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Fantasy Setting Summer Dawn - Lore

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A world where sun and moon stand still. Two halves of a whole, two peoples that are different as night and day. The ambitions of one threaten to destroy everything.


Tende altum, volare altius
Welcome to the world of Bryn...

Setting summer dawn map w places.jpg

Disclaimer: This thread will deal with controversial subjects like slavery, social inequality, racism and classism. Those who are not comfortable exploring these issues should refrain from applying.

  • The world as a whole has been given many names, but in the common tongue it is called Bryn. The entire globe is divided, half is cast in a forever night, while the other half is in perpetual daytime. Needless to say the creatures and peoples of these lands have adapted, some developing better lowlight vision and sense of smell, others having improved eyesight in high light conditions. The plants have also adapted, providing food without light in Cyndara, though the variation is much greater in Summena.

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    The summerlands are wonderous, verdant, light-filled places. They are lush forests, golden plains and fertile fields and orchards. Even the swamps and marshes that exist to the south by Shoreglov forest are filled with the most exotic and amazing plants and the most brightly-coloured animals. There are glittering white cities and shining blue lakes and everything is bathed in sweet sunlight all the time. The summerlands are picturesque in almost every way and it is easy for the people who live there to believe they are blessed. The food grown there is sweet and wonderful and the economy is centered around the trade of luxury goods: silks, fine fruits, gold and gemstones. There are very few in Summena that lack the basic necessities, most of those that do not have, live in the lower rungs of the great cities. Generally, it is easy to begin a small farm almost anywhere there is a plot of free land, for those with little enough pride to take up farming.

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    It is said the Mystlands are all the dark and cold places, where the Summer king’s light does not go. The plants there are not green, and there are many dangerous creatures that lurk in the shadows. They are called the mystlands because of the mists that creep about the edge of the Half-Sun Hills obscuring the true land beyond, protecting it, some say, from the harsh, greedy gazes of the sun people. It is always night there. However, the mystlands are not without beauty: Cynda’s eye casts a wonderous, pearlescent light down upon her people, and she has dotted the sky with points to help them find their way. She created trees with glowing fruits and lightning bugs and a magical assortment of the most amazing creatures. The wonders of the mystlands are known only to Cyndarans, and very closely-guarded secrets. The Sumennans believe that they are called the mystlands because of the mist barrier that lies at the edge of the land, however “Myst” is also an old wood elvish word for magic and so, to the Cyndarans, it means something very different. Food is not so easily farmed in Cyndara, the vast tract of forest that takes up most of the central land does not like to be cleared. Generally, it fights back. The denizens of Cyndara have learned to respect this and have taken to foraging and hunting, which, given the forest's bountiful flora and fauna this can sustain a large number of tribes very easily. The mystlands contain healing herbs that can cure any ailment. The people create music so wonderful it would bring anyone who hears it to tears of joy. The Cyndarans help one another and build their lives to fit in harmoniously with those of their neighbours. Their trade is more modest; in good food and medicines, hardy tools and of course, their musical instruments.

    The Half-Sun Hills

    Separating the two lands it a strip of land bathed in a sun that is constantly on the horizon. The gold light spills forth over rolling grassy hills, from the bright summer grasslands to the edge of the mysts shielding Cyndara from view. This sunset land takes half a day’s hard gallop to cross and is considered to belong to none but the gods. No one settled there and it is forbidden to enter there by both peoples. As you ride one way or the other the sun seems as if it is rising or setting, to be completely up or down whether you have reached Sumenna or Cyndara.

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    The Cyndaran Town of Delan
    Home to a tribe of wood elves and a small collection of other races, this town is a trading hub because it possesses one of the seven node crystals that are scattered about Cyndara. These crystals give off a stunningly bright light that grows bright and fades on a 12 mark cycle. The crystals radiate pure energy and keep darker, more violent creatures at bay. The wood elves guard this treasure well, for it brings them safety and prosperity. There was a time when this hub belonged to several orc tribes, but time and politics wore down the borders and the elves quickly moved in to take the coveted land.
    The town is partially on the ground with the market square, crystal tree and temple firmly planted on the soil. many of the houses are aloft in the tops of giant trees and tied together by an intricate web of wooden walkways and rope bridges.
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    The Sumennan City of Brynson
    Brynson is a prodominantly human city, rules by one of the three main houses that gave the city its name. Brynson is walled and sits on the edge of a vast lake, surrounded on all sides by the Summer Plains. It is very well fortified. Brynson is built of various districts, very different in their construction and their level of wealth. The Serving Quarter is the poorest, and houses slaves, servants and those less fortunate than that. the houses are wood and most of them are worn and ragged. The streets are cracked and grass and flowers grow everywhere. The second level up is the Merchants Quarter, filled with well-built houses and mansions, stone streets lines with trees and beds of flowers. The central district is the Noble's Quarter and is by far the most grandiose, with decorated squares and fine statues, fountains and gilded gates. The castle sits at the quarter's center and houses the family of Brynson, leaders of the city. There is also a theater quarter and this is a mix, the theater itself is very well kept, with lesser merchant houses scattered about its periphery.

