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Fantasy Shadows on the Canyon Floor | Sign-up



The Eight-Legged Norse Horse
Sign-up Page
This will be the sign-up page for Shadows on the Canyon Floor. Characters don't have any particular requirements as far as backstory or roles go, just that this is certainly a wild west setting and you can look at and reference the Lore page for an idea of what kind of world your character is going to be living in. Cowboys, settlers, soldiers, outlaws, railroad workers, scientists or doctors -- whatever!

This part is pretty straight-forward...
  • Characters naturally can be somewhat powerful, as they're out here hunting monsters and demons, but within reason -- no one needs to be an undefeatable powerhouse without weakness, of course.
  • Characters MAY start out with neat weapons or in a good financial state. No reason to be struggling unless you just want that kind of character.
  • We'll be starting IN town, so whether you know other characters or not is up to you! But you've already pretty much decided you want to take on these monsters.
  • Feel free to utilize absolutely any concept or place I've already outlined in the lore page! If you have an idea that strikes your fancy but isn't like... obviously a Thing based on that, please do shoot me a message or post in OOC and I'd LOVE to workshop new locations or ideas with you. This is a world state I plan on using repeatedly and would love to keep working on it.
  • The magic section is there for a reason! Feel free to use it!
  • I don't foresee needing to, but if I feel like there's a good reason not to allow a character, I do reserve the right to reject them -- I don't imagine I'll do this unless I'm seeing hateful themes or racist caricatures or something. You just never know when you'll regret not saying this part out loud.
Sign-up Form
A suggestion -- you're welcome to use your own form too.


General Appearance:
General Personality:



Anything Else?:

Art by my good friend Apollo <3
"Judas" Cloud
24 years
He/him or she/her

General Personality:
Rambunctious, loud, and often a little troublesome. Judas is highly extroverted and loves making friends. He’s typically easy to get along with, so long as you’re tolerant and not a bully. While he does his best to do right by the general public, he can be a little ruthless. He’s hardly opposed to doing bad things for good reasons, but tries to keep that to a minimum these days for the sake of society. That doesn't mean he won't do some shady things when a rich man starts bullying little guys, though.
He loves people almost as much as he loves livestock— horses and goats rank among his favorites, and while Judas does his best to put on a tough facade, he melts around them. He's highly compassionate despite that same facade, and especially with children, the mask cracks almost instantly.


Judas is an extremely skilled horseman, and an excellent mounted combatant.
Judas knows a handful of language including english, plains sign language, Kaibab southern Paiute, and some spanish.
Many of Cloud's other skills connect more to domestic life, such as mending or cross-stitch… but not at all cooking.
Judas uses a LeMat revolver which allows him to shoot regular bullets as well as shotgun style grapeshot.
He typically wears an obsidian and turquoise necklace as a charm against evil.
Sundial the horse--
This horse was at one point a beautiful, glossy champagne, and to be fair, most of him still is— aside from one front foreleg that has rotted to the bone, as well as one side of his face that has rotted away to expose his teeth. A few of the vertebrae in Sundial’s neck are visible, and it takes very little to tell that the horse is undead. He does not eat and seems tireless. He’s also just kind of mean.

Judas Cloud was born and raised as a young girl. He’s sensitive about all that, and doesn’t say much about it— not beyond the fact that she was in an unhappy marriage, and when it was discovered that she was having an affair with a local cowboy, her husband had him and his horse killed. Judas ran out and changed his name shortly after, abandoning the town and leaving a burning barn in his wake.
After that, the newly-named renegade began dressing as a man to avoid capture, and Judas liked it. He also found that he liked trouble quite a bit, too. For a few years in his newfound freedom, Judas became a notorious outlaw and scoundrel. One of his more notable dramas is his ongoing feud with the Cattleman's Association, which is now more a land-grabbing mafia than a real association, seeing as the east rarely bothers to address the frontier these days.
He changed his ways when the worst came to pass, and demons spilled out of the mines and caves and slot canyons. It destroyed the world as the average frontiersman knew it, filling the world with magic. Seeing the world change changed changed Judas, too: He stopped causing quite as much trouble and turned his attention to helping rather than being a problem. The most dramatic and personal change for Judas came with his dead lover’s horse, who got up from where he’d laid and went looking for him. Sundial wasn’t in the best of shape, to be sure. But from then on, he was Judas Cloud’s. As towns fought to survive and some men turned to dark powers or a life of crime to prey upon the most helpless, Judas took a turn of his own. Robbing a bank was a far cry from robbing a struggling mother, after all, and he’d soon taken to hunting down other criminals and doing what he could to protect travelers and kill problem monsters.
Judas has had many adventures since then -- he's seen large swaths of the west, which gets much easier to do when your horse doesn't need to eat or sleep. Even so, he does his best to take good care of Sundial and dotes on the dead horse excessively. He's well-traveled and well-known in small communities for selling horses as well as doing various favors for them, be it guarding caravans, hunting the occasional ghost or monster, or even just collecting lost sheep.

