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Fantasy Shadows of Esteren Characters.



And all at once, the universe groaned.
This is where the character sheets go for Shadows of Esteren. It is highly encouraged you ask me questions. This roleplay is going to be pretty involved. For a breakdown of your character sheet, see the second post. Make sure you read this before making a character:

Fantasy - Shadows of Esteren: Lore

This will tell you about the world and explain the character sheet. You need to at least read the systems post and the intro post. Everything else is pretty optional to read and is more of reference for me and any players.

Use this site to create your character, do not write anything for the background, that will go separately on the third tab. (Note: If you have an idea for a non-human character talk to me. I will approve those and stat those separately. Don't expect humans to like you)
Corahn-Rin - Home

Here is the format for filling out a character sheet, alternatively if you have a PDF editor, upload all 3 pages seperately in their own tabs. If not, this will make it less of a headache once your character starts growing:
[tab= Character Information]

[b]Appearance:[/b](picture is okay)

[b]Stamina:[/b] (should be on the right hand side, under health condition)
[b]Survival:[/b](right under Stamina)


[b]Close Combat(Combativeness):[/b] (put skill number here) + (your combativeness)
-Specialty(delete if you have none)

[b]Craft(Creativity):[/b] (Put skill number here) + (your creativity)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Demorthen Mysteries(Empathy):[/b] (put skill number here) + (your empathy)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Erudition(Reason):[/b] (Put skill number here) + (your reason)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Feats(Combativeness):[/b] (Put skill number here) + (your combativeness.)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Magicience(Reason):[/b] (Put skill number here) + (your reason)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Natural Enviroment(Empathy):[/b] (Put skill number here) + (your empathy)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Occultism(Reason):[/b] (Put skill number here) + (your reason)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Perception(Reason):[/b] (Put skill number here) + (your reason)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Performance(Creativity):[/b] (Put skill number here) + (your creativity)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Prayer(Conviction):[/b] (Put your skill number here) + (your conviction)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Relation(Empathy):[/b] (Put your skill number here) + (Your empathy)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Science(Reason):[/b] (Put your skill number here) + (Your reason)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Shooting & Thrown(Combativeness):[/b] (Put your skill number here) + (Your combativeness)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Stealth(Empathy):[/b] (Put your skill number here) + (Your empathy)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)

[b]Travel(Empathy):[/b] (Put your skill number here) + (Your empathy)
-Specialty: (delete if you don't have one)


[tab= Equipment and Items]
[b]Weapons:[/b](If you need to look these up, just check the lore tab. It's under the economics section, adventuring tab)

[b]Fighting Abilities:[/b]
(Use all the numbers under standard, if you want to learn the easy way to how these work check under the lore tab, player systems, read what potential does)

(you can do this as a list, or you can do it as a paragraph, just make sure your items are easily read.)

(To get your stating wages, look at the wage table under lore, find which one your character would fit under, give them 15 days worth of salary. You can either wait to spend it or spend it however you want)

[b]Rindath[/b]:(Just write your rating down, I'll talk with you about what spells you know)
[b]Exaltation[/b](Same as Rindath. Miracles are pretty open ended but I'd like to discuss what you know)
[b]Flux[/b](Don't worry about this for now. This is entirely for later to keep everything smooth)

[tab= Background and Sanity:]
[b]Background:[/b] (At least a paragraph please)

[b]Mental Resistance:[/b](This is important)
[b]Trauma:[/b] (you should have some starting trauma. If this gets over 6 you get symptoms)
[b]Disorder[/b] (If you want your character to exhibit some other disorder as a means a psychological self-defense, talk to me, I'm super open to whatever you wanna go with.)


If you have a PDF editor, you are more than welcome to upload the three pages you have as either pictures or pdfs. Please use the following format though:
[tab= Page 1]
(put page 1 here)

[tab= Page 2]
(put page 2 here)

[tab= Page 3]
(put page 3 here)

[tab= Background information:]
[b]Appearance:[/b](description or picture is fine.)

