• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Shadow of the Leaf! Characters.




[Picture(s) here]

Basic Overview

Age -
Height -
Weight -
Eye color -
Allignment -
Element Type -

Personality Overview

Defining strengths
  1. [Strength 1]
  2. [Strength 2]
  3. [Strength 3]
  4. [Min of 3, but you can add more]
Defining weaknesses
  1. [Weakness 1]
  2. [Weakness 2]
  3. [Min of 2 but you can add more]
Passions & Pet peeves
  1. [Insert here]
  2. [Insert here]
  3. [Min of 2 but you can add more]
  1. [Like 1]
  2. [Like 2]
  3. [Like 3]
  4. [Like 4]
  5. [Like 5]
  6. [Min of 5 but you can add more]
  1. [Dislike 1]
  2. [Dislike 2]
  3. [Dislike 3]
  4. [Min of 3... you get the idea]
General personality
(Typical mood, psych issues, anxieties, intelligence level etc. Write them out below. You can fill out zero, or ten of these, all depends on your character, delete this parenthesis)
  1. Write here
  2. And here
  3. Also here...
  4. And here....
  5. Add as much as youd like or as little

History & Background
[Write out your history here. Keep it simple. Despite it being important to your character, history has the least impact on the RP. Under 4 paragraphs please.]


Physical Stats (you have 14 points to apply to these stats. Maximum stat level right now is 12... delete this parenthesis)

Agility - 5 (Taijutsu bonus)

Strength - 5 (Taijutsu bonus)

Constitution - 5 (Bonus to all)

Awareness - 5 (Gen/Nin bonus)

Dexterity - 5 (Gen/Nin Bonus)


Skill stats

(you have 10 points to apply to these three skills. You can use those 10 points however you see fit... also, designate stats here, the most important skill to your character is skill 1, second most important is skill 2 and least important is 3. Delete all the backslashes and the numbers that are not your desired skill designation, also delete this parenthesis)

D 1/2/3 - Taijutsu - 5 (0)

D 1/2/3 - Ninjutsu - 5 (0)

D 1/2/3 - Genjutsu - 5 (0)

(Bonuses, aka the 0 in the parenthesis next to the skill, take place at level 10/20/30 in the basic stats [the five basic stats]. So apply one point to the bonus slot for every stat you have at 10 or higher right now, delete this as usual)

Weapons and Equipment
  1. Insert here
  2. And here
  3. Etc...
  4. Images optional
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This is a good example of the CS. If you need a reference of one that's done, check this one out.

Ryuchii Hideyoshi
View attachment 442490
View attachment 442491
Basic Overview
Age - 14
Height - 5”4
Weight - 120
Eye color - deep blue
Allignment - chaotic Neutral
Element- water nature

Personality Overview

A sweet child, with a very mischievous and carefree attitude. He sort of lives in his own bubble world and doesn’t take most things seriously. He thinks life is a game, and jovially plays along, toying with people and remaining blissfully unaware of his surroundings.

Defining strengths
  1. Objective planning
  2. weapon use
  3. Taijutsu
Defining weaknesses
  1. Taking things seriously
  2. Stamina
Passions & Pet peeves
  1. Pessimism
  2. Katas
  1. Meditation
  2. Dancing
  3. Taijutsu
  4. Weapons
  5. Bunnies
  1. Lectures
  2. Nagging
  3. Spicy food
General personality

  1. Socially awkward
  2. Control issues
  3. Anxiety
  4. Dislikes expectations

History & Background
Grew in a basic family home with a single mother, a younger sister, and an older brother. His mother is a kunoichi and is often off on missions, this lead to his older brother Hideo raising and taking care of his younger siblings. That was until he was promoted to Anbu. From there he was rarely seen, same as their mother and it fell to Hideyoshi to watch and take care of his younger sister. Because of this (or maybe he was like that) Hideyoshi developed escapism tendencies.

