fancy for the usual business. Clothing is expensive, y'know?


It would have to be the little spark in his eye, one that those who know him know it means Jake is about to do something either wildly brilliant, or amazingly stupid. But if you're talking more physical, his mop of hair is a trait he is quite proud of, as well as the interesting color of eyes and very light freckles. He also has a story for every scar and will gladly tell you.



Most kids know to steer clear of Jacob Gallagher, either because he's weird and crazy, or could kick your ass. Jake isn't the nicest of kids and can often be found happily giving wedgies or banging heads into lockers, it's a pastime of his. Some may say he does this because he's stupid, but no, Jacob is actually a pretty clever boy. Perhaps not in the standard way that kids get graded on at school, but in many other ways. No, Jacob just enjoys torturing other children and perhaps the occasional roadkill, as well as doing stupid stunts and crazy things and the like. The cause is unknown, but when Jacob has an idea, he usually follows through with it until the consequences physically slap him in the face, usually in the form of his eldest sister.

Unbeknownst to most, Jacob is actually a pretty caring kid, even protective at that. He would do anything for his family if they asked him too. (except you know, like, following the rules and shit) He considers himself to be a "player", always chasing after the pretty girls and doing anything to look cool in front of the boys, even if Jake hangs by himself most of the time. Not a lot of kids enjoy jumping off ramps with bicycles on fire, for some strange reason. It's really fun.


Beating people up

Doing wild stunts

His family

Pretty girls

Dogs (any other animal is subject to torture)


Cake, especially birthday cake

Breaking rules


People who ruin the fun

Following rules

People who tell him what to do





All his family know that when Jake gets that little spark in his eye shit is about to go down.

Is always carrying some form of a weapon, whether it be a knife hidden somewhere in his pockets, or a nunchuck.

Runs his hand through his hair when he's trying to impress someone.


Foot tapping (especially when bored)

Winks a lot


Weapon knowledge (too much for a fourteen year old boy)




Out of all the Gallagher kids, one could easily pick out Jake from the line up and deem him the biggest fuck-up of them all. No one quite knows why Jacob turned out the way he did, when the rest of his siblings clearly do not enjoy torturing dead (or alive) animals as a past time.

Throughout his life Jacob was constantly compared to his wiser, superior, three-minute elder, Hunter, as well as cast aside by many because of his many "quirks". In truth, he's just a boy raised in a dysfunctional family, one raised by a sister rather then a mother who ran away and a father who only serves to fuck things up for the already struggling Gallaghers.

Every single one of his teachers (and the many shrinks) have deemed him to be hopeless, and he very often deals with abuse from his superiors. Jake's way of dealing with this is taking a bat to their car or something similar, which both serves to strike fear into his teacher's hearts, and at the same time ruins his chances of ever having friends. Luckily, he has his family to stand by him, and Jake considers them to be all he'll ever need, save for a few friendly neighbors.

There is no hidden "sweet, loving, caring" side to Jake. He's a fucked up teenage boy, like the rest of the people he lives with, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be open to striking some new friendships, getting into some good, fun, trouble, and fucking shit up like the Gallaghers always do.


this post for relationships concerning aquaintences around the neighborhood

familial relationships tbd


This is just one example right
here, if you need more you can browse through the roleplay.


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age: 16 ; may 17th

gender: cis-male: him, his

sexual orientation: closeted homosexual

role: middle brother

? ? ? ?

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NAME Bella Anne Gallagher


AGE: 22

GENDER: Female

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

BIRTHDAY: October 5th

ROLE: Oldest Daughter in the Gallagher Family


BODY: slim and petite


WEIGHT: 125 pounds

HAIR: Dark Brunette

EYES: Hazel

STYLE: Bella tends to keep her style simple. Leather jackets, tee shirts, scarves, jeans and red lipstick is her simple go to outfit.

NOTICEABLE FEATURES Bella usually always wears red lipstick. It makes her feel slightly stylish. She also has a tattoo of a moon on her ankle.

In Depth


Responsible- Bella has to be the most responsible young adult you could possibly meet. She takes care of her siblings like they're her children.