[b]Background:[/b](at least a paragraph)
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Explanation of character sheets:

Ways: your core stats. Think strength dexterity and such. These are fairly self explanatory.

Combativeness: (How used to fighting something that fights back you are.)
Creativity (how creative you are)
Empathy (how well you can think like others and how in tune you are with your surroundings)
Reason (your rational and logic)
Conviction (how strong your faith is, also majorly affects mental fortitude)

Domains and disciplines: these are your skills. I'll include example specializations for if you get over 5 in one.

Close combat: used for, well, combat. Determines your skills with melee weapons. Example specializations include swords, maces, axes, shields, parrying.

Craft: how good you are with your hands. Used to create items. Specializations include smithing, glassblowing, jewellery making, leatherworking, woodworking.

Demorthen mysteries:
how good you are at magic. Talk to me if you want to specialize, this can have too many specs to try and list out.

Erudition: how well educated you are. If you don't have at least 2 points, you are not literate. Specialties include: law, any specific knowledge, botany, medicine.

Feats: feats of physical strength, how strong you are. If you do not have at least one point you can't run. If you don't have two points, you can't swim. Specializations include: lifting, wrestling, running, fortitude, swimming.

Magicience: how good you are with alchemy. Talk to me about specializations if you want this.

Natural enviroment: how much you know your plants. Specializations include: farming, wild harvesting, hunting, trapping.

Occultism: how much you know your rituals and magic. You may not be able to practice it (that's demorthen mysteries), but you at least know how to counteract it. Specializations include: Noctis, the undead, necromancy, rituals.

Perception: how good your senses are. specializations include: lip reading, far sight, sense of smell, sense of taste, heightened hearing.

Performance: your ability to put on a show. Specializations include: lying, theater, playing a specific instrument, dance, or juggling.

Prayer: How holy you are. Used for miracles. Talk to me about specializations.

Relation: how well you understand people and can read them. Specializations include: bartering, persuasion, intimidation, politics.

Science: how good you are when it comes to create technological marvels. A good example would be creating a steam golem. Talk to me about specializations.

Shooting and throwing: your power with ranged weapons. Specializations include: knife throwing, archery, crossbows, and canons.

Stealth: your ability to be sneaky. Specializations include: lockpicking, holding your breath, creeping silently.

Travel: how well travelled you are. If you have a 0 you've never been outside where you're from. Specializations include: cartography, path finding, navigation, sailing, tracking.
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  • lapufmN.jpg
    Name: Navia Ansel
    : Female
    Age: 24
    Profession: Priest (Noctis Slayer)

    Stamina: 10
    Survival: 3

    Combativeness: 2
    Creativity: 2
    Empathy: 4
    Reason: 2
    Conviction: 5

    Close Combat(Combativeness): 5 + 2 = 7
    Craft(Creativity): 0 + 2 = 2
    Demorthen Mysteries(Empathy): 0 + 4 = 4
    Erudition(Reason): 4 + 2 + 1 Bonus = 7
    Feats(Combativeness): 2 + 2 = 4
    Magicience(Reason): 0 + 2 = 2
    Natural Enviroment(Empathy): 0 + 4 = 4
    Occultism(Reason): 0 + 2 = 2
    Perception(Reason): 1 + 2 = 3
    Performance(Creativity): 0 + 2 + 2 Bonus = 4
    Prayer(Conviction): 5 + 5 = 10
    -Miracles: 6
    -Spirituality: 6
    Relation(Empathy): 4 + 4 + 2 Bonus = 10
    Science(Reason): 0 + 2 = 2
    Shooting & Thrown(Combativeness): 0 + 2 = 2
    Stealth(Empathy): 0 + 4 = 4
    Travel(Empathy): 0 + 4 = 4

    Charismatic x 2

    Phobia (Enclosed Spaces)

    Combat Arts:
    Two-Weapon Fighting

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