Physical Stats

Agility - 13 (+1)

Strength - 7(Taijutsu bonus)

Constitution - 7(Bonus to all)

Awareness - 5 (Gen/Nin bonus)

Dexterity - 10(+1)


Skill stats

D 1- Taijutsu - 10+1

D 2- Ninjutsu - 8

D 3 - Genjutsu - 7

Equipment & Weapons
1. Chains sealed into rings that he wears on his fingers and wrists.
2. Standard ninja weapons
3. Extra explosion notes
4.ninja wire
20180519_145345.jpgAzula Noizumi

Basic Overview

Age - 14
Height - 5'4"
Weight - 120
Eye color - Gold
Alignment - Neutral Good
Element Type- Wind

Personality Overview

Defining strengths

Determined and unwavering.
Works well under pressure.
Quick witted

Defining weaknesses

Easily offended
Respiratory illness, preventing long bouts of strenuous work.

Passions & Pet Peeves

Passionate about reading and gardening but quite irritated by rudeness and untidyness. Tends to be greatly annoyed by small things.


Studying & Knowledge
Plants and Herbs


Pointless activities

General personality

Bit of a loner, Azula hardly spent any time around other kids and finds interaction awkward as a result, this often leaves her mistaken for being stuck up.
Underneath it all she is quite friendly and talkative, finding enjoyment in teaching and helping others.
Dedicated and hardworking, Azula constantly tries her hardest to maintain good grades which can leave her rather unpopular with other students.

History & Background

Born to a merchant family, Azula is the only child and heir to
Noizumi Medical; a trading company specialising in the procuration and cultivation of Medical grade plants and herbs.
Though primarily based in Konoha, business sometimes required the family to travel, often resulting in a young Azula spending a lot time isolated from children her own age fuelling a love of books and knowledge.
It was on one of these regular trips that the caravan carrying Azula and her parents was attacked. Though the family survived and escaped without any serious injuries, the attack was so traumatic for the young Azula that it left her with a debilitating respiratory disease, crippling her and stalling her entry into the academy.
Upon first entering the academy, Azula was determined to walk the path of medical ninjutsu, allowing her to combine her love of herbology with her determination to overcome her illness and own helplessness.

Base Stats

Agility - 10

Strength - 6

Constitution - 7

Awareness - 9

Dexterity - 7


Skill stats

D 2 - Taijutsu - 10 (+1)

D 1 - Ninjutsu - 9 (0)

D 3 - Genjutsu - 6 (0)


Weapons & Equipment

Azula wears traditional hairpins in a variety of styles; though they appear harmless they are actually fuctioning throwing and accupuncture needles. A multi purpose tool she also uses to practice medical ninjutsu.
She is also adept at using basic ninja tools such as shuriken and kunai.

Ryuichii Hideyoshi

Basic overview
Age - 14
Height - 5”4
Weight - 120
Eye color - deep blue
Allignment - chaotic Neutral
Element- water nature

Personality Overview

A sweet child, with a very mischievous and carefree attitude. He sort of lives in his own bubble world and doesn’t take most things seriously. He thinks life is a game, and jovially plays along, toying with people and remaining blissfully unaware of his surroundings.

Defining Strengths
Objective planning
weapon use

Defining Weaknesses
Taking things seriously

Passions & Pet peeves



Spicy food

General personality
Socially awkward
Control issues
Dislikes expectations

History & Background
Grew in a basic family home with a single mother, a younger sister, and an older brother. His mother is a kunoichi and is often off on missions, this lead to his older brother Hideo raising and taking care of his younger siblings. That was until he was promoted to Anbu. From there he was rarely seen, same as their mother and it fell to Hideyoshi to watch and take care of his younger sister. Because of this (or maybe he was like that) Hideyoshi developed escapism tendencies.

Physical Stats

Agility - 11(+1)

Strength - 7(Taijutsu bonus)

Constitution - 6(Bonus to all)

Awareness - 5 (Gen/Nin bonus)

Dexterity - 10(+1)


Skill stats

D 1- Taijutsu - 10+1

D 2- Ninjutsu - 8

D 3 - Genjutsu - 7

Equipment and Weapons
1. Chains sealed into rings that he wears on his fingers and wrists.
2. Standard ninja weapons
3. Extra explosion notes
4.ninja wire
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Klaus Steel
Basic Overview

Age - 13
Height - 5'5"
Weight - 140
Eye color - Blue
Allignment - Neutral Good
Element - Lightning

