Setting questions [Inconvenient Truths]


Drunken master
If you have any questions about the game setting, ask them here and I'll do my best to answer.
So the Runeguard are all Solars right? Does the LC exalt them or do they just tattoo the Solars that exalt?
The Church Exalts them via unknown means (And I'm not saying how!) and tattoos them at the same time to keep it all hidden from the Sidereals. The tattoos hide their anima and destinies so they don't look like Solars to anyone. A newly Exalted Solar would be quickly squished by a Sidereal death squad, whereas if they've even noticed the Runeguard yet they think it's just a group of Dragon-Bloods. :)

What about the lunars? They are all out hiding in the Wyld right now, correct? Would it be to improbable for them to send a relatively young Waning Moon, since I don't think the castes have broken yet, to see what the fucks going on with this new religion and it's Superpowered Terrestrials?
Not outside the realms of possibility, no. You'd have to be fairly subtle though. The Siddies are busy but too much obvious Lunar activity will get them sending someone around. And the Church might treat you as a demon and send the Runeguard after you if discovered although there's a GOOD CHANCE that Lunar would be bonded to one of the Runeguard. A REAL GOOD CHANCE.
Sarky said:
Not outside the realms of possibility, no. You'd have to be fairly subtle though. The Siddies are busy but too much obvious Lunar activity will get them sending someone around.
Hrm, Flickering Star Infusion is Essence 4...

What if he had one of those thingies that give people Arcane Fate? A Sublime Interstice of Incongruity?

And the Church might treat you as a demon and send the Runeguard after you if discovered although there's a GOOD CHANCE that Lunar would be bonded to one of the Runeguard. A REAL GOOD CHANCE.
I really would not have an issue with being a mate of one of the other PCs. I'm just thinking that it might be a good idea to have someone that isn't suffering from a big penalty after triggering Limit Break I mean the tattoos.

Gotta weigh that with the coolness that is the Night Caste.
Well. An ally I'm creating is a Night Caste but never hurts to have two.

To me though, it might be alittle odd of an outsider to journey with them just cause of how they function as a unit. Though it might prove interesting to have one. Maybe as a sort of diplomatic thing between the Church and his/her tribe?
The only thing I would say would be. It'd be nice to have a rock solid reason to play a non-Runeguard, rather than just. I FEEL LIKE PLAYING AN INFERNAL TODAY. Like, I don't know what would work or the church's deal, but like if silver pact/church talked it out so tea's dude had diplomatic immunity - with the Runeguard anyways - as a way for the Church to try to leverage the Silver Pact to help - temporarily - with seizing power, or... something. I kinda assumed there'd be more Runeguards, but I mean. dunno about tobi/sarky, I think I would just like to see a solid reason in backstory or whatever, since Runeguard is decidedly Solar, and while there'll eventually be Kaien and you know, PLOT STUFF... yeah/

//fully ramblomatic

EDUT to make more sense: like, I dunno if the Silver Pact are at all formed yet, or how the Church would feel about a GODDAMN FURRY DEMON or whatever their dogma refers to Lunars as, but hey. if you're going to aim to bring God's love to everyone in the world, can't hurt to have the Lunar Pact's cooperation, help each other out a bit, and in return they both get things they want. WHAT that might be I donno, but just thoughts to bring up. Cause a non-Solar could work really well from a plot standpoint, but there needs to be a solid plot reason rather than just whimsy, just because of how the Runeguard work.
Well. An ally I'm creating is a Night Caste but never hurts to have two.
Are the Allies gonna be running around with the PCs all the time?

To me though, it might be alittle odd of an outsider to journey with them just cause of how they function as a unit.
The only thing I would say would be. It'd be nice to have a rock solid reason to play a non-Runeguard, rather than just. I FEEL LIKE PLAYING AN INFERNAL TODAY. Like, I don't know what would work or the church's deal, but like if silver pact/church talked it out so tea's dude had diplomatic immunity - with the Runeguard anyways - as a way for the Church to try to leverage the Silver Pact to help - temporarily - with seizing power, or... something. I kinda assumed there'd be more Runeguards, but I mean. dunno about tobi/sarky, I think I would just like to see a solid reason in backstory or whatever, since Runeguard is decidedly Solar, and while there'll eventually be Kaien and you know, PLOT STUFF... yeah/
//fully ramblomatic