Anything Else?:
The Bounty Huntin' Camerist

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Frankie No Face






Frankie cuts a striking figure with his tall, lean frame, always draped in a tattered duster coat that billows dramatically in the wind. A wide-brimmed hat casts a shadow over his obscured features, leaving his face hidden in perpetual darkness. Even if he were to stare bare face to the sun, it would remain shrouded by shadows.


A lone figure that wanders the Wild West. Despite his spectral nature, there’s a palpable sense of purpose in his ethereal steps, a dedication to a duty that persists beyond the confines of life and death. Beneath his eerie exterior, there lingers a complex soul entwined with the memories of a bygone era. Frankie's camera, his chosen instrument of justice, speaks volumes about his desire to capture the untamed spirit of the frontier. Each photograph holds not just the visage of the hunted, but also the essence of the land he traverses - a visual testament to the turbulent history that unfolds in the vast expanses of the Wild West. He stands as a guardian of forgotten stories, a phantom witness to the tales paved in the paths of the ghostly landscapes he wanders.


Frankie is a master of the early photographic processes, specializing in tin-types and wet plate collodion. His real secret, however, lies in the seemingly innocent camera that he carries. Disguised as an antique box camera, this contraption houses a gatling gun. The camera's lens conceals the deadly firepower within, making it an unexpected and formidable weapon in a confrontation.

As a wraith-like being, Frankie’s footsteps don’t produce sound or discernible prints, allowing him a degree of stealth as he roams the Wild West. He’s unnaturally flexible, able to contort his body as if he were a mere garbed skeleton.

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Crafted from weathered brass and worn leather, its exterior bears the scars of countless journeys. Intricately engraved patterns adorn its edges. Beneath the facade of this photographic relic lies a deadly secret - a concealed gatling gun nestled within the hollow depths of the camera's ornate casing. Ingeniously disguised, the lens housing doubles as the gun’s muzzle, the trigger cleverly integrated into the camera’s winding mechanism. This unsuspecting artifact of antiquity transforms from a documenter of memories into a weapon of unforeseen power at the twist of fate, embodying a peculiar duality that mirrors the complexities of the Wild West itself.


Frankie No Face is an enigmatic figure in the Wild West, infamous for his pursuit of justice. Rumours circulate about his origin with some claiming he’s a wandering spirit seeking redemption.
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Name: Reid Atwater
Age: 30
Pronouns/Gender: he/him

Appearance: Reid is a tall man, standing at about 6’3”, with dark hair kept at about jaw length and tan skin, his jaw is strong and he has an aquiline nose. His eyes are soft and green, and often betray what he’s feeling even when he tries to hide it.
His body is marked with scars and his hands are rough from long days working out on the range.

Personality: Reid is a quiet, soft spoken man. Though not because he’s shy necessarily. He has a reputation for being agreeable, and is rarely the first to draw blood. If he could, he would take all of his bounties in alive. Though with demons, there’s not much point in offering them mercy.
One would think growing up in the cold would harden him, but it seems that he’s grown a bit soft instead.
Abilities/Skills: Working as a bounty hunter Reid has picked up a number of skills, he knows some basic first aid both for humans and animals, and has found he genuinely enjoys cooking, he’s a fair shot and good with a lasso too. Reid is also a skilled fisherman and hunter.

History: Reid Atwater was born the bastard son of a wealthy priest in Kentucky, he grew up in the small town of Glady, where everything was owned by his father. Everyone was owned by his father.
Despite this, his life was hardly luxurious. His mother was cruel and often held it over his head that he was not truly hers, he never would be, and if it hadn’t been for his father she would have thrown him out as soon as he was born.

he grew up groomed to take his fathers place as priest someday, though he was sure that they’d never accept a bastard with such dark skin in their flock. certainly not as a leader.
And he had no interest in the kind of hate that they preached anyway.