Personality Overview

Defining strengths
  1. Loyal
  2. Dedicated to the leaf
  3. A true comrade
Defining weaknesses
  1. Attention can lack
  2. Quick to judge
Passions & Pet peeves
  1. Becoming stronger (passion)
  2. Lazy workers (Pet Peave)
  1. Training
  2. Friends
  3. Food
  4. Sleep
  5. Fresh Air
  1. Unloyal friends
  2. Veggies
  3. Cats
General personality

Usually in a happy mood most of the time, take training seriously, has a good intelligence but not the brightest in the class, can be a smartass at times, tries to be the class clown

History & Background

Klause had an easy upbringing in the village. His parents were ninjas and he is planning to follow in their footsteps. He has always been easy to get along with and loyal to his friends he has grown up with. They say that his class of students is supposed to be one of the strongest classes to date. That makes him happy. Klause hopes to live up to his parents expectations of him. He wants to protect his village from any harm. He wants to become the strongest there is.

Base Stats

Agility - 10 (Taijutsu bonus)

Strength - 9 (Taijutsu bonus)

Constitution - 8 (Bonus to all)

Awareness - 6 (Gen/Nin bonus)

Dexterity - 6 (Gen/Nin Bonus)


Skill stats

D 1 - Taijutsu - 10 (1)

D 2 - Ninjutsu - 9 (0)

D 3 - Genjutsu - 6 (0)


Weapons & Equipment

  1. Basic ninja tools
  2. Short Sword
Naiso Fuyuyuki

Basic Overview
Age - 13
Height - 5,4
Weight - 135
Eye color - Sky Blue
Alignment - Neutral
Elemental Type - Water
Personality Overview
Naiso is quiet and usually by himself. He is cautious of everyone else and when people try to talk to him he acts coldly. He hates when he is referred to as a Goth or Emo as he loves life and himself... He is just a loner asshole who just likes to be alone.

Defining strengths
  1. Independent
  2. Savvy, Clever (Thinks through things)
  3. Creative
Defining weaknesses
  1. Trust Issues
  2. Insensitive towards anything
Passions & Pet peeves
  1. Passion: Creating Ice Sculptures
  2. Pet Peeves: When people mistake him for an Emo or Goth (Is this ok it's kinda a placeholder but if it is then coolio!)
  1. Most things with Ice like Ice Sculptures, Glace or Icicles
  2. Learning about Jujitsu's like what clans have which Jujitsu's and how they were created
  3. The History of the Village Hidden in the Leaf
  4. His New Clan
  5. Reading Romance Stories (But is too Embarrassed to say)
  1. Village Hidden in the Clouds
  2. Majority of People
  3. Fire or anything Hot
General personality
  1. Bored Look on his Face but he is usually always thinking
  2. I.Q of around 150
  3. He has Trust Issues and suffers from PDSD
  4. He is anxious and Nervous around Girls where he is very Uptight and Cocky Towards Guys

History & Background
Naiso used to be part of the Yuki Clan in the Village of the Clouds. He was raised by a loving father a man who came into the clan through marriage. His Mother was an abusive parent always making Naiso trust him before hurting him more. This all came to a stop when a rumor came out that Naiso actually came from a wedlock between his Mother and a Man from the rival Clan. Naiso's Father was drove to madness by this false rumor as he and majority of the clan tried to kill him. But his mother gave him away to traders going to the Village Hidden in the Leafs before the angry clansmen could cut her down only an hour after when they where looking for him. Naiso still has trauma from that day but he swore that he will destroy the Yuki Clan and changed his last name to Fuyuyuki the Winter-Snow Clan. Now he lives with some kind elder couple who adopted him when he came. He calls them Opa and Oma. But this type of tragedy only made him not trust anyone, not even the people who adopted him until much later. Now as a loner and a former clans member of the Yuki Clan he hopes to make his name loud and to enact revenge on those who have wronged him

Physical Stats

Agility - 6 (Taijutsu bonus)

Strength - 6 (Taijutsu bonus)

Constitution - 7 (Bonus to all)

Awareness - 10 (Gen/Nin bonus)

Dexterity - 10 (Gen/Nin Bonus)


Skill stats

D 3 - Taijutsu - 5 + (0)

D 1 - Ninjutsu - 12 + (2)

D 2 - Genjutsu - 8 + (2)