Nurturing- Being the oldest of a family of six, she has to act like the mother. Due to her father being a total drunk. But in general, she loves taking care of people younger than herself. Sure it can be tough at times... But Bella has that nurturing mother side that no one could be mean to.

Empathy- Bella is good in stepping into other people's shoes and understanding their feelings.

Controlling- Due to having to take care of 5 children and herself, Bella has become a bit controlling to keep the house in order, for the most part.

Easily stressed- Bella gets extremely stressed all the time. Taking care of everything around the house and everyone, including her father at times. She makes it work, but doesn't mean on the inside, and outside the stress shows.

Pessimist- She never sees the light in anything. For as much as she tries, it's hard for her to see herself getting out of this rough point in her life that has lasted for a very long time. So, naturally she always sees the worst in a situation.


Vanilla Scents


LOVES her siblings <3


The warmth

Being incharge

Leather jackets

Combat boots


Loud Noises



Innopropiete behaviors

Rap Music

Stuck up assholes

The Cold


Has to only have one ice cube in her drinks

Has to listen to her type of music during car rides

Always wearing the same type of purfume


Chews on lip when stressed

Cracks knuckles when anxious


Problem solving (in everyday life situations)

Creative Writing/Storytelling

Playing the Guitar, self-taught.


BACKGROUND fill this out once the list of accepted characters is posted. you can add some of your own personal backstory here, but don't write your family backstory until characters have been accepted and you have PM'd your family members.



(This is a chapter of a story I wrote. It is in the first person. But usually I write in third person point of view)

It was now lunch time.

All of us were sitting at our usual spot in the center of the cafeteria. It was our usual spot for us. Since freshman year when the seniors invited us to sit with them we haven't switched seats... Ever.

Kimberly wasn't here, though. Most likely in the girls bathroom getting high on cocaine or something like that.

I felt so bad for Kimberly. Personally, I've only smoked weed, never snorted cocaine or poked a needle in my arm for heroin. I'm just really a simple girl. But as much as I love Kimberly, she has a lot of issues to address at some point.

The girls and I were chatting. Talking about our plans to kick off the first day of school.

"A party!" Isabel called out and clasped her hands together, "It'll be perfect! We don't even need to do it at a house!" Isabel said mischievously, glancing at Chloe to get her approval.

I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow, "Like a venue?" I ask and roll my eyes.

Isabel was extremely rich. She had all the money in the world. That's one big reason why Chloe is very close to Isabel. They are literally one and the same. Both rich, both beautiful, both have model status bodies and are just the stars of the school.

Isabel nodded, "Yes!"

"What 'venue'?" Chloe asked and twirled her hair.

"Well, I can use my daddy's money to rent out a club. We all have fake Ids, it won't be hard." Isabel opened up her vitamin water (dragonfruit), "Come on, it's not like we're gonna get caught anyway. My daddy really doesn't give a shit about what I use his money for."

I sighed and glanced around the cafeteria. There were the jocks at the other end of our table, joking and cat calling at girls. In the front of me, there was the table full of the goody-two-shoes (aka, the kids who are in their church youth group and literally NEVER miss church.) These are the kids we really never bother. We don't want to ruin their good reputation. Plus, Sunday's won't be fun for us if we corrupted the pastors little girl.

I took a bite of my salad just as I looked up to see Austin kissing Chloe's forehead. I mentally rolled my eyes at them. They act as if they are such lovebirds. But I wonder if there is actually behind the curtains that we don't know about.

"Hello, ladies," Austin says and wraps an arm around Chloe as he takes a seat down across from me.

"So, guess who's helping me with history this year, babe," Austin smiles and plays with Chloe's blonde beach waves.

I begin to blush and run my fingers through my thick black hair.

"Oh," Chloe grins and begins to laugh, pointing at me, "Is it miss Marie who's gonna be assisting you?"

I blush even more and I cover my face with my pale hands.

Kimberly comes up behind me and plays with my hair, "Awe, who's being embarrassed?"

I mentally roll my eyes and raise my hand, "This bitch is."

Kimberly giggles and sits down next to me while she continues to play with my black, thick curly hair.