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    Gideon lives in the Merchant's Quarter, his mansion is set in the middle of walled grounds, set with a willow grove and seemingly endless beds of fresh flowers. The hedges surrounding the property are high and visually it is seperated from the rest of the district.
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    The Dwarven fortress city of Dwerstand
    The majority of Dwerstand is in a massive cavern underground, with only a few poor houses and farmsteads above ground by the massive gates, set into the mountain itself. Most of the inner city's inhabitants are fairly wealthy, Dwerstand haveing by far the largest gold and gemstone mines in all of Sumenna. The high houses of Dwerstand live in the central part of the underground city, in a castle-fortress called The Citadel. Beneath the city proper are the mines, and the shrine where the Dragon Bell is kept.


    More will be added here as the story progresses...

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Our Story so Far...

April 29th, 2018
Our heroes met on the misty border of Cyndara. Desrick had found the orc village he had been searching for, but the houses had been ransacked and all life gone. The bodies of a family were lying amid the destruction. The orc met up with several other Cyndarans, and together they ran to meet a commotion on the trail up ahead. The sumennan people were there, but they had awoken a voracious blood oak. The battle with the carnivorous tree was fierce and finally, slashed and burning, they managed to subdue it. Answers about why the sumennans were there were vague, but the orc needed answers as to what happened to the village and so, he agreed to take them into Cyndara, in hopes that they might reveal more of their reasons to the village elders, or else be contained if they meant harm. The next harrowing trial was the wall of mist hiding true Cyndara from summerlander sight. The mists created visions of darkest memories and deepest desires, forcing our heroes to re-live haunting pasts, else show them things which they could never possess.
With the mists behind them and the wonders of Cyndara before, the members of this small band have only just begun their adventures...

June 2nd, 2018
With the Sumennan's in tow Desrick and the other Cyndarans came to rest at a small camp sight. They had not had long to rest before a skin changer attacked the group without warning, enraged that Cyndarans would dare allow Sumennan's to travel thier dark lands. After a short clash the skin changer was subdued and with her following stubbornly behind they made their way further into the forest. On the border of the village they were stopped by a group of wood elves, armed with bows, among them Desrick's brother who had thought that Desrick had been captured and was being held hostage bye the Sumennans he was escorting. Tensions are high as the group finds themselves with a dozen drawn arrows pointed straight at them.

July 26th, 2018
Our band was taken at spear point to the settlement of the woodelves, the home of Crispin and his adoptive orc brother Desrick. The feelings about their arrival were mixed: some stared in awe, some recoiled in fear, one elder flying into a furious rage, at which point Desrick stood to defend them.
The goddess then, called from her temple and they were bid to enter and be judged. Cyndabrynde would look into their souls and discover their true intentions. Two more Sumennan women were found on the outskirts of the village and taken too.
All were judged, and found true. No harm would come to the elves knowingly from the lightland strangers.
The giant crystal that shed light upon all the village grew out from the center of a tree in the square. Desrick led them through the marketplace, past the crystal and stopped when he saw a familiar face: The orc woman Razah, whom he had helped flee her tribe to marry a wood elf, keeping peace between both tribes while he did this. They met her son, a healthy half-orc boy called Tomo, and helped him choose his first weapon. Afterwards drinks were shared at the local pub and it was revealed that the arrow Desrick recovered at the orc village belonged to the Summenan house Evereach. Our heroes decided then to revisit the empty orc villages, after a rest, and try to pick up a trail.
As the crystal's light dimmed for the rest marks Desrick lead his small band back to his home in the village. His mother was eagerly awaiting the return of her sons and greeted all with a warm welcome. Now our heroes are about to bed down in the modest elven home, and a new adventure will greet them after a long rest.

Sept 3rd, 2018
The morning brought troubling news. Tomo, the young orc child they had met the night before had gone missing. Our heroes set out into the forest too look for him, but when they found him, they also found something very troubling: Orcs had made camp very close to the town of Delan. Razah took Tomo back to the town, escorted by Falsedge and Nevina while Desrick and the others continued to the orc camp. It wasn't long before they discovered that Evereach soldiers were in Cyndara, they had made a pact with some of the orc tribes and lent the orcs their forces in exchange for the light crystal, the heart of Delan. Captain Lassard lead the Summenan elf forces and captured all of our heroes except Ora, who managed to talk her way to freedom. Now they must find a way to free themselves from the orc camp and stop the elf armies and the orcs from stealing the crystal. Meanwhile in Delan, the first wave of soldiers pressed the attack. They rounded up the townsfolk, trapped them in the temple and are beginning work cutting the tree that holds the precious crystal in place. No one knows what ill happen if the crystal is taken, but it will definitely not be anything good.