When he was 18 he ran away, first to New Orleans where he fell into a gambling ring, spending his days drunk, spending all his money on women and card games that he couldn’t afford.
There was a time when he was hardly sober for a moment. Until he met Dahlia, maybe it was the alcohol but in his mind she was the prettiest woman that he had ever laid eyes on, and he knew he wanted her for himself.
But Dahlia was already married, he only found that out later, after he’d already slept with her and had been beaten to a bloody pulp after being caught sneaking from her bedroom.

Soon, his gambling caught up with him, his unpaid debts piled up and along with being caught with Dahlia it landed him in a whole lot of trouble. He was forced to run, to try and either evade or look for a way to pay off his debt.
He ran west as far as Colorado, where he met the man who would mentor him, and make him a bounty hunter. And the girl who would become his primary target, Beau, otherwise known as the coyote.
He would pursue her relentlessly, convinced her bounty would be the only thing he’d need to repay his debts, but he wouldn’t settle for bringing her in dead.
She was like smoke, though. And when the monsters started crawling from the very depths of hell, debts and bounties hardly mattered anymore.

Favored Gear/Companion Animals: Reid often dresses in mostly black, with a white collar similar to one you’d see a priest wear, he wears a big coat, symbols of protection and trinkets hanging from it, he primarily uses a bolt action rifle, he also carries a colt dragoon revolver.
He rides a big, sturdy brown mule named Henry, who bears scars from years past working in a coal mine. Headstrong and protective of his master, Henry will carry Reid to the ends of the earth.
Ska Lockheart
Age: 21
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/They
General Appearance:
These days, Lockhart has light blond hair that falls just past her shoulders. Her skin is fair and smooth, and her shape is often hidden by the clothing she chooses to wear- typically loose men's clothing. Her eyes are a brilliant, sparkling blue. Her lips are naturally full and red. She didn't always look this way.

General Personality:
Lockheart is distrustful by nature, and while she would prefer to go it alone, she knows there is both safety and practical benefit to traveling with others. She can be silently misanthropic, but many don't seem to notice. Her curiosity is tempered by her caution, but she has discovered a love of travel and discovery.

Lockheart is a fair rider and a decent shot. She knows how to weave. She knows many of the old legends and stories of the land.
Her other ability is that of a medium. She is aware of ghosts, often mostly by sensation more than seeing them. Sometimes, they possess her, tell her their story, and ask for help. Most times, she can't help them, for she's unable to pass along their stories.

She carries a basic six-shot pistol. There is nothing special about it.

Born on the drifting plains, Lockheart learned to ride and weave while with her family. They traveled often, and as she grew older she caught the attention of a man who lived near the tracks - Ansel Tepur. He fawned over her to others, gave her family gifts to pass on to her, and once asked her father if she could stay with him to learn a "civilized" trade. He was denied, Lockheart barely knew the man though the man certainly seemed to think he knew her. The man's resentment grew each time she passed through and paid him no mind. One day, though, a unique train stopped near his home. A stranger with an offer proved too tempting for Ansel to ignore, and the pair struck a bargain.
The morning after the bargain was stricken, Lockheart woke up different. Her skin was far lighter, her eyes and hair no longer the dark brown they'd been at birth. Her eyes, nose, and lips were softened and sculpted. She no longer recognized herself, though her shapely body remained exactly the same. When she went to her mother and tried to ask for help, she found that her words would only die in her throat. Her family didn't recognize her, and she couldn't explain herself. They left her in the town they presumed she came from- the town where Ansel was waiting to be her white knight.
Lockheart stayed with him for a month, learning more and more about the man who thought he owned her. One day, in a drunken fit of bravado, she overheard the man brag about how he won his prize. How she was going to be his wife, and how a strange drifter had granted his wish for her. That was the day her quest began. She killed the man, and now she's searching for the demon he struck a deal with.

Anything Else?:
Ska Lockheart is completely mute- a magical variety. She cannot vocalize or scream. She began learning to write during her time with Ansel but has not had a huge amount of tutelage.

Name: Eloise Peletier
Age: 25 years
Gender: She/Her

General personality
Always keeping an aura of mystery around herself, Eloise is difficult to read and appears to act arbitrarily. She can be aloof and snooty, prefering to keep a distance to most people. Strange, supernatural and outright bizarre things, however, attract her quite quickly. She is very creative, but her fickle nature can hinder her from many long-term plans. Eloise will not show her natural curiosity very easily. She is fond of luxurious products and has great interest in all manner of arts.