Kimberly is obviously high at the moment. She just zoning out, giggling a lot. That's just how she is when she's high. Very calm and naive.

Chloe laughs and lays her head on Austin's shoulder, "It's nothing to be ashamed about. You're smart. Show it off. Plus, I give you permission to help my little baby with his work."

Austin kisses Chloe's petite nose and I want to puke due to it. I feel as if Chloe is just showing him off to me sometimes to get revenge of something I don't even know.

"Now that's all that matters. The permission of our queen." Austin smiles and glances over to me, "Everything okay, Marie?" Austin asks and tilts his head as he messes with his blonde hair.

Taking a small gulp, I blush and take another bite of my salad. After swallowing I put a huge fake smile on my face and nod, "I'm perfectly fine. Perfectly great. You have no idea." Just great... Ha.

"Alright, well..." I check the time up on the wall and continue to fake a smile to my friends, "I have to go... Um. To the library!" Grabbing Kimberly's hand, I drag her with me all the way to the library. During that Kimberly tries to twirl and trips plenty of times as I want to face palm at all of her actions.

We make it to the library and I drag Kimberly down to the far corner of the library. I sit her down with me and clasp her soft fragile hands into my abnormally big hands, "Do you um... Possibly have...?" I feel so embarrassed asking this from her but I just need it sometimes. I don't overly use it. It's just at times where I do.

Kimberly quickly nods and pulls out the weed from her purse, "Here you are," Kimberly also pulls out the blunts and quickly rolls one up and hands it to me, "Thanks."

Thankfully the kids here are all too nervous to tattle on the group and I. They really do not want to mess with Chloe or the squad. Plus. The librarian is too blind, deaf and old to even know what Kimberly and I are doing.

I light the blunt and take a long drag from it then blow out the smoke peacefully as I close my eyes. I rest my head on the bookshelf and smile, "There we go." I mumble and here Kimberly does her usual giggle, "Oh Marie, you need to chill."

"Well, sadly, Marie doesn't really have a chill factor unless she's on this wonderful drug." I say and wink.
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"They say the apple doesn't fall far from the fucking tree.

Shoutout to my old man."


Roy Jordan Caputo


Some people call him RJ




Cisgender Male




August 12th :: Leo


The Bad Apple


He's lucky that good looks seem to be genetic because Roy doesn't take great care of his body. He drinks more alcohol than water, smokes first thing in the morning, and always appears sleep deprived. Yet somehow he manages to attract both guys and girls, if they're into the whole rebellious punk rock look, of course. Roy is fairly tall and lanky, but he's just as tough, if not tougher, than the average football jock. He does plenty of running, lifting, and climbing in the city— enough to keep his muscles toned and solid but not the first thing someone would notice. Roy can hold his own in a fight; he's quick on his feet and packs a pretty decent punch.


6 foot even


164 lbs


Dark brown (almost black), Short, Tousled, Surprisingly soft


Hazel, Deeply in-set, Intoxicated & exhausted expression


Roy has a look that falls somewhere along the lines of 50's greaser and modern punk rock. He favors leather, denim, and dark colors. He wears a lot of t-shirts, tanks, and jeans, but never shorts. Roy wears a lot of black, white, and grey— no brights or neons as anything more than an accent. He likes silver but isn't a big fan of gold. Many of Roy's clothes have rips or tears, mostly self-made rather than manufactured that way. He's a thrifty shopper (which might include stealing ever now and then), but he's not one to spend a lot of time or energy on his wardrobe.


• Hollow cheeks

• Various minor scars

• Plug earrings

• Tattoos on arms, hands, sides/ribs, and upper chest

• Always smells like cigarettes

• Dark shadows around eyes

In Depth

Rebellious :: Following the rules has never been Roy's forte. He thinks that laws were meant to be broken. Tell him to behave a certain way, look a certain way, or conform to an expectation and he'll take it as a challenge and do exactly the opposite. Roy doesn't like people telling him what he can and can't do; it irritates him...a lot.

Intoxicated :: The day Roy is a hundred percent clean will be the first sign of the apocalypse. The boy has always been a bit of a mess, between drugs, alcohol, and the lack of concern for their effects on him. Roy is often drunk, high, or getting there, but it's pretty normal for him and he has learned to function even in a mostly inebriated state. He's tried to stop some of the substances before, but he can never attempt to cut it all out at once. Chances are, he will never be able to quit everything.

