Shadowed Eyes of the Watchful Moon - Lunar Exalt


Ten Thousand Club
Okay, I finally finished my first ever Lunar character. Feedback welcome and appreciated.


Born Lucius Ambrosius in RY 740. He comes from a moderately wealthy family in Pescara, a small city-state between Lookshy and the Marukan Alliance. The family owns a vineyard and small export company. The Patriarch's oldest son runs the vineyard, and the second son (my character's father) runs the export company. The character is the third son of the second son, so was basically overlooked his entire life. As a child Lucius was constantly in trouble for being where he wasn't supposed to be, and always trying to find out what was going on even when matters didn't concern him.

Determined to prove his worth and not just leech off the family's good fortune (as most of the family expected him to) Lucius combined his insatiable curiosity and knack for being where he shouldn't to benefit his family. He would eves drop on rival business meetings, travel to other cities to find the best markets, and join the crews and work gangs of his family's competitors.

Lucius was in Thorns in RY 764 delivering a shipment of wine and attempting to gauge how the market was recovering from the recent war when Mask of Winters attacked. As everyone around him braced themselves for death or worse, Lucius refused to simply lay down. Dodging the roving soldiers and horrors of the Deathlord, Lucius managed to make it out of the city, but was unable to avoid the detection of a pack of undead troops. The troops pursued Lucius for several miles but managed to trap him in a small ravine. Determined to at least die fighting, Lucius turned to face the undead and was chosen by Luna in that moment. As time appeared to stop, a raven landed in front of Lucius and became a vision of Luna herself. She spoke to Lucius, telling him that he had been chosen to a defender of Creation. Gesturing to follow her, Luna turned and walked towards the undead. As Lucius followed, he found himself soaring over the troops that had trapped him.

Lucius, now a raven himself and burning brightly with his new power, followed Luna on into the night, traveling over the ruins of Thorns. As he sailed silently over his former home of Pescara, Lucius knew he could never truly return to his family. They were dead to him, just as he was dead to them. They continued on, traveling over Lookshy, and further down the Yellow River to Nexus. Luna landed on the roof of a tenament house and Lucius Landed, human once more, beside her. Luna took his head in her hands and kissed him on the forehead, and he felt his caste mark burn where her lips had touched him. "Go," she said, "Prove your worth to me and the world." With that she was gone.

Lucius managed to survive a few weeks in Nexus, stealing food when he could, and working odd jobs as he could find them. After a time he met a young woman who introduced herself as Seven Devils Clever, another of Luna's Stewards. She helped him make contact with the Silver Pact, who took him from the city. Under the watchful eyes of the Elder Pact members, Lucius received his moonsilver tattoos and was reborn as Shadowed Eyes of the Watchful Moon, a Changing Moon of Luna. He was apprenticed to Belly of the World Stalker, another Changing Moon, with a snake totem, of many centuries experience. Stalker taught him how to harness his powers and taught him the basics of Ebon Shadow Style, in order to defend himself and truly understand the night and shadows.

Recently Belly of the World Stalker declared that Watchful Moon was ready to go out on his own. The Elder Lunar sent his young apprentice back to the Scavenger lands where he will soon meet his future Pack mates.


Name Shadowed Eyes of the Watchful Moon

Caste Changing Moon

Spirit Shape Raven  Anima Flock of swirling ravens

Tell Slightly overlarge yellow eyes with no whites and tufts of black       feathers in his hair


Strength  2    Charisma      3     Perception    4    

Dexterity 3    Manipulation  4     Intelligence  3

Stamina  3    Appearance   4     Wits             4


Athletics      3     Larceny      3   Investigation  3

Awareness   3     Linguistics  2

Dodge         2     Stealth      3

Integrity      2     Survival     1

Martial Arts  3

Charms and Knacks

Deadly Beastman Transformation

1st Charisma Excellency

1st Manipulation Excellency

3rd Appearance Excellency

1st Wits Excellency

Ox Body Technique

Bruise Relief Method

Image of Death Technique

Wall Climbing Technique


Compassion  2   Temperance  3

Conviction     3   Valor            2

Willpower  6  Essence  2


Artifact (Moonsilver Baneclaws)  1

Backing (Seneschals of the Sun Kings)    1

Heart's Blood  2

Mentor (Belly of the World Stalker) 3
I Like it, But then I've said this before (I'm onlt posting here cos you whined in the other forum....I Kid!, I Kid!)

he's teh coolies
I only asked because it was the only time I had gotten zero feedback about something. Usually I've got at least one response in an hour or so.
I only asked because it was the only time I had gotten zero feedback about something. Usually I've got at least one response in an hour or so.
I'm still waiting on feedback for my submission to this forum. /shamelessplug ^_^

In all honesty, I haven't been on the forums much the last few days, which is why I haven't responded like the good little forum troll I am.  

This sheet looks good to me.  Nothing too overdone, plenty of room for growth, a solid backstory with plain justification for everything you have on the sheet.  I'd gladly add a character like this to any campaign I was running.

The only things that seem to be missing are your mutations and languages, but these are only minor omissons.
Thanks for the input. I probably won't pick my languages until I know for certain where the game is going to be set, but most likely will be Riverspeak (native), Claw-speak, and something specific to the region we're in.

And I just forgot to put the mutations on there. They are Talons, Think Skin (feathers) and I may just save the last two points because I can't really decide on anything i like.
Just because I like ya, I did a bit of research.  According to several avian websites, ravens have excellent hearing and sharp eyesight.  Maybe you could take the one-point mutations for eyes and hearing, for a bonus on Perception rolls.  I think that'd fit with the character concept.
Huh, I didn't know about the sharp hearing. I had hesitated to go with the Enhanced Senses because I wasn't certain how much sense it made in my War Form.
Their sight is superior relative to their hearing. But their hearing is still good, easily justifying buying a bonus.

I am puzzled as to why the Third Appearance Excellency was picked instead of the first? The first allows the flexibility of spending fewer motes for less effect. But at 4 motes with the Third you get what the third Excellency gives for 4 motes?
because most times Appearance is unrolled, so it seemed like the better way to go, but I'll have to check the numbers to see which is actually better
because most times Appearance is unrolled' date=' so it seemed like the better way to go, but I'll have to check the numbers to see which is actually better[/quote']
You are correct. For 4m, the first will give you four dice while the third will give you the equivalent of rolling four successes on those four dice.

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