Often referred to as a Hedge Witch, Eloise harbors magical powers. She is well versed in a number of curses, able to inflict and dispell them. Mostly, she uses her abilities to protect herself or others from harm, using small charms and hand-made pieces to focus the effects. Recently, she dove deep into the realms of divinations and fortune telling, though she has more knowledge about hexes and curses.
She is perceptive and shows talent in different arts.

Her ornate fan is an important magical focus for Eloise. She keeps a small assortment of charms, vials and glass beads. A small leather binder keeps a wild hodgepodge of notes relating to witchcraft, recipes and spells, often scribbled together hastily, but sometimes elegantly written and decorated with small drawings or complex patterns.
She conceals a small dagger, just in case.

Eloise has few memories of a cramped, dirty flat in the outskirts of Les Marais, where her mother struggled to support her and her siblings. At a very young age, an offer that couldnt be refused was made and she was sold to a secretive closed society of magical users. She was raised in a decadent villa, though rarely allowed to leave the gated compound - and even then only under close supervision. Private tutors and long ritual sessions slowly taught her to use her powers, whilst she was simultaneously raised as handmaiden to one of the older witches. With the circle succumbing to intrigues for power, there was a sudden need to depart the villa and Eloise struggled as she found herself free from the strict schedules and rules that guided her life so far very suddenly. She worked in several rich houses as a maid whilst secretly continuing her studies on her own accord, keeping contacts with the darker underbelly of Les Marais. Soon she would be pretending to be a rich noblewoman herself, cheating her way into the high society of Les Marais and often visiting festivities, cultural events and arts exhibitions. Having to travel to Springdale proofs that she must have stirred around too much, though she will not talk about that part.​

Name: Juniper "Juni" Cassidy
Age: 25
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her

General Appearance: Juniper stands at a modest 5'3", her figure lean and compact, often mistaken for fragility due to her diminutive stature. Her hazel eyes hold a fierce glint beneath the brim of her weathered, brown Stetson hat. Long chestnut hair, typically tied in a braid, cascades down her back, framing a face adorned with light freckles and a determined set to her jawline. Her attire consists of worn leather dusters, faded denim jeans, and sturdy boots, complete with a belt bearing a holster for her trusty revolver.

General Personality: Despite her small frame, Juniper exudes a quiet confidence and steely resolve. She's fiercely independent, preferring solitude to the company of others. She's resourceful, observant, and quick-witted, possessing a sharp tongue when crossed. While she might appear aloof or distant, she harbors a strong sense of justice, often stepping in to right wrongs, especially when it comes to defending the innocent or the underprivileged.

Abilities/Skills: Juniper is an exceptional sharpshooter, proficient with her revolver and skilled in quick-draw techniques. She's adept at tracking and navigating the wilderness, with an intimate knowledge of survival skills honed through years spent on the unforgiving frontier. Her keen eye for detail allows her to notice things others might overlook, a valuable asset when navigating dangerous territories.

Weapons/Gear: Juniper's primary weapon is her well-maintained Colt Single Action Army revolver. She carries a hunting knife strapped to her boot and is known to have a hidden derringer as a backup. Her gear includes a sturdy horse, provisions for survival, and a few sentimental belongings tucked away in her saddlebags.

Backstory: Born to a family of ranchers, Juniper grew up amidst the rugged landscapes of the Wild West. Tragedy struck when her family's homestead was raided by a notorious gang, leaving her orphaned at a young age. Determined to seek justice, she apprenticed under a retired gunslinger, learning the ways of the gun and survival in the harsh wilderness.

Haunted by her past, Juniper roams the frontier, taking odd jobs as a bounty hunter or occasional hired gun, always on the move, and never staying in one place for too long. Her quest for retribution against the gang that shattered her life fuels her solitary journey.

