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Fantasy Setting done, but help on plot needed


The Infinite Being
The setting (in a very basic overview) takes place on an earth-like planet. There may be some excursions to other dimensions, but they will not be the main focus. There are multiple dimensions, but they are all connected to earth (the center of the multiverse). My rough idea is for a warlord from another dimension to want to control the center of the multiverse for X reason. As he brings forth an invasion force, our characters stop him. The main ideas I need are how our characters meet, why they'd work together, and how they would resist. Any ideas are appreciated. Thank you.
@Shog The characters could have all been pulled together in one place, for example like a rundown city/planet where the warlord has struck or a temple, where some people that are like monks or somthing like that have called you all there to help fight the warlord and put a stop to him.

The characters could be part of a prophecy to stop him, they explain what is going on them.

The characters have powers to stop him.

They couldeach be granted different powers/weapon etc. like the power of weather,fire water plasma etc.

They would have to travel to different dimensions to stop him

I hope this helps? ^^'

Your idea sounds really good I would love to join in.^^
The basics should be enough to get this RP going.

Who: The characters

What: They're trying to defeat the warlord (their main goal)

When: ~~~~~~

Where: In an earth-like dimension

Why: For personal reasons. They want to work together because they all know one of them isn't enough to take down the warlord himself

How: Uhhhhhhh

This RP sounds like
Stars Wars and Guardians of the Galaxy.

I would loooooooove to join once the thread is up so please tag me in it when you're done! (^.^)
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I probably won't have this up until sometime next week, but thank you both for the input!
This sounds very interesting!

I dont have any ideas to share yet, but keep on going. And I would love to join in when its made!
A reason for the warlord trying to gain control of earth is because it's strategic values, Because if he controls the centre of the universe he can make it into a trade centre and allow his people to prosper once more as the warlord's holding is going through some rough times. Also the reason why the characters are working together is because earth is a neutral zone for all the multiverses thus the characters have been sent there to prevent one multi verse from controlling earth as it would basically break the balance of power and by proxy the peace between universes

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