Thief :: He has sticky fingers and can't help but take he likes if no one is around to claim it. He kind of thinks of it as a public service— taking junk off the streets that other people have thrown away. Though, not everything is just lying around like that. Roy has certainly broken into a few places he shouldn't have been in, and he has a habit of slipping things in his pocket, sometimes without even realizing he's doing it. He's not the type to steal from a jewelry store or rob a bank, but hot-wiring a car to bring home or pocketing some food are semi-regular occurrences.

Complacent :: If you ask Roy where he wants to be in five years, all he'd say is "hopefully not dead." Roy doesn't have any goals or aspirations; he just lives one day at a time and takes life as it comes. He's fine with his current situation, even if it is less than ideal. Roy doesn't really know what it means to want a better future for himself, so he just doesn't.

Inventive :: Don't let his failing grades fool you— Roy is a pretty smart cookie who just never learned how to use his intelligence. One of Roy's favorite pastimes is taking things apart and putting them back together to see how they work. He likes to deconstruct old electronics and mechanical gadgets and find new uses for the parts. Roy is creative in this sense, and he also appreciates revolutionary artwork, stories, and technology.

Guarded :: Roy comes across as rather apathetic, not having strong opinions on much. He believes that people should do and be whatever they please and that everyone's business is their own. He's most likely to open up to his older brother, but Roy generally doesn't talk much about deeper issues or his feelings unless he's too intoxicated to stop himself. He not used to being very affectionate except with those closest to him (which is usually his brothers) and even that is more hair ruffling and playful punches rather than hugs. Roy can be a bit more lenient with a significant other, but he's still not a fan of public affection and tends to put physical distance between himself and other people unless he's comfortable with them or is trying to flirt.

Mischievous/Humorous :: Around those he feels most comfortable with, Roy can have childish tendencies. He's been known to play pranks on his brothers or wrestle with his friends for fun. Roy always enjoys a good joke, and he also likes to make other people laugh. He can be witty and prefers being around people who don't take life too seriously. Roy likes to tease, flirt, and poke fun at people but never means any harm by it and actually prefers when people throw banter back.

Forgiving :: Roy is generally a forgiving guy, the exception being his father. Roy understands that, ultimately, his dad is in jail for being overprotective, but it's all the years worth of other vices that Roy isn't ready to forget. When other people not as close to Roy mess up, he's normally patient and passes it off as no big deal. He doesn't like to dwell on trivial misunderstandings, and he's not the type to hold a grudge over something that he feels is not worth fighting about.

Defensive :: Despite his delinquent appearance and attitude, Roy rarely seeks out a fight. If someone pushes him first; however, Roy won't hesitate to push back. He often stands up for the little guy if they're getting a beating they don't deserve, but he's particularly defensive of himself and his family. If someone lays a hand on one of his brothers, his temper will flare up and he'll enjoy putting the poor bastard in his or her place.

Confident :: Roy is comfortable in his own skin. He's not proud of everything he's ever done, but he's not caught up in past failures. He accepts his own flaws and doesn't care what others think. Roy's confidence allows him to be assertive when necessary, but it can also make him a little cocky. Sure he's tough, but he's not untouchable. Roy tends to talk himself up a bit when he's trying to impress people, and sometimes they do learn that maybe's he's not that great at cooking or that he really can't do eighteen shots and then walk in a perfectly straight line.

Attentive :: Although it may not seem like Roy notices a lot about people, he is attentive to those he wants to be closer to. He'll try to take note of their likes and dislikes in order to establish a good relationship with them. Roy is a good listener, perhaps because he's normally intoxicated to some extent and would rather listen to someone else talk about anything at all than talk about his own problems. Roy likes being around people in general, so he rarely gets tired of listening to someone as long as the conversation flows and doesn't get stuck on one thing for hours.