Anything Else?: Juniper's isolation stems from a deep-rooted fear of forming attachments, believing they only lead to vulnerability. However, despite her reluctance to trust others, she has a soft spot for those in need, often assisting them quietly before disappearing into the horizon. Her code of honor guides her actions, even when it conflicts with her desire to remain detached.
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The Drunken Pianist

Lennon Baird

Appears to be around 26


a_piano_symphony_in_shadows_by_zol_tan_ai_art_dga3amn-pre.jpgA P P E A R A N C E
Lennon's blonde hair, tousled and sun-kissed, falls in disheveled waves that frame his chiseled face, adorned with a hint of stubble. Despite the haze of alcohol, his piercing blue eyes retain a magnetic charm that could draw the attention of anyone in a room. Lennon's lean frame is elegantly draped in a faded, well-worn suit that speaks of both style and wear. The sleeves of his shirt are rolled up, revealing strong forearms that move with an almost poetic grace across a piano’s keys. A mischievous smile plays on his lips, exuding a carefree charisma that makes him both alluring and enigmatic.

Lennon exudes an air of flirtatious confidence. His music, accompanied by a wink and a smile, weaves a spell of undeniable charm. Lennon’s outlook on life is infused with a sense of serendipity. He believes that every note played on the piano weaves the fabric of fate, and through his music, he guides the fortunes of those around him. This philosophy has earned him both admiration and skepticism, but there's no denying the palpable changes in luck when Lennon Baird is at the piano.

When Lennon plays the piano, an enchanting aura of luck envelops those who can hear the melodies. The magic influences probability, subtly tipping the scales in favour of those who listen. Whether it's a poker game, a bar-room brawl, or a risky venture, the odds seem to align with the rhythm of Lennon's music. This unique talent has made him a sought-after presence in the rowdy saloons, where the promise of good fortune draws both allies and challengers.

When Lennon becomes inebriated, a demon of music possesses him. The once serene pianist transforms into a tempest of chaotic melodies, unleashing raw, untamed power. This possession is a double-edged sword, granting Lennon incredible magical abilities but at the cost of losing control over his actions. His once-harmonious music becomes a haunting cacophony, infused with dark magic, it causes discomfort and a sense of dissonance in the hearts of his audience.

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A contrasting pair of guns holstered at his sides - one pristine white and the other pitch black, an ode to the ebony and ivory keys of his cherished piano. Struggling with a notoriously awful aim, Lennon compensates for his lack of precision by unleashing a barrage of gunfire from both weapons simultaneously, becoming a maestro of mayhem when trouble brews.

Lennon’s treasured possession - an ornate hip flask containing the finest, most expensive elixir known to the West. The golden liquid within, a rich amber hue, tastes of opulence and escape. Etched with the stains of countless indulgences, it’s more than a vessel for spirits; it’s a companion in his journey through the blurred lines of music and inebriation.

Lennon and his sister, the vivacious saloon girl Piper Baird, share a deep bond that’s weathered the hardships of the Wild West. Their roots can be traced back to the misty Highlands of Scotland, where their ancestors had hailed. The saloons, where Lennon plays and Piper entertains, have become their makeshift home. With only each other in a world that can be both harsh and enchanting, the Baird siblings stand as an inseparable pair, a testament to the enduring strength of family in the untamed frontier.
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Chuu Hoang




General Appearance
Chuu has albinism which makes her job as a farm hand quite difficult. Her eyes are a very pale green with a slightly cloudy appearance to them. Her skin is pale with no freckles or sun spots, however her cheeks are often red from the heat. To combat her skin being so sensitive to the sun, she often works while wearing a wide-brimmed hat to keep her face shielded. Her hair is long and platinum blonde, almost white. She often ties it back into a loose plait to keep it out of the way. Her hands are calloused and her fingernails are often full of mud and sand from her work on the land. She often has scuffed knees, bruises and bumps hidden beneath her skirt due to her own clumsiness. She's 5'1" with a slim, lanky frame.

General Personality
Chuu loves animals, she's adored them since she was a child. Sometimes, she thinks she prefers them over people. She spent her childhood trying to befriend farm animals, giving cows lovely scratches behind the ear, tossing a couple extra handfuls of seeds to the birds... It was clear to her parents early on that she was destined to work with animals. She was always quiet. She was the youngest of 10 siblings, she learned very quickly that no amount of screaming and yelling would get her the attention she needed. Instead, she chose to be quiet, to stop competing with her older siblings. She much preferred her alone time, her house always noisy and busy and crowded. However, this has left her quite lonely, longing for some form of parental figure to give her their undivided attention. Chuu is a follower, not a leader, she simply can't exude the confidence needed to lead. She would rather someone who knew what they were doing and sounded like they knew what they were doing lead the way. She has no issues being nothing more than support.

