ShadowMasters [Inactive]


Queen of the Underworld
Clary stayed near the shadows in the woods near the city. She couldn't afford to be seen. Nope. Not at all. Why haven't I encountered another ShadowMaster? I thought we were an abundant species.... Clary never talked to anyone so she had no clue what happened in the Supernatural/Mortal world. She hated being out of touch but she liked the privacy.
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Mary-anne sat vacantly by the river on the outskirts of the city, as was usual for her. In the distance, the night time city sounds echoed; cars and the hum of electricity overhead, sounds of things that weren't there when she was living. It only mildly bothered her.

What bothered her more this evening was the living presence in the woods just a few metres from where she sat. It wasn't the presence itself that bothered her, more the desire to interact with it, especially since she could neither hear nor see anyone there.

Eventually, the idea of tempting fate captured her and she allowed her body to become visible.
Clary felt a presence near her and she turned and saw a pale young girl. Clary took a shadow and formed a small person. That way she didn't have to fight if this got ugly. "Hello." Clary said through the shadow. Clary hadn't seen a person in a long time. Suddenly she made the shadow dissipate and Clary broke off into a run heading straight for a tree. A shadowed tree. Just before she hit the tree she disappeared and shadow traveled to her favorite spot, the top of a tall tree. She could finally sleep after a long day.
The small person that approached Mary-anne took her completely by surprise. "Hello" it said, yet somehow didn't seem real... "H-hello?" She replied, her own voice unfamiliar to herself, but at that, the odd little person suddenly seemed to dissolve into the shadows!

Something about it struck with a distant memory, but not enough that Mary-anne could grasp hold of it, so she went running into the woods in search of the person, unsure of what exactly compelled her to act so spontaneously.
Clary could sense the girl trying to find her. She could tell because the girl was running through HER shadows. Clary sighed quietly and rested her head against the tree and fell asleep. She slept dreamlessly, which was a rare occurrence.
Mary-anne ran through the woods searching, however it felt almost as though the shadows themselves were distorting in order to get her lost. She felt uncomfortable away from her riverside spot, but gave up, sitting down at the base if a tree and quietly humming to herself until the sky grew light and the birds joined in. 
Mary-anne ran through the woods searching, however it felt almost as though the shadows themselves were distorting in order to get her lost. She felt uncomfortable away from her riverside spot, but gave up, sitting down at the base if a tree and quietly humming to herself until the sky grew light and the birds joined in.
Zwado was in the woods jumping from tree to tree until he heard something 'is that humming' he thought to himself looking around for the source, he looked at the bottom of the tree he was on to see a girl with a young appearance who seemed to be the source of the humming he decided to climb down the tree silently and sit at the same tree but around the other side from the girl humming.
Clary saw a person climb a tree directly next to hers. She used the shadows to camoflauge herself in case of attack. She formed the small person again. It was featureless. Like a shadow. It walked up to the girl humming. "Who are you?" The small person asked with Clary's voice. The shadow could sense there was a third person in there company.

What do you want from me?
Mary-anne was mildly startled by the humming of someone else, and close by as well. Was it that little person? She briefly wondered, but before she had a chance to investigate, a small and... Featureless?... person walked up to her!

"Who are you?" It asked her.

She searched for words, startled that someone was approaching her after so many years, yet thrilled at the same time even if it didn't appear as a normal being.

"I'm Mary-anne... Ma'am?" She stumbled to her feet to courtesy, unsure on how to address the person.
"Do not be alarmed. Just using safety precautions in case if you were to attack me." Clary said through the shadow figure. Clary clearly head two people humming so she figured it was the second person that had climbed the tree near hers. She was slightly alarmed by how many people she was seeing at the moment.

What do you want from me?
Mary-anne looked puzzled. "I couldn't attack you, I wouldn't be able to touch you." She stated, as if it was obvious to everyone. She then suddenly went shy, all the conviction she'd had behind wanting to talk to the person leaving her. With her face down and shoulders hunched, she mumbled "I was just curious about who was here so late... I'm sorry..."
"Do not be sorry. I am normally out late. Never had a true home." Clary said through the shadow person. She jumped down from her branch and the shadow person dissolved. She landed right in front of the girl. "I am Clary Lancaster." Clary said lowering her hood so her pitch black hair and violet eyes could be seen. Clary felt a strange power coming from the girl. Ghostly power. 'A ghost? That's new.' Clary thought to herself quietly. In the back of her mind, Clary was slightly scared because of the person still in the tree. She had a feeling she was going to die today. 'No. Not if I can help it.' She thought quietly.

What do you want from me?
"Clary." She said to herself, relaxing a little now she was face to face with the actual speaker.

"You... Never had a home?" The thought of home pushed strange feelings through Mary-anne that she couldn't quite label, the memories around that word as distant as the taste carried by the smell of something.

She picked up on Clary's fear, confused by it, before suddenly remembering the humming that had come from another person on the other side of the tree. "Was it you humming earlier?" She enquired, hopeful but already knowing the answer.
"Humming? No." Clary replied knowing there was someone else in the tree next to hers. She knew something or someone was in that tree and they weren't showing themselves yet which slightly scared Clary. "What or who do you think it is?" Clary asked quietly, not wanting to startle the person and get attacked.

What do you want from me?
Mary-anne shook her head. "They feel like you do in my thoughts, but I don't really understand you."

Clary's tension was infectious, "Maybe we shouldn't stay here?"
Zwado decided that he would finally show himself as he stepped out from the other side of the tree and walked around to meet the two who he was listening to talking to each other.
Clary heard the person before she saw him. Shadows started to gather around her as she gained power ready to attack. "Who are you?" Clary asked, tensed ready for a fight if there was going to be one. She hoped there wouldn't be a fight, but he would fight if she had to.

What do you want from me?
"Thats rare another ShadowMaster the names Zed by the way" Zwado said as he decided to see if he could steal the shadows she was gathering "and now i told you my name i hope for common decency" Zwado added while he was still trying to take control of her shadows.
Clary let the shadows go, now knowing he wouldn't attack. Then she finally heard what he said. "Rare? What do you mean?" She asked curiously. What happened to the ShadowMasters? She had zero contact with anyone for hundreds of years so she was a bit out of touch.

What do you want from me?
Mary-anne was startled by the man - Zed, he called himself - who had appeared. She stayed quiet through the exchange between them, simply staring and fighting herself against turning invisible out of the shock. What was a Shadow Master? And even stranger, where had she heard that before?
"Well anyway. My name is Clary." She said staring at the man before her. She had a hundred questions about the ShadowMasters and they were all about what happened to them. She wanted answers quickly or else she would go crazy.

What do you want from me?
"That's something even i don't know all i know is that our species is close very close to being extinct to say i remember when they once were a few of us here and their nowadays i am shocked to even see one of us o how time change" Zed said thinking 'has she been living under a rock or something for the last few century's ' "Clary nice name" he quickly added.
Clary was shocked. "Almost extinct? And I only ask because I do not associate with people much because they like to attack. So I am slightly out of touch." Clary replied shocked that the ShadowMasters are almost extinct. Why? How? She needed to find out.

What do you want from me?
"People aren't as bad as you think trust me i have been alive a long time most of them wont attack you and the ones that do can't do much that's what you need to remember especially if you want information" Zed said in a way that was meant to encourage her to try and find out what happened to the ShawdowMaster
Clary sighed as she felt a headache come on. "Well I must go find answers. So I normally work alone so it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Farewell. Until we meet again." Clary smiled at the end and tried to think of a populated city she could possibly get answers from. She needed answers bad.

What do you want from me?

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