Loyal :: It may be hard to get Roy to commit to anything or anyone, but once he's in, he's in for the long haul. He will always be there for those he truly cares about, though that list may be very short. Roy is the type of person who would fight alongside you, go to the hospital with you, and then share your jail cell. He would drive across the country, or walk if he had to, in order to help a loved one in need.




Nice cars


Black and white movies

Sitting on rooftops

Darkwave & post-punk music

Making people laugh



Dance clubs

Losing his cool



Being bossed around

Spicy foods


Looking like a softie

Following the rules


Won't start a physical fight unless he's drunk

Won't delve into his emotions/feelings unless he's drunk or high

Thinks he's a better cook than he actually is

When he's fond of someone, he ruffles their hair and throws light, playful punches

Enjoys tinkering with random gadgets and electronics— taking them apart,

fixing them, trying to build new things with them

Often says he'll quit ________ (smoking, dealing, drinking, cursing, etc.)

...but is normally back at it within a week


Kicks and tosses pebbles while walking in the street

Steps on poor suckers' untied shoelaces to make 'em trip

Rubs hands together & cracks knuckles during conversation


"Does beer pong count? 'Cause I'm the bestest beer-ponger you ever seen."

Climbing/Parkour :: Wall-crawling and hopping fences are a cakewalk

Pickpocketing/Stealing :: Not very noble, perhaps, but rather useful

Violin :: Keeps this one on the down-low— he doesn't think it's very manly

Automotive Skills :: Knows his way around a car thanks to his dad and older brother

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Ebony Jourdan DeLane






Cisfemale; She/Her

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Alex DeLane

Name: Alex DeLane

Age: 15

Birthday: 5th of June


Sexuality:Homosexual, Homoromantic


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Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Dark Blonde

Height: 5''9

Weight: 190 lbs

Body Type: Muscular

Noticeable Features: Alex always smiles, six pack

Style:Plain tight fitting shirts with jeans, Alex likes also to just wear only his jeans without a shirt

Overall Personality: Alex is a very caring person, he is also very active and always happy

Personality Pros: Active, Cheerful, Caring, Always wanting to offer help, Happy

Personality Cons: Naive, Always happy, sometimes to active that it becomes irritating, can a be a little bit of a stalker, easily bullied

Likes: Track, muscles, working out, guys, going out, spending time with friends

Dislikes: Feminine gays, people who are disrespectful about track, people who prejudice him because he is gay, staying evenings at home, drugs, being treated as a child

Quirks: Smacks a little bit while eating fast, He rubs his hands when nervous, plays with his hair, Alex is naked when he is alone

Talents: Track, Flirting

Weaknesses: He is easily agressive, unsure about himself and feels alone


After some time, Sef and Rufus were both done with their things and went together to the Cafetaria. The meal of the day was not very tasty and they were focused on other things.

Rufus had brought his score to work on it, the first part was done and it only needed some more fine tuning, mostly editing the dynamics so they sound and the solos would be at their best. The score needed to be done at the end of the week, otherwise Rufus couldn't sell it. This was the first score of Rufus which he was going to sell, he already has some pre-orders from people who only saw a sneak peak of the score.

Sef was busy with his CV searching for the right photographs to give to his new agency. He had some clashes with the old one and had found a new better one. However, he needed to bring his CV back up to date. Sef smirked as he saw some pictures of an old nude shoot. Sef does all kinds of shoots, he likes to do all kind of shoots and some shoots just pay more then others. Still, Sef was not a major model, he was still searching a way for a breakthrough.

Sef and Rufus were done with their things and started to talk, after some time the conversation went to cute boys,

"There is this new Sophomore, Eirian, he's pretty cute bit still very young" Sef started, Rufus nodded "Just like that Aiden boy" Sef smiled. The Nevarro brother knew every cute guy on this school. They talked often about it, "Lucas is more beautiful then his voice, which is also very cool" Rufus sighed, all those straight guys made him feel bad, Sef grinned "Over to the juniors, Travis is there the best I guess, he does also modeling work" Rufus smiled "That is the only cute Junior, and they we have us, the beautiful Senior Hunks" Rufus laughed, there weren't many seniors here on this school

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Tyler Zamora

"There's a special spot in hell for people who waste my time"

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"I could jump over that." no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide
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