Oct 18th, 2018
Ora allied with one of the orcs who was not happy with how their leader, Uxul had turned on the rest of Cyndara, she proposed Burgren go against his leader, bringing the rest of the tribe in aid against the invading orcs and earning enough favour with the wood elves to bargain for a fair treaty. Burgren, after challenging and winning against Uxul's second, who had been in charge of the camp, freed our heroes, and went to rally more of the tribes.

As the tree was cut the forest erupted in the angry cries of huge beasts, that had only been kept at bay and out of the village by the crystal's light. They reflected the goddess' anger, and it only took a small amount of prodding from Falsedge and Song to bait them into the village, spreading chaos among the soldiers of Evereach and the traitorous orcs.
Desrick and the others arrived soon after, meeting an Evereach scout that had been injured badly by the attacking beasts. The centaur, Pyrrhus, Valac and a few other stayed behind while the others pressed on into battle. By then the panicked Evereach soldiers had used their fire magic to try and repel the beasts, setting fire to the village in the process.
Pyrrhus and those who stayed with him met two more allies before they themselves dove down into Delan to help fight fires. As Falsedge rejoined her companions and fought at their side, Song galvanized the people of Delan to stand up for their town and help fight the spreading fire.
Burgren arrived just as Ora prevented the crystal from being taken, and he fought with Uxul, killing him, but not before taking a fatal blow.
The battle ended with the fires put out and the crystal safe. The Evereach elves with lassard at their head retreated long before the battle's end, for they had acquired another crystal, another arm of their forces had attack a different part of Cyndara, and their attack had been fruitful. Now the Sumennans return to their homeland to fulfill whatever greedy purpose they have dreamt up for the light crystal in their possession.

Nov 11th, 2018
After a council held and the finding of new allies, our heroes decided that the only way to prevent further disaster befalling Cyndara is to follow the soldiers of Evereach to try and uncover their plans for the crystal, and for the land of night. Getting them all into Sumenna would not be easy, they possessed forms that were uncommon or even unheard of in the summer lands and they needed to be clever. Luckily Ora had a merchant contact in the human city of Brynson that could get them into the city undetected and hide them in his mansion on the outskirts of town. Now our heroes prepare themselves, waiting in the half-sun hills to begin their long, difficult journey.

Nov 26th, 2018
The journey to the Sumennan city of Brynson was long and hot. The Cyndarans unused to the perpetual, scorching light. Without Ora's friend Gideon the group would never have gotten into the city.
Gideon explained to the party that there was a darkness plaguing his city. People being taken off the streets. Servants mostly, from households that were openly opposed to Evereach's push for war. Before Gideon gives them anymore help, he wants 'The Snatchers' stopped, and proof of their connection to Evereach found. Only then will he work to get our heroes into a highborn party where Brynson will attempt to buy Evereach off with a special, secret gift.

Jan 13th, 2019
Our heroes decided to split into two groups. Ora took Pyrrhus and Iolas into town to run errands while Azaria, Trileon and Quinn were lead by their new friend, a servant in Gideon's house, Marillene. Marillene's father was taken by the 'snatchers' and Gideon had sent them with her as protection to collect a flower Trileon needed for the sun tonic she was making for the Cyndarans. On their way they were attacked by the infamous snatchers and after most were distpatched by Azaria's quick action, they managed to capture one alive and returned to Gideon's mansion to question him. Meanwhile Gideon met with several of his old friends, an inquisitor by the name of Crow, and Brynson's very own vigilante, The Raven.
They learned from the captured man that the Snatchers were keeping their prisoners in an old flour mill by the docks, and transporting them across the lake in a ship called "The Boon of the Sun". Gideon and the others quickly formed a plan to rescue them, and get evidence of Evereach's involvement if they could.
The group split again, with Ora, Trileon and Raven going to free the prisoners in the mill, and Iolas, Azaria and Crow investigating the ship.
In the captain's cabin, our heroes found a magically-sealed box and a booby-trapped compartment containing several likely sensitive papers. Meanwhile Ora made her way to the prisoners hold, and there, found Marillene's father, along with the rest of the subdued and fearful prisoners.