Chuu is highly experienced in animal husbandry and tracking. Being a farmhand for years has meant finding countless lost cattle that have wandered too far, spending days on horseback herding their flocks, and being in charge of looking after the horses while camping. She watched her father do farrier work when she was a child and has the basics down. She also seems to have the abilities of a Blood Mage, however has not mastered or even realized she has these powers yet. She has suffered with horrifying nightmares since she was a baby and, as a victim of bullying, her attackers often found themselves with the exact same visions. Unaware of her own abilities, she has never practiced them and the nightmares she inficts on others are nothing but accidents.

Chuu packed a lassoo with her, prepared to immobilize any loose livestock and/or monsters they encounter. She is not trained to use a firearm, however does carry a bow and a quiver of arrows. She has also brought her horse on their journey, equipped with a saddle, saddlebag and hackamore. The saddle bag contains a flask of water and some horse care tools, such as a hoofpick and a brush.

Chuu's family were always the strange ones of the village. Both of her parents carried the gene for albinism, meaning a handful of their children were born pale and blonde rather than olive-skinned and brunette. To begin with, her parents weren't sure what to think. Their father worried his wife had been unfaithful, their mother worried they had been cursed. However, as they aged and developed as any other child, their parents simply decided it was simply God's will to have unique children.

Chuu was born to a large family with 10 siblings. Being the youngest of her family, her parents had put all of their effort into their older children and, by the time Chuu had arrived, they had nothing left to give. Chuu was mostly raised by her oldest siblings who were only teenagers at the time. Past breastfeeding, her mother was far too tired to care for her, leaving her in the hands of her eldest daughter.

Their father was a farrier, taking him all around the surrounding towns and villages shoeing horses. At a young age, Chuu was begging to come with him, eventually convincing him as long as she stayed in the wagon and out of the way. From then on, she came with him on almost every trip, watching the cowboys herd their cattle and the horses relaxing in the pasture.

By her teens, her father grew unwell, and the children who didn't already have jobs were sent to work to make up for their lost income. Chuu, knowing many of the farms nearby, began a job as a farmhand. She lived on their property, herding cows, feeding chickens and shearing sheep. She accompanied them on long-distance journeys on horseback, initially lead alongside another horse on the best-behaved pony they had. There, she learned to track, hunt and camp.

Chuu thought she had bagged herself the perfect life doing a job she loved... until the elderly owner of the farm passed away and his son inherited the farm. He had a completely different method of management, becoming physically and verbally abusive towards his farmhands. When his animals began to go missing or coming up dead, he blamed his staff for sabotaging his business, his abuse only worsening. Chuu, her vision making her a little clumsy at times, was often the target of his anger. The final straw was the death of her beloved pony, ravaged by something unnatural. She was determined to prove this was not the fault of her or her friends and prevent any further, unnecessary deaths.

Anything Else?
As albinism is often linked to poor eyesight, Chu is slowly losing her vision. At the moment, her vision is slightly blurred, though this will likely worsen as she ages.
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Rattle and Burn...

'Rain' La Bruja Despierta 'The Wildling'


'Voice of the Spirits', 'Flower', 'The Rabid Witch'

She/Her 27yrs 6'5" 210lbs Black Hair Ice Blue Eyes Brown Skin
Hunter (Nagual) Lesbian Powerful, Athletic build Shaman (Medium Witchcraft)

This is the Wildling...



Rain is an imposing, muscular beast of a woman. Reknown for her huge recurve War Bow and wearing a carved bear Headress. But for the most part all you see of her are the deep set feral blue eyes staring at you from behind high grass or up high in trees. By then it is usually too late for you. She has multiple tattoos on arms, chest and face. Scars all over body. Of note is claw marks on her back. Her hair looks black but is actually a really dark shade of brown that gains soft reddish highlights during spring and summer. During springtime she will adorn her hair with leaves and flowers. And for several of her scars and tattoos will coat them in dyes as part of a rebirth ritual. She knows in the human world, such things must be hidden, but if possible she will proudly show off all her markings and muscles whenever she can. Rain is a generational talent complemented by a powerful build made for speed, stamina and strength, fine tuned with a lifetime's worth of solitary survival, hunting, climbing, running, and fighting.

Several self-inflicted scars from ritual scarrification / Tattoos on her face, arms torso front and back. Shoulders are inked too but not where the giant claw mark intersects her back diagonally / ears, nose, lip, hood and tongue piercings but has to remove all piercings to employ her rituals since her belief is that it blocks the flow of energies.

