Setsuna Hebi

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible

Name:Setsuna Hebi

Age: 17


Alias:Howeling Reaper

Affiliation/Morality: Affiliation None Mortality Good

Child Of:Kazuichi Hebi & Mayu Hebi




Super hero outfit=

Personality:Setsuna is a strange case as she rarely shows any emotion on her face, but that is only due to the intense training she went through to become an assassin. She has zero social skills so she tends to panic when dealing with new people. Along with her face not showing any emotions she also naturally speaks in a low tone so she sounds mad whenever she talks. She tries to be kind to others and wants to be a hero people look up to so she tries to help others whenever she can. Due to her training Setsuna will naturally judge if she could kill someone when she first meets them. She hates this and makes sure to not let it cloud her judgement of who she fights or tries making friends with. While she tries thinking this her body will react in times of stress to this idea. Going for a killing blow if she thinks she could or running away if they are too strong.   

Powers:Super speed she can move at speeds of mach 4 and reach mach 5 if given enough time to warm up her engines as she says


Weaknesses:When she reaches mach 5 she must stay in motion or else she has to go back to mach 4. She may be fast and slightly more durable than an human but things like guns and knives still hurt...a lot. 

Favorite Passtimes:Reading manga, running, cooking 

Favorite Song:
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