Feb 15th, 2019
After a close call with the guards, and a little help from Desrick, Ora and Trileon managed to escape with the prisoners. Azaria, Crow and Iolas had retrieved the documents are were about to free the prisoners when they were met face to face with Lassard. Lassard challeneged their presence on the ship, but some fast speaking by Azaria and Iolas saved them.
Lassard retreated and they were able to escape with the evidence implicating Evereach in the kidnapping and with all of the prisoners that had been taken in recent weeks.

March 15th, 2019
With the kidnapped servants and slaves safe and Mari reunited with her father it was time to focus on the next step: Brynson's elaborate party to appease Evereach. Gideon learned a few things about the event: one was that there would be a very rare gift presented to the high elf house at the ball, and that there was a theme: Cyndara. With the glamourists working to change the beautiful Sumennan nobles into their own gaudy interpretation of the darklanders, it would be much easier for our heroes to sneak in.
The day of the ball arrived. Pyrrhus was given the sensitive documents and the others were tasked with finding some of the more trustworthy house heads to listen while also evading the ears of Evereach planted all over the party. Lassard was also there, prowling like a cat waiting for prey. He had recognized Iolas on the ship, and when he appeared at the ball, Lassard went to him at first chance. He threatened Iolas' friends in order to manipulate the other elf to procure his missing documents. After an overt display of power over Pyrrhus, acting as a slave, Iolas took most of the papers from him.

April 21st, 2019
The "gift" was truly a huge surprise. A crystal, not unlike the one stolen from Cyndara, however this crystal radiated a dark energy, and when revealed, it cast a veil of night upon the entire castle, bringing out the moon and the stars that were so familiar to the Cyndarans.
Trileon's mission was less about the papers and more about rescuing the three enslaved Sumennan centaurs Brynson was showing off to their wealthy guests. She and Azaria devised a plan to free them by first taking out the slave master controlling their magical cuffs. Pyrrhus, Pearl and Crow went to meet Crow's mentor Bishop Stennman, handed him the little bit of evidence Iolas had left and told him what Evereach had been doing, kidnapping servants from noble houses in order to bully them into compliance.
Meanwhile Lassard caught wind that the centaurs were of interest to his prey and quickly had them taken out into the gardens where he used them and Pyrrhus to threaten our heroes for the incriminating documents they had stolen from the ship. A clever play by Gideon had given Ora forgeries, which she handed to Lassard instead, while the real documents Nova passed to a noble ally she had made at the party. They could not avoid a fight with Lassard and his treacherous assassins but escaped with only a few wounds. When the Brynson guards finally caught wind of the commotion, Lassard already had an escape plan, and pretended his men were enemies of Both Brynson and Evereach, and had attacked him along with the other guests. Lassard walked away, but he left with the forgeries, leaving the real documents to be passed about Brynson's allies and turn them against Evereach and their plans for war.
A clever play by Nova's new noble ally had the three centaurs freed too and now our heroes our headed back to Gideon's mansion victorious.

September 18th, 2019
With the knowledge of the strange new crystal and troubling news about Dwerstand, our heroes decide to strike out for the Dwarven city. Intelligence gathered by Gideon told them that Evereach was gathering their presence their, and that the orcs may be with them. To top that off, they had learned at the party that Evereach had something on the Dwerstand noble family, to bend them to their will, Gideon's forces also uncovered that a priceless artifact had been stolen from the Dwerstand temple. The Dragon Bell. An old Dwarvish legend told of a great and terrible dragon that slept in the caverns beneath the underground city and that the tolling of the gigantic bell would wake it, causing it to lay waste to the city. It was suspected that Evereach was behind the theft and they were using the bell's disapearance to manipulate the dwarves into cooperating.
Once they had arrived at Dwerstand Ora used her family's resources, and an estate to hide her companions comfortably in the city and they set off to try and uncover some truths: Desrick took Pyrrus and Crow to the temple to investigate where the bell had once been. They climbed down into the massive cavernous space surrounding the temple platform and uncovered something unbelievable...
Ora, along with Crispin, Iolas, Azaria, Lohr and Meera went to draw information from the locals in the central market just outside of the citadel, where the Evereach elves had taken up residence.

Jan 7th, 2020
There was a dragon in the caverns below the city, the rumours were true, and with the Dragon Bell allegedly in the hands of Evereach, Dwerstand's hands are effectively tied. Our heroes uncovered information about a series of tunnels unearthed directly under the citadel, that are currently being cleared and explored by the dwarves forced to serve Evereach for fear of the dragon. The orc armies are also hidden there, waiting for a clear path directly into the unsuspecting Cyndara.
Crispin went topside to send a bird, trying to warn the queen, meanwhile the others must decide what to do. They should hurry however, because at this point, The full force of Evereach's elite army is marching steadily for Dwerstand, aiming to use the same tunnels and bring the fight straight to the heart of Myst.
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