+ | Rain carries what she needs and so she has: basic rations, brewer's kit, stitching kits, blankets, carving knife, hunting knife, hand axe, small water sack and cord.
+ | She wears what is seen in the pic, plus an ornate bear skull Headress. But of note is her boots. They are well maintained and decorated nicely. If anyone ever had a chance to wear them and run in them they'd swear they were worth more than twice 0the woman's weight in gold; they are comfy and not too heavy. They also have claw mods she can attach to the boot to help her climb like a squirrel.
+ | Her main weaponry is her spear and throwing knives. But of note is her war bow. It is exquisite and lovingly carved. It is enchanted and glows in the presence of demons. It hurts them when she shoots them too. Badly. Very badly.
- | She will only use weapons made by her own hands or unless it has been gifted to her. Her carving and hunting knives are metal bladed; gifts from hunters she has come across. The axe she earned from downing the Bear Shaman and taking it as a souvenir.


+ | Bold, Daring, Fearless
+ | Patient, Reserved and Watchful
+ | Imposing, Independent, Resourceful
+ | Keen Senses, Internal Compass and Athletic
+ | Artistic Expressions, Animal Whisperer, Green Thumb

- | No Vocals, Standoffish, Eco-warrior
- | Too imposing, Too Independent, Insensitive
- | Curiosity, Wild Animal Temperment, Kill or Be Killed
- | Hates Loud Noises, Physical over Cerebral, Destructive
- | No Human Personal Skills, Demanding of Her Ways, Jealousy

| Has her own language of body movements, clicks, grunts and breathing sounds. Keeps secret her animalistic telepathic communication powers except to only a very, very select few
| Has caches of supplies all across her territory and has no attatchment to clothes save her boots. Rain always maintains her footwear at a high standard. Always wraps ankles and wrists for support too.
| Common urban life is alien to her so she is constantly curious and is always poking and prodding at people, places, and things.
| Olfactory is way more sensitive than regular humans and sniffs a lot at things she does not understand.
'Talks' out loud or dances at strange times. She is 'using her Voice' to talk to spirits; her form of prayer. Drums and Dances appease the spirits; both of which she performs fantastically.
| Crafts her own weapons and gear and always adds an artistic carving or style to what she makes.
| Loves and is Captivated by art and music of the Outsider humans.
| Earned her Tattoos when she passed the rituals laid out to her by her Mentor. Finally when she was 16 she earned her enchanted War Bow; it senses Demons and kills them too.
| Carves intricate runes or adds more decor into her Skull Headress and Bow everyday.
| Her mentor called her 'Flower' cuz that's what she thought she heard Rain say when they first met. Her Real name is a series of clicks, grunts and breaths that means; 'Voice of the Spirits'. Many common folk call her 'The Wildling,' or 'The Rabid Witch.'
| Hunters and Travellers revered her and called her 'The Rain Dancer.' The only time they can see her is when she dances in the rain. She bears the name Rain now with Honour since she is proud to receive accolade from other hunters. Tries to pantomime her name is 'Rain' but if all else fails, she will fall to her other given name and point to a tattoo on her arm of a 'Flower.'
| Trust is hard to come by, but if earned, she will fiercely protect her entrusted, provide them gifts, however, she has a strangely expectant; whenever her immense frame lies on them, she expects to be groomed just like how her wolf family did.
| She may not be able to parse sarcasm nor other common subtleties but seemingly has a 6th sense for danger.

Invades personal spaces of those she trusts especially while they are sleeping. Becomes like a playful kitty with them and you may hear her actually purr when happy.
| Hates when others touch her scars without permission. They are sacred to her and she will instantly become physically aggressive.
| The woman is quick to draw arms and hiss versus listening to reason; she deems herself physically dominant and will proceed in kind. When she is in predatory mode, she is a killer and will not take prisoners unless forcibly removed from her 'prey.'