EDUT to make more sense: like, I dunno if the Silver Pact are at all formed yet, or how the Church would feel about a GODDAMN FURRY DEMON or whatever their dogma refers to Lunars as, but hey. if you're going to aim to bring God's love to everyone in the world, can't hurt to have the Lunar Pact's cooperation, help each other out a bit, and in return they both get things they want. WHAT that might be I donno, but just thoughts to bring up. Cause a non-Solar could work really well from a plot standpoint, but there needs to be a solid plot reason rather than just whimsy, just because of how the Runeguard work.
Oh indeed. I agree completely. What I had built up so far was the silver pact is starting to notice little things like - 'oh, our castes are shifting cause of the wyld. Let's send someone who isn't shifting into creation to see if it's the Wyld or some tricky cryptic mysterious Sidereal thing that doing it. Also he needs to look at this church thing that going on, we don't trust it.' then Raksi takes him aside and tells him to find out what the hell the tattoos the Runeguard are using do before cackling like a crazy she bat and eating some babies freshly stolen from creation. Cause that's how she rolls.

It seems more than a little contrived to me though, so I need to ninja up a Night caste.
Depends on the allies. Cyrille is basically Arturia's BFF and it's kind of hard to protect cyrille when they're 400 miles away, Sol will show up at the SPEED OF PLOT which is to say rarely, Kaien won't even arrive until later probably. Dunno exactly about tobi's, but really. just do whatever floats your boat. I'M SURE SARKY WON'T MIND RUNNING ANOTHER FIFTEEN ALLIES SIMULTANEOUSLY
then Raksi takes him aside and tells him to find out what the hell the tattoos the Runeguard are using do before cackling like a crazy she bat and eating some babies freshly stolen from creation. Cause that's how she rolls.
@Sarky/Tobi: I like him. Can we keep him? I promise to feed and water him and play with him and occasionally neuter him!
Serinaa is generally gonna be around alot, since that's Lancelot's BFF and the one who got him into the Runeguard. Plus she's range support and shoots plasma from guns and gosh darn it, I'll be damned if we go to take on an army of abyssals and demons and me not have range.

Aaaand, not sure about the Celestial Martial Arts. Possibly but from the information I gathered, only the Runeguard know anything when it comes to fighting.

So it's a maybe.
Everytime I play a Martial Artist, I pretend their shard is an expert on the style of my choice, so I don't need a mentor for it. I highly recommend you steal said idea.

You've gotta fellate Sarky for the whole thing to go over, though. And he's used to the good stuff.

Valentine said:
Everytime I play a Martial Artist, I pretend their shard is an expert on the style of my choice, so I don't need a mentor for it. I highly recommend you steal said idea.
You've gotta fellate Sarky for the whole thing to go over, though. And he's used to the good stuff.

You'd be amazed. And probably a little sickened.


The Church officially likes non-violence as much as the good kind, and is smart enough not to stretch itself with having to fight too many things at once. Church and Lunars both want to protect Creation so there's room for working together and such (Or at least not attacking eachother until some more obvious threats are dealt with). A Lunar "ambassador" could work very well indeed. By "ambassador" I mean of course they can refrain from biting the head off the other diplomats or "marking" the Hors d'Å“uvres as their own during any parties. These are Lunars after all, and nobody expects a Lunar to do without having the means to rip a warstrider apart with their bare hands.

The Lunar castes would be going a bit melty at this point, yeah. And they would be out looking for ways to stop it.

What if he had one of those thingies that give people Arcane Fate? A Sublime Interstice of Incongruity?
Pay the artifact dots for it and why not? A maguffin that means I don't have to immediately send the assassins after you would make things less... Brief.
Pst. Luminous Church = Christianity.

Or late Judaism, if you're a stickler. "Yeah, all those other gods? Nah."
Yeah, think a sort of Christianity where there are 20 or Jesuses (Jesii?) and they go around beating on evil stuff. If it's not terribly offensive to anyone I'm going to be nicking and modifying the occasional Bible passage throughout the game...
Sarky said:
Yeah, think a sort of Christianity where there are 20 or Jesuses (Jesii?) and they go around beating on evil stuff. If it's not terribly offensive to anyone I'm going to be nicking and modifying the occasional Bible passage throughout the game...
Pffsh, this is happy fun pretend time, so I don't mind. Also, this clears up a lot for me, I'll have the finished background and sheet up tomorrow for you to check.
I am offended that you think I might be offended.

Actually, I'm pretty much impossible to offend me, EXCEPT BY STUPIDITY. I AM OFFENDED BY STUPIDITY.

...So everyone here is pretty much not going to be able to offend me. <3
I find it pays to make sure. The mood would be rather spoiled if someone were to be all "lol, exotic religions WAIT YOU MOECK MAI BELEEF IT ARE TRUE FAITHS YUO IS DEVIL" up in this forum.


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