(P.S 1. A bit rusty sry :b 2. Should I have the total and the bonus or the base skill stat and the bonus individually I did it the latter)

Weapons & Equipment
Naiso has the basic ninja equipment but as well he has a blow dart that he shoots ice needles from. It is a long range weapon for stealth. (Picture to be included in the long run)

Uncultured Uncultured
WIP [Toshiko Furuyama]


Basic Overview

Age - 12
Height - 143 cm (4'8")
Weight - 40.4 kg (89 lbs)
Eye color - Brown
Allignment - Neutral Good
Element Type - Earth

Personality Overview

Defining strengths
  1. Hard Working

  2. [Min of 3, but you can add more]
Defining weaknesses
  1. Superiority Complex
  2. Keeps her doubts to herself
Passions & Pet peeves
  1. [Insert here]
  2. [Insert here]
  3. [Min of 2 but you can add more]
  1. [Like 1]
  2. [Like 2]
  3. [Like 3]
  4. [Like 4]
  5. [Like 5]
  6. [Min of 5 but you can add more]
  1. [Dislike 1]
  2. [Dislike 2]
  3. [Dislike 3]
  4. [Min of 3... you get the idea]
General personality
(Typical mood, psych issues, anxieties, intelligence level etc. Write them out below. You can fill out zero, or ten of these, all depends on your character, delete this parenthesis)
  1. Write here
  2. And here
  3. Also here...
  4. And here....
  5. Add as much as youd like or as little

History & Background
[Write out your history here. Keep it simple. Despite it being important to your character, history has the least impact on the RP. Under 4 paragraphs please.]


Physical Stats

Agility - 11 (Taijutsu bonus)

Strength - 7 (Taijutsu bonus)

Constitution - 8 (Bonus to all)

Awareness - 6 (Gen/Nin bonus)

Dexterity - 7 (Gen/Nin Bonus)


Skill stats

D 1 - Taijutsu - 5 (1)

D 2 - Ninjutsu - 5 (0)

D 3 - Genjutsu - 5 (0)

Weapons and Equipment
  1. Kunai
  2. Shuriken
  3. Exploding tags
  4. Smoke bombs
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Katashi Ito

Basic Overview
Age - 12
Height - 5'4
Weight - 119
Eye color - Golden
Allignment - Chaotic Good
Element Type - Wind

Personality Overview
Defining Strengths
  1. Strong minded
  2. Determined
  3. Independent
  4. Dutiful
Defining Weaknesses
  1. Semi Aloof/loner tendencies
  2. Chaotic
  3. Stubborn
Passion & Pet Peeves
  1. Passion: Surpass All Others
  2. Passion: History & Combat Styles
  3. Pet Peeves: Forgetfulness
  4. Pet Peeves: Critical know it all types
  1. History
  2. Unique weapons
  3. Fighting styles
  4. BBQ
  5. Vanilla Milk
  6. Traveling
  1. Know it alls
  2. Forgetfulness
  3. Carrots
  4. Eggplant
  5. Math
  6. Liars
General Personality-

  1. Stoic nature til provoked or intrigued
  2. Stubborn of mind & will
  3. Above average IQ but no genius
  4. Excitable/can become a handful when provoked
  5. Doesn't understand how/why people love or care for others due to a poor experience as a orphan
History & Background-
Katashi Ito was a orphan born somewhere in the land of fire and taken in by a pair of foster parents, who seemingly only sought the money they could gain with their charity act using the con games to profit off others generosity and gullible ways. Using the young child to the fullest extent they could before getting caught and arrested for various crimes, meanwhile Katashi was re situated into a new orphanage situation within the leaf village where he began his days at the academy and started on his way to becoming a shinobi in his own right. Though he still has issues from his prior situation and despises liars while not understanding the true nature of people and how or why they care for one another, love and basically families who act so different to how his foster parents operated and what he knew.


Physical Stats

Agility - 9

Strength - 10

Constitution - 9

Awareness - 5

Dexterity - 6


Skill Stats

D 1- Taijutsu - 10 (+1)

D 2- Ninjutsu - 10

D 3 - Genjutsu - 5

Weapons & Equipment
  1. Fan Sword (See OC image)
  2. Oil
  3. Senbon
  4. Standard Tools

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