○ | Originally from the Yucatan in Mexico and meant to be raised as a Shaman since she was born faceless; the placenta nearly suffocated her at child birth.
| As a small girl, her family was teaching her proper shamanic role by channeling through dance and humming rituals since she was mute. They were attacked by an enormous wild animal. Rain remembers her father getting killed before being dragged away
| Survived attack and escaped by diving into the river as the beast tried to cross it. Lost and confused she made her way out into the woods. Somehow she managed to survive the ordeal and kept her bravery through dance and drumming prayers.
| Against all odds she survived and one day she came upon a pack of huge dogs and some how easily befriended them. They guided her to the home of a lone deaf and mute hermit named 'Aremik'. She took little Rain in and cared for the girl.
| The girl would have gaps in her memory, and when she woke, she would recall dreams of the monstrous animal that hunted her family. Aremik told her they were but merely spirits trying to commune with her in the Dream world. But then one day she woke covered in blood and fur. The dream she had the night before was that the monster had killed a deer. There were bloody antlers left behind their abode.
| It was here where she was taught the strange click, grunt and breath language of Shamans. And it was here where her upbringing turned. Upbringing? No, it was more like everyday survival training. The only enjoyable time was when the Hermit would let her drum and dance. But it was paying off; she was a capable hunter, survivalist and animal whisperer even before she hit puberty. And she was tall too. Soon she would become stronger, swifter and more agile than any girl her age but most of all she became very resourceful and more connected to the land.
| Aremik finally revealed the truth to her. The girl was a Nagual, a Shapeshifter. In fact, Rain (known as 'Flower' in this recluse land) and that Aremik was one too. The big dogs that roamed their territories were actually wolves that shifted into people.
| These were her people and for them to survive, they needed to band together for there was a war coming. Aremik called it the War For the Dead. And that Flower needed to become a Shaman too. The training continued.
| And so came the day she was ready. She was brought to the top of the Mayan pyramid where she was taught to commune. Under the influence of a multitude of narcotic concoctions and hours of chanting, she finally reached her glowing fever dream and her spirit guardians came to her.
| She heard two voices-- The Smiling-Jaguar and the other was her mentor; finally, she heard Aremik's true voice. The final and only words from her mentor: "I have been waiting for this moment for so long. You are 'Waking.' You truly are 'Voice of the Spirits.' I will hear you again. And I will show you. Know I am so proud of you. I love you, daughter--" when she awoke next, Aremik lay in her arms with her heart torn out, Flower's face splattered in blood.
| The young woman stayed for only a single year. She never seemed to stop mourning until that day she danced in the humid storm with the pink lightning. The immense claw mark scar on her back ached and she fell to her knees. A vision of her mentor appeared.
| In the vision, she was guided by Aremik into her past. Her father wasn't killed by an animal, no, he was killed by a Demon in a terrible monstrous form made from an amalgam of poor forsaken and re-alived animals stitched together. The vision showed her the extent of the slaughter; it was her entire family that was killed. If she was to be the next Shaman of her peoples in this war, she would need to kill it and eat its heart.
| With her journey set out before her, It was time to leave. She said good-bye to her wolfpack siblings for 'The Voice of the Spirits' had found her calling. It was time to hunt La Bruja Roja.
She found the consort of the Bruja; a born bear shapeshifter. She would fight and kill it. Rain was much, much faster and much stronger now. But it was more than that that aided her in killing the beast; it was her cunning. Rain ate its heart and took its favoured axe and its head. She would wear it for this was her right and it would guide her to her prey whilst upon this spiritual journey.
| The Wildling now finds herself in the midwest right in the middle of the The War For the Dead.

~WitchCraft: Medium

+ | Nagual - Rain is a shapeshifter that can morph in less than a minute. She may become as small as a cat or as large as a lioness. She can control when she shifts, but the form lasts until the sun rises the next day. Until then she may reform as many times as she likes but she may not return to her human form until dawn.
+ | Animal Speak - the Primal Spirits whisper in her ears and translate what animals say and in turn she may speak with them as well. It is a non-verbal way communicating with other animals. This does not turn her into Snow White so she may not command them. This ability only works in human form.
+ | Danger Sense - the Primal Spirits act up whenever the perverse re-alived creatures stir. She can sense undead and also when the spirits are uneasy putting her on high alert.
+ | Commune - she does daily routines of chanting and dances and so the Smiling-Jaguar will speak with her. However when she really feels really, really lost, she will contact her spirit guardian, Aremik for counselling. She needs strong 'subconcious enhancing substances' to reach that state however. Usually afterwards she is high af lol.
- | Telltale Sign - Her eyes will glow with a silvery light whenever she is interacting with spirits, when she is doing rituals or brewing concoctions.

'The Smiling